Hormone Reset

Do you want to understand your body better and learn about foods that can benefit it? Now, is the t The key to good health is in your hands.

Do you know that irregular cycles, painful periods, skin breakouts, mood swings, facial hair, trouble getting pregnant etc are signs of imbalanced hormones? With this program, learn how to support your body to be free of hormonal symptoms. This 3-month long program is curated and conducted by experts Siddarth Goel, a Functional medicine health coach & classical hatha yoga teacher and Dr. Ruhi Agar


Wishing everyone a joyous Ugadi! 🤗
As we embark on this new journey, let's make health our top priority.💪
Remember, true prosperity stems from being happy and healthy👩🏻‍⚕
By taking care of ourselves, we pave the way for a long, fulfilling life. 🍃

So, let's cherish our well-being, both physical and mental, and may this Ugadi bring abundant health, happiness, and prosperity to all! 🌟



Happy World Health Day, everyone! Let's remember that prioritizing our health is not just a choice but a necessity. Neglecting it can lead to long-term consequences. So, let's make a commitment to prioritize our health and well-being starting today. Take small steps every day towards a healthier lifestyle. Your future self will thank you for it!"

"Don't miss out on the chance to prioritize your health! Join us in the journey towards better well-being by making small, positive changes every day. Remember, your health is your greatest asset. Let's commit to nurturing it together, starting today.

"Take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle by *joining our workshop.* Don't miss this opportunity; register yourself before it's too late!"
🗓️ **Date* : 11 th April
⌛ *Time* : 7.30 pm IST*
*Registration Link* : https://bit.ly/Autoimmunity_Reversal_Workshop_11th_April



Embark on a culinary journey to soothe your skin woes with nature's arsenal of 10 divine superfoods elegantly crafted to pacify the fiery tempest of psoriasis.


Wishing you a day filled with blessings, laughter, and delightful moments shared with your loved ones. Here's to new beginnings and a fresh start as we celebrate the beauty of spring and the promise of renewal. Enjoy every moment of this special day!


Liver health and hormonal balance are closely interconnected as the liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing hormones.



May this Holi be as vibrant and colorful as the hormones in your body after a perfect reset! Wishing you a joyous celebration filled with love, laughter, and renewed energy. Happy Holi!" 🌈💫



It's also a time to recognise the resilience and strength of those living with autoimmune diseases, as well as the importance of support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends. Together, we can work towards a better understanding of autoimmune diseases and improve the quality of life for those affected.


Polycystic O***y Syndrome (earlier called Disease) is the most common hormonal disorder that affects women of childbearing age.

Common symptoms of PCOS include:
👩🏻Weight gain or trouble losing weight.
👩🏻Extra hair on the face and body. Often women get thicker, darker facial hair and excess hair on the chest, belly, and back.
👩🏻Thinning hair on the scalp.
👩🏻Irregular periods. Women with PCOS have fewer than nine periods a year. Some women have no periods whereas others have very heavy bleeding.
👩🏻Fertility problems. Many women who have PCOS have trouble getting pregnant.
👩🏻Mood swings, depression.

PCOS is a lifestyle disorder primarily due to factors like
✨ Insulin resistance
✨ Inflammation
✨ Unhealthy lifestyle
✨ Toxins and heavy metals

PCOS is often attributed to Genetic inheritance. It's important to understand that providing the right environment to genes, can turn on/off bad genes!

If you or your loved one has PCOS, reach out to us. We will help cure PCOS.

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Do you believe that can only be addressed by medications?

Life long is not the solution. It is time to change the approach.
You need to dig deeper to find out the root causes of your autoimmune issues and address them.
Join us and master your body
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Did you know that Estrogen has role beyond menstruation?

5 benefits of estrogen that have nothing to do with menstruation:

Estrogen is a group of hormones that play several important roles beyond menstruation.
Here are five benefits of estrogen that have nothing to do with menstruation:

🍃Improves heart health: Estrogen is known to keep the heart healthy and maintain stable blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.
🍃Protects your brain: Estrogen improves blood flow to the brain, which can help with memory and fine motor skills. Very low levels of estrogen are linked to brain fog, cognitive decline, and an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.
🍃Helps to improve muscle mass and protect bone density: Estrogen plays a critical role in maintaining bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It also helps to increase muscle mass and strength, which can aid in weight management and overall health.
🍃Boosts your mood: Estrogen helps to keep serotonin levels stable, which can improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. It also supports the effectiveness of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood enhancers.
🍃Keeps vaginal tissues well lubricated: Estrogen protects the vaginal walls from thinning and atrophy, keeping the tissues well lubricated and reducing the risk of painful in*******se or vaginal infections.
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Are familiar with Oestrogen Dominance?
When estrogen is too high, or more dominant than its balancing sister hormone, progesterone you might be caught with this condition. Symptoms include: Cyclic breast tenderness, breast cysts, breast fullness, short menstrual cycles (< 21 days), heavy periods (which then may mean more crampy, painful periods), mood swings, menstrual migraines, and water retention. It can also contribute to endometriosis and uterine fibroids, and, unchecked, is a risk factor for breast and endometrial cancers.⁠

