Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre

Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre

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Color Your Feelings: Wellness & Healing Art Therapy Interventions
Expressing yourself, symbolism and

Srishti Vata’s vision, mission and purpose is to provide a collaborative space for artists who can help adults and kids discover,explore and express their creative unique selves. Our focus to help create self-awareness and discovery through Reiki and alternative art therapies by sharing insights on methods systems and tools that help in the areas of

1) Self Discovery & Exploration of strengths &


Thank you for an amazing 2023!!!!!

We have grown by leaps and bounds.

2024 will be the year of the 🌸 Flower of life! 🌸

I witness you having amazing and courageous year.

Ranjinii Rao


Thus spake Dr Edward Bach


Photos from Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre's post 29/01/2023

Flower Remedies !

Now offering combinations of Bach Flower Remedies for those who have lost all hope and have given up on the possibility of recovery or improvement. It helps to restore hope and the belief that things will get better.
For those who blame themselves for the mistakes of others, and are often too hard on themselves. It helps to restore feelings of self-esteem and self-worth.
For those who have experienced a traumatic event or shock, and helps to soothe and comfort the emotional wound caused by it. It can be used to help with grief, loss, and emotional trauma.
For those who are experiencing an extreme and overwhelming sense of despair, and feel that there is no hope. It helps to restore a sense of hope and inner peace.
For those who have a negative self-image and feel unclean, physically or mentally. It helps to restore a sense of self-acceptance and self-worth.
For those who are plagued by unwanted thoughts and mental agitation. It helps to calm the mind, and promote a sense of inner peace and mental clarity.


FEEL the healing light of REIKI ignite.

Photos from Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre's post 07/01/2023

Clear quartz is a beautiful and versatile crystal with a wide range of potential uses. Whether you're looking to improve your focus and concentration, create a calming atmosphere in your home, or simply add some natural beauty to your space, clear quartz is the perfect choice.

One of the most striking features of clear quartz is its clarity and purity. Its transparent appearance allows it to capture and reflect light, creating a mesmerizing visual effect. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, clear quartz is also believed to have powerful energetic properties that can help to cleanse and purify the mind and environment.

Some of the potential benefits of using clear quartz include:

Enhancing focus and concentration: Clear quartz is said to help to clarify the mind and improve concentration, making it a great tool for students, professionals, and anyone who needs to stay focused and on task.

Creating a calming atmosphere: The calming energy of clear quartz can help to reduce stress and anxiety, making it a great choice for anyone looking to create a relaxing and peaceful environment.

Promoting physical and emotional healing: Clear quartz is believed to have powerful healing properties that can help to balance and align the chakras, as well as support physical and emotional healing.

Adding natural beauty to your space: Whether you use it as a decorative element or as a functional tool, clear quartz is a beautiful and elegant addition to any home or office.

If you're looking to incorporate clear quartz into your life, there are many different ways to do so. You can keep a piece of clear quartz on your desk as a focus tool, place a cluster in your living room to create a calming atmosphere, or wear clear quartz jewelry to benefit from its energetic properties throughout the day. No matter how you choose to use it, clear quartz is a powerful and versatile crystal that is sure to enhance your life in many ways.


6 tips for emotional and mental energetic chord cutting with Crystals and Spirit Ritual practices.
There are many different processes or rituals that people use to "cut cords" or release energetic connections with other people. Here are a few examples:
1-Visualization: This involves closing your eyes and picturing yourself surrounded by a white or golden light. Then, imagine the person you want to release from your energy in front of you. Picture a cord or connection between you, and visualize cutting that cord with a white or golden light, scissors, or any other symbol that feels significant to you. As you do this, say something like "I release you from my energy and send you love and blessings on your journey."
2-Breathwork: This involves focusing on your breath and using it as a tool to release any tension or energetic connections. To do this, find a comfortable seated position and take a few deep breaths. On the exhale, imagine releasing any cords or connections with the person you want to release. You can also try using a mantra or intention, such as "I release and let go" or "I am free."
3-Sound: Some people find it helpful to use sound as a way to cut cords. This can involve singing, chanting, or using musical instruments. You can choose sounds that feel healing and liberating to you, and use them to visualize cutting any energetic connections.
4-Affirmations: Repeat affirmations to yourself, such as "I release all cords and connections to (person's name) and reclaim my power and energy."
5-Sage smudging: Sage is a plant that has been used for centuries for spiritual purification. You can light a sage stick, waft the smoke around your body, and ask for the release of any cords or connections to the person you want to disconnect from.
6-Crystal healing: Some people believe that certain crystals, such as black tourmaline or hematite, can help to break energetic cords. You can hold the crystal in your hand and set the intention to release the cord.
It's important to note that these are just a few examples of cord-cutting practices, and there are many other ways to do it.
Ultimately, the most important thing is to find a practice that feels authentic and meaningful to you.It's also important to remember that cutting cords with someone does not necessarily mean that you need to end the relationship with that person. It can simply mean that you are setting boundaries and taking back your own energy.


