Cathy is a Transpersonal Coach (MA)(PhD ongoing), Breath Worker, and Visionary Guide.

Photos from DRAOI's post 22/07/2024

The awakening impulse on this planet right now is being led by the avatar of Magdelena - The Tower, she is over seeing the breakdown of the system that we have been moving through these past millennia; this is the threshold of the next era & epoch.

Photos from DRAOI's post 22/07/2024

Today on Magdelenas feast day I am so excited to open invitation to join me on The Oracle of the Rose, a 9 month shamanic therapy training.

This path will utterly transform and expand you in every way. Preparing you for the level of space holding that we are being summoned to hold at this time of great change. This path will also empower you to evolve specific skill sets and to deeply embody the rose codex. It is at once a process of personal transformation and a professional development training.

There is a major shift afoot, magick and medicine are required at this time to birth the new paradigm into being. So many people are completely disconnected from their bodies, this is evident in how we treat each other and the earth herself. The time to support each other back onto the path of the Mother is now. The earth is our greatest teacher and mirror of the stars.

The active teachings wthin this pathway open on September 18th, 2024 - until June 21st, 2025.

DM if you would like more information


Approaching Lughnasadh: Lúgh, Cross-Quarter Days, And The Earth Goddess.

As we near the cross-quarter date, now popularly known as Lughnasadh I thought it was worth bringing attention to the fact that this is a PRE-Celtic marking of time and that we don't really know the rituals, or indeed, reasons, why it was celebrated.
(If celebrated is even the right term.)

Although the time of Lughnasadh is most popularly associated with Lúgh, it is sometimes forgotten that the period remembers the death of Lúgh’s foster-mother, Tailtiu, and was marked by the Aonach Tailteann, a festival created by Lúgh, in her memory.
Some sources cite the first gatherings in her honour as being as old as 1’820 BCE.
Our first written accounts of this tradition only appear roughly three thousand years later, though.
It has also been suggested that Tailtiu may be an even older earth-Goddess linked to Irish megalithic sites as far back as 5’000 BCE.
Some writers have pondered whether the symbolism behind Tailtiu might represent the transition from a hunter-gatherer culture to that of the first farmers.
Others have wondered if Tailtiu in fact symbolises the culmination of growth and the first ending of a cycle.

As mentioned in the introduction, we do not know the rituals, or even the name, given to this period by those who first created the megalithic sites marking this seasonal time.
However, the fact that we have aligned monuments preserving the astronomical cycle for over 5’000 years proves how significant it was to our ancestors.
The 2’000 year passage of time between the creation of the monuments, to the earliest date speculated to be the first Lughnasadh festival leaves room for much debate and exploration.
It should be noted that some scholars also argue for a much *later* Lughnasadh origin, leaving even more time and distance from the original cross-quarter observances.
Either way, this time of the year, Lughnasadh or not, has been marked by the ancient Irish for over 5'000 years.

Lughnasadh, then, as we know it today, is a seasonal time associated with the god, Lúgh.
This year the astronomical date of Lughnasadh will fall on both August 6th and 7th in the Northern Hemisphere, depending upon where you are.
The period of Lughnasadh itself is often observed until the autumn equinox by many.
There are also similar festivals throughout European Paganism, with associations to similar incarnations of this figure at this time.
It is remarkable how many symbols and customs are shared with other countries and, indeed, other deities, as we shall see.

And yet, looking at what the harvest represents, perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised at the attributes and myths associated with the gods and goddesses celebrated at the end of July and early August.
This is the time when the fields are ready to be harvested, the trees are heavy with late summer fruits and the days are warm, calm, and still long.
It is a time of plenty and also a time of reflection.
From the grain aspects of Osiris, to the Roman grain goddess, Ceres, through to more obscure harvest deities such as the apple goddess, Pomona, our Northern Hemisphere ancestors saw aspects of the divine in the fulfilment of the earth’s bounty and they honoured this life-giving process accordingly.

In fact, even before Osiris, in ancient Egyptian religion there existed a god of grain called Neper. He was linked to both a goddess of grain, Nepit, as well as a goddess of weaving, Tayt, which is very interesting in light of some of the other myths covered here.
Ultimately, as Osiris became a more popular god associated with life, death and resurrection, Neper’s seasonal life-cycle was amalgamated into this larger myth and Neper became an aspect of Osiris.
This is one example of how complicated and intertwined the stories of gods and goddesses can become.

