Physio Éireann

Physio Éireann

Our Clinic specialise in the treatment of all muscloskeletal and sport injuries. Physio Éireann has two locations, Ardara & Donegal Town.

Clinic Locations:
Main Street, Ardara, Co.Donegal
Castle Street, Donegal Town, Co.Donegal

Welcome to Physio Éireann, a Chartered Physiotherapy Company based in Donegal. The company was set up in 2014 by Ciara Mooney and Oliver Nolan. Their goal is to provide top quality evidence based Physiotherapy within local communities.

From Physio Éireann you can expect individualised expert assessment,


We hope everyone had a magical Christmas and is ready to take on 2024.
We have been missing in action for a very good reason as we added an extra sock to the fire place just in time for Christmas and happy to report everyone is doing well.
We just want to say how grateful we are for all your support in 2023 and look forward to being here to help you with your healthcare needs in 2024.
Normal clinic service resumes at Physio Éireann tomo Tue Jan 2nd and all our classes are back in action this week and we would love to welcome new faces.

2024 Physio Éireann Class Timetable

Donegal Town at StudioS
Mon 10am Pilates
Mon 12.15 Chair Based Exercises
Wed 10am Pilates
Wed 6pm Pilates
Thur 12.15 Chair Based Exercises
Thur 7pm Pilates
Thur 8pm Mens Pilates
Fri 7am Pilates
Fri 10am Pilates

Ardara at Methodist Hall
Mon 10am Pilates
Wed 10am Pilates
Fri 10am Pilates

Killybegs at Foresters Community Hall
Mon 6pm Pilates
Tue 10am Pilates

Inver at Community Center
Mon 8pm Pilates

Online via Zoom
Mon 10am Live
Tue 5pm (7day play back)
Fri 10am (7day play back)

All classes are €8 pay as you go and we provide all the equipment.

Book online here:
Or give Regina a call tomo 0851707997


This class has been so popular in Donegal Town that we have started a second class a week…

Exercise gently on and around a chair under our guidance for 40ish minutes….

Monday 12.15
Thursday 12.15

StudioS Donegal Town (across from Donegal Hardware)

Normally €8 pay as you go but this week Nov 27th & 30th is FREE

Booking absolutely essential as spaces are already very limited

Book online now here:
Or give Regina a call 0851707997


If you need us this weekend you can book online here:

Class Schedule | Physio Éireann 12/11/2023

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Getting all set here for another week in clinic.
We have a few Physio appointments and good availability with Bróna for massage and dry needling this week. If you need us you can book online now:

It’s crazy to say but we are down to the last five weeks in our Pilates 2023 schedule before our Christmas break.
If you wanted to give Pilates a try we would welcome any beginners to any of our classes over the next few weeks. It’s €8 pay as you go and we provide all equipment so you can give it a try and see if it’s for you.

Mon / Wed / Fri 10am

Mon 6pm
Tue 10am

Mon 8pm

Donegal Town
Mon 10am
Wed 10am & 6pm
Thur 7pm and Mens Pilates 8pm
Fri 7am & 10am

Mon 10am Live Class
Tue 5pm & Fri 10am Recorded class with 7 day play back.

All info and to book here:
Or give Regina a call tomo 0851707997

Class Schedule | Physio Éireann Class Timetable powered by Glofox Zoom Pilates ClassesIn the current times we find ourselves in it is important we try maintain our fitness and exercise regimes as best we can. We are delighted to now be able to provide our popular pilates classes through using the zoom app. Click the Zoom icon bel....


Dry Needling

This weekend most of team Physio Éireann were in Dublin completing their certificate in Dry Needling under the watchful eye of Dr Johnson McEvoy.

What is Dry Needling?

DN is where we use very thin needles and insert them directly within the muscle to release muscle trigger points or superficially over a painful area to reduce pain.

With trigger point dry needling the needle is inserted directly into the tender points within a muscle, this causes local micro trauma stimulating blood flow and triggered the body’s natural healing cells to flood to the area and facilitate healing.

