Education in Science and Technology, Technion

The Faculty’s teaching and R&D activities revolve around the learning sciences, educational technologies, and education in a
STEM subjects. B.Sc., M.Sc.

and Ph.D. programs.

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 20/07/2021

Have you ever been behind the scenes of an international virtual conference?
This week, the prestigious international Psychology of Mathematics Education conference is being held at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology. Dr. Zehavit Kohen, head of the MtEd (Mathematics Teachers Education and Development) lab at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, is the chair of the Virtual Organizing Committee (VOC). The VOC also includes Prof. Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim from the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, who is the vice-president of the IGPME. After weeks of intensive preparation, Dr. Kohen and her team were able to design a conference platform that allows over 600 math education researchers to take part in a 4 day conference (July 19-22), which includes different professional and social activities. In the pictures, you can see a glimpse of the presentations being held and broadcasted by the MtEd lab at the Technion to all participants.


יהונתן בן-דוד, סטודנט לדוקטורט בקבוצת המחקר של פרופ'-חבר עדו רול זכה במלגת דניאל, מלגה כלל טכניונית המוענקת לדוקטורנטים מתחילים על בסיס מצויינות מחקרית ולימודית. המחקר של יהונתן עוסק בפיתוח משחקים לימודיים המבוססים על מתודולוגיות למידה שהוכחו מחקרית, כדי לחקור ולהבין תהליכי למידה בסביבה משחקית , כמו גם לאפיין מרכיבים ותהליכים שיאפשרו ליצור משחקים המלמדים טוב יותר . זהו מחקר רב-תחומי, המשלב הוראת המדעים, עיצוב משחקים, חקר תהליכי למידה ומדעי הנתונים.
לקבוצת המחקר >

הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל | Technion

Jonathan BD

יהונתן בן-דוד, סטודנט לדוקטורט בקבוצת המחקר של פרופ'-חבר עדו רול זכה במלגת דניאל, מלגה כלל טכניונית המוענקת לדוקטורנטים מתחילים על בסיס מצויינות מחקרית ולימודית. המחקר של יהונתן עוסק בפיתוח משחקים לימודיים המבוססים על מתודולוגיות למידה שהוכחו מחקרית, כדי לחקור ולהבין תהליכי למידה בסביבה משחקית , כמו גם לאפיין מרכיבים ותהליכים שיאפשרו ליצור משחקים המלמדים טוב יותר . זהו מחקר רב-תחומי, המשלב הוראת המדעים, עיצוב משחקים, חקר תהליכי למידה ומדעי הנתונים.
לקבוצת המחקר >
בהצלחה יהונתן 🙂

הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל | Technion


הצטרפו אלינו היום בערב בשעה 20:00, לשעה מרתקת בנושא הערכה לשם למידה בסביבה מקוונת.
פרופ' יהודית דורי, הפקולטה לחינוך למדע וטכנולוגיה, הטכניון
ד"ר ענת כהן, בית הספר לחינוך, אוניבסיטת תל אביב
ד"ר שי אולשר, הפקולטה לחינוך, אוניברסיטת חיפה
אריק גולדשטיין, מלמד מתמטיקה בחטיבת ביניים ומהנדס תוכנה בחברת צ'ק פוינט
ד"ר חגית מלכה-הרטף, מנהלת תחום הדרכה, הרשות הארצית למדידה והערכה בחינוך (ראמ"ה)
בהנחיית: פרופ'-חבר אילת ברעם- צברי, הפקולטה לחינוך למדע וטכנולוגיה, הטכניון
להרשמה לרשימת התפוצה ולקבלת לינק לוובינר -

מצאנו: זה הדבר הכי מועיל שאפשר לעשות בסגר 12/10/2020

כתבו עלינו: לאחר ראיון ארוך, חלקנו בכתבה זעיר. הכתב הסביר שמאקו היו אלה שקיצרו

מצאנו: זה הדבר הכי מועיל שאפשר לעשות בסגר גם בימים של סגר אפשר להועיל למדע. הנה כמה דרכים שבהן כולנו יכולים להשתתף במחקרים סביבתיים חשובים

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 02/09/2020

Congratulations to PhD. Student, Odelia Schrire, on winning a EuroTech alliance research scholarship 🏆🏆.