It also sometimes becomes a reason why there are so many different origin myths for deities. Symbols and variations were shared as people moved from one place to another and encountered groups who worshiped and acknowledged their own gods, goddesses, and spirits watching over the same seasonal patterns.

Lúgh himself has similarly tangled roots.
He is associated with the sky, the sun and storms in the main, but is also considered a master of many arts, writing and contracts.
Some consider him the same deity as Lugus and Lleu Llaw Gyffes and there are arguments for shared traits with Loki, and even Odin, for some people.
This trickster characteristic also ties Lúgh to the Gaulish Mercury figure I have written about in other posts.
Today, academics tend to favour Lúgh’s name coming from the root, ‘lugios’, which means ‘oath’, and feel it less likely that a previous connection to 'leuk'-flashing light is true.

Another intriguing figure some associate with Lugh is Enki of Sumerian mythology but I must admit that this possible link is a path that I have yet to explore.
The most surprising connection for many people is Lugh’s link to Prometheus and Lucifer. Now, it should be clarified that Lucifer is *not* Satan but a hugely complicated figure linked to light, knowledge and rebellion. Although the persona's of Lucifer and Prometheus differ, their intentions as light bringers are what concern us.
Rather than falling down that rabbit hole in this short post I would direct people to Peter Grey’s thorough examination of this archetype, Lucifer: Princeps.


Although many Lughnasadh celebrations take place on the last Sunday of July, the astronomical cross-quarter date would fall halfway between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox.
So, as we can see, this was an important time of the year for the ancient, indigenous Irish and one which was recorded well before the Celtic celebrations by Ireland’s ancient people in many monuments through stone alignments.
(An aside worth mentioning here, as alluded to in the introduction, is that some researchers ponder on whether the cross-quarter is actually a date which should be acknowledged separately to Lughnasadh.
In other words, is Lughnasadh an overlay upon the cross-quarter observance?)

In later Irish mythology, Lughnasadh was a festival in remembrance of (some say) the 'earth goddess', Tailtiu, who perished having prepared the land for agriculture.
There are some interesting parallels between Tailtiu and the Cailleach, not least the aspect of cleared land, but more on that another time.
Lúgh, according to The Book of Invasions, was Tailtiu’s foster-son, and it was he who started the tradition of games in her honour.
Some of the events which took place were athletic contests as well as feats of physical prowess. Matchmaking was another association with Lughnasadh, as well as making bargains and deals.
We can notice the ‘oath’ and ‘contract’ motifs here. Perhaps the Irish lore linking the sky battles over mountains between Lugh and Balor tie into the later customs of physical contests?

The folklorist Márie MacNeill also mentions the idea of Lúgh stealing the ‘treasure’ of life and crops from the god, Crom Dubh, for mankind.
As we can notice, this has very interesting similarities to the Prometheus and Lucifer stories, alluded to earlier in the post. Some believe that the figure of St. Patrick replaced Lúgh in this battle and the figures of Balor and Crom Dubh became representations of Paganism through Crom Cruach, the vanquished god.
This also ties in to the custom of climbing mountains and in particular, Cruach Aigle, now known as Croagh Patrick.

Recently, engravings and prehistoric art have been discovered on the Croagh Patrick pilgrimage route, demonstrating the pre-Christian, Pagan importance of the mountain.
The art has been dated as being at least 5’800 years old.
The ceremonial and sacred practice of ‘rounding rituals’ which takes place at this time is also ancient and worldwide.
There is a strong tradition of visiting Holy Wells around Lughnasadh where this practice also takes place. Circumambulation is a meditative and, some say, a magical practice, which also has variants in many esoteric spiritual traditions and witchcraft.
We can also link this practice to what I would term 'witchwalking'.

I’m sure most are aware of the transition and crossover of Lughnasadh over time to the celebrations of Lammas and Reek Sunday. As we have encountered on the Circle Stories journey, the old, Irish Pagan celebrations were given a Christian makeover in order to assimilate them into the ‘new’ religion.
Of course, the earlier origins of the feast are easily revealed by paying attention to the symbols and celebrations associated with the date.
Quite where that path began, though, is still open to question.

(C.) David Halpin.

