Caritas Jerusalem

Caritas Jerusalem

Compassionately serving the Holy Land's most vulnerable since 1967.Join us in spreading love and hope


The Hebron Governorate is experiencing an initiative that changes how individuals with disabilities and their families are empowered. Caritas Jerusalem, in cooperation with Caritas Poland, leads this program where focused capacity building sessions aim at encouraging labor market integration and entrepreneurship. This joint endeavor has been made possible through the kind sponsorship of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland thus bringing this marginalized population socially closer as well as providing them with economic opportunities.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 15/07/2024

Exciting times ahead at Caritas Jerusalem as we kick off our 2030 Strategic Plan! 🌟 From setting ambitious goals to outlining our vision and mission, we're ready to make a meaningful impact. Stay tuned for updates on our focus groups and initiatives! "

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 10/07/2024

Certainly! On the annual Career Day, Bethlehem University organized a remarkable event in its auditorium, with participation from over 40 companies and institutions across the West Bank. These organizations cover diverse fields, including business management, hospitality and tourism, information technology, nursing, health sciences, and social services.

Caritas Jerusalem is committed to participating in such gatherings, reinforcing its vision and values by supporting the youth sector and empowering them socially and economically.

Dr. Mohammad Awad, Dean of Student Affairs, delivered a welcoming speech emphasizing the importance of organizing this event amidst challenging political and economic conditions. Bethlehem University consistently strives to provide job opportunities for its students and graduates, in collaboration with partner institutions, maintaining a constructive relationship with the local community.

Representatives from Caritas met with around 100 graduating students and alumni from various disciplines. This reflects Caritas Jerusalem's dedication to supporting the future of Palestinian youth and integrating them into community work.

في يوم التوظيف السنوي، نظمت جامعة بيت لحم فعالية مميزة في مسرح الجامعة، شاركت فيها أكثر من 40 شركة ومؤسسة من مختلف أنحاء الضفة الغربية. تغطي هذه الشركات مجموعة متنوعة من المجالات، بما في ذلك إدارة الأعمال، والفنادق والسياحة، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، والتمريض والعلوم الصحية، إضافة إلى الخدمات الاجتماعية.

تحرص مؤسسة كاريتاس القدس على المشاركة في مثل هذه اللقاءات، التي تعزز رؤيتها وقيمها بدعم قطاع الشباب ومساعدته في التمكين اجتماعيا واقتصاديا.

ألقى عميد شؤون الطلبة، الدكتور محمد عوض، كلمة ترحيبية أكد فيها على أهمية تنظيم هذا الحدث في ظل الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية الصعبة التي تمر بها البلاد، حيث تسعى جامعة بيت لحم دائمًا لتوفير فرص وظيفية لطلابها وخريجيها، جنبا إلى جنب مع المؤسسات الشريكة، ما يحافظ على علاقتها البناءة مع المجتمع المحلي.

ممثلو مؤسسة كاريتاس التقوا بنحو مئة طالب مقبل على التخرج وخريج من مختلف التخصصات. ما يعكس التزام مؤسسة كاريتاس القدس بدعم مستقبل الشباب الفلسطيني ودمجه في العمل المجتمعي.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 07/07/2024

Press Release – Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 07 July 2024

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem is monitoring, with grave concern, the news of the raids, apparently launched by the Israeli army against the Sacred Family School in Gaza this morning. Footage and media reports from the place include scenes of civilian casualties and of destruction in the compound.

While property of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Holy Family School at Al- Remal has, since the beginning of the war, been a place of refuge for hundreds of civilians. No religious personnel reside in the school.

The Latin Patriarchate condemns in the strongest terms the targeting of civilians or any belligerent actions that fall short of ensuring that civilians remain outside the combat scene.

We continue to pray for the Lord’s mercy and hope that the Parties will reach an agreement that would put an immediate end to the horrifying bloodbath and humanitarian catastrophe in the region.