The research project in which Odelia is about to embark is jointly conducted by the Technion, where Dr. Dina Tsybulsky, head of the Biology Education research group in the faculty will be supervisor, and Technical University of Denmark with Prof. Christine Ipsen as supervisor.

The main aim of the study is to examine the development of the professional identity of biology teacher-coordinators in two aspects: as team managers and as change agents in adapting digital teaching practices.
The study will be conducted in the context of a professional learning community that involves the participation of biology teacher-coordinators’, and their activities throughout the period of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

“I am very happy about the collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).” says Odelia, “I believe that a person develops his or her identity during the different experiences in his life, in various environments and encounters with people, and the professional community in the digital space provides a rich virtual environment that can influence the process of developing and shaping the identity of community members.

I am motivated to explore the different expressions of experiences, feelings and thoughts as a reflection of the development of the personal and professional identity of teachers in management roles who are currently facing many challenges.

The professional essay will yield different perspectives and allow for in-depth research that can contribute to the educational field in the digital age.”

Research Chart: Professional Identity Development of Biology Teachers-Coordinators as Leaders, through Participation in a Professional Learning Community.

Photos: PhD. Student, Odelia Schrire & Dr. Dina Tsybulsky

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 24/08/2020

We are proud to host a coming online conference: Interactive Brains: Adult - Child interaction from multiple perspectives,
due on September 9th.

The conference is chaired by two of our faculty members: Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus and Dr. Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim.
Keynote speaker: Prof. Melissa Libertus from University of Pittsburgh.
Join us!

For more information and registration:

Photo of Tzipi & child: Nitzan Zohar


עופר דנינו, בוגר הפקולטה, יזם ומחנך. 💜💙💜 שווה לקרוא, ובמיוחד אם אתם שייכים לקהילת החינוך בארץ.

#סיפוריבוגרים #בוגריםיזמים

קהילת הבוגרים מוזמנת להכיר את עופר דנינו, בוגר הפקולטה לחינוך למדע וטכנולוגיה בטכניון, יזם טכנולוגי ויצואן בתחום ההייטק ומייסד התכנית האקדמית לבני נוער רובופיסיקה.

עופר מספר: "לאחר סיום לימודיי לתואר ראשון, הייתי יזם ושותף לפיתוחים טכנולוגיים משמעותיים כמו תוכנת "אורן" שהייתה מערכת הפעלה גרפית מהראשונות בעולם ומיזם האינטרנט TVTEL בשותפות עם חברות בזק, אלביט ותדיראן. כמו כן פיתחתי מיזמים בתחום האנרגיה הירוקה. המוטו המוביל מבחינתי היה עשייה למען הקהילה ופיתוח כלים מתקדמים לחינוך לדור העתיד.

לפני כשבע שנים, חזרתי ללימודי תואר שני בפקולטה לחינוך למדע וטכנולוגיה וכתבתי עבודת תזה בהנחיית ד"ר ארי גרו. לימודי התואר השני היו מבחינתי אירוע מכונן והם סיפקו לי כלי מחקר שהיו חדשים עבורי. במהלך הקריירה שלי ערכתי מחקרים במטרה לפתח מוצרים, כך שהייתי עושה שימוש בכלים לרכישת נתונים מתוך מערכת הנדסית ואז אנליזות על המידע עצמו - מול מכונות. בעבודת התזה למדתי לעשות שילוב בין שיטות מחקר כמותיות ואיכותניות באמצעות שאלונים שעברו תיקוף בקרב אנשים.

בנוסף, לימודי התואר השני שירתו נאמנה וקידמו את החזון של תוכנית רובופיסיקה, שהחלה לקרום עור וגידים כמה שנים קודם לכן.

עופר מספר: "הרעיון לתכנית רובופיסיקה עלה מתוך הצורך הגדל של המשק בחוקרים ובמהנדסים ובמחסור במענה הולם לצורך זה במערכת החינוך הממלכתית.