Why does it happen? ⁠
🔶 Estrogen-mimicking hormones in your food or environment⁠
🔶 Poor gut elimination of estrogens/gut microbiome dysbiosis⁠
🔶 Low fiber diet (fiber helps to eliminate estrogens)⁠
🔶 Impaired liver detoxification of hormones⁠
🔶 Estrogen-containing birth control⁠

Healing these underlying causes is essential to healing hormone imbalances. Foods, nutrients, and herbs can support that process. Here are some of my favourites:⁠
🌿 Flax seeds: 2 TBS daily⁠
🌿 Leafy Greens: 2 to 4 cups daily, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choi, collards, Napa cabbage (safe even if you have a thyroid problem, just eat cooked)⁠
🌿 Legumes: ½ to 1 cup (cooked), or 2 TBS hummus, at least 4 times/week⁠
🌿 Dandelion root: 5 mL tincture or taken in capsules ⁠
🌿 Turmeric: in foods, in capsules up to 2 gm daily, or as curcumin ⁠

Visit www.hormonereset.in to start your healing journey with us.


Happiness Testimonials
Magical moments like these are what make our work truly enchanting ✨ Thank you for your kind words and for being a part of our journey.

Visit www.hormonereset.in to know more details of the programs.


Are you aware that hair fall is one of the major symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances??

Take action now and maintain healthy hair

Let's check out How you can manage your Hair fall:

🍃Decrease elevated oestrogen levels.
🍃Lower prolactin levels..
🍃Raise your dopamine levels
🍃Keep intense cardio to a minimum because it lowers testosterone and increases negative hormones. Thus, no running, jogging, biking for an extended period of time. A brisk walk for 30 mins daily is great.
🍃Eat more healthy fats, natural fats in the raw form. Eat raw nuts, seeds, egg yolks, butter, nut oil, avocados and coconut oil.
🍃Get appropriate sleep and rest.
🍃Eat more natural, organic foods, less processed foods.
🍃Reduce exposure with plastics, such as bottled waters and Tupperware.
🍃Don’t microwave your foods, at all - especially in anything plastic!

Visit www.hormonereset.in

Photos from Hormone Reset's post 18/02/2024

PCOS is not a disease of ovaries. PCOS is an endocrine and metabolic disorder. It affects beyond the ovaries. Cysts in the o***y can be one of the signs of PCOS. It is not necessary to have cysts in the o***y to be diagnosed for PCOS.

Visit www.hormonereset.in

Photos from Hormone Reset's post 15/02/2024

Start with a balanced diet! Carb is not the demon. Choose complex carbs!
Add veggies
Add more veggies !!!
Add a healthy protein - I always aim for 20-30 grams per meal
Then a healthy fat
Spice it up !

Visit www.hormonereset.in

Photos from Hormone Reset's post 12/02/2024

🌱Herbs (bitter and roots come in handy here)
🌱Nutrients (NAC, ALA and Magnesium are detox heroes)

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Vegetables to nourish your liver. Feed your liver, your hormones will thank you.
A supported liver = balanced hormones.
Nourishing your liver with cruciferous veggies and greens

visit www.hormonereset.in

Photos from Hormone Reset's post 07/02/2024

4 steps to unlock liver detox.
Your body's detox centre can't clear out problem-causing "dirty" estrogens if it's not functioning at full capacity.
For a liver detox, you'll need to...
Step #1 🌱Remove Trigger Foods - Start off with the Elimination Diet to immediately lower inflammation and restore your gut health.
Step #2 🌱Add Healing Foods - Flood your body and cells with an abundance of nutrients to support optimal functioning of your hormones and liver.
Step #3 🌱Optimize Detox Pathways - To optimize your detoxification pathways that clear "dirty" estrogens
Step #4 🌱Reduce Toxic Exposure - Clean up your kitchen, bathroom, and daily routines to stop adding synthetic estrogens.