With dry needling for pain the technique is more superficial and gently. The needle is carefully manipulated until sensation is felt by the client and this triggers the release of endorphins at a spinal and brain level that helps reduce pain.

We are delighted that you can now book in with Bróna, Poovaiah, Michelle, Ciara or Oliver to have your dry needling treatment.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Costs is €55 and you can book online now at

Have you had Dry Needling before? Did you find it helpful?
We would love to hear your thoughts. . .


Pain in Pregnancy

If you or someone you know is pregnant and suffering from back, pelvic, groin or hip pain there is lots your Physio can do to help.

Pelvic Girdle Pain is very common and not serious but very painful and should not just be tolerated until baby arrives.

Here is some of the advice ladies get when they come to Physio Éireann with pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain.

- Rest when you can (10-20min can make a big difference)
- Sit down to get dresses or undressed
- Wear flat supportive shoes
- Sit down to do tasks you may normally stand for (ironing/prepping dinner)
- Try to keep your knees together moving in and out of the car
- Sleep with a pillow between your legs in side lying
- Roll in and out of bed keeping your knees together
- Take the stairs one at a time
- Use a rucksack or an over the shoulder handbag to carry your daily items
- Stay active: strength based exercises that do not aggravate pain are key. Your physio can help with this.
- Maternity belts and crutches can help in the short term to reduce pain
- Massage of the major muscle groups around the pelvis in combination with heat can give signifiant short term pain relief.

If you need us don't hesitate to get in touch.

Ciara :)


Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis...
Tips based on current guidelines on what you can do to manage your diagnosis...

Understand the condition: it doesn't "repair" or "get better" the end line treatment is joint replacement so prior to this it is all about managing your symptoms as best you can and here is how...

1. Pace activity: don't over do it on the good days... it is not worth it.
2. Exercise: maintaining good muscle strength can take load off the joint. If your struggling with this, seek guidance from your Physio. Many clients cant quite believe how hard we get them working without pain or loading their joint (any of my crew from my chair based class will vouch for this).
3. Weight management (where appropriate), every pound counts.
4. NSAIDs (medication) are recommend in all the guidelines for OA, this is beyond my scope to discuss but we direct you to your GP or our brilliant local pharmacists for advice on this.
5. Aids can help and should be used to manage pain, sticks for knee or hip, splints for hand or wrist.

The top five should be offered to everyone with OA. The next list are a little more questionable in relation to their benefits...
1. Steroid injections: I will have one patient that gets six month relief from an injection and another who gets the same does from the same Dr with zero relief. And the very frustrating thing is we don't know why or who may respond well.... so if we are struggling to get pain under control I will tell my patients it could be worth a shot or two but not more than three.
2. Hyaluronic Acid Injections: this is thought to be a replacement substance for the cartilage. I would love to report that its working great but I've had very few clients get relief from it. If you have a positive story after HA injections please share, as for most of my clients it has made no difference.
3. Acupuncture / Dry Needling: jury is out, some find it helpful some don't, at best it gives short term pain relief. It certainly is not something I do in isolation for OA. If I am totally honest I will turn to it if the client is having a bad flare up and I can't get it under control (but at that point I would also try throwing the kitchen sink at the joint to see if it would settle things). Some clients LOVE it and feel the short term relief is a massive benefit as it helps reduce the need for additional medication. Again would love to hear any experiences on this...

A final word on joint arthritis...
We love treating joint osteoarthritis because...
Our treatments will either really help you manage your condition and get you to a place where you are living well with arthritis or if we make no difference to your symptoms we get you to the best possible surgeon for your joint problem and by the time you are getting your joint replaced you are well prepared and in the best possible condition you can be going into surgery.

Hope this helps

Ciara :)

Physio Éireann | Chartered Physiotherapy Clinic 08/10/2023

Massage Therapy at Physio Éireann

Bróna Callaghan our rehab therapist and experienced massage therapist is now taking on new clients for massage therapy and has some availability this week.