Photo Credit: Victoria Veil.
Page: Victoria Veil


The second full moon in Capricorn in this month, and there is something deeply humbling about this type of rare lunation that really summons you to listen. The word that has been with me all day is “evolution” - something that is not always easy but can also be blissful the more present we are with the truth of our bodies. The past months have been a whirlwind for many of us, this call to go deeper, anchor into more truth and to really be with our blind spots. Again, and again the word impeccability arises in my life, through challenges and also through layers of integration that can only come with time and experience.

I keep being brought back to the fact that many of us are only truly anchoring into maturation in our work now, that we are a decade or so in service and at this time we are being asked to really check ourselves, what is the next level of service? Of holding? Of impeccability in our craft? What are the offerings that we must leave at the altar in this moment? Where are we making space to step into the expanse that is waiting for us?

In witchcraft we understand that the full moon is the moment of illumination, to bring into the light that which is calling to be purified in the gaze of the lunar mother. With the tenacity of the goat, I feel the medicine of eldership, to witness the elders we are becoming and to acknowledge the wisdom of those who are gently waiting to support us as we try to find deeper more rooted paths.

Donate to Emergency Cervical cancer treatment for Noureddines Mom, organized by Cathy Coyle 20/07/2024


I am organising a go fund me to raise funds for my dear friend & desert nomad Nourradine, so that he can cover the expenses for a life saving cervical cancer treatment for his mother Fatima. Your donations no matter how big or small can help us save a woman’s life 🌹

Donate to Emergency Cervical cancer treatment for Noureddines Mom, organized by Cathy Coyle Hello, Our dear Berber brother Noureddine has reached out to t… Cathy Coyle needs your support for Emergency Cervical cancer treatment for Noureddines Mom

Photos from DRAOI's post 17/07/2024

Astarte, an ancient deity revered across the fertile crescent, embodies the fierce and nurturing aspects of femininity. Known as the Queen of Heaven, she is a goddess of fertility, love, and war, symbolizing the resilience and nurturing capacity inherent in all women. Her worship, once flourishing in the historic landscapes of Lebanon, connects us deeply to this land, rich with mystic heritage and spiritual profundity.

I am thrilled to announce an upcoming ritual retreat in the enchanting land of Lebanon, a place where the whispers of Astarte still linger in the cedar-scented air. Alongside my sisters, and , we will embark on a journey of reconnection and empowerment. This retreat is designed to harness the transformative power of ritual, providing a sacred space for healing and rediscovery.

Rituals are a profound source of healing that have been held by our ancestors across time. They offer a vessel for expression, allow the reclamation of our inner strength, and create a communal space for shared experiences and growth. In the act of ritual, we touch the divine within and around us, bridging the mundane with the mystical. This retreat will not only honor Astarte’s legacy but will also empower each participant to weave the threads of ancient wisdom into the fabric of modern existence.

Join us this September 6-9 as we explore the transformative magic of ritual in the very heart of Astarte’s ancient land, revitalizing our spirits and re-wilding our souls. This is more than a retreat—it’s a pilgrimage back to the essence of who we are, inspired by the land, the legends, and the communities that sustain us. 🌿✨

This retreat is open to both men and women, inviting everyone to experience the potent healing and empowerment that such a beautifully curated retreat can bring. Let us come together and embrace a journey of self-discovery and connection.

DM for more information.

Photos from DRAOI's post 16/07/2024

Don’t under estimate the contribution of your thoughts, ideas, wisdom & knowing into our evolutionary spiral. This is a time where we have more “information” than ever before. Integrated wisdom, is a whole system, it values science and it values bodily knowing. Practitioners that value time, slowness & integration of teachings, are the bridge to where we want to go 🌀

Photos from DRAOI's post 13/07/2024

I’m pretty certain there are alot of us that feel like we are collapsing systems; certain ways of working, the ways we offer our medicine - that feel like they are coming to completion. A full circle.

This moment can feel like a strange edge, at one moment you know that everything is flowing in divine alignment- yet there is the impulse to push - even though your body knows to push is not an option. Breathing, exploring, imagining & sharing for the sake of creation, not for the pulse of an algorithm or the call to action. To create for the love of creating, to pulse with your capacity to story tell. To navigate, everything that is coming to be.

The vision is re-wiring itself, re-wilding itself - the ancestors are refining their dreams for you.
As you a refining your dreams for the world 🌹🌀🌹

Photos from DRAOI's post 13/07/2024

Join us for an immersive four-day retreat where ancient wisdom meets sacred practices designed to awaken your spirit. This transformative experience will guide you through beautiful rites of passage, helping you rediscover the magick within and around you.