רובופיסיקה היא תכנית לאומית קדם אקדמית ללימודי מדע והנדסה לבני נוער. התכנית פועלת תחת הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל בטכניון והיא מקנה נקודות זכות אקדמיות לתלמידים בחטיבות הביניים ובבתי ספר תיכוניים. התכנית מופעלת כיום במספר בתי ספר על ידי מורים שהוכשרו לכך על ידי משרד החינוך. בשנה הבאה, הודות לתקציב ממשרד החינוך, מתוכננים להיכנס לתכנית עשרה בתי ספר חדשים. בית ספר שמצטרף לתוכנית מקבל תקציב נדיב להפעלתה".

עופר מבקש להזמין את קהילת הבוגרים לקחת חלק בתכנית: "אני מזמין בוגרים ובוגרות, אנשי מחקר, מהנדסים ומהנדסות, שעשו כברת דרך משמעותית בקריירה שלהם בתעשייה לבוא ולהעביר את הידע העצום שצברו ולהכשיר את הדור הבא". לפרטים אודות תכנית רובופיסיקה ניתן לפנות לעופר [email protected].

למידע אודות לימודים בפקולטה לחינוך למדע וטכנולוגיה:

צילום: ניצן זהר

הפקולטה לחינוך למדע וטכנולוגיה, הטכניון
בוגרי הטכניון - Technion Alumni Association
משרד החינוך

Meet Ofer Danino, a graduate from the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, a tech entrepreneur, Hi-Tech exporter and founder of the Robophysics academic program.

Ofer tells:"After my graduation, I was an entrepreneur and a contributor in significant developments such as the graphic operating system "Oren" and the TVTEL internet project together with Bezeq, Elbit and Tadiran. I also took part in several green energy projects. My motto was helping the community and developing advanced tools to educate our future generation.
"I started my MSc 7 years ago at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology under the supervision of Prof. Ari Gero. Studying for the MSc was a life-changing event, and provided me with new research tools.
During my career my researches were focused on developing new products, and I was analyzing the data I acquired using machines. During my studies I learned to combine quantitative and qualitative research methods using validated questionnaires.
In addition, my studies served the vision of Robophysics, which I started to promote few years earlier."

"The idea for the Robophysics program was stressed by the need of researchers and engineering and by the inability of the public education system to nurture talented students.
"Robophysics is a national pre-academic program for science and engineering. The program is run by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and gives its young participants academic points. Several middle schools and high schools are participating, and the teachers are specially trained for the program by the Ministry of Education. Next year, we are planning to add 10 new schools to the program, each one will get a generous budget to operate it."

Ofer invites Technion alumni to take part in Robophysics:"I wish to invite Technion alumni, engineers and researchers, with relevant experience to pass on their vast knowledge to the next generation."

Contact Ofer directly for more information about the program: [email protected]
For more information about the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology:

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 17/06/2020

Congratulations to the lovely Naama Ben-Dor for being chosen as an Azrieli Fellow. Her acceptance is a Technion precedent in the field of education. We are very proud of her!

We asked Naama about her research and her feelings following her acceptance to the prestigious program:

"My research explores students’ dialogues in different disciplines and investigates the commonalities and differences of a dialogic engagement within the disciplines as well as what facilitates and inhibits such engagement.

We all want our children to be engaged in a true dialogue with us and with the people around them. We want them to be attentive to others, to be interested in what people have to say, and to try and understand other perspectives even when they conflict with their own perspective.

Genuine dialogue is valuable, both to individuals and society at large. Therefore, it is important to educate for dialogic engagement. However, this valuable mission, is not always in line with the education system’s mission which is mostly to effectively teach students different disciplines such as mathematics, science and history.

Therefore, in my research I suggest employing a new disciplinary lens for examining dialogic engagement, one that allows the exploration of dialogic engagement as an integral part of the learning process within different disciplines. This way, dialogic engagement could be part of any disciplinary learning process.

I am very happy to be chosen as an Azrieli Fellow, and I thank my advisor, Dr. Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim, for the ongoing support and empowerment; the faculty, the Technion and all the supporters of my proposal; and of course, the Azrieli Fellows Program for the generous contribution”

More about Naama:

Naama Ben-Dor is an excellent PhD student. She holds a B.Sc. in Information Systems, a B.Sc. in Mathematics Education (Summa cm laude) (both from the Technion), and an M.A (Magna cm laude) in Translation studies (from Bar-Ilan University). Naama worked in different educational settings such as The Virtual High school, The Israel Center for the Advancement of Mathematical Sciences, and The Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching in Tel-Aviv University.