Tue 4.15pm
Wed 8.45am
Thur 4.15pm
Fri 8am

Anyone that has seen Bróna over the years will know how exceptional her treatment skills are, so if you have any aches or pains and want some hands on treatment with Bróna or just want to treat yourself this week the sessions are €55 and can be booked online now here:

Or give us a call 0851707997

Physio Éireann | Chartered Physiotherapy Clinic Welcome toPhysio ÉireannWHO ARE WE?We are a chartered physiotherapy company with our clinic based in Donegal Town.OUR GOALWe want to ensure the people of Donegal have access to high quality, evidence based care.EXPERT ASSESSMENTAll our physiotherapists are chartered professionals.HIGH QUALITY CAREW...


Pain in the bum

A common presentation in clinic and thankfully one that is rarely serious.

Most clients tell us they have pain in their hip and then point to these areas… and although it feels like it’s your hip in most cases of buttock pain the hip joint is ok.

The most common causes of pain in this area
- Muscle Pain, from the large glute muscles or the smaller underlying piriformis muscle
- Tendon Pain: the tendon is the area where muscles insert into bone, the hamstring tendon can often give deep buttock pain when it’s aggravated as the hamstring muscle begins right on the bone that we sit on.
- Lumbar Spine Pain: the joints in the lower back can refer pain directly into this area: with or without accompanying back pain..
- Sacroiliac Pain: this is the area where the pelvic bone meets the sacral bone. It’s most often an issue after trauma or during pregnancy and causes pain into the buttock.
- Hip Joint: hip arthritis that leads to hip replacement can present with buttock pain but will also have pain at the front of the hip when we test it, along with reduced movement. If you have buttock pain but good hip movement and no pain at the front then you won’t be getting a new hip :)

Treatment to relieve pain in this area will only become clear after we assess to figure out where the pain is coming from. What we do for low back pain is different to SIJ pain and is different again to hamstring tendon pain. So a full assessment really helps guide the right treatment.



My Back Pain is not getting better what do I do...?

Most cases of back pain should start to improve within six weeks, if yours is not….
Ask yourself…

- Have I given my body a chance? Our bodies are amazing and have the capacity to handle most situations if we give them a chance…reduce load on the back, avoid aggravating movements/postions where possible. If your doing something that is continuously aggravating your pain (including your job) it will take longer to settle.
- Have I taken pain relief? Most clients are reluctant to take tablets and we have no idea why. Short term pain relief allows you to move more in less pain which speeds up recovery... In 12 years of practice Ive never seen a case of over the counter medication "covering up pain causing more damage". Seek advice but take the meds.
- Have I been moving enough? The days of bed rest for back pain are well behind us and for good reason. Exercise reduces pain, improves movement and increases strength, all of which not only helps us recover from back pain but long term stops reoccurrence.
- What else can I do? Seek help from your healthcare professional… especially if your pain has been going on longer than six weeks. Comprehensive assessment can guide treatment in the direction you need to recover. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Ciara 🙂



Sciatic refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve: from the lower back down through the pelvic into the back of the leg, ending in the foot and toes.


- Pain anywhere along the nerve path from the lower back to the big toe
- Pain can be vague or sharp shooting and severe
- Numbness/tingling/pins and needles, most commonly in the lower leg and foot
- Muscle weakness in the leg

Patients present with any combo of these symptoms:
Some patients have severe back pain with leg pain and no numbness
Some patients have no back pain, only leg pain and tingling
Some patients have no pain just tingling/ numbness / weakness in the leg

In younger clients 30-50ish
The most common cause is the movement of inner disc material outwards: coming close to/touching/compressing the nerve as it leave your lower back

For older clients (I won’t put an age range 🫣)
Normal arthritic change around the spine narrows the space for the nerve to come out causing nerve compression and sciatica


Nearly all cases settle really well with a few weeks of the correct treatment
- Nerve medication (we work with GPs to get this right)
- Heat
- Movement: carefully selected exercises that don’t aggravate the nerve
- Nerve gliding movements & exercises
- Spinal mobilisation
- Soft tissue massage around the back and nerve

If we are concerned about your neuro assessment or progress in any way we will refer for MRI

Hope this helps
Ciara 🙂


Low Back Pain is the most common reason you come to see us at Physio Éireann

What we do…
- Full assessment to make sure there is nothing serious happening
- We educate you on the the do’s and don’ts
- We treat: hands on, dry needling, massage and joint mobilisation to reduce your pain
- We guide your rehab to get you back doing what you need to
- Then we push you to build your strength and exercise routine to reduce your chance of flare ups in the future
- If things are not going to plan we can refer you direct for your MRI scans
- We become your voice to seek further treatment from GPs and consultants.

