EClinic - Correct nutrition

EClinic - Correct nutrition

This is E Clinic of Nutrition Consultation. Disease specific Nutrition and Diet Planning,


Why Your Feet Hurt
Your Shoes

High heels, for example, put more pressure on the balls of your feet, which can thin your foot’s natural padding where you need it most. Avoid heels higher than 2 1/4 inches when you’re going to do a lot of walking. Flip-flops and overly pointed or flexible shoes also could lead to foot pain. You can avoid this if you match the shoe to the activity and make sure of proper fit and support.

Many types of arthritis affect your feet. Osteoarthritis, the most common, happens when cartilage breaks down and allows bone to rub against bone. Gout causes uric acid crystals to build up in your big toe and leads to pain and swelling. In rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other autoimmune disorders, your body’s immune system attacks the joints in your feet and ankles, causing inflammation.

Your doctor might call it hallux valgus. This painful, bony lump grows at the joint where your big toe meets your foot. It happens slowly over time as your big toe pushes inward. Bunions often run in families. Tight, narrow, shoes like high heels don’t cause them, but they can make them worse. Ice, special pads, and roomy footwear can all help. Your doctor might suggest surgery in serious cases.

Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints, bones, and tendons. But repeated motion or friction from shoes can inflame them. In your foot, this most often happens in the toes and the heel, which might get red, swollen, and painful. Ice, padding, and over-the-counter pain meds like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help. For a serious case, your doctor might suggest a corticosteroid injection or even surgery.
Plantar Fasciitis

This common cause of heel pain involves the ligament that connects the front and back of your foot and supports your arch. It isn’t always clear why it gets swollen and irritated, but you’re more likely to get it if you have high arches or tight calves. It can also result from repeated impact on your feet, like running, or when you start a new activity.
Stress Fracture

Pounding your feet over and over, as in running, basketball, tennis, and other sports, can cause tiny cracks in your metatarsals -- the long bones just below your toes. Once this happens, you’ll notice swelling and pain with any type of activity that caused the injury. Rest for 6-8 weeks to give it a chance to heal. If you don’t, you might create more serious damage that’s harder to treat.
Sprains and Strains
Sprains pull, twist, or tear the ligaments that connect your bones to each other, often when you fall or get hit. Strains are the same type of damage to the tendons that connect muscles to bone. Aside from the most common spot, the ankle, you can also get them in the middle of your foot, around the arch, or at the base of your big toe. The area may become swollen and bruised, and it’ll probably be hard to walk. Treat it with RICE -- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation -- for the first 2 days. Talk to your doctor if it still hurts after 2 weeks.
Broken Bone

Your foot is made up of many small bones. It’s easy to break one of them when you fall, in an accident, or while you’re playing sports. Your foot will likely hurt and get swollen and bruised. The shape around the break, whether toe or instep, may not look right. The doctor will try to get your bone straight again and keep it still with a cast so it can heal. A severe break might require surgery.

Health Expert 23/01/2019

Signs You're Not Getting Enough Protein
How Much Do You Need?
You should get a minimum of 10% of your daily calories from protein. (For a target of grams, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36.) And you want it from a variety of sources throughout the day: A tub of low-fat curd for breakfast has about 20 grams; a serving of skinless chicken breast about 25 grams; and a cup of black beans about 15 grams. Your body breaks down and reuses the protein in many ways.
One of the most common signs that you're not getting enough protein is swelling (also called edema), especially in your abdomen, legs, feet, and hands. A possible explanation: The proteins that circulate in your blood -- albumin, in particular -- help keep fluid from building up in your tissues. But many things can cause edema, so be sure to check with your doctor in case it's more serious.
Mood Changes
Your brain uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to relay information between cells. Many of these neurotransmitters are made of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. So a lack of protein in your diet could mean your body can't make enough of those neurotransmitters, and that would change how your brain works. With low levels of dopamine and serotonin, for example, you may feel depressed or overly aggressive.
Hair, Nail, and Skin Problems
These are made up of proteins like elastin, collagen, and keratin. When your body can't make them, you could have brittle or thinning hair, dry and flaky skin, and deep ridges on your fingernails. Your diet isn't the only possible cause, of course, but it's something to consider.
Weakness and Fatigue
Research shows that just a week of not eating enough protein can affect the muscles responsible for your posture and movement, especially if you're 55 or older. And over time, a lack of protein can make you lose muscle mass, which in turn cuts your strength, makes it harder to keep your balance, and slows your metabolism. It can also lead to anemia, when your cells don't get enough oxygen, which makes you tired.
This one might seem obvious. Protein fuels you. It's one of three sources of calories, along with carbs and fats. If you want to eat a lot of the time even though you have regular meals, you may need more protein. Studies have found that eating foods with protein helps you feel fuller throughout the day.
Slow-Healing Injuries
People who are low on protein often find their cuts and scrapes take longer to get better. The same seems to be true of sprains and other exercise-related mishaps. It could be another effect of your body not making enough collagen. It's found in connective tissues as well as your skin. To make blood clot, you need proteins, too.
Getting or Staying Sick
Amino acids in your blood help your immune system make antibodies that activate white blood cells to fight off viruses, bacteria, and toxins. You need protein to digest and absorb other nutrients that keep you healthy. There's also evidence that protein can change the levels of disease-fighting "good" bacteria in your gut.
Who Might Come Up Short?
People who don't get enough usually have an overall poor diet. Elderly people and people with cancer may have trouble eating as much protein as they need. Severe malnutrition from lack of protein is called kwashiorkor.
Are you an Athlete?
If you exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet, you're probably fine. But serious athletes with strenuous training schedules do need more protein -- about twice as much as the average person, or roughly 0.5-1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight each day. Don't overdo it though. Too much protein can also cause problems.
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Health Expert Nutrition, nourishment, or aliment, is the supply of materials - food - required by organisms and cells to stay alive. In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods.


