Marian Hearne Nutrition

Marian Hearne Nutrition

I work with busy women over 40 who would love to transform their midlife & enjoy their journey. Why?


Hi everyone, I’ve been missing a long time due to illness. Now I’ve been stuck in hospital having lots of tests and procedures for the last few weeks. Been a close call a few times but still here. I hope Ito get home in time for Christmas . This is just to wish you all an amazing Christmas and all going well see you in the new year❤️🤶🤶


Hi Everyone,

In this episode I chatted with Linn Thorstensson on the illuminating topic of body image challenges as we age and how to move through life changes (including body changes) supporting our health and wellbeing without Diet Culture.

Linn is a Non Diet Nutritionist who offers nutritional counselling to folx who struggle with their relationship to food, eating and their body.

She practices from a Health At Every Size, trauma informed and social justice lens.

Sit back, grab a cuppa of your favourite herbal tea and enjoy. It's time to discover gems such as, the importance of dismantling societal beliefs of how we should age in order to reclaim ourselves and live our lives according to our rules. DM me “body” and I’ll send you Linn’s episode link, or check out the link to my podcast in my bio.

How to Feel Fabulous in Menopause: what actually works 27/10/2022

How to Feel Fabulous in Menopause: what actually works How to feel fabulous when you’ve been juggling perimenopause or post menopause symptoms for a while is easier than you think. Yes, your self esteem and self confidence may have taken a nose dive, I hear you, I've been right where you are. I know, now, that the easiest way to feel fabulous is to st...

Why my masterclass is better than a Google search 27/10/2022

Why my masterclass is better than a Google search when looking for answers

Why my masterclass is better than a Google search SLEEP IS A HUGE ISSUE FOR MIDLIFE WOMEN and my recent poll on my Instagram account agrees. I doubt most women and their partners would argue with that. I expect you use search engines for answers. I love using Google, it's a fantastic search engine. I've discovered so much useful information and I'd...

Finding you again in menopause webinar happening soon! 27/10/2022

My masterclass is happening next Wednesday 2nd November 2022. Hop along if you can as this time it is free!

Finding you again in menopause webinar happening soon! Hi, it's me, your friendly midlife nutritional therapist! I'm here, reminding you that I'm passionate about helping you manoeuvre your way through the menopause transition and beyond. To supercharge your nutrition and lifestyle so they play their A-game. All to help you to thrive in this, what can b...

Why you're struggling to feel like yourself when you hit menopause (and what you can do about it!) 27/10/2022

My free webinar is happening next Wednesday, 2nd November 2022. There's a seat there for you if you want it!

Why you're struggling to feel like yourself when you hit menopause (and what you can do about it!) Peri-Menopause can hit you like a steam train thundering into you Our menopause symptoms can range from none (oh yes about a fifth of us will sail through peri-menopause and into post menopause with hardly a bother) to severe effects. For the rest of us the symptoms can range from mild to severe. Sy...


DM me with your top menopause angst with menopause from the list above. I’ll be covering a solution for these in my upcoming webinar on 8th November, 2022. I’d love you to come along


Wishing you a fabulous Menopause Day 2022. In case you didn't know, October is Menopause Awareness month with the 18th being menopause day itself.

I hope you have something lovely planned to treat yourself on this day. It could be a spa treatment, lunch in your favourite restaurant, enjoy an awe walk beside the sea, a walk in amongst trees, two 10 minute meditations, submerge into a good book for a couple of hours, eat something new you've wanted to taste for ages. Whatever it is you choose to do I hope you have a calming and fun day


Just in case you didn’t know already💚🌱


These are pretty easy to understand, but to implement, well that’s a different story. DM me if you need help taking the first steps to prioritise you in what can be the most exciting phase of your life yet


Whether you are in perimenopause or post menopause, as this month happens ask yourself what is the one goal you can do that moves you towards the most exciting next chapter of your life.

You might want to:

Book an appointment with a menopause specialist GP
Work with me to get your nutrition and lifestyle playing their A-game
Book a session with your GP to alleviate any worries on symptoms
Visit your dentist to keep your teeth functioning and your mouth healthy as you age.
Set a morning / daily ritual that helps you smash that frazzle and be more focused and calm as you begin your day or to sleep better
Slot in some chill / rest and recharge time
Create a vision of how to feel fabulous and live your best life on your menopausal journey
This is list is obviously not exhaustive, it's just to get your mind thinking of where to start. You know what you need more than anyone else.

You just have to decide on one step. Take yourself away from the overwhelm and bombardment of menopausal do's and dont’s and the horrors we are exposed of what menopause can look like.

Make a list of your symptoms and any other concerns you have. Write too the effects they are having on your life. Then you can better decide what you have to do, who you need help from right now at this stage of your menopausal transition.

Once you've picked your goal, write it down and the steps you need to take and go achieve it. DM me if you need my help

As we start this month block time to decide what one goal do you want to achieve this month on your menopause journey.