We are here to help.
You can book online here:
Or give us a call 0851707997


Hip pain on the outside of the leg is one of the most common hip complaints we see in clinic...

- Pain lying on the effected side
- Pain with walking / climbing stairs/ standing
- Pain sitting crossed legged
- Pain is usually episodic but gets gradually worse
- Pain is reproduced when we push on the area around the outside of the hip

- In clinic we call it “greater trochanteric pain syndrome”
- There is a few structure causing your pain: A fluid filled sac between the muscles and thigh bone called bursae can be inflamed along with changes within the tendon which is the section of the muscle that goes into the bone
- Both structures are full of nerve endings and when they are irritated and compressed they cause pain

- Strengthening the glut muscles around the hip
- Advice on do’s and don’t (don’t lie on that side, don’t stretch the muscle too much, pace activity)
- Deep tissue massage of the muscles around the hip and groin
- +/- dry needling depending on pain
- Liaise with GP / pharmacist on appropriate medication

With the right approach you can get this pain settled within a few weeks to months depending on how long you have had symptoms.

If you need us you can book
Call: 0851707997
Photo Credit: Dorest Chamber


It has been a year of change here at Physio Éireann.
When you have needed us we have not been able to see you as quickly as we would like. Well I am relieved, delighted and excited to say we finally have excellent availability with an excellent team.
Our four physiotherapists…
Myself and Oliver: We have had the privilege of working with so many of you on your healthcare needs for nearly 10 years now and we will hopefully be here for 30 more.
Michelle Mc Callig: Michelle has been with us for nearly a year and prior to this was working in the NHS in England. Many of you have already met her and know what an asset she is to our team. She is here to help you with all your aches and pains.
Poovaiah Ramesh: Coming all the way from Bangalore in the South of India just to work with us here at Physio Eireann, Poovaiah brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience where his approach combines hands on treatment with a focus on strength and conditioning. Poovaiah has completed a Master in Strength and Conditioning so has a keen interest in acute sports injuries, as well as the management of all the usually back, hip, knee and shoulder pain we see.
Our rehab therapist Bróna Callaghan has over ten years experience and is now taking on her own new clients for massage treatments, as well as helping us rehab our current patients.
And of course Regina, who is now working full time as our Practice Manager and is on hand at the end of the phone to answer your questions.

Anyone in business will know that since covid things have been changing and trying to get the ideal set up has been a challenge across all industries and we are no different. This year has seen a fairly massive restructure for us bringing all our services under one roof in Donegal Town, because of this our opening hours have extended. You can now book Physio as early as 7am and as late as 8pm during the week.

If you need us give Regina a call 085-1707997 or you can book online at

Thank you to everyone who supports us in anyway. Being able to do what we love in the place we love will never get old.



Free Beginners Pilates Class in Killybegs

We will be running a once off, FREE class for anyone wanting to give Pilates a try.

If there is anyone in your life you think might benefit from Pilates and would like to give it a try to see if its for them please spread the word.
Where: Killybegs Foresters Community Hall
When: Tuesday 26th Sept at 11.15am
How to book: Book online at this link, just go the the correct class on the 26th Sept and book your mat:

- 45min class
- we provide all equipment
You can also book by texting or calling 0851707997 with your name and email address.

Please spread the word. Ciara & Regina.

Physio Éireann Our Clinic specialise in the treatment of all muscloskeletal and sport injuries.

