Breslev Israel, Jerusalem Videos

Shavuah Tov 🫶

Shavuah Tov 🫶

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Shavuah Tov 🫶
Shavuah Tov 🫶

Rabbi Shalom Arush l The Torah is the spice
"The Torah is the spice"

Rabbi Shalom Arush l pray for half an hour a day
Any problem can be solved if you pray for it half an hour a day

The best for U! A huge selection of new and recommended books now at the cheapest prices online! Enrich your library with these fascinating new books!

Mashiach comes in order to reveal God's kingship!

Rabbi Arush lighting the fire of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Rabbi Arush lighting the fire of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at the chut shel chesed yeshivah 🔥🔥🔥

ל"ג בעומר | ההדלקה של הרב שלום ארוש שליט"א

Lag Baomer Meron
Rabbi Shalom Arush Praying and blessing Am Yisrael on Lag Baomer 🔥🔥🔥 #meron #LagBaomer

Lag Baomer
Lag Baomer at Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

Rabbi Shalom Arush l He Alone makes wonders...
He Alone makes wonders... Why do we say He Alone?

Endless difficulties
The solution to endless difficulties.

The gift of Lag Baomer

Snir, a student of Rabbi Arush and a reservist in Gaza, shares a story about a miracle that occurred to his friend, thanks to the Likutei Moharan of Rabbi Nachman's.

Havdalah Candle with Picture of Rashbi (Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai)

Rabbi Shalom Arush l Only few people really believe in the creator
Only a few people really believe in the creator

The Geula is here! | Rabbi Shalom Arush
Rabbi Arush teaches us that Mashiach is here and only he can save us... Visit us on our official page: Visit us on Instagram: Did you like it? Don't forget to give it a like! 🙂 Listen here for the Audio - Partner here - Join our EMUNA WhatsApp Group Channel 2 -

Shavuah Tov
Shavuah Tov May this new week bring you an abundance of blessings, peace, and joy. Let us embrace the opportunity to grow, learn, and connect with one another.🫶

accept the fact - nothing can be done
"if this is what you want Hashem then this is what I want"

Rabbi Shalom Arush l Its agreat mitzvah to be always happy
be Happy with what Hashem does in your life.