Lee University Aquatic Center

Lee University Aquatic Center

Hang out in the pool @ the Jordan Smith Aquatic Center at Lee University. p.s. this is a parody page Jordan Smith Aquatic Center @ Lee University


We've got a lot of sad faces coming to pool with the recent news. We will miss Dr. and Mrs. Walker. Their boldness to let us continue swimming during COVID is something I'll never forget.

The sadder part for us now, is that Dr. Conn will have less time to swim in the LUAC. We've been getting so used to seeing him ALL. THE. TIME. Mrs. Conn keeps calling and asking if He's there but he keeps paying the student workers to 'stretch the truth.' Truth is, he looks like a prune and he probably should be spending more time with Darlia.

Anyway, come on by - we'll be playing a video collage of all of our memorable moments with Dr. and Mrs. Walker on the big screen.

UPCOMING: The annual "May the Fourth Be With You" Wookie costume swim night is coming up. Don't forget to get your tickets beforehand - we always sell out and there are always sad wookies.


It's cold and the Science/Engineering Department came up with this crazy heating contraption for our pool so we went crazy... At first we got the pool to a steamy 150 degrees. But we lost 2 student workers right off the bat. (Pray for us as we pray for you.) (Oh, and their families and what not.) So then we dropped the pool to 105. It's nice y'all.

Swim in pairs for safety though. Not male/female pairs though. And obviously, not same s*x pairs either... you know what, just one swim at a time.

No plastic floats or pool toys allowed - they WILL melt.

*We are not responsible for burns*


Let's talk about this. Since the Jordan Smith Aquatic Center has opened - we've received countless emails and harassing phone calls from some of the COG faithful.

We know that some of you older folks remember when cutting your hair, going to the movies, wearing jewelry, showing your ankles, or drinking from dark colored coke bottles were considered sinful. (All of which you probably have done in the last 2 weeks. Something something plank in your eye...)

"Avoid the very appearance of evil" is a common phrase we read and hear.

Rest assured this is a pool and not a bath house. Nothing in this place looks evil. Matter of fact - a lot of joy is found here. Some times too much joy. Which is why we are closing down till after the New Year because of some of yall December Grads decided to go "all out".

Farm animals do not belong in a swimming pool. We don't even know where these goats came from. So if anyone is missing a goat, or four, or if someone has an over grown field - please swing by the front desk. And someone left their set of golf clubs here...come claim them before they go to Goodwill.

Congrats December Grads! Good riddance.

- Management


Per the incident that happened last night, we have had to implement a new rule: No more coordinated efforts to turn the pool into a 'hurricane' by everyone moving together in a circle.

We had a freshmen get caught in the "vortex" and their Mom called the Presidents Office.

- LUAC Staff

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 14:00 - 18:00