Physio Éireann | Chartered Physiotherapy Clinic 02/09/2023

New 7pm Pilates Class with Oliver in Donegal Town

Every Thursday 7pm starting Sept 7th Oliver will be starting a new class in Donegal Town.
This class is suitable for all levels, complete beginners very welcome.
Benefits of Pilates
- improved flexibility
- prevention of injuries
- safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries
Class Details
- €8 pay as you go
- We provide all equipment
- Book online:
- Book via text/call: 0851707997
- Location is StudioS Donegal Town (next to toymaster and across from Donegal Hardware)
Please spread the word to anyone in your life that you think may benefit.

Physio Éireann | Chartered Physiotherapy Clinic Welcome toPhysio ÉireannWHO ARE WE?We are a chartered physiotherapy company with our clinic based in Donegal Town.OUR GOALWe want to ensure the people of Donegal have access to high quality, evidence based care.EXPERT ASSESSMENTAll our physiotherapists are chartered professionals.HIGH QUALITY CAREW...


September Pilates with Physio Eireann

Our Sept Classes are now live for booking
Class Details
- €8 pay as you go
- We provide all equipment
- All classes suitable and adjusted to all levels
- Beginners always welcome

Donegal Town at StudioS
Monday 10am
Wed 10am
Wed 6pm
Thur 7pm
Thur 8pm Men Only
Fri 7am
Fri 10am

Killybegs at the Foresters Community Hall
Mon 6pm
Tue 10am

Inver at the Inver Comm Centre
Mon 8pm

Ardara at the Methodist Hall
Mon 10am
Wed 10am
Fri 10am

Please spread the word with anyone you think would like to join us.

To book:
Call or Text: 0851707997

Physio Eireann - Book appointment 26/08/2023

New Men's Pilates Class with Oliver in Donegal Town

Ever Thursday 8pm starting Sept 7th Oliver will be starting a new Mens only Pilates class in Donegal Town.
This class is suitable for all levels, complete beginners very welcome.

Benefits of Pilates
- improved flexibility
- prevention of injuries
- safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries

Class Details
- €8 pay as you go
- We provide all equipment
- Book online:
- Book via text/call: 0851707997
- Location is StudioS Donegal Town (next to toymaster and across from Donegal Hardware)

Please spread the word to anyone in your life that you think may benefit.

Physio Eireann - Book appointment Save time and book your appointments online with Physio Eireann 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


It is with great excitement that we introduce the newest member of team Physio Éireann, our Rehab Therapist Bróna Callaghan.

Bróna won’t have a big commute to work as she comes to us from Barnesmore. She has been working in the health and wellness sector for over 12 years and in this time her reputation as a skilled and talented massage therapist proceeds her. Her new role at Physio Eireann will see her bring all her current skills in massage therapy to our practice to help our clients manage their pain. As a Rehab Therapist you may also see Brona under the recommendation of your Physiotherapists as she will be assisting us in the delivery of exercise therapy and manual therapy to enhance the quality of your treatment while in our care.

If you have worked with Brona in the past you know how lucky we are to have her on our team and we are excited to say that her diary is now open for public booking.

Brona is here to help you and is accepting clients that
- are currently in pain and feel they can benefit from hands on treatment
- are currently not in pain but feel they could benefit from hands on treatment for maintenance or relaxation purpose
- are currently in pain and waiting for physiotherapy. As Brona is working under the direct supervision of our Physiotherapy team she will be doing a comprehensive assessment with all clients and if there is anything of concern she will refer urgently to the Physiotherapy team

You can book direct online at or give the clinic a call on 0851707997.

We are delighted to have such a talent join team Physio Eireann, if you see her in clinic say hi.

Welcome Bróna.


Hello everyone...
If you know anyone that is a Physio and might be interested in moving home to Donegal please let them know we now have an opportunity for the right person to join our team... if you could help us spread the word we would be very grateful.

Physio Eireann now has two positions available for CORU Registered Physiotherapists.