بيان صحفي صادر عن البطريركية اللاتينية - القدس

تتابع البطريركية اللاتينية بقلق بالغ الأنباء عن الغارات التي شنها على ما يبدو الجيش الإسرائيلي على مدرسة العائلة المقدسة في غزة الصباح هذا اليوم. تتضمن اللقطات والتقارير الإعلامية من المكان مشاهد لضحايا مدنيين وتدمير للمبنى. تعد مدرسة العائلة المقدسة وَقفاً للبطريركية، وقد لجىء إليها مئات المدنيين خلال الحرب سعياً للأمن والأمان. كما نؤكد عدم وجود كهنة في المدرسة.

تدين البطريركية اللاتينية بأشد العبارات استهداف المدنيين أو أي أعمال عدائية لا تضمن حماية المدنيين وضمان سلامتهم. نواصل الصلاة طالبين الرحمة من الرب، ونأمل أن يتوصل الأطراف إلى اتفاق جديّ يضع حدًا فوريًا لإراقة الدماء والكوارث الإنسانية في المنطقة.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 05/07/2024

سادت أجواء من الرحمة والتلاحم خلال نشاط تفاعلي جمع شباب وشابات متطوعين في مؤسسة كاريتاس القدس مع المسنين في مركز بيتنا التابع لمؤسسة كاريتاس القدس، حيث تبادلوا الحديث والضحكات وشاركوا سويا في أنشطة مختلفة. هذه المبادرة تعزز الروابط الإنسانية، وتعكس قيم العطاء والتكافل، وتساهم في بناء جسور من الأمل والتفاؤل في قلوب الجميع.
شكرا من القلب لكل المتطوعين والمتطوعات وطاقم العاملين من مؤسسة كاريتاس القدس في مركز بيتنا، لنستمر في العمل المشترك، ولنكن دائمًا على استعداد لمد يد العون والرعاية لمن هم في أمس الحاجة، لنكن شركاء في نشر الخير والسعادة في حياة الآخرين.


Faced with rising tensions on the northern border with Lebanon, the war in Gaza and the precarious conditions in the West Bank, a delegation went to the Holy Land in response to the appeal launched by Caritas Jerusalem after 7 October. It consisted of the director of the Office for Global Solidarity of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Father Gabriele Pepianto, and the director of Caritas Italy, Father Marco Paniello. The visit aims to show solidarity with all war-affected and marginalised groups, and to strengthen fraternal cooperation for the benefit of every human being.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 28/06/2024

We are grateful for Caritas Italiana and the Church of Italy delegation for thier solidarity and support visit. We are proud of our longstanding fraternal relationship and their unwavering support to Caritas Jerusalem. We deeply appreciate Caritas Italiana and the Church of Italy’s significant effort in assisting the most vulnerable in the Holy Land.


Grateful for the support from Caritas Czech Republic! During their visit, Mr. Jan Liska and Ms. Katerina Veliskova witnessed some of Caritas Jerusalem's activities on the ground and explored opportunities with potential partners to expand our work together.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 25/06/2024

Beit Jala, 22 June 2024
The Secretary General of Caritas Jerusalem, Mr. Anton Asfar, had an important gathering with the General Secretariat of Christian Schools in Palestine. It was led by Dr. Yaqub Rafidi and it discussed the relationship between Caritas Jerusalem and Christian schools in terms of spiritual support, and mental health. This aims at enabling these learning institutions to effectively serve their localities particularly in sectors like health care, welfare as well as food security matters. The meeting emphasized Caritas’s commitment to empowering people in the Holy Land and bringing hope to youth.


Meaningful discussions with His Excellency Mr. Jakub Šlosárek and Mr. Petr Gandalovič from the Representative Office of the Czech Republic in Ramallah. We explored collaboration for future humanitarian relief efforts to aid those affected by the conflict in Gaza.


“Explore the wonders of biodiversity with us! Today, the Palestine Museum of Natural History had the pleasure of hosting the Shepherds Scout Group as part of our educational series in partnership with Caritas Jerusalem. Witness the joy and discovery as students immerse themselves in the rich ecosystems of Palestine, focusing on the beautiful Al-Makhrour region. Together, let's learn and appreciate the vital role biodiversity plays in sustainable agriculture. 🌿 "

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 14/06/2024

Exciting times ahead! Thank you, Ms. Ingrid Rosendorf Joys , Secretary General of Caritas Norge, for visiting Caritas Jerusalem and exploring opportunities for deeper cooperation.