Merry Christmas and happy holidays lovely people 🎄😁🤶 and wishing you all a happy and healthy 2023!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Photos from Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre's post 24/10/2022

Happy Diwali 🪔 ✨⚡️🌸🍀💖🎊

“On this auspicious day of Diwali, let us celebrate the victory of good over evil and the triumph of light over darkness. Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali!


Advance wishes for happy Diwali and Dhanteras 🎊💕🎁⚡️💰💰💰💵💵💵


“No matter what is the situation , you will always emerge victorious or learn and grow!”

Be strong .. Be resilient!


We wish you a Happy teachers day !


A Sunday well spent with my apartment community folks talking on importance of creation of a physical , mental and emotional space for diving into self discovery process !

I shared my personal journey on consciousness awakening and how one can tap into their highest potential from the comfort of their homes. ❤️❤️

There’s no need to go the Himalayas or any caves for discovering your true selves in this era !

All you need is the
✅physical space
✅Right intention
✅Willingness to know yourself
✅Right attitude

We spoke about patterns , emotions , behaviors , reactions and why people do what they do !

The participants discovered what psychometric tools are available for discovering themselves .

Also leveraged Vedic astrology reading to help offer perspectives about their doshas , planetary energies and gunas . It was fun and so intriguing !

If this post resonates with you , then do connect for a reading and also let’s work on an approach to support your self discovery journey .

I want to thank my teachers and mentors who taught me to believe in this spiritual science - Shailaja Iyer , Dr Bala Chandra and Geeta Dhagay !

freedom ❤ 21/03/2022

Magician And The Mirror: “Knowing and using your true power”

“This card represents the culmination of your personal and spiritual power at this time. In the Magician’s left hand is the flame of passion and action. In his right hand is a vortex of water and the light of reflection.

This highly beneficial card is telling you that you are the magician, and within your grasp are the amazing forces of earth and spirit. The water is the energy of yin, the power of spirit and clarity of thought. The flame is the energy of yang, bringing direction and creativity. Together they give you the magnificent magic of transformation. The mirror stands beside the Magician reflecting the outer world’s response to your choice to use (or dismiss) the true power that you have. Its silver reflection reveals the future in a mist on the horizon, ready to be magically formed!

When you receive the Magician upright, you are put on notice that an important and powerful time is at hand. you are the alchemist of your life, and just as an alchemist turns base metals into gold, you are now able to transform your difficulties into great blessings.

This is true in every area of your life. Claim you power and embrace your intentions in your heart and in your daily life. Direct you destiny, and the mists of the future will clear into brilliant reality.


I have all the power I need to create the destiny I desire. Magic happens when I life in consciousness and my eternal truth.”*

Photos from Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre's post 28/01/2022

The word Byosen means "disease line" in Japanese and is a method of using the sensitivity in the hands to discover and treat those areas in need of Reiki.

Below is an Excerpt from "Reiki The Healing Touch". see the image for a physical demonstration!

To scan your clients:
1. Do a quick (or long) Gassho meditation.
2. Ask that Reiki guides you to where the person need Reiki.
3. Place your non-dominant hand about 12 inches from the top of the person's head.
4. Place your consciousness in the palm of your hand and notice how it feels.
5. Now bring the hand about 4 inches from the top of the head and begin to scan down the body with your hand continuing to hover above the body.
6. Move your hand very slowly and be aware of any changes in energy that register on the palm of your hands. These sensations are called hibiki in Japanese. The hibiki may be a variety of physical sensations or a knowingness.
7. Where you feel any at all is place where the person has a Byosen and needs Reiki.
8. Spend time in these areas giving it Reiki until you feel a change in the energy.
9. Rescan until the Byosens are gone.

As you practice your ability to scan the body will improve and you will gain confidence! It is an amazing tool that you can use in all of your Reiki sessions!

Photos from Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre's post 25/01/2022

Do you believe that the universe is working for your dreams to come true or rather against you?


Number 10 ~ Karmic Completion: This card indicates the end of a karmic lesson or cycle where you have successfully cleared a contract or debt from your past.

This could refer to a challenging situation you have conquered in your life or a troubling experience with an individual that involved a great deal of effort or pain.

Even though there are ongoing lessons to confront throughout the course of your life, you will never have to experience this particular lesson again.

This card also represents the wheel of fortune, where whatever goes up must also come down.

Just as the tides are constantly ebbing and flowing, you are encouraged to adapt to both the highs and lows in your life.

For it is in your ability to adapt that you will make your dreams come true.

By stating “This too shall pass “ in the face of each and every experience you will remain centered, grounded, and stable.

In order to better your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that have cleared you of a karmic debt from your past.

So pat yourself on the back and acknowledge your efforts and achievements.

Affirmation: “I clear debts from my past and create a happy, harmonious life.”

Photos from Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre's post 03/12/2021

My procrastination monster 👹 slaying journey ❤️

My procrastination ❤️‍🩹 journey started when I tried several ways and means to waking up at 6 am naturally . I struggled , I failed. My family members and parents kept telling me ways to wake up on time . 🛎

During vacations I would attempt to practise waking up early and i would sleep again.

It is only when I started working during college days is when I learnt to balance my college life , profession and personal study time effectively . I had to slay the procrastination monster 👺. It is the bane of time management the #1 cause of wasting time and ultimate killer of momentum .

So once I started waking up on time ⏰

I realised I got more things done than earlier when I wake up in time . There were days I woke up at 3:45 am and stayed Upto 9:30 / 10 pm and sleep early .

even today, if it’s my laziest day , I dread sleeping beyond 6:30 am to avoid getting back into those old habits .

Look I get that - Everyone has a struggle and I had my struggles too but I learnt it the hard way!

Productivity is the master key 🔑

What are your struggles ? What is important to you than your morning sleep 😴? What will keep you ticking ?

Keen to hear your thoughts here 👇👇👇

Photos from Ranjinii Naveen Rao's post 17/11/2021

Taking on the Energy of Others

To protect ourselves from taking on any negative energy from people or situations, we can learn to shield.
There are times when you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people leaves you with feelings of discomfort. It may be that spending time with a particular friend feels draining or that dealing with a specific coworker exhausts you. Being around toxic or angry people is also draining. And you may even find that being surrounded by a crowd of people lowers your energy levels rather than perks you up. This is not that unusual. Each of us radiates energy and is capable of being influenced by the energy of other people. It is important to learn how to shield yourself, so you don't unknowingly take on someone else's energy. While some people know how to instinctively protect themselves from being adversely affected by energy, most of us need to discover and practice the technique that works best.

There are a number of ways to avoid being affected by people's energy. Shielding is one preventative technique you can use. Center yourself and envision being enveloped in a cocoon of loving and protective light. This protective layer should allow you to consciously regulate the energy around you. The intent to shield oneself is all you need for this technique to work. You can even create a trigger word to assist you in quickly creating a shield. Say this word each time you create a new shield, until the word and the shield become automatically associated in your mind. If you run into a person whose energy you find draining, you may want to cleanse your own energy field after your encounter. Sage, cold showers, singing, mineral water baths, spending time in nature, and a simple break to recharge are all ways to accomplish this.

While it is important to know how to shield yourself from energy, there are those energies that you may not want to shut out. The energy of laughter from a newborn baby, the feeling of joy radiating from someone in love, and the frequency of calm emanating from an enlightened teacher are just some of the energies coming from others that you may want to have around you.

Instagram Photos 10/11/2021
Photos from Srishti Vataa Holistic Arts & Wellness centre's post 04/11/2021

It is Diwali and I thank you for being with me in this part of my journey.

While we all light our houses today, do spend some time today to light a few lamps inside u and sit in silence with ur eyes closed...

Light the first lamp inside u and let it burn your anger and / or jealousy that u may have for any one till date; see it melt away...

Light the second lamp and let it burn away unwanted greed and desires... feel happy and contented with what you have been blessed with.

Light the third lamp and let it fade away all insecurities that you may have in your mind related to anything or financials; just beleive that God has given u life and he will surely give you enough to survive.

Light the fourth lamp and carry that lamp to each part of ur body; let it burn away all your diseased cells or any disease in making. Feel healthy as this lamp travels to each body part and illuminates each organ.

The fifth lamp is a miniature of the Sun... nothing but the divine light... light it in the centre of your body and let it fill the warmth and love inside your whole body...feel one with the Divine... let the love and warmth filled inside you ooze out of you through your smile...eyes..speech...and body....carry this love with you through out the day...u will find that everyone who meets you is happy and elated. This is the biggest blessing that whoever meets you becomes happier after meeting you... this will also make you happier in return.

Light these 5 lamps each day morning and carry the positivity wherever u go...

Credits : Ketan Shah


Whose mad about crystals 🌈⚡️✨🌟🪐


Social Media detox and Self care experience sharing

I am back after a 15 days social media detox and it was a certainly a well deserved one . Heres what I realized - While I was having a "FOMO" on news, posts , engagement, responding to comments and social activity that I would be missing, none of them actually were true!

Infact it was just the opposite, being off social media made me feel a whole lot better in terms of staying connected to my true self.

I also made many assumptions that I might lose followers , my profile might come across as non active , however none of this was real. If some were meant to be gone , I am so happy for that.If some were meant to stay , I value that connection!

So social media detox once in a while is good - because it helped me value my self, stay focused on the stuff that mattered to me.

Here's what I did in these last 15 days and hope it helps you!

1- Decluttered a lot of old stuff from my home
2- Did a lot of reading and connect with family
3-Avoided responding to not so important emails and calls
4-Meditated a lot
5-Focused on planning a holistic wellness routine and financial abundance
6-Achieved more and delivered quality coaching sessions, counselling and reading sessions and signed up for more trainings!
7- Learnt experientially
8-Learnt to say NO to what was not naturally aligned to my personality or nature anymore.
9-Signed up for getting coached to become better at what I do.
10-Did some phenomenally and amazing workshops aligned to wellness objectives and executed on initiatives that made me feel proud of.

It right now seems good to be back and in touch with colleagues, peers , clients , partners ! I would be sharing more as i get clear on my point of view and sharing perspectives!

What does self care and social media detox mean to you?

Have a great day!

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