- Well established private practice
- Located in Donegal Town, Co. Donegal
- Start Sept 2023
- Good remuneration
- Administrative staff support
- Excellent CPD opportunities

Job 1:
New Graduate Mentorship Post
- Full-time paid Physiotherapy post
- Suitable for a new graduate or someone with limited private practice experience
- Six months of intensive supervision and teaching under the guidance of senior staff
- Requirement is full CORU registration

Job 2:
Senior Physiotherapy Post
- Flexibility in hours and diary set up, (full/part time hours available)
- Min 2 year post graduate clinical experience
- Full CORU registration
- Good manual treatment skills essential
- Dry Needling and Pilates training preferable (CPD provided if not)

For full details email [email protected]

Be Active With Arthritis Donegal 04/05/2023

Hi everyone

Free six week chair based exercise class!

We have just received funding from Arthritis Ireland to deliver a six week chair based exercise class

Where: Studio S, Donegal Town (across from Donegal hardware)
When: Mondays 12.15 starting the 8th May

Suitable for all levels.

Delivered by Ciara Mooney

Booking: online only via this link

Be Active With Arthritis Donegal Be Active With Arthritis 6 week exercise course delivered by Physio Eireann. Every Monday beginning 8th of May 12:15 to 13:15 for 6 weeks.

Physiotherapy Job in Donegal - Ireland - ID45048 - 03/05/2023

If you know any Physio's graduating over the next few months that fancy moving to Donegal.. let them know we have a new Graduate Mentorship Position available. . . details below.

Physiotherapy Job in Donegal - Ireland - ID45048 - Physiotherapy Job - MSK Physiotherapist Graduate Position - Ireland - Donegal - Donegal Town


Help needed

Hi everyone.
If your free Thur or Fri for the next few weeks and would like to volunteer to receive free physio from our final year student Sarah in our Donegal Clinic please email [email protected] with your name and contact number.

Thanks for your help in advance.


Great News...
We are back with Pilates in the Foresters Community Hall Killybegs on Monday 24th.
Two classes to choose from
Monday Mixed Class at 6pm with Oliver
Tuesday Class at 10.15am with Regina

€8 pay as you go
We provide all the equipment
Beginners very welcome

Physio Éireann Our Clinic specialise in the treatment of all muscloskeletal and sport injuries.


We need your help to spread the word on this class to anyone you think may benefit...

We are starting our Chair Based Class for active seniors in Donegal Town...
This class is led by our clinical lead Ciara Mooney
30min class where everything is adapted to your ability
Where: StudioS, Donegal Town (Across from Donegal Hardware)
When: Mondays 12.15 starting May 8th
How Much: €8 pay as you go
To book: online here
Or call 0851707997
Or Email [email protected]

Physio Eireann - Book appointment 15/04/2023

April-May Class Plan Physio Éireann

All classes €8 Pay as you go
We provide all equipment
Beginners always very welcome
Book here:

Pilates Killybegs** starts week of 24th April
Mon 6pm
Tue 10.15am

Pilates Inver
Mon 8pm

Pilates Donegal
Mon 10am
Tue 6pm
Wed 10am
Wed 6pm
Thur 6pm
Thur 7pm Mens
Fri 7am
Fri 10am

Pilates Ardara
Mon 10am
Mon 6pm
Mon 7pm Mens
Wed 10am

Hips Bums & Tums Ardara
Tue 6pm
Fri 10am

Online via Zoom
Mon 10am
Tue 5pm (7 day play back)
Fri 10am (7 day play back)

Physio Eireann - Book appointment Save time and book your appointments online with Physio Eireann 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.



Dear Granny Shovlin,

You are finally set free after a rough end to a pretty amazing story. I was so lucky to have you as such a big part of my life. As a child we lived in your house every Sunday for 15 years. You took me to America for the summer as a teenager, an experience I will never forget. You slid me a brown envelope at moment when I needed it more than you will ever know. When our Mum was sick you hugged me so tight I just knew it was going to be ok. That’s who you were.. quietly swooping in when I needed you.