It's time to be micro-ambitious for you

Stuck and don't know where to turn? Want to master your nutrition and lifestyle so they support you in menopause? You're in the right place.

DM me with any questions you may have.


Yes, I want this for everyone person going through their menopause transition (perimenopause) or post menopause journeys. It was hell for me and I don’t want anyone to suffer like myself. So I went off and got qualifications to help myself and others to thrive and not be left behind.


As it’s Menopause Month this is a great quote from a song I love. It spins around in my head sometimes. Check it out if you want to hear the whole tune. DM me if you need help with making the next steps on your perimenopause or menopausal journeys.



There can be many reasons for this and these 5 reasons can steal your success unbeknownst to yourself. Let’s take a look:

❌ Juggling to meet everyone’s needs as you slip down your priority list? Is this you? How are you going to feel fab if you’ve no time for self care, re-energising and recharging?

❌ Eating mostly junk food, this can easily happen juggling midlife demands including the menopausal symptoms. Eating nourishing food and eliminating your trigger foods helps.

❌ Being bombarded with excess menopause negativity. Listen to the content and advice that helps you with your symptoms, not to the trauma of others , especially if it terrifies you and you end up expecting worse symptoms than you have. Your first priority is to help you.

❌ Feeling life has passed you by and it’s too late to pursue your dreams? I’m like a kettle boiling over with steam splashing all over the place with this one. I started my wellness business in my 50s, so never stop believing in your ability and right to thrive. Yes there are some dreams lost but taking time out to see what you want to do and how you want this new exciting phase to look is so inspirational and empowering for you.

❌ Looking for the quick fix. It’s taken a few decades, usually, to reach this stage of your life. There are bound to be a few wrinkles (not the facial ones) that have crept into your life. So it can take a bit of effort and time to create a vision, set goals to make changes to your lifestyle and nutrition and aim for the achievement of these. This takes time. Make time for you.

Are you ready to feel fabulous? Let’s start your journey. Download my ebook: ‘Fabulously You: 3 steps to feel fab in menopause even if the midlife juggle as you in a spin”. DM me for link to this freebie or check my bio




October: Perfect month to take out time for you

As October approaches and we head into Menopause Month it is the perfect time, if you haven't done so already, to make space for you and put YOU top of your list of priorities. To cater for your needs for a change. A great starting point is to use that space to;

Take stock of where you are at with symptoms, what you eat, anxiety, sleep...
Assess where you'd like to be
Set your goals to future-proof this wonderful stage of your life
Take the first steps to action your future proofing and goals for living your best life, then go from there. That first step could be to set up an impactful winding down routine to help you sleep.
Setting Yourself up for Success

One way of viewing midlife and beyond is to treat them like a jigsaw puzzle or a tapestry with all the various strands. Two of the major strands are food and lifestyle. Others include making your decision to use HRT or not, what exercise suits your lifestyle and your needs to be fit, strong and keep your bones and muscles healthy. The list should be targeted to what you need to thrive during this time.

Nutrition & lifestyle Routines

I’m a huge fan of nutrition and lifestyle routines that set you up for success. This could include, winding down rituals, prep meals to fuel you up for your hectic life, meditating while your transdermal gel dries or prep for your GP appointment that’s looming and then to monitor changes. It's about creating impactful routines and rituals that fill in the missing strands to help you thrive and enjoy this exciting phase of your life. Gone are the days you should step back, give up your career and step into retirement, unless you want to that is.

Whatever it is, I'm like your nutrition and lifestyle buddy that can help get your nutrition and lifestyle routines playing at their A-game so you shine.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be reminding you of my useful blog posts, my fantastic resources to get you started and lots of information on how to make your midlife journey your best years yet.

DM me and I’ll send you the links to grab my free ebook


What has helped me tremendously throughout my life to keep calm have always been the simple things. Whether it's long walks, luxurious baths, eating well, watching the waves crashing on the seashore, snuggling into Tony's arms as my head lies on his left shoulder with his bear like grip has always comforted me when life and particularly midlife and menopause were literally too hot to handle.

Suddenly, out of the blue it dawned on me in 2018 that most of my simple hacks were missing (except the hugging) and I realised this rushing around trying to please everyone and do everything was draining the life out of me. I was tired, disappointed and lost as nothing I had been doing was leading to the dream life I'd hoped for as a child . Menopause had robbed me of the essence of me. Life being harsh didn't help but it was time to take my power back.

So I decided to step back, assess where I was, see what and where I wanted to be next year and make "starter" plans (as I've changed them now). Then I took action on how I could nourish and nurture myself back to feel more like me again and work on living the life of my dreams. I went back to my simple hacks and over time, with a lot of struggle, life got better. Also, I mercilessly sent anyone or anything toxic in my life packing. It proved hard to let go, lonely but totally transformative.