The butterfly and the moth are our guides along this journey. Rich in shamanic symbolism, these creatures represent the metamorphosis awaiting each of us in this retreat. Through carefully crafted rituals, we will connect deeply with our inner selves, shedding old patterns and embracing new possibilities.

Lebanon, with its rich history and diverse landscapes, offers the perfect backdrop for this spiritual journey. From majestic cedar forests to serene Mediterranean coasts, this land is steeped in folklore and ancient energies. The cedar tree, a national symbol, and tales of legendary Phoenician gods will enrich our retreat, providing a powerful connection to the earth and the divine.

The space is open to all genders 🌀🌙🌹🌀

If you would like more details or to book a space please send me a DM.

Photos from DRAOI's post 05/07/2024

Im all about stepping into full realisation that the medicine woman within us, does not have to look a certain way, that we are birthing her expression through our commitment to integrity, vision & impeccability in the ways that we serve our communities.

That there are layers of how we express ourselves as women called to a path of self knowledge.

This September I will be walking with a group of very special women to remember the path of the swan, and the unique resonance she has with each woman’s specific energies & lineage. I have 1 space remaining get in touch if you would like more information 🦢

Photos from DRAOI's post 04/07/2024

Whatever language you use, philosophy you follow or spiritual wisdom you seek; there exists a universal knowing that we move through cycles of evolution. My sense is that we are navigating a new epoch in this very moment; something that always remains available to humanity - that is the capacity to come into the wisdom of the heart. This might seem like a very distant potential given the suffering that is occurring - yet the depth of the human spirit to love is mirrored to us everyday in the people that we meet.

As women coming home to the depth of our feeling bodies, our wombs and our roots, we are opening our hearts more & more - to be in beauty & balance with everything we birth. This moment is calling for impeccable facilitators holding impeccable space - the critical mass has already been achieved 🌀 now we ground it & trust the flow of our collective medicine 🌹

Photos from DRAOI's post 30/06/2024

Cultivating Presence Through Re-wilding and Neuroscience

Presence, a profound state of being fully engaged and aware, is cultivated through multiple pathways. Re-wilding, an intentional return to nature, plays a crucial role in this cultivation. By immersing ourselves in natural environments, we tap into the primal rhythms of the earth, rediscovering our innate connection to the natural world. This reconnection is not just metaphorical; it resonates deeply within our biology, reawakening our senses and grounding us in the present moment.

Neuroscience sheds light on the importance of mirror neurons in this process. These neurons, which fire both when we perform an action and when we observe someone else performing the same action, are integral to empathy and social connection. When we are in the presence of deeply integrated guides—individuals who embody wisdom and authenticity—our mirror neurons facilitate a profound resonance. We begin to mirror their calm, grounded energy, which fosters our own presence and self-awareness.

Becoming deeply embodied as a leader requires this resonance and integration. Leadership that is rooted in presence is not merely about actions but about being. It involves a holistic integration of mind, body, and spirit, creating a grounded, authentic presence that others naturally gravitate towards and trust. This embodiment is a journey of continuous growth and self-discovery, deeply intertwined with remembering ourselves as part of nature.

The swan offers a powerful teaching in this context. As a symbol of transformation and shape-shifting, the swan reminds us of our capacity for change and evolution. By committing to our growth and embracing the fluidity of our nature, we can navigate the complexities of leadership with grace and presence. The swan’s elegance and adaptability inspire us to embrace our true selves, fostering a leadership style that is both powerful and compassionate.

Join us Path of Swan Medicine, Ireland 20-27 September- DM for information


Greetings my friends, I’m taking a gentle break until 3rd July & will be offline until then.

Sending love & blessings to all 🌀

Photos from DRAOI's post 21/06/2024

We are really being asked to step into a next layer of accountability, a next layer of self acceptance & owing our magick - black, white, grey, red & everything in between.

Freedom is a state that can be brought about in the mind, and through the absolute love of our bodies, through reclaiming, sensing, exploring the depth of our sensory experience. You are the magick 🐉🐉🐉

Trust yourself 🌀

Photos from DRAOI's post 20/06/2024

This September I will hold a group of women through a unique training, for 8 days we will work through the nervous system, somatic eco sensing, the art of the conduit & sacred body work. To create an anchoring of Swan medicine that you will carry as both an innate frequency, knowing & applied approach to take into your practice. For both self gnosis & supporting others to navigate coming deeply home to their bodies.