Simple and Effective Trick To Get Rid of Blackheads!
Blackheads are gross and a pain in the butt to remove. Most people turn to pore cleaning strips that supposedly work to help pull them out. In reality, all that the pricey strips seem to do is dry out the fragile skin on the nose and irritate it further, plus they can be quite painful to remove. If you are prone to blackheads and want something that is quick and painless, then we have good news for you. An effective DIY pack to clean blackheads!
Here is what you need:
• Any mint toothpaste.
• Small bowl to mix.
• Spoon to mix.
• Some ice cubes.
Squish out about 2 tablespoons of toothpaste in a mixing bowl.
Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in the toothpaste.
Mix salt and toothpaste well to form a paste.
Wet your face and then apply this paste on the affected area i.e. chin and nose. Let it sit for around 5-10 minutes. You will probably feel a tingling sensation but don’t worry its normal and it will pass away after few minutes.
After 10 minutes, wet your fingers and gently massage the area with two fingers in circular motion. Be gentle so you don’t harm your skin.
Now rinse your face thoroughly with warm water. To close facial pores take one ice cube and rub it on your face. It will close the pores and will prevent the entry of dirt.
Some Quick Tips:
Do not apply this mixture close to eye area as the vapours of mint toothpaste can cause irritation to eyes.
The nose can appear red initially but it’s normal.
If you have dry skin, hydrate it thoroughly.
Clean your face thoroughly after finishing the procedure to get rid of the paste.
Don’t forget to close the pores by rubbing ice.

Health Expert 24/09/2018

Why do we need 8 hours sleep a night?
Sleep is one of the most important contributors to our all-round health. We need eight hours sleep a night because...
These are the facts-
• Our neural circuits and organs work as hard when we are asleep as when we are awake.
• Our body releases hormones which help to repair the cells that control the way our body uses energy.
• During stage three and four of sleep the blood supply to our muscles increases and hormones, which are essential for growth and muscle development, are released.
• The quality of our sleep determines our functionality during the day, both mentally and physically.
Stages of Sleep:
A lot happens in your body while you sleep. When you get your ZZZs, you cycle between REM and non-REM sleep.
REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement. During REM sleep, your eyes move quickly in different directions. That doesn't happen during non-REM sleep.
First comes Non-REM (NREM) sleep, followed by a shorter period of REM sleep, and then the cycle starts over again. Dreams typically happen during REM sleep.
What Happens During Non-REM Sleep?
There are three phases of non-REM sleep. Each stage can last from 5 to 15 minutes. You go through all three phases before reaching REM sleep.
Stage one of sleep, also known as the transitional phase, occurs when one finds themselves floating in and out of consciousness. During this NREM stage, you may be partially awake while your mind begins to drift off.

This period of drowsiness eventually leads to a light sleep. This is also the time when the muscles jerk, followed by a falling sensation that jolts you back into consciousness. This experience is known as hypnic myoclonia. After winding down in stage one, your sleep cycle will slip you into stage two.
Almost 50% of the time spent asleep over the course of the night is spent in stage two. Stage two is also a non-REM phase and is one of the lighter stages of sleep. Even though it is a light stage, the heart rate begins to slow and the core body temperature decreases.

During stage two, eye movement stops and brain waves slow with the occasional burst of waves called sleep spindles. Stage two can also be characterized by the unstructured periods that alternate between muscle tone and muscle relaxation.