And now as an adult and a mother I realise the adversity you really faced. Raising seven children in a tiny house while caring for your mother in law. 30 years ago you had the ultimate nightmare when you buried your son and then five years later had to say goodbye to your husband far too soon. When I reflect on this I realise that you did this with such strength, you didn’t fall apart in self-pity: you got up, got the hair sorted and took on the day.

In the last two days I have a stream of messages.. everyone saying the same thing… what a lady you were… but little did they know…. you were no lady…
You were a lioness …
- Stubborn: you never give in, if it was a sore knee, you would’nt tell me for months! If the ceiling needed paining.. even at 75… up the ladder you went… the curtains need changing… yip that’s granny I see balancing on one leg on the kitchen table to reach the pole.
- Brave: facing ever challenge this life had for you and coming out the other end stronger. Learning to drive at 66… it wasn’t pretty but you did it!
- Loyal: you had our back 100% no matter what. I remember the frist day I opened Physio Eireann, I sat in that clinic all day, two people came through the door, one of them was you. You sat with me for 2 hours.
- Strong: In all my years teaching Pilates I still haven’t met anyone that can plank like you.
(Your record: 2min 6 sec, you were 78 years and 3 months that day)

As I head down the road for one last meet up in Granny Shovlins I feel sad but I know when I get to your door there will be a gang of grandkids that are as excited to see each other today as we were every single Sunday for the first 15 years of our lives. You forged a bound in your grandchildren that 40 years on I know you are so proud of.

Sleep well. You deserve it.

Lots of Love.



If only he was still this small :(

Mum and Baby Pilates is back in Donegal Town

If you are a new Mum and want to get back to exercise while working on your baby's motor development then this class is for you.

The six week course will involve Pilates exercises for Mum to help restore strength and motor development exercises for baby to help encourage rolling, sitting balance & eventually crawling. Each week we will do an educational element addressing the most common post natal issues; such as pelvic pain, incontinence and tummy separation.

Please share with any new Mums you think might enjoy this class.

Location: Physio Éireann Donegal Town
Time: Wed 10.30am-11.15am, starting April 12th
Price: €95 for the 6 weeks.
Babies can start at 6 weeks old 🙂
Only 7 places available so small class numbers.
To book:
- Book online here:
(go to April 12th to find the class)
- Text or call 0851707997


New Larger Venue for all our Ardara Classes (take 2)

We are delighted to confirm that all of our Ardara classes are moving to a much larger space from next Monday March 13th...

Where: Methodist Hall, Hill Head, Ardara F94TK82
Price: €8 pay as you go
Equipment: We provide everything

The timetable...

Mon 10am Pilates
Mon 6pm Pilates
Mon 7pm Men only Pilates

Tue 6pm Hips, Bums & Tums

Wed 10am Pilates

Fri 10am Hips, Bums & Tums

The space is great with lots of parking right outside.

With the new capacity we would love to see some new faces and beginners are very welcome.

So from next Monday March 13th all classes from the new venue and they are open for booking now at this link:

Please help us spread the word and if you have any questions please get in touch
email: [email protected]
call: 0851707997

Videos (show all)

Chair Based Exercise Class Ardara Mondays 11.15amPregnancy Pilates Ardara Mondays 5pmPlease spread the word and DM to bo...
New Classes in Nov… Pregnancy Pilates Mon 5pm Ardara€60 for the 6 weeks blockChair Based Exercise Class Mon 11.15am Arda...
Our in person chair based class is back and the first course is FREE!6 Weeks chair based exercises class Run in conjunct...
2 new classes…Baby & MeBeginners Pilates Please share with anyone you think might be interested… DM for details or call ...
Pilates and Menapause...Chatting through why Pilates might help if your struggling with symptoms associated with menapau...
The Mummy MOT at Physio Eireann
Pilates Update....
Stress Urinary Incontinence Could be a few drops when you laugh . . .or a whole bladder full if you let yourself jump ar...
Do you suffer from Vertigo or BPPV?Here Ciara chats about how Physio can help...Online booking at or g...
Back Pain...Most common in the lower back and if it isn't settling we can help.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00