Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam, Allahabad Videos

Videos by Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam in Allahabad. The Official page for Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam. This page is maintained by his disciples to provide the public with news and info.

The Story of 7 Incarnations by Paramhansa Yogananda

Divine Souls,

Let us listen to the story of the seven incarnations in Paramhansa Yogananda's voice. In this story, there is a blueprint of the journey of reincarnations.

In this class, Guruji explains the meaning behind the story and how to fulfill our ultimate Goal of Life - to experience oneness with God.

YouTube link:

#KriyaYoga #YogiSatyam #ParamhansaYogananda

Other Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam videos

The Story of 7 Incarnations by Paramhansa Yogananda
Divine Souls, Let us listen to the story of the seven incarnations in Paramhansa Yogananda's voice. In this story, there is a blueprint of the journey of reincarnations. In this class, Guruji explains the meaning behind the story and how to fulfill our ultimate Goal of Life - to experience oneness with God. YouTube link: #KriyaYoga #YogiSatyam #ParamhansaYogananda

क्रियायोग - सच्ची राजनीति से मानव चेतना को जागृत करें
क्रियायोग - सच्ची राजनीति से मानव चेतना को जागृत करें Kriyayoga - Charge Human Consciousness with True Politics (Hindi) YouTube link: #Kriyayoga #YogiSatyam #TrueIndependence #TruePolitics

Kriyayoga: Charge Human Consciousness with True Politics
“Kriyayoga is a Perfect Tool to Charge Human Consciousness with True Politics” - Guruji Kriyayoga reveals the True Meaning of Politics. The words religion and politics became slandered by people who have practiced irreligion in the name of religion and the opposite of politics in the name of politics. Now, the time has come for all persons of the world to learn and practice True Politics. YouTube link: #Kriyayoga #YogiSatyam #TrueIndependence #TruePolitics

Kriyayoga: True Independence | सच्ची स्वतन्त्रता | PART 2 | Mahatma Gandhi, Great Prophet
In PART 4 of the Independence Day series, Guruji explains that throughout the centuries prophets have incarnated on earth to show humanity the path of Truth and Nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi was a great prophet who demonstrated the perfect example that should be followed by all leaders of the world. Paramhansa Yogananda declared in his last speech before Mahasamadhi: "I remember my meeting with Mahatma Gandhi. The great prophet brought a practical method for peace (...) an example that should be followed by all nations to solve their problems." Check the PLAYLIST on YouTube with Guruji’s messages about True Independence: PLAYLIST: #Kriyayoga #YogiSatyam #IndependenceDay #India #Bharat

Kriyayoga: True Independence | सच्ची स्वतन्त्रता | PART 2 | ""Spiritual Life, Work & Education"
How to experience True Independence? In PART 3 of the Independence Day series, Guruji gives further explanation of The Holy Science. How to live a spiritual life, how to work as worship, and how to change the education system. Check the PLAYLIST on YouTube with Guruji’s messages about True Independence: #Kriyayoga #YogiSatyam #IndependenceDay #India #Bharat

Kriyayoga: True Independence | सच्ची स्वतन्त्रता | PART 2 | Experience Kaivalya State
"Kriyayoga to Experience Kaivalya State" In PART 2 of the Independence Day series, Guruji explains that The Holy Science is the most important Scripture for the present time. The moment we assimilate the knowledge present within Holy Science, we will experience absence of time and space. We will realize our existence as Omnipresent consciousness. This realization is called the State of Kaivalya, oneness with all creations of the cosmos. Check the PLAYLIST on YouTube with Guruji’s messages about True Independence:

Kriyayoga: True Independence | सच्ची स्वतन्त्रता | Liberation from Ignorance | PART 1
How to experience True Independence? On the occasion of India's Independence Day, Guruji gives a series of classes explaining the true meaning of independence and how to achieve it. In PART 1, Guruji explains that by practicing Kriyayoga Meditation we learn to redirect our life force (prana shakti) within head and spine. By daily devoted practice, we learn how to enter into Sushumna, Vajra Nadi, and Chitra Nadi. At that point, we learn how to create and protect our own existence. Kriyayoga Meditation is the process of achieving our GOAL of Life and experiencing MUKTI, complete liberation from ignorance. YouTube link: #Kriyayoga #YogiSatyam #IndependenceDay #India #Bharat

INDIA'S INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION at Kriyayoga Ashram and Research Institute, Prayagraj, India LIVE! also on YouTube:

Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well as the veteran meditators. Meditating together increases the degree of Self-realization of each member of the group by the law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism. #paramahansayogananda #Kriyayoga #yoga #meditation #selfrealization #castle #spiritual #groupmeditation #vibration

Kriyayoga - Philosophy of Truth Subscribe for more videos: Visit our website for more information: #wisdom #philosophy #truth #healing #spirituality #kriyayoga #reels #devotion #health #lifestyle #shorts #powerofmind #selfcare #immortal #consciousness

Introduction of Kriyayoga Meditation| Hindi | Watch full video here: For more videos, subscribe :

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क्रियायोग के प्रकाश में क्रिसमस पर्व | भाग 1
क्रियायोग के प्रकाश में क्रिसमस पर्व | भाग 1 | Christmas Celebration 2022 | HINDI YouTube:

CHRISTMAS in the Light of Kriyayoga, PART 1 (ENGLISH)
CHRISTMAS in the Light of Kriyayoga, PART 1 (ENGLISH) This video is the English part of the class given by Gurudev during the Christmas Eve Celebration on December 24, 2022, at the Kriyayoga Ashram and Research Institute, Prayagraj, India. In this class, Guruji explains that the teaching of Jesus Christ "I and God are One" is the same teaching given by all prophets of all ages and lands. Guruji also explains the following verses from the book of Revelation (Bible): "The last to be more than the first." - Revelation 2:19 "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." - Revelation 2:4 "The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches." - Revelation 1:20 At the end of the video, there is also a brief interpretation of the spiritual meaning of the 'Christmas Tree.' YouTube:

क्रियायोग दीक्षा और रिचार्जिंग | HINDI
क्रियायोग दीक्षा के लिए रिचार्जिंग की अनिवार्य आवश्यकता। हठ योग और प्राणायाम का वास्तविक स्वरूप। Watch Full Video on YouTube: ( 26 minutes, HINDI )

"We are potentially vast and infinite." To realize this Truth, we have to go inside. When we are able to place our mind inside head and spine, we will realize our real nature, that we are potentially vast and infinite. Understand the importance of practicing RECHARGING before practicing Kriyayoga Initiation. Watch Full Video on YouTube: [ 21min, English ]

क्रियायोग मे दृढ़ भक्ति हेतु 7 दिन का अभ्यास
क्रियायोग मे दृढ़ भक्ति हेतु 7 दिन का अभ्यास | सांच को आंच नहीं | “If we are one with Truth, all problems disappear.” 00:00 - परिचय 01:12 - सांच को आंच नहीं 08:53 - अमरता की अनुभूति 11:32 - द्वापर युग - विकास का युग 13:48 - 7 दिन का अभ्यास 14:43 - 14 दिन का अभ्यास 16:38 - निष्कर्ष YouTube:

PRACTICE KRIYAYOGA SINCERELY for 7 DAYS “If we are one with the Truth, all problems disappear.” In this class, Guruji reveals the ultimate Truth and explains how to practice oneness with the Truth all the time, and experience absence of all problems. Let us do this experiment, practice this for 7 days, and experience a higher standard of living. 00:00 - INTRO 01:09 - RESEARCH 01:53 - ONENESS with TRUTH 04:02 - PRACTICE 7 DAYS 07:52 - PRACTICE 14 DAYS 11:33 - CLOSING YouTube:

KRIYAYOGA - Important Message from the MASTERS
Kriyayoga - Important Message from the Masters "After a silence, Babaji added, 'Repeat to each of your disciples this majestic promise from the Bhagavad Gita: "Swalpamasya dharmasya, trayata mahato bhoyat" - "Even a little bit of the practice of this religion (Kriyayoga) will save you from dire fears and colossal sufferings."' - excerpt from Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda In this class, Guruji further explains this majestic promise, "Swalpamasya dharmasya, trayata mahato bhoyat," passed onto Lahiri Mahasaya from His great Guru, Mahavatar Babaji. Guruji also discusses one of Lahiri Mahasaya's favourite remarks, given as encouragement for his students' perseverance, "Banat, banat, ban jai" - "Striving, striving, one day behold! the Divine Goal!"' YouTube:

क्रियायोग - गुरूओं द्वारा महत्वपूर्ण संदेश
क्रियायोग - गुरूओं द्वारा महत्वपूर्ण संदेश | Important Message from the Masters YouTube: