Milonga Milagro in Tel Aviv

Dear Friends
Come and celebrate with Us the opening of the new "Milagro" milonga in Tel Aviv,20th May


Discover the Magic of Milonga Milagro in the Heart of Yaffo!

Date: Saturday, July 20th, 2024 Time: 21:00 - 01:00

Get ready for a special night of tango at Milonga Milagro! This Saturday, July 20th, immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Argentine tango at our lovely venue in Yaffo.

What to Expect:
Timing: Join us for an unforgettable dance and connection from 9:00 PM to 01:00 AM.
Dance the Night Away: Whether you're a seasoned tango dancer or a beginner, all are welcome to enjoy the beauty of tango.

DJ's Playlist: Our DJ, Irina Kagan-Nekrasova, will set the perfect atmosphere with a mix of traditional and contemporary tango tunes.

Admission: Just 60 NIS per person for an evening filled with music, dance, and friendship.

Complimentary Treats: Enjoy snacks, fruits, and wine throughout the night for a delightful experience. Join us this Saturday, July 20th, at Milonga Milagro in Yaffo for a celebration of tango. Connect with fellow tango lovers, sway to the music, and make unforgettable memories.
Don't miss out on this magical experience!
We can't wait to see you there! 🕺💃🎶


Dear friends,

This month we have two milongas in wonderful locations. The first one, familiar and beloved, will be on June 15th, Saturday, at Edna. The second one, new, spacious, and we hope it will also become beloved, will be on June 21st in Tel Aviv. Reich Community Center for Senior Citizens, Arlozorov 106, Tel Aviv - Yafo.
Save dates and more info soon
Join us and invite your friends!


Tomorrow we are expecting everyone at the Milonguero Milagro!
A favorite place combined with great music, what could be better!

When? April 20th, Saturday
What time? 21:00 - 01:00
DJ: Irina Kagan-Nekrasova
Location: Edna
Cost: 60 shekels
Address: Shalma Rd 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6811116

Contact phone: 053 229 18 73 Irina Ирина Некрасова


Dear friends!
Welcome to the Magic of Milonga Milagro in the Heart of Yaffo!
Date: Saturday, Feb 17th, 2023 Time: 21:00 - 01:00
Experience Details:
🕘 Time: Join us from 9:00 PM to 01:00 AM for an unforgettable night of dance and connection.
💃 Dance the Night Away: Whether you're an experienced tango dancer or taking your first steps, Milonga Milagro welcomes everyone to revel in the elegance of tango.
🎶 DJ Rhythms: Setting the perfect ambiance, our skilled DJ for the night, Irina Kagan-Nekrasova, will curate a captivating playlist of both traditional and contemporary tango melodies.
💰 Admission: Secure your spot for just 60 NIS per person and dive into an evening filled with dance, music, and camaraderie.
🍷 Complimentary Delights: Indulge in delectable snacks, fresh fruits, and complimentary wine throughout the event. We want to ensure you have a delightful experience.
Connect with fellow tango enthusiasts, sway to the rhythm of the music, and create lasting memories in the heart of Yaffo.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the magic. We look forward to seeing you there!
Don't miss the magic! See you there! 🕺💃🎶


Dear friends!
Welcome to the Magic of Milonga Milagro in the Heart of Yaffo!
Date: Saturday, Jan 20th, 2023 Time: 20:30 - 00:30

Experience Details: 🕘 Time: Join us from 8:30 PM to 00:30 AM for an unforgettable night of dance and connection.

💃 Dance the Night Away: Whether you're an experienced tango dancer or taking your first steps, Milonga Milagro welcomes everyone to revel in the elegance of tango.

🎶 DJ Rhythms: Setting the perfect ambiance, our skilled DJ for the night, Irina Kagan-Nekrasova, will curate a captivating playlist of both traditional and contemporary tango melodies.

💰 Admission: Secure your spot for just 60 NIS per person and dive into an evening filled with dance, music, and camaraderie.

🍷 Complimentary Delights: Indulge in delectable snacks, fresh fruits, and complimentary wine throughout the event. We want to ensure you have a delightful experience.

Connect with fellow tango enthusiasts, sway to the rhythm of the music, and create lasting memories in the heart of Yaffo.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the magic. We look forward to seeing you there!

Don't miss the magic! See you there! 🕺💃🎶


Dear friends,
We invite you this Friday, November 17th, at 8:00 PM, to the Milonga Milagro at a new venue, Studio Naim, Ibn Gabirol 108.

In the entire first sentence, everything is new except for the name of our Milonga, Milagro.

Yes, before the war, we wanted to have lessons and traditional practices with teachers on Fridays, and we found a wonderful place in Tel Aviv. However, we'll postpone this idea for better times.

For now, let's meet, dance, chat, and try to support each other in these challenging times!

The spacious hall with a high ceiling is located on the first floor (video on how to find it in the comments and in the group).
Good laminate flooring, sound, air conditioning, a cozy chill-out area, and, of course, a spacious and comfortable bomb shelter at the entrance (video in the group and in the comments).

Beloved music by DJ Irina Kagan-Nekrasova.

We'll treat you to delicacies, lemonade, tea, coffee, and wine.
Date: November 17, 2023, Friday
Time: 8:00 PM
Venue: Studio Naim, Ibn Gabirol 108
Parking: Nearby on the streets and paid

Cost: 60 shekels; those currently unable to pay due to job loss - free
We look forward to seeing everyone at Milonga Milagro.
Hugs, yours Irina Kagan-Nekrasova, Alexey Kazakov, Lilia Blanca


Overflowing with emotions!!!
Joy, happiness, love, gratitude, and a million other different and very pleasant feelings, reaching deep into the heart and soul, to tears of joy and smiles that reach the ears.
There are so many of them, as many as our friends who were with us yesterday, making this evening unforgettable and very special.
You supported us, embraced us, and made our ideas a reality.

We raised 6375 shekels!!!

We will definitely tell you what the money will be spent on and how it will help make the lives of our defenders a little easier.

Thank you for being with us yesterday, for your warm and deep hugs, for filling the dance floor to the brim, for the smiles and the light in your eyes. It was something very special. And how the eyes rejoiced to see such well-dressed people in white and blue!
We did it together!
Hugging you and hoping that peace will come soon!!!

Yours Ирина Некрасова, Алексей Казаков, Lilia Blanca

Переполняют эмоции!!!
Радость, счастье, любовь, благодарность и еще миллион разных и очень приятных, тех что в самое сердце и до глубины души, до слез радости и улыбок до ушей.
Их столько, сколько было вчера с нами наших друзей, кто сделал этот вечер незабываемым и очень особенным.
Вы нас поддержали, обняли и сделали нашу задумку реальностью.

Мы собрали 6375 шекелей!!!
Мы обязательно расскажем на что будут потрачены деньги и как они помогут сделать чуть легче жизнь наших защитников.

Спасибо, что были с нами вчера, за ваши такие теплые и такие глубоки объятия, за заполненный танцпол до отказа, улыбки и свет в глазах, это было что-то очень особенное. И как же глаз радовался глядеть на таких нарядных людей в белом и синем!
Мы вместе сделали это !
Обнимаем и надеемся, что скоро наступит мир !!



We invite you this Saturday, November 11th, to the Milonga Milagro.

This milonga will be special.
Now more than ever, we want to be together with you and at the same time help all those who are currently protecting us. And you can also help us – All profits from your entrance tickets will go to the volunteer movement in which we participate.
The milonga will be held in the already beloved and peaceful place at the Yapa Club.
The flag's colors, photos of a peaceful and blooming Israel, and tango music will unite us this evening.
DJ Irina Kagan-Ирина Некрасова

Date: 11.11.23
Cost: 60 shekels
Address: Saadia Gaon 24, TLV, -2 floor
Phone: +972 532291873 Irina Ирина Некрасова
+972 55 2941906 Alexey Kazakov Алексей Казаков

Together we are, which means peace will come soon!

Photo by @ Yakov Яков Зак


Today We wait for you to dance and have a great time together!