You are who you want to be. So Be YOU.
I'm living my life on my terms now. My life is packed with rituals, routines and checklists that help me daily to be the person I want to be and work on the life I want to live now and in the future.

A good life takes work but the benefits I've found as you move along the journey to you can be amazing. Oh and yes the hugging has stayed stalwart throughout, I seriously don't know how that man has stayed with me through menopause, glad he has though.

Can you resonate?

Want more? Check out my simple checklist for even more easy routines and rituals to get your calm on. It’s called
"4 steps to more calm in menopause”


Grab this easy set of tips on how to reclaim your calm and get some peace and quiet even if your life is hectic and perimenopausal symptoms are wearing you down. DM me and I’ll send you the link, check today’s story or my bio



There can be many reasons for this and these 5 reasons can steal your success unbeknownst to yourself. Let’s take a look:

Juggling to meet everyone’s needs as you slip down your priority list? Is this you? How are you going to feel fab if you’ve no time for self care, re-energising and recharging?

Eating mostly junk food? This can easily happen juggling midlife demands including the menopausal symptoms. Eating nourishing food and eliminating your trigger foods helps.

Being bombarded with excess menopause negativity. Listen to the content and advice that helps you with your symptoms, not to the trauma of others , especially if it terrifies you and you end up expecting worse symptoms than you have. Your first priority is to help you.

Feeling life has passed you by and it’s too late to pursue your dreams? I’m like a kettle boiling over with steam splashing all over the place with this one. I started my wellness business in my 50s, so never stop believing in your ability and right to thrive. Yes there are some dreams lost but taking time out to see what you want to do and how you want this new exciting phase to look is so inspirational and empowering for you.

Looking for the quick fix. It’s taken a few decades, usually, to reach this stage of your life. There are bound to be a few wrinkles (not the facial ones) that have crept into your life. So it can take a bit of effort and time to create a vision, set goals to make changes to your lifestyle and nutrition and aim for the achievement of these. This takes time. Make time for you.

Are you ready to feel fabulous? Let’s get cracking by downloading my ‘Fabulously You: 3 steps to feel fab in menopause even if the midlife juggle as you in a spin”.

DM me “LOVE” and I’ll send the link, or check out my bio


Love your menopausal body with food: my new blog is ready for you, so grab a cuppa and spent a few mins reading it. DM me “LOVE” and I’ll send you the link directly or check out my bio for details.💚👍


New blog post: Why you must love your menopausal body with food. Check my bio or DM me the word LOVE, and I’ll send you the link to the post directly❤️


How to feel fabulous when you’ve been juggling perimenopause or post menopause symptoms for a while is easier than you think.

Yes, your self esteem and self confidence may have taken a nose dive, I hear you, I've been right where you are. I know now that the easiest way to feel fabulous is to start with the basics.

It's time to stop feeling anxious and worried about ageing.

As the next six months approach what actions will you take on your road to fabulously you at the end of the six months, starting right now?

If you are ready then my new ebook is here to help. By using it you'll get quick wins as it guides you to building a basic feeling fabulous toolkit.

Let's go and prioritise you and make fabulously you happen. You will also be signed up to my fabulous community of followers mailing list. How great is that?

Are you ready?


How to feel fabulous when you’ve been juggling perimenopause or post menopause symptoms for a while is easier than you think.

Yes, your self esteem and self confidence may have taken a nose dive, I hear you, I've been right where you are. I know now that the easiest way to feel fabulous is to start with the basics.

It's time to stop feeling anxious and worried about ageing.

As the next six months approach what actions will you take on your road to fabulously you at the end of the six months, starting right now?

If you are ready then my new ebook is here to help. By using it you'll get quick wins as it guides you to building a basic feeling fabulous toolkit.

Let's go and prioritise you and make fabulously you happen. You will also be signed up to my fabulous community of followers mailing list. How great is that?

Are you ready? The link is in my bio or in today’s stories


I often get asked this question. Here’s who I help. DM me to grab a 30 minute free chat and let’s get cracking


I often get asked this question. Here are my answers

Videos (show all)

My new ebook is out and in video form for a change. It’s about taking first steps to fuel your body, take back control a...
DM me with your top menopause angst with menopause from the list above. I’ll be covering a solution for these in my upco...
Just in case you didn’t know already💚🌱
Grab this easy set of tips on how to reclaim your calm and get some peace and quiet even if your life is hectic and peri...
New blog post: Why you must love your menopausal body with food. Check my @marianhearnenutrition bio or DM me the word L...
How to feel fabulous when you’ve been juggling perimenopause or post menopause symptoms for a while is easier than you t...
I often get asked this question. Here are my answers
Ingredients: 40g hazelnut butter (Monki brand)40g almond butter10g maca powder (Iswari brand)1 tbsp maple syrup1 tbsp se...
Maca, hazelnut and almond truffle. I use the Maca in a packet from health stores. I don’t use Maca in supplement form. I...

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 13:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00