Caritas Jerusalem - World Environment Day At Jenin 12/06/2024

Explore how Caritas Jerusalem, in collaboration with local partners, is championing sustainable agricultural practices and fostering environmental resilience in rural communities. Join the movement towards a greener future this International Environment Day! 🌿

Caritas Jerusalem - World Environment Day At Jenin

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 07/06/2024

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024- As part of the Coherence Program with Caritas Belgium International, funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation and co funded by Caritas France, Caritas Jerusalem marked a significant milestone by inaugurating the newly renovated Marj Iben Amer multi-purpose hall. This hall, revitalized to serve the common good, stands as a testament to the collective efforts of all clusters falling under Marj Iben Amer Municipality. The renovation of this hall not only enhances the infrastructure of the area but also provides a versatile space for community activities, fostering greater unity and collaboration among the local population.
In addition to this notable inauguration, Caritas Jerusalem also signed a pivotal agreement with We Can Company, a local Palestinian marketing firm. This partnership is set to transform the economic landscape for beneficiaries of Caritas Jerusalem’s micro-grant program. Under this agreement, We Can Company will purchase all the goods produced by these beneficiaries, ensuring a steady market for their products. By showcasing these products on its website, We Can Company aims to boost the productivity of the beneficiaries and promote their goods to a broader audience.
Moreover, We Can Company is committed to guide the beneficiaries proper branding techniques. This initiative will empower them with essential marketing skills, enhancing the quality and appeal of their products in the marketplace. Through this comprehensive support, Caritas Jerusalem and We Can Company are not only providing immediate financial assistance but also ensuring sustainable economic growth for the local community.
These events underscore Caritas Jerusalem’s dedication to community development and economic empowerment. By investing in infrastructure and fostering market connections, they are paving the way for a more resilient and self-sufficient community.

نسمات سلام من قرية الطيبة: الكاردينال بيتسابالا في زيارة أهلها | المركز المسيحي للاعلام 06/06/2024

في أرض الأنبياء، حيث تتشابكُ خيوطُ التاريخ مع آمالِ الحاضر، يأتي الكاردينال بيير باتيستا بيتسابالا في الأول من حزيران كرسولِ سلام ٍفي زمن ِالحرب من خلال ِزيارةٍ رعويةٍ إلى قريةِ الطيبة استمرت ثلاثةَ أيام. ففي خضم ِأمواجِ الصراع وتعالي أصواتِ النداء، شهد الكاردينال بيتسابالا على قوةِ الروح ِ والإيمانِ لأهالي القرية، واستمعَ إلى قصصِهم، وشاركهم همومَهم ليكونَ صوتَهم الصادحَ حولَ العالم.
كما افتتحَ قسمًا جديدًا في مركز كاريتاس الطيبة الطبي، مؤكدًا على أهميةِ العنايةِ بالأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة وضمانِ حصولِهم على الرعايةِ اللازمة. مؤكدا على الدور الحيوي والرسالة السامية التي تقوم بها مؤسسة كاريتاس القدس في مدينة الطيبة و أربعة عشر قرية حولها، فمركز كاريتاس الطيبة الطبي هو المركز الطبي الوحيد الذي يخدم في هذه المنطقة بالتنسيق مع وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية.
ولم يغفلْ الكاردينال أيضا عن تفقدِ أهالي الرعية، ذاهبا إلى بيوتِهم حاملا رسالةَ المحبةِ والاهتمام، مؤكدا على أن كلَ فردٍ في القرية هو جزءٌ لا يتجزأُ من عائلةٍ كبيرة ٍ متحابة.

نسمات سلام من قرية الطيبة: الكاردينال بيتسابالا في زيارة أهلها | المركز المسيحي للاعلام في أرض الأنبياء، حيث تتشابك خيوط التاريخ مع آمال الحاضر، يأتي الكاردينال بيير باتيستا بيتسابالا في الأول من حزيران كرسول سلام في زمن الحرب من خلال زيارة رعوية إلى ق....


"Exciting day at Bethlehem Music Academy! 🎶 Caritas Jerusalem team met with the Academy to explore future collaborations. Stay tuned for amazing projects ahead! 🌟 "

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 05/06/2024

"Caritas Jerusalem honored Mr. Tim Livesey, CEO of Embrace the Middle East, for his commitment and service to the Holy Land."

# Embrace the Middle East

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 04/06/2024

3 حزيران 2024
صور من مباركة غبطةالكاردينال بيير باتيستا بيتسابالا لمركز التأهيل التابع لمركز كاريتاس الطيبة الطبي والذي تم تجهيزه بالتعاون مع كاريتاس بولندا وبتمويل مشترك ضمن إطار التعاون التنموي التابع لوزارة الشؤون الخارجية البولندية.
3 June 2024
Photos of H.B. Cardinal Pierrebattista Pizzaballa’s inauguration with blessings to the rehabilitation center of Caritas Taybeh Medical Center. The center was equipped in cooperation with Caritas Poland and co-financed within the framework of the Polish Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Republic of Poland.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 24/05/2024

On May 23, 2024, Caritas Jerusalem held a project steering committee meeting for its ongoing project, "Strengthening the Local Market and Improving Food Security through the Production and Marketing of Agroecological Food, and the Promotion of Agrotourism in Beit Jala, Palestine." During the meeting, the project's progress over the past two years was reviewed, the challenges faced were discussed, and the next steps to continue the mission were outlined. This project aims to enhance the local market by ensuring the Right to Food through social initiatives, with a focus on gender perspectives. The steering committee includes representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Tourism, Beit Jala Municipality, Al-Makhrour Cooperative, The Society of St. Yves, and Al-Amal School, all working together to promote sustainable development in Beit Jala.

في 23 مايو 2024، عقدت كاريتاس القدس اجتماع لجنة توجيه المشروع لمبادرتها المستمرة، " تعزيز السوق المحلي وتحسين الأمن الغذائي من خلال انتاج وتسويق أغذية زراعية بيئية وتشجيع السياحة الزراعية في منطقة المخرور في بيت جالا وبتير، فلسطين". خلال الاجتماع، تم استعراض تقدم المشروع على مدار العامين الماضيين، ومناقشة التحديات التي واجهها المشروع، وتحديد الخطوات التالية لمواصلة المهمة. يهدف هذا المشروع إلى تعزيز السوق المحلي من خلال ضمان الحق في الغذاء عبر المبادرات الاجتماعية. تضم لجنة التوجيه ممثلين من وزارة الزراعة ووزارة السياحة وبلدية بيت جالا وتعاونية المخرور ومؤسسة سانت إيف ومدرسة الأمل، يعملون جميعًا معًا لتعزيز التنمية المستدامة في بيت جالا.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 24/05/2024

On May 23, 2024, Mr. Anton Asfar, Secretary General of Caritas Jerusalem, along with Caritas team, congratulated the newly appointed Minister of Tourism, H.E. Mr. Hani Hayek.

Mr. Asfar discussed Caritas' efforts to support and promote the tourism sector through their interventions in the north and south of the West Bank. H.E. Hayek expressed his concerns about the struggling tourism sector and the risk of losing archaeological, historical, and holy sites in Gaza.

Mr. Asfar shared Caritas' vision to boost pilgrimage activities, including encouraging a Holy Land pilgrimage for His Holiness Pope Francis during the Year of Jubilee in 2025, which would greatly benefit the tourism sector.

