The Nursing Ward of the Ebenezer Home

The Nursing Ward of the Ebenezer Home

Building project updates about the nursing ward added to the home


Liebe Freunde,
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Einen lieben Gruß und herzlich Shalom,
Das Ebenezer Team 😊😊


The drawings for our Nursing Ward have been completed by our architect and submitted to the office of Mayor of Haifa, Mr. Yonah Yahav, and await his gracious approval! In the meantime, we are moving ahead with electrical and mechanical layout designs.


Our first newsletter for the year should be out shortly. There will be a comprehensive update on the Nursing Ward Project. It will be posted on our website as well as sent to all those on our mailing lists. In case you missed the previous updates and newsletters, you can read them on our website as well!

Cover photos 09/03/2017

Shalom, dear friends,
here is a 3D view from our interior design for the Nursing Ward Project - dining area and nurses station. Check for more info on our website!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Cover photos 04/01/2017

Happy New Year, friends! First update of the year: On January 2 we met with Historical Preservation Department of Haifa municipality. Being located in the German Colony, our new building will have to comply with the regulations for preservation of the surroundings of the Colony. The staff of the department were very impressed with our project. They gave us their approval and promised to move the project further. This is an important step, because without this approval we could not proceed. We thank God for smooth sailing on this one and thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for preparation for the submission of the next step and next approval in the municipality. For us, it's back to the drawing board! Here I am with our architect working on the project.

Blessings to you all,

Cover photos 25/12/2016

Dear friends of the Ebenezer home and Nursing ward Project!

Since my last post many things have moved ahead to the submission of municipal licensing the Nursing Ward plans, but we still have a long way to go till all will be approved - but better going slow and safe instead of rushing ahead and forgetting some issues.

Thank you all for your support in prayers and financially for this special Nursing Ward project of the Home. We really look forward to putting all funds together to achieve our goal that the Lord has put on our hearts and has shown us the need of it.

Please PRAY for us as we move ahead and have meetings at the Municipality scheduled at the beginning of January 2017. Pray for the authorities to understand our need and to give their approval to the building design and use so it will lead in the end to receiving a building permit.

Pray with us in FAITH to gather the needed funds for the building, please spread the word with your friends who do not know the Home, may the LORD move many hearts to help us.

We all wish you a blessed and joyful 2017!
David, the Project Manager.


Dear friends of the Ebenezer home and Nursing ward Project!

Since my last post many things have moved ahead to the submission of municipal licensing the Nursing Ward plans, but we still have a long way to go till all will be approved - but better going slow and safe instead of rushing ahead and forgetting some issues.

Thank you all for your support in prayers and financially for this special Nursing Ward project of the Home. We really look forward to putting all funds together to achieve our goal that the Lord has put on our hearts and has shown us the need of it.

Please Pray for us as we move ahead and have meetings at the Municipality scheduled at the beginbing of January 2017. Pray for the authorities to understand our need and to give their approval to the building design and use so it will lead in the end to receiving a building permit.

Pray with us in FAITH to gather the needed funds for the building, please spread the word with your friends who do not know the Home, may the LORD move many hearts to help us.

We all wish you a blessed and joyful 2017!


Shalom, dear friends of Ebenezer Home! Here is a brief update on the project: We've been working on final touches to the architectural and structural drawings for the additions and new construction that makes up the project. Many things needed to be taken into account since our existing building is 40 years old. We are also waiting on decision of our close neighbor, Beit Eliahu congregation, concerning foundations design, as some of them will be close to their building.

Right now our architect is working on a 3D model of the building. We are planning to present the drawings and the model to the Haifa municipality at the beginning of December for their approval.

We appreciate your prayers for the Home!

About the Project 01/05/2015

Dear friends its time to send you the link of the Project:
Its not all done yet, Translation in German is beeing worked on and more pictures with explanations will be uploaded as soon as available. I will go and enjoy my rest for this weekend, Shabath Shalom. Dave

About the Project This webpage is all about our project... right now it is under construction - just like we wish for the Home to be under construction one day and turn the blue prints into reality. Our residents need a home providing them with all they need, it is our passion and task to make this happen.


Dear friends, the last changes we had to make and a change in the drawing are done. Next week it all will be deliverd to te Ministry of Health in the hope they will aprove the plans, this will finaly open the door to give the Project a real boost ahead.
The Web page Dedicated for the project is being translated now in German and soon the English and the German versions will be realeasd. we hope it will be by the end of next week... have a blessed weekend.

Google 23/04/2015



The profile picture is the first design of how it will look like after adding one floor on top of the building, BUT wait... its not the final design and it must be updated after all bureaucracy has been over....

So come back from time to time to look for changes. We are about to build a Home page dedicated for the project with more information and even detailed drawings for those that are interested, pictures from time to time at the moment we will be able to start and even more...

An e-mail will be available for specific questions/suggestions concerning the project

Please spread the word about our project to those that are relay interested and support us we will be thank full for more friends of the Home.
