Vision Statement:
Our vision is to help the socially neglected, geographically isolated people groups with proper education and health care infrastructures.

The purpose for which CSM is established is to show the love of God in tangible ways to the suffering communities who are geographically and socially isolated and to train compassionate servant leaders for the Church. Definition:
The NT Greek Lexicon defines Charis (χάρις) as “of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens,


God never forgets his people or his promises.

To say God remembers is to say that he acts, either in mercy or in judgement, to fulfil his promises.

Tanya Ferdinandusz


Noah represents the faithful ‘ ’ – a recurring term in scripture. ‘So too, at the present time there is a chosen by grace’ (Romans 11:5). Are you among those chosen by grace?

Tanya Ferdinandusz


Grieving God: The First Flood

God decreed a factory reset. In the process, many lives were lost and the earth itself was destroyed by the great flood.

While God’s intention was to ‘destroy’ (Genesis 6 vs 13,17), he did not choose this course of action lightly: ‘his heart was deeply troubled’ (v 6).

It was grief, not rage, that gripped God, an attitude mirrored in Jesus as he wept over the judgement that would befall Jerusalem (Luke 19:41–44).

'Don’t grieve God. Don’t break his heart’ (Ephesians 4:30, The Message). Reflect on this today.

Tanya Ferdinandusz


Draw strength from Jesus’ promise: ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! 🤗 I have overcome the world’ (John 16:33).


Both Enoch and Noah ‘walked faithfully with God’ (Genesis 5 vs 22,24; Genesis 6:9), a phrase that echoes the pre-fall intimacy Adam and Eve enjoyed with God (Genesis 3:8).

Despite human sinfulness, blessed fellowship with God remains a glorious possibility for all of us 🤗

Tanya Ferdinandusz


Cain ignored both the question and God’s wise counsel to ‘do what is right’ (Gen 4:7). His unrepentant made him easily led to commit murder.

Sins are like circles in the water when a stone is thrown into it; one produces another. When was in Cain’s heart, murder was not far off.

As Jesus taught, leads to further sin and makes us as culpable as if we committed murder (Matthew 5:22).

Tanya Ferdinandusz


Place your hope in Jesus, who ‘entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right …’ (Romans 8:3, The Message) ✝️


‘… love the Lord your God … walk in obedience to him … keep his commands, decrees and laws; then … the Lord your God will bless you’ (Deuteronomy 30:16).


How good, how gracious, how great thou art!


Lord, the hard places are still hard, the harsh circumstances still harsh… Until you destroy the strongholds of evil, give me deer’s feet and set me secure on the heights. 🙏

Based on Psalm 18:33


In God’s economy, justice delayed does not mean justice denied.


A faith that is real and relevant dares to voice those burning questions and vent those raw emotions, trusting that God is great enough and gracious enough to take it.

Tanya Ferdinandusz


The refugee status of the infant Jesus, along with his family, speaks to us today in a world where millions are on the move, often for reasons of personal safety. Asylum may be a controversial word in some quarters, but it marks the Christmas story indelibly.

The flight to Egypt also reveals an aspect of the incarnation that we should never forget. God is with us in our extremity, when our lives are in danger, when evil threatens to destroy us, just as much as when things are going well and praise rises easily to our lips.

Eric Gaudion


After the Magi had found Jesus and made their sacrificial and generous gifts, bowing before him