STAGES 3 & 4
Stages three and four are characterized as the deep stages of sleep, and are often the hardest to wake up from. If you try to wake someone up when they are in stages three or four, they will most likely be disoriented and groggy for minutes after they awake. Stages three and four are often grouped together because they are the periods of slow wave sleep (SWS).
Slow wave sleep is a NREM phase of sleep, and is the deepest sleep that your body enters throughout the night. It is called slow wave sleep because the brain waves slow to what are known as delta waves with the occasional faster wave. As the body moves from stage three to stage four, the number of delta waves increase and the faster waves decrease.
In addition to the deep sleep caused by the delta waves, blood pressure drops even further, and breathing becomes deeper, slower, and more rhythmic. During slow wave sleep there is no eye movement, and the body becomes immobile.
However, even though there is no muscle movement, the muscles still have the ability to function. These are the stages when children sometimes experience nightmares, bedwetting and sleepwalking.
Stages three and four of sleep are extremely rejuvenating to the body. During slow wave sleep, hormones are released that aid in both growth and appetite control. The growth hormones help to replenish muscles and tissues that were exerted over the course of the day, and the appetite controlling hormones help limit feelings of excessive hunger the following day.
These hormones are essential to the development of a strong body and help control unnecessary over-eating. In addition to the release of critical hormones, the blood flow to the muscles increases, providing restorative oxygen and nutrients.
Stage five is the only stage of rapid eye movement (REM), and is unlike any other sleep phase because the brain is bursting with activity. Most adults spend about 20% of sleep in REM, while babies spend almost 50%. During non-REM sleep, the mind rests while the body heals, but in REM sleep the mind energizes itself while the body is immobile.
REM sleep is called as such because the eyes dart in various directions while the limbs and muscles are temporarily paralyzed. Breathing becomes shallower and irregular while the heart rate and blood pressure rise from the levels they were in previous stages.

Most dreaming takes place in stage five as a result of heightened, desynchronized brain waves, almost similar to being awake. This stage of sleep revitalizes the brain, supporting sharp and alert daytime function.
Individuals begin waking up at the end of stage 5. Upon waking up, an individual’s core body temperature begins to rise in order to prepare the body for the activity of the day ahead.

As you get older, you sleep more lightly and get less deep sleep. Aging is also linked to shorter time spans of sleep, although studies show you still need as much sleep as when you were younger.
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They work with important minerals like phosphate and calcium. Also they level the blood pressure and make vital hormones for this function. They also form red blood cells that bring oxygen to every cell.
So, they need to be healthy! If this is impaired, you might notice vomiting, bad breath, changes in urine, itching, dizziness, breathing problems, pain, anemia, fatigue and feeling cold.
In case you have some signs like these, see a doctor. Kidneys can be damaged due to many issues, but these are the most common reasons:
This will make the blood thicker and blood flow worsened. This way the kidneys cannot deal with the toxin removal and many diseases will appear. Best daily water amount is 10-12 glasses. Do not take more since you can over burden the kidneys.
If the urine stays in the bladder a long time, bacteria will multiply. Such bacteria damages the kidneys. It can even cause urinary infections, renal failure and urinary incontinence too.
This habit damages the whole body not just kidneys. Studies have linked smoking with kidney issues, as smoking is number one reason for renal problems. This also makes hypertension worse and reduces circulation to every cell. It also speeds up any kidney problems.
Foods of too much protein is not good in this case, the kidneys now cannot eliminate or work with nitrogen excess in the body. Eating too much protein makes more hyper filtration and glomerular pressure. This raises the metabolic kidney load.
Limit eating red meats or stop altogether.
In case you have some signs like these, see a doctor.
Kidneys can be damaged due to many issues, but these are the most common reasons:


Sitting Surya namaskar for all those who cannot do normal surya namaskar..


Heart attacks are one of the major culprits of death globally. Medical professionals claim that they are primarily triggered by the today’s busy lifestyle, stress, and poor nutrition.
First of all, you should start leading a healthy lifestyle and following a healthy and balanced diet rich in raw, organic fruits and vegetables. Also, you should try to reduce your stress levels by doing certain activities, like walking in the garden, reading a lovely book, practicing yoga and meditation, etc.
However, we are going to discuss about the symptoms of this common health issue and how to recognize them.
General Body Weakness
If there is arterial narrowing in the body, it can contribute to reduced blood flow and circulation. In addition, it can also result in weakened muscles and general body weakness. As it is one of the early warning signs of heart attack, consult your doctor in case you experience it.
Pressure and Pain in the Chest
Chest pain or pressure is definitely one of the main indicators of heart attack. Specifically, heart attack survivors describe this sign as a feeling of chest pressure, pain or discomfort that gradually increases. They also explain that the pain could be also felt in other body parts, including the arms, back, and shoulders. If you experience this sign, heart attack is about to occur in the near future.
Dizziness and Cold Sweats
By having poor blood flow, you will not have sufficient blood supply to the brain. Plus, your body can also feel unwell and clammy. Moreover, your brain will start functioning inadequately.
Furthermore, it can result in experiencing dizziness and cold sweats, which are another indicators of heart attack.
Symptoms of a Common Cold or Flu
A great number of people who have experienced heart attack reveal that they have had symptoms of a common cold or flu before the heart attack. Hence, don’t ignore this symptom in order to save your life.
Constant Fatigue
Poor blood flow to the heart could lead to chronic fatigue. In other words, the narrowing of the arteries can contribute to less blood flow to the heart. What’s more, the heart will actually start operating much harder than usual, thus causing extreme fatigue.
Breath Shortness
You can experience breath shortness in case you have arterial narrowing. There is poor blood flow in the body and the lungs cannot receive the needed blood flow to function adequately. Considering the fact that heart and lungs always function together, in case one of them works improperly, then it will negatively affect the other. So, you will experience breath shortness.


Importance of Water
A glass of water immediately after brushing the teeth
A glass of water after bath
A glass of water before each meal
A glass of water at bedtime

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