Visit www.hormonereset.in

Photos from Hormone Reset's post 06/02/2024

Our hormones don't just decide to go bonkers one day.
It's years of deficiencies, imbalances, stress, and organ inefficiencies that lead us to a place of endocrine collapse and suffering menopause symptoms.
The liver is one BIG overlooked organ when it comes to hormone balance - it's a staple in hormone health.

The liver is like a sieve - it filters and collects junk over the years. It undertakes over 500 responsibilities EVERY SINGLE DAY. One of its responsibilities is designated for hormone processing and detoxification! Every once in a while, we've got to give it some love and help restore it to optimal function.
Overlooking the liver could be costly to hormones. See the hormone and liver connection in the graphics.

visit www.hormonereset.in


Struggling with any of these??
Don’t miss out on our posts for the next few days to know what plays THE MOST IMPORTANT ROLE in balancing your hormones

Visit www.hormonereset.in to your healing journey with us.


Unlock the magic of 4 heart-healthy nuts for hormone harmony 🌰 Let almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts sprinkle their enchanting powers on your well-being!! ✨

visit www.hormonereset.in


Self-care, a magical concept indeed! Here are 6 aspects of self-care that you should consider:

1. Physical self-care: This involves taking care of your body through exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest.
2. Emotional self-care: Focus on managing your emotions, expressing yourself, and seeking support when needed.
3. Mental self-care: Engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as reading, learning something new, or practicing mindfulness.
4. Social self-care: Cultivate healthy relationships, set boundaries, and spend time with people who lift you up.
5. Spiritual self-care: Connect with your inner self through meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature.
6. Moral self-care: Manage your time effectively, organize your environment, and attend to your personal responsibilities. When we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to meet our responsibilities to others and to society

Remember, self-care is like granting your own wishes, so be sure to prioritize it!

visit www.hormonereset.in


Stress is a part of life, but how we manage it makes all the difference. Here are 5 tips to help you navigate stress and reclaim your calm amidst the chaos. 🌈✨

Take time to move your body, meditate, yoga or anything that give you calmness. Inhale positivity, exhale stress.

Treat yourself with the same kindness you show others. Whether it's a warm bath, a good book, or a nature walk, make time for activities that rejuvenate your mind and body.

When tasks feel overwhelming, break them into smaller, more manageable steps. Tackling one thing at a time can make even the most daunting challenges feel achievable.

Remember, it's okay not to be okay. Implementing these won't eliminate stress entirely, but they can certainly make it more manageable. Share your favorite stress-busting tips in the comments below! ⬇️

visit www.hormonereset.in


✨ Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, don't forget to hit pause and check in with yourself. 🌸 Take a moment to breathe, reflect, and embrace the beauty of simplicity. 💫 Slow down, recharge, and prioritize your well-being. 🌻 You are deserving of the love and care you so willingly give to others.
It's not selfish to prioritize self-love; it's essential. Share your tips for slowing down and caring for yourself in the comments below!

visit www.hormonereset.in


Rebooting our body with some iron-boosting foods! Feeling empowered and energized on this hormone reset journey. 💪🍏
Visit www.hormonereset.in to start your healing journey with us.



visit www.hormonereset.in


New Day✨



As you meditate, learning to control your focus can make you feel more at ease and peaceful. This tranquility lasts long after the actual meditation. You can therefore deflect stress when it manifests hours later. You can increase your awareness and purposefulness in action by meditating. Meditation seems easy. But maintaining mental and physical stillness requires discipline. 😇🙂😎

In order to maximize the benefits of your meditation, you should practice for at least 10 to 20 minutes each day.
Many illnesses are treated by some medical professionals by including meditation🥰🤗


An essential self care❤️
Taking care of yourself is essential, especially on those tough mental health days. Remember to be gentle with yourself, practice self-care, and seek support when needed. Your well-being matters, always.

visit www.hormonereset.in


Cacao Banana energy bowl👌


👉Place 150 ml unsweetened almond milk and half the bananas, blend until smooth and creamy. Then add remaining from 1 cup bananas, 1 tsp cacao, 1/2 tsp vanilla, cinnamon and date puree as desired.
👉Transfer to serving bowls and add chia seeds, shredded coconut as topping

Hormone Reset

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Liver health and hormonal balance are closely interconnected as the liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing hormones....
Add these to your diet for Iron Boost
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Indian traditional spices & their secret benefitsLike and share👍🎋Hormone Reset #functionalmedicine #enablingbodytohealit...
Chronic stress
Hormonal Imbalances-Myth
Like and Share if you found it helpful❤️🔥👇@thehormoneresetKnow more about Hormone Resetwww.hormonereset.in#functionalmed...




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