More about the Azrieli Fellows Program:

The Azrieli Fellows Program promotes excellence in graduate studies at accredited institutions of higher learning in Israel. This competitive and prestigious program provides generous financial support to the best and brightest graduate students, from Israel and abroad, who will use their training to become leaders in their respective fields. The Fellowships are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic merit and other exceptional personal achievements. Candidates are assessed based on their past academic performance, as well as their potential to make cutting edge contributions to their respective fields. Aspects of personal merit and leadership abilities are also taken into consideration. Students who wish to apply must be nominated by an accredited academic institution. In the education field, up to two students are chosen each year.

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 09/03/2020

How can we image the brain 🧠?
How can we turn a thought into an image?

A new course, 'Neuroimaging, Theory and Practice' given by Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus in the coming semester in our faculty will overview several neuroimaging tools, focusing on MRI.

If you are curious about the principles of MRI, networks, functional connectivity, and brain anatomy this is your opportunity to learn. We will discuss the all. We will also practice analyzing fMRI and MRI data.

Open to all Technion students:
Enroll to course number 216020 (3 points credit)
On Tuesday, between 12:30-14:30
(practice session will be given at the end of the semester)

Please share. We'd like to get the message across to as many Technion students as we can. Thanks! 🤯


We are glad to share with you the book review of Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues, and Trends edited by Kostas Kampourakis and Michael J. Reiss. The book was reviewed by Dr. Dina Tsybulsky, the Head of the Biology Education Research Group; the review has been published in Science & Education.

Undoubtedly, the book substantially contributes to the development of biology didactics and, thus, to students’ learning of and engagement with the subject. This excellent and unique book is a must-have resource for in- and pre-service biology teachers, teacher educators, researchers, and graduate students.

Read the review here:
Read more about Dr. Dina Tsybulsky and the Biology Education Research Group here:

Conceptual Trends and Issues in Biology Didactics

Photos from Technion Educational Neuroimaging Group's post 01/03/2020

Great vintage of talented students. This time, the team at the Educational Neuroimaging Center, under the instruction of Dr. Tzipi Horowitz- Kraus. We are proud!


So... following the previous post, we are super proud to say that Yael Barel-Ben David, our doctoral student who is part of the Applied Science Communication research group, here, in the faculty, got an international award 🏆 for her research.

"PCST Network is pleased to announce that it has awarded bursaries to enable three early-career researchers to take part in the PCST conference in Aberdeen, Scotland, 26-28 May 2020.
Yael Barel-Ben David (Israel), Diogo Lopes de Oliveira (Brazil) and Ana Claudia Nepote (Mexico) were selected from a large number of entries for the bursaries, which were funded by a grant from the journal, Public Understanding of Science."

Well done, Yael! Keep up the good research.

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 03/02/2020

Science isn't boring!

A joint study by researchers at the faculty of Education in Science and Technology @ Technion and the Davidson Institute of Science Education reveals: Scientific news authored by scientists is as interesting to online news readers as content written by journalists.

The research was led by Yael Barel-Ben David, a doctoral student who is part of the Applied Science Communication research group at the Technion. According to Barel-Ben David: “Political events often push scientific news aside, and news editors perceive science as less interesting to their readers. Our study makes it clear that online readers are interested in scientific content written by scientists, just as much as in comparable content. I hope our findings encourage editors of news sites and scientists to publish more quality scientific content, knowing that they have a curious audience.”

Yael gave an interesting lecture on the research about two weeks ago. She was enthusiastically introduced by her PhD. adviser, Prof. Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, and the photos for this post where taken then.

Now the research is published in PLOS ONE, a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal. Read more here:


Dr. Eleanor Sayre, an Associate Professor of Physics at Kansas State University 🇺🇸, and the research director of PhysPort visited our faculty as a guest of the Physics Education Research Group.

