Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit

Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit

The official page of Ireland’s Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit, the biggest event of its kind. Open to everyone to attend.

The objective of this event is simple - to make information and education about Mental Health accessible to everyone, to create an overall awareness of how we are all affected by mental health issues and ultimately, how we can create prevention in addition to cure.

This event takes Mental Health issues and wellbeing to the next level - i.e. bringing the information directly to those who need it.

‘I’m a happy mum of two living with schizoaffective disorder’ 27/07/2021

‘I’m a happy mum of two living with schizoaffective disorder’ I heard voices in my head and experienced hallucinations while I was sitting on my tiny chair, at my little desk in Montessori school. I did my best to colour inside the lines, sing nursery rhymes and get to grips with this whole potty-training thing while the early symptoms of my psychotic illness....


One of the service providers directly accessible on our site is Lizado Services who support employees by helping them understand the physiology behind stress and how to cope better with it in the workplace.
They offer a range of workshops covering content such as:
* Understanding Stress, physiology, triggers, coping mechanisms
* Stress Management for Managers
Find out more here:


To make finding support easier, we have a number of service providers directly available on our new support portal who are ready to help you find the right service for your workplace or school. So, if you're tired trying to find the right training, products or speakers to motivate your staff, have a look on here or contact us directly:
The Good Limbo Essential Therapy Training The Wellness Crew ZevoHealth NBFP Employee Financial Wellness


Financial pressure is one of the biggest issues which can affect our mental and physical health and this past year has had a detrimental effect on so many people's income. We're delighted to welcome support service providers, Employee Financial Wellness and The Wellness Crew to our online resource portal accessible to everyone here:
Nick Lawlor CFP® is MD of Employee Financial Wellness and Co-Director of The Wellness Crew. Both of these companies run a variety of financial wellness programmes for companies across Ireland. Nick is also available separately to speak to your staff or colleagues. Further details: [email protected] or

Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey unveil trailer for mental health Apple TV+ series 18/05/2021

A powerful trailer from Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry on their upcoming series on Apple TV . Let’s hope it goes further than discussions and interviews. Major positive impact is needed now to tackle the increasing demands on everyone’s mental health and the services required at work, in schools and across all communities and sectors.

Gwen Stefani

Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey unveil trailer for mental health Apple TV+ series An official trailer for the Duke of Sussex and Oprah Winfrey's mental health documentary series has been released by Apple TV.Subscribe to The Telegraph on Y...


If Youth Mental Health & the impact of online bullying is something you'd like to learn more about, these 2 speakers who recently joined our pool of support services are some of the best in this area. Jackie Fox who lost her daughter to su***de recently suceeded in getting "Coco's Law" passed, making online bullying a criminal offence. Stuy Wilson is a Behavioural Psychotherapist specialising in youth and family therapy and is the Founder of Zestlife Therapeutic Services. To find out more:


We are pleased to welcome Essential Therapy Training to our Service Providers list. Essential Therapy Training is a company founded by therapists with the singular desire to host creative, informative, and innovative CPD trainings for fellow therapists they too would be pleased to attend. All training events are recorded and will be made available to the participant for 90 days following the live event. They are currently offering DISCOUNTS on training courses available on our website...


First up to feature as a provider of Mental Health support products is The Good Limbo , providing care packs for your staff and colleagues, these guys launched at the Summit a few years ago and are growing ever since...


“Nothing can prepare you for the experience,” says chef Garrett Fitzgerald of the Brother Hubbard restaurants in Dublin city centre. It’s a month since Garrett’s older brother Des took his own life.
Garrett went back to work last week and one of the first things he did was come up with an idea to raise funds for Pieta House, whose annual Darkness into Light event for fundraising and awareness-raising around su***de takes place on Saturday, May 8.
Des’s colleagues raised almost €25,000 for Pieta House after his death, and Garrett is hoping those who want to support the charity will sign up for a €20 breakfast pack or make a donation via
If you have been affected by any of the issues raised please contact Samaritans helpline 116 123 or Aware helpline 1800 80 48 48 or Pieta House on 1800 247 247.


Our site is live with a new feature directly connecting Service Providers with those seeking solutions in Mental Health & Wellbeing. Over the coming weeks and months, new providers and speakers will be added to the site and we'll feature companies and individuals as they join us on our journey of improving access to mental health support across all sectors.

The Good Limbo Essential Therapy Training

Donie O’Sullivan: ‘The chaos I’ve had in my mind is more terrifying than the riot at the Capitol’ 26/04/2021

This article in The Irish Times back in February about CNN reporter Donie O'Sullivan is a great reminder to us all how important it is to ask for help and how it can change your life in a positive way, no matter what's going on.

Donie O’Sullivan: ‘The chaos I’ve had in my mind is more terrifying than the riot at the Capitol’ The Irish CNN reporter on how important it is to get help for mental health issues


Due to the increased demand for mental health support across all sectors, we're adding a new option to our site connecting providers and those seeking solutions directly. If you provide a support product or service, our audience & followers are looking for you. Contact us to find out more. [email protected]

#StillJustMe | Walk in My Shoes 07/03/2021

#StillJustMe | Walk in My Shoes The advocacy campaign works to break down stigma around mental health difficulties.

Dr Mike Ryan's frightening warning to humanity goes viral on Twitter 27/02/2021

Extremely important message for all of us from Dr Mike Ryan.

Dr Mike Ryan's frightening warning to humanity goes viral on Twitter At an event, in which he received the Trócaire Romero Award, WHO's Dr Mike Ryan issued a frightening warning of a future where a pandemic would be much more fatal, due to the 'chasing of economic growth'.

A Whole NewA Whole New Plan for Living: Interview with Professor Jim Lucey 20/02/2021

One of our keynote speakers who has been with us every year since we started the summit, Prof Jim Lucey has launched his new book which is available to buy online “A whole new plan for living”. It’s definitely worth reading at this time.

A Whole NewA Whole New Plan for Living: Interview with Professor Jim Lucey Professor Jim Lucey, our Consultant Psychiatrist and former Medical Director, joined Claire Byrne to discuss his new book on achieving balance and wellbeing.

Parental Mental Health - ISPCC 14/02/2021

Parental Mental Health - ISPCC Poor mental health can result in consequences ranging from sleep deprivation, to anxiety, to long-term diagnosed mental health conditions.


LOOKING FOR INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKERS TO ADDRESS YOUR WORKPLACE? We are delighted to add a number of highly qualified, resilient and motivational professionals to our pool of Mental Health & Wellbeing Speakers.
All of these speakers have had their own personal challenges to face and as they continue their journeys to wellbeing, are happy to share their stories in the hope of helping others: Caradh O'Donovan, Champion Kickboxer & Karate Olympic Competitor; Conor O'Keeffe, Ultra-Marathon Runner; Dr Sinead Kane, Double Guinness World Record Holder; Ciara McCullough, Mindset Coach
If you'd like to enquire about any of these speakers presenting to your workplace or school, contact us: [email protected]

RTÉ GAA on Twitter 30/01/2021

It’s so important, thoughtful and brave for young sports people to speak out like this. It genuinely helps others seek the support they might need, especially at a time like this. Lots of things might be unavailable and closed down right now but mental health support isn’t one of them. There’s help available so please just ask someone to help you and they will.

RTÉ GAA on Twitter “'I was embarrassed. I was in a packed coffee shop, and for 45 of the 50 minutes I was in tears' Dublin footballer Shane Carthy was speaking on tonight's”


Wherever you are and however you're spending this time, we're sending warm wishes your way. Reach out if you need help at any time over the Christmas period, support services ARE available.

It's been a particularly tough year for those of us in the Events and Entertainment business, but we've made it through and for that we have to be thankful. We decided to use some of our time this year to refresh our brand and to create new, exciting and innovative ways for you to continue to network, engage, promote and celebrate with your clients and staff. All will be revealed in 2021!! Webinar fatigue has well and truly set in and while it's great that we can still run events, stay connected and maintain a presence virtually, we feel the importance of personal relationships will be valued more than ever as we move forward in this new world of doing business and communicating. Until then, wishing everyone a well deserved break wherever you are and however you're spending the holidays. Here's hoping we can all find a new appreciation for the things in life that really matter.

Photos from White Diamond Marketing & Events's post 16/12/2020

Now that shops are back open & Xmas approaches, there can be a real sense of pressure to have to go shopping & get Xmas stuff done. But please, don’t bow to the pressure, TAKE IT EASY & BREATHE. Surely the greatest gift this year is to stay well & keep in touch.😊

The show will go on for Alan Hughes after dramatic €230,000 funding u-turn 14/11/2020

This is outrageous...€230,000 of government funding for a profit making Panto! Alan Hughes and his partner pay themselves huge salaries from this event in addition to his salary from his Ireland AM role. Funding is so badly needed in so many other areas, this is an inexplicable waste of taxpayers money! This decision should be overturned and put this funding to better use!

The show will go on for Alan Hughes after dramatic €230,000 funding u-turn The show will go on for Alan Hughes and Karl Broderick after Minister Catherine Martin’s Department performed a dramatic u-turn and awarded them €230,000 in Government funding.


Absolutely overwhelmed by the positive feedback after today’s Summit. The challenges this year to make it happen at times seemed insurmountable, but after the feedback we’ve received already today, it’s made it all worthwhile. Thanks to everyone who attended, to our sponsors, exhibitors and speakers...we couldn’t do it without you!

Colman Noctor Brent Pope Irish Life Health Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd.


In the main room we are live with a panel discussion on employee wellbeing with Joyce Rigby-Jones, Phil Ni Sheaghdha and chaired by Stuart Wilson.


Dr. McKeon just mentioned a helpful app called Mood Vue which can be used by people with and to monitor moods on a daily basis.

Find out more here -


Meanwhile we have Colman Noctor in the main room speaking on youth mental health.


Live in the main room we have Eoin Galavan talking about su***de prevention.


At the end of the workshop with John Murray he mentioned Project Perfect.

Here's the link to his amazing work.

Videos (show all)

Our site is live with a new feature directly connecting Service Providers with those seeking solutions in Mental Health ...
Connecting service providers with those seeking solutions
Some of the most impactful speakers are those who have overcome their own mental health challenges and are kind enough t...
John Murray @ The Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit
Caroline Casey
This day 4 weeks we will be live with the Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit.Join @Meghann_Scully, a radio, TV and online ...
Maria Walsh MEP joins speaker lineup
Niamh Fitzpatrick - Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit
Back to School - Support for Teachers facing new challenges
Dr Colman Noctor on Youth Mental Health
Official Launch of Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit with Prof Lucey
"'s a big scary word to bring up". In this final conversation of our series, Dr Eoin Galavan discusses how w...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00