Pope Francis officially declared 2025 a Year of Jubilee with a papal bull titled "Spes Non Confudit," meaning "Hope Does Not Disappoint." The Jubilee Year will begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve 2024

Cardinal Pizzaballa’s visit to Gaza: A glimpse of hope to the Christian community - Caritas Jerusalem 17/05/2024

Cardinal Pizzaballa's visit to Gaza: A glimpse of hope to the Christian community

Cardinal Pizzaballa’s visit to Gaza: A glimpse of hope to the Christian community - Caritas Jerusalem BePolitics | Best WordPress theme for politic organizations and so on

Card. Pizzaballa brings a message of hope to Gaza 16/05/2024

Card. Pizzaballa brings a message of hope to Gaza Jerusalem-Rome-Cologne – May 16th, 2024. On May 16th, 2024, His Beatitude, Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem entered Gaza and reach


Amidst the echoes of conflict, a voice rises—not in anger, but in a heartfelt plea for peace. Anton Asfar, Secretary General of Caritas Jerusalem, urging leaders and citizens alike to choose dialogue over destruction. His message is clear: the people of the Holy Land yearn for an end to their suffering. They seek a future where children can grow in a world not torn by strife but bound by unity. Let us amplify this call for peace, for it is in our collective hands to heal these wounds and forge a path of reconciliation.

Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 25/04/2024

"Empowering future generations”
Caritas Jerusalem, alongside Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability - Bethlehem University, is leading a series of educational visits to school students in Bethlehem Governorate, fostering awareness on biodiversity, sustainability, and innovative agricultural practices.
Together, we are nurturing minds and cultivating a brighter, greener future for Palestine."
"تمكين أجيال المستقبل"
بالتعاون مع المعهد الفلسطيني للتنوع البيولوجي والاستدامة التابع لجامعة بيت لحم، نفذت كاريتاس القدس سلسلة من الزيارات التعليمية لطلاب مدارس محافظة بيت لحم، من أجل لتعزيز الوعي حول التنوع البيولوجي والاستدامة والممارسات الزراعية المبتكرة.
" يداً بيد نغذي العقول الشابة لنزرع مستقبلا أكثر إشراقا وخضرة في فلسطين".


Mr. Jakub Slosarek, Head of Mission to the Representative Office of the Czech Republic in Ramallah, in fruitful discussions with Caritas Jerusalem on future endeavours and collaborations."

Photos from Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability's post 24/04/2024
Photos from Caritas Jerusalem's post 24/04/2024

Caritas Jerusalem is excited to announce the launching of a new initiative called "Socio-Economic, Inclusive, and Sustainable Development in the District of Bethlehem." This two-year project will focus on community participation and advocacy for human rights. It will run from March 15, 2024, to March 14, 2026, and is generously supported by AECID and Caritas Española.

The April 18, 2024, kick-off meeting created a clear roadmap for the project's goals, activities, and the groups we aim to develop. Our commitment is to build an environment where all can contribute to the sustainable development of Bethlehem.
Española Spain

Photos from Caritas Philippines's post 15/04/2024

Bridging generations, Caritas Jerusalem’s Elderly Day Care Center in Ramallah champions social integration and enriches lives through dedicated youth volunteerism and robust elder care, creating a vibrant community space where seniors thrive and young people learn the value of service

Read more on our website:

Videos (show all)

The Hebron Governorate is experiencing an initiative that changes how individuals with disabilities and their families a...
Echoes of Dreams
Faced with rising tensions on the northern border with Lebanon, the war in Gaza and the precarious conditions in the Wes...
We are grateful for Caritas Italiana and the Church of Italy delegation for thier solidarity and support visit.  We are ...
“Explore the wonders of biodiversity with us! Today, the Palestine Museum of Natural History had the pleasure of hosting...
“Explore the wonders of biodiversity with us! Today, the Palestine Museum of Natural History had the pleasure of hosting...
Amidst the echoes of conflict, a voice rises—not in anger, but in a heartfelt plea for peace. Anton Asfar, Secretary Gen...
Echoing Pope Francis' heartfelt message, we at Caritas Jerusalem are committed to the real-life superheroes—our elders. ...
From starting at square one to dreaming big, Andaleeb Mohamed shares her inspiring journey with Caritas Vocational Train...
Discovering her passion through a Facebook ad by Caritas, Nadia Awwad's journey at the Caritas Vocational Training Cente...
Bridging generations, Caritas Jerusalem’s Elderly Day Care Center in Ramallah champions social integration and enriches ...
Meet Jumana Awwad, a passionate trainee at the Caritas Vocational Training Center in Ramallah, who is weaving her dreams...