Yesterday, Dr. Sayre gave a talk titled “Consequences of asset-based models for physics education.” Dr. Sayre contrasted deficit models in physics education research that focus on difficulties in understanding of specific topics, with asset-based models that focus on students resources for productive learning. The talk described the consequences of asset-based approaches to curriculum development and dissemination as well as professional development of faculty as teachers and researchers.

Visit PhysPort:

Physics Education Research Group:

She’s Got Reading on the Brain 23/12/2019

CEO of the American Technion Society, Mr. Michael Waxman-Lenz, rated this year's most outstanding and groundbreaking innovations, research, and discoveries from the Technion. We are so proud that Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus was one of the list of ten to be included.

"Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, director of the Technion’s Educational Neuroimaging Center, uses brain scans to help assess reading difficulties in young children. Her work is unique for using neuroimaging to understand the biology that underlies reading ability. "

Readers were referred to this article:

She’s Got Reading on the Brain With Technion–Israel Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus

The realization tree assessment tool – examining explorative participation in mathematics lessons 05/12/2019

Congrats to Ph.D. student Merav Weingarden, for her first published paper! Advising Merav in her Ph.D. is Dr. Einat Hed-Metzuyanim, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in our faculty.

The realization tree assessment tool – examining explorative participation in mathematics lessons In this paper we offer a new tool for assessing explorative participation in mathematics lessons, namely participation where students focus on constru…

HOME | GamesofFood 17/11/2019

The Zombies 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️ are coming and they're hungry .... for healthy food.

A new EIT-Food project, led by the Technion, seeks to utilize the idea of an "escape room" as a learning environment, for people of different ages, and from a variety of countries.
What is it all about? The project involves the generation of a mobile kit that includes posters and puzzles in the form of boxes, locks, and other devices, designed for promoting the understanding of balanced nutrition 🍓🥦🥑🍞🥚🍅 and smart food consumption.

During the game, a group of people, for example classroom students 👫👭 family members 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 or friends 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️are locked in a room where the game puzzles are scattered. They are required to decipher the clues found in the posters and puzzles, leading to the discovery of a key 🔐 that opens the closed door, in a limited time.

Learning occurs while solving challenging, everyday life puzzles that focus on the importance of proteins consumption for healthy functioning of the human body. All this, in an authentic environment that encourages teamwork and collaborative learning.

As part of the project, PhD student Tal Yachin, under the guidance of Prof. Miri Barak, has developed a methodology for creating educational escape games (EduEG), and is now exploring cognitive, social, and cultural aspects of game-based learning.

So, what does the future hold? Prof. Miri Barak, who leads the project, expects that as the research progresses, the EduEG methodology will be integrated into the learning experience offered to schools, families and individuals.

Credits, links, and pictures:
The Games of Food (GoF) project, is funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT-Food) -
The Technion is coordinating a consortium that includes partners from: the University of Reading in England, the University of Warsaw in Poland, the University of Helsinki in Finland, EUFIC - the European Food Information Council in Belgium, and VTT - the Finnish Food Waste Technology Research Center.
In pictures: The team of researchers is experimenting with the kit

HOME | GamesofFood

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 14/11/2019

Can brain function and the ability to read in children be influenced by practice❓

The Pros and Cons of reading-related intervention programs were discussed in an inspiring session at the International Dyslexia Association Society (Nov 7th 2019, Portland, Oregon).

The importance of semantic processing, brain stimulation 🧠and executive functions training was presented. The conclusion (and the name of the session) was “Yes, we can definitely improve reading 📖📖 using these interventions” but we need to critically examine each one of them.

Thus, one of the conclusions was that training executive functions is feasible in young children (even younger than 5 years), however outcomes are better when the training is “blended” in the child’s natural curriculum or added to another trained domain, such as language or reading.

In the photos: Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-kraus,
The five symposium leaders:
MD PhD Fumiko Hoeft, PhD Devin Kearns, PhD Roeland Hancock, Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus and EdM Bob Cunningham

Science teachers' worldviews in the age of the digital revolution: Structural and content analysis 15/09/2019

We are glad to share Dr. Dina Tsybulsky’s just published paper:

It is published in "Teaching and Teacher Education" Journal. The published study clearly demonstrates the worldviews of teachers in the digital age. The findings support the approach that defines the digital revolution as the global transformation affecting people's worldviews, rather than the traditional approach that views the digital revolution as just a technological one.