We have a very potent team of guest facilitators who will support you as you move through very deep layers of self transformation & also integrate a very specific modality of space holding & women’s work that will grow with you as you walk the path of the guide.

This pathway emerges from a decade of study across the esoteric arts, shamanic therapy, wilderness rites of passage, Transpersonal psychology & somatic therapy.

Within the 8 days you will complete a vision fast with the Birch tree as well as 2 medicine journeys. These will form part of the expansion of awareness of the subtle movements of creation & you will have daily teachings in sacred body work - a form of self embodiment & presence that attunes vocal toning, primal movement, shape shifting as medicine & full body eco sensing.

Our team consists of native irish Ban Draoicht & guest teachers who work within the lineage of Ishtar & Amazonian technologies.

We have 4 spaces remaining - DM for more information

.ie .ie

Photos from DRAOI's post 17/06/2024

The misunderstood ones

For my sisters that know, what it is like to walk in the lost parts of the self, the dungeons & underground lairs of the psyche - women that thread ropes of Ivy into their being from the earth, so that they can restore the stability of their roots.

For my sisters that remember themselves in every door that closes & relationships that fall apart. That step up from the ashes with their hearts even more open to love.

For my sisters that dance with their demons & always strive to make medicine from the moments where they could have done better. To trust that growth is edgy & thorns are a crucial part of the path of the rose.

For the women who drum, a beat into the earth, when they laugh, and dance & find freedom in their spirit.

For the brothers who hold us 🌹

My dream for us in this moment is we remember the frequency of dreaming, the potion pot of our emotions. That we strive to find ways of guiding & healing - those of our kin who have become so very lost. That we can look into the face of others & see the mirror of our humanity always, even when we want to look away.

That in the heart of life, we seek beauty & create meaning that anchors the true expression of divine will into all that we speak, say & touch.

That like domino’s falling - we are awakening 🌀

Photos from DRAOI's post 15/06/2024

In every moment of our existence, there are opportunities to move beyond what we know, to embrace the edges of the unknown, where personal growth awaits. It’s at these boundaries that we encounter the raw and transformative power of new truths and spaces, urging us to honor them with courage and openness. Surrender here is not about giving up but about opening up to new possibilities, letting the unseen forces of growth shape our paths.

This journey of transformation often demands that we let go of old narratives, burning bridges that no longer serve us to clear the way for new forms of expression. It’s about inhaling deeply the fresh air of new beginnings, allowing change to permeate every aspect of our existence.

Let us then approach each day with the willingness to be seen and to see ourselves clearly, without the masks that obscure our true natures. In doing so, we allow our authentic selves to emerge, speaking truths as potent as the sting of bees yet as sweet as nectar, drawing others into our journey and inspiring them to embark on their own paths of self-discovery and change.

Photos from DRAOI's post 15/06/2024

This September myself & a core group of deeply embodied facilitators will hold circle at a magical castle in Ireland, to take a group of unique women through a pathway of initiation. This is a pathway of the swan & a call to come into deeper discernment with how we are walking our path in the world. To create a space for us to journey into the felt sense of the body & anchor into our sacred bodies in a way that is committed to the ethos of grace, beauty & clarity of vision.

This is for the women who are anchoring the old wisdoms in to the world in new ways, as conduits for the great mother. We will explore temple arts, the way of the wild, shape shifting as a medicine of self reclamation. Powerful yet deeply subtle plant medicine work, learning from the shape of the land & the flow of our breath.

With daily practices all circled around womb & heart healing, this is at once a practice steeped in the Venusian essence of the Rose & the witches path of knowing the body as a vehicle of nature. The law of correspondence teaches us “As above, so below; as within, so without.” This principle reflects that there is harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the physical, mental, and spiritual realms. It holds that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and that by observing one part, we can understand something about the whole.

In practical terms, the Law of Correspondence implies that the patterns of the universe are reflected in various scales of existence, from the largest star systems to the smallest life forms on Earth, and even in the deepest levels of human consciousness.