Milonga Milagro
June 20, 2023
20:00 - 21:00 Tango-technique lesson in a pair of "ocho" - comfortable and simple
Irina Kagan-Nekrasova and Alexei Kazakov
21:00 - 00:01 Milonga DJ Irina Kagan-Nekrasova
The cost of the lesson is 70 nis
The cost of the milonga is 50 nis
Lesson + Milonga = 100 nis
Treats, wine, coffee, tea, and fruits
Location - Edna: Shalma Rd 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6811116, Israel

מילונגה מילגרו
20 ביוני 2023
20:00 - 21:00
שיעור טכניקת טנגו בזוג "אוצ'ו" - נוח ופשוט
אירינה קגן-נקרסובה ואלכסיי קזקוב
21:00 - 00:01 דיג'יי מילונגה אירינה קגן-נקרסובה
עלות השיעור 70 ₪.
עלות המילונגה 50 ש"ח
שיעור + מילונגה = 100 ש"ח
פינוקים, יין, קפה, תה ופירות
מיקום - עדנה: רחוב שלמה 6, תל אביב-יפו, 6811116, ישראל


English and Russain Below
חברים יקרים!
אנו מזמינים אתכם לחגוג איתנו את פתיחתה של מילונגה חדשה בתל אביב,
מילונגה "מילאגרו", שמתורגם כ"נס"
מקום יפהפה בלב יפו - EDNA-Edna
הבניין העצמאי הזה עם תקרות גבוהות, פינת קפה, פרקט למינציה, אור יפה, מיזוג אוויר ומערכת סאונד טובה יעמוד לרשותנו הערב.
וכן, יש חצר יפה מאוד - מקום נהדר להירגע בין טנגו.
DJ - אירינה קגן - נקרסובה
ננסה להפוך את המקום החדש למגניב באמת!
המילונגה תתקיים ב-20 במאי 2023, החל מהשעה 21.00.
מחיר מילונגה: 60 ₪
תה, קפה, יין, חטיפים ופירות
כתובת: רחוב שלמה 6, תל אביב-יפו, 6811116.
לינק לWAZE

Dear friends!
We invite you to celebrate with us the opening of a new milonga in Tel Aviv,
milonga "Milagro", which translates as "Miracle"
Beautiful place in the heart of Jaffa - EDNA-Edna
This detached building with high ceilings, a coffee area, laminate flooring, beautiful light, air conditioning, and a good sound system will be at our disposal this evening.
And, yes, there is a very beautiful courtyard - a great place to relax in between tango.
DJ - Irina Kagan - Nekrasova
We will try to make the new place really cool!
The milonga will occur on May 20, 2023, starting at 21.00.
Milonga price: 60 NIS
Tea, Coffee, Wine, snacks, and fruits
Address: Shlomo Street 6, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 6811116.
For more info: 053-229-1873 Irina, 055-294-1906 Alexey
[email protected]

Дорогие друзья!
Приглашаем вас отпраздновать с нами открытие новой милонги в Тель-Авиве,
милонга "Milagro", что переводится как "Чудо"
Красивое место в самом сердце Яффо - EDNA-Edna
Это отдельно стоящее здание с высокими потолками, кофейной зоной, полом ламинат, красивым светом, кондиционерами и хорошей звуковой системой – будет в полном нашем распоряжении в этот вечер.
И, да, там есть очень красивый дворик – чудесное место для отдыха в перерывах между танго
DJ - Ирина Каган - Некрасова
Мы постараемся сделать новое место действительно крутым!
Милонга состоится 20 мая 2023 года, начало в 21.00.
Стоимость милонги: 60 шек.
Чай, Кофе, Вино, закуски и фрукты
Адрес: улица Шломо 6, Тель-Авив-Яффа, 6811116
Телефон: 053-229-1873 Ирина, 055-294-1906 Алексей
Мейл: [email protected]

Photos from Milonga Milagro in Tel Aviv's post 12/05/2023
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Videos (show all)

Tomorrow we are expecting everyone at the Milonguero Milagro! A favorite place combined with great music, what could be ...
Overflowing with emotions!!!Joy, happiness, love, gratitude, and a million other different and very pleasant feelings, r...
Today We wait for you to dance and have a great time together!
Milonga Milagro in the heart of Tel Aviv Yaffa!Date: Saturday, July 15thTime: 21:00 - 01:00Join us for an unforgettable ...
Milonga MilagroJune 20, 202320:00 - 21:00  Tango-technique lesson in a pair of "ocho" - comfortable and simpleIrina Kaga...


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