An original methodology has been developed to support this result. It is based on a formal spatial model of the worldview. The methodology allowed to assess the worldviews of the participants not only by a traditional content analysis, but to supplement it with an innovative structural worldview analysis.

The results of the study can be applied to the realm of teacher education. Taking into account specific worldviews of particular groups of teachers is a way to increase the effectiveness of their training. Moreover, education and professional development programs should be adapted in order to incorporate practices to the digital age, as well as the transformations in teachers’ worldviews and their implications for education.

For more research led by Dr. Tsybulsky see

Science teachers' worldviews in the age of the digital revolution: Structural and content analysis In this qualitative study, we examined the worldviews that contemporary science teachers demonstrate in relation to the digital revolution. The main g…

MIT NEET: New Engineering Education Transformation 11/09/2019

Dr. Rea Lavi, who completed his doctoral studies in our faculty this past July, has been accepted as a lecturer at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 🇺🇸.
Dr. Lavi’s Ph.D. research, with Prof. Yehudit Judy Dori, Dean of the faculty as advisor, investigated 21st century skills in STEM* 🔬🤖🚀🔢 higher education, with an emphasis on systematic and creative thinking and metacognition🧠.
In addition, Dr. Lavi gained deep experience in developing both “traditional” and online workshops for teachers.

In his capacity as an MIT lecturer, Dr. Lavi will work as a program evaluation specialist for NEET - New Engineering Education Transformation program. This program is reshaping MIT’s engineering curriculum by introducing interdisciplinary projects and topics. Active learning, teamwork, systems and creative thinking are integral to their new curriculum. We are sure Rea’s expertise will greatly contribute to the program.

We are delighted and proud of you, Dr. Rea Lavi, and we wish you all the best💙.
The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology is blessed to have such alumnus.
Read more about NEET:

*STEM 🔬🤖🚀🔢 – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics.

MIT NEET: New Engineering Education Transformation

Photos from Education in Science and Technology, Technion's post 05/09/2019

Our new page in English is looking for contributions to its content. Any suggestions where we can find inspiring groups or content to follow and share?
English speakers, help!...
.. With special regard to out-of-the-box thinking🤸‍♂️ innovation in education⛳️🎯🚀, and anything that's optimistic 🐞🦋🍓.

So, suggestions, please - -

Untitled album 05/09/2019

A study by the Head of Biology Education Research Group, Dr. Dina Tsybulsky, and a senior researcher, Dr. Yulia Muchnik Rosanov, was presented at the 13th ESERA Conference, in Bologna, Italy 🇮🇪, at the session dedicated to the development of student teacher professional identity.

The research demonstrates that the project-based learning (PBL) approach has the potential to positively influence the development of student teachers' professional identity. Integrating PBL in pedagogical practicum makes student teachers feel self-confident 🤓 and capable💪, shapes their optimistic expectations of themselves as teachers as well as the expectations of their professional future 👩‍🏫 👨‍🏫.

ESERA19, Europe's largest and the most respected conference on Science Education brought together participants from 58 countries. Three more members of a highly representative delegation of the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology - Prof. Tali Tal, the Deputy Dean of Teaching, Associate Professor Miri Barak, Assistant Professor Shulamit (Shuli) Kapon, and several PhD students also participated in the conference. All came back enthusiastic and fulfilled.

For the presentation by Dr. Tsybulsky and Dr. Muchnik Rozanov see:
For more research led by Dr. Tsybulsky see:


Welcome to the English version of the faculty's page.

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We are the Israeli STEM teachers’ educators

The faculty for Education in Science and Technology is one of 18 faculties in the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.

Home for STEM education and research, this is where cognitive, social, cultural and emotional aspects of the learning and teaching process are being explored in the most advanced and innovative ways.

Our mission is to make a significant contribution to the Israeli and international science and technology education, advance the educators and supply them with new concepts, approaches and evaluation tools so they, in their turn, can expand science literacy among their future students.

The faculty welcomes students from all walks of life, young and mature, Israeli students as well as students from other countries and with diverse interests in STEM education: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and science for all. We believe that having a multi-cultural environment is another beneficial quality in which we achieve better learning to all.

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