Here we begin to unlock a central key of Magick, that the pathway of awakening our soul, is rooted in sensing deeper into the mystery within our animal bodies & how we intertwine with the natural world around us. The swan teaches us hidden wisdom & ancient teachings, that can only be remembered through the art of the subtle.

Together we will create spaciousness for deeper layers of visioning to take root

Join us - 20-27 September, DM for more information 🦢🌹🌀

ie ie

Photos from DRAOI's post 14/06/2024

This September myself & a core group of deeply embodied facilitators will hold circle at a magical castle in Ireland, to take a group of unique women through a pathway of initiation. This is a pathway of the swan & a call to come into deeper discernment with how we are walking our path in the world. To create a space for us to journey into the felt sense of the body & anchor into our sacred bodies in a way that is committed to the ethos of grace, beauty & clarity of vision.

This is for the women who are anchoring the old wisdoms in to the world in new ways, as conduits for the great mother. We will explore temple arts, the way of the wild, shape shifting as a medicine of self reclamation.

With daily practices all circled around womb & heart healing, this is at once a practice steeped in the Venusian essence of the Rose & the witches path of knowing the body as a vehicle of nature. The law of correspondence teaches us “As above, so below; as within, so without.” This principle reflects that there is harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the physical, mental, and spiritual realms. It holds that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and that by observing one part, we can understand something about the whole.

In practical terms, the Law of Correspondence implies that the patterns of the universe are reflected in various scales of existence, from the largest star systems to the smallest life forms on Earth, and even in the deepest levels of human consciousness.

Here we begin to unlock a central key of Magick, that the pathway of awakening our soul, is rooted in sensing deeper into the mystery within our animal bodies & how we intertwine with the natural world around us. The swan teaches us hidden wisdom & ancient teachings, that can only be remembered through the art of the subtle.

Join us - 20-27 September, DM for more information 🦢🌹🌀

ie ie

Photos from DRAOI's post 10/06/2024

When words fail, memes can lead the way 🥰🤣🌀

Photos from DRAOI's post 10/06/2024

Gemini is mutable air and she’s all about communication and finding ways of telling stories that can inform, inspire, and educate. As we become more embodied with forms of expression, we are always navigating with sensations of the feeling body. From here finding new ways of weaving our wisdom in the world, of sharing our ideas, bringing innovation to our communities & creating ripples of change - this requires us to continuously meet new levels of expression, expansion & grounding.

Slowing down when we speak, taking a pause to check where is our breath, how are we breathing, are we breathing to the chest or are we breathing to the belly? Is there anxiety there? or are we feeling open, are we in contact with our form, with our sensing body?

Connecting our senses to our language, connecting our sensory awareness to the things that inspire us creates new pathways to emerge in how we communicate - this pathways could be inspired from the sight of rose - when you gaze at it, you smell it, you’re with it, it translates a story, a non-verbal story, but it sparks something like inspiration. Learning how to speak from these points of contact with the natural world or with the imagery of the cosmos, whether that’s tarot or astrology, whether it’s through art or song, all of these parts help refine our ability to weave a narrative that can translate new modes of operation, deeper, more connected ways of knowing - that move beyond the linear and open us up to the possibility of new ways of leading, teaching, inspiring in the world.

So the art of slowing down, the art of presencing with your body, sensing your body, noticing your breath, the art of weaving a story from the sight of a flower or from the healing of its scent. This is how we cultivate the throat chakra to express in new ways.

Lean in to the natural world around you let the beauty way guide you 🌹

DRAOI Modern Spirit Medicine

Modern Ban Draoi Cathy Coyle, is a Coaching Psychologist, Breath Worker and Medicine Woman. Cathy works to merge ancient practices with modern science. Her healing modality Known as DRAOI - encompasses her Gaelic lineage. "Variant spellings for the name Druid include ’Draoi’ - thought to mean Dragon - this refers to the female Druids and Priestess of Ancient Ireland.

The Druids the original Shamans of Ireland, held the knowledge of the sacred and this pathway has now opened to us once more. Cathy has dedicated her time and energy to deep initiation into the mysteries of the Medicine Woman Traditions. This incredible teacher embodies the practices of the Draoi and has mentored under beautiful master teachers from around the world. This wisdom merged with her Applied Psychology (MA) background creates a platform for evolving spirit medicine. Where DRAOI brings a modern vibration to ancient techniques.

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In shamanic traditions, the ability to shape shift is a core practice of the shaman; this ability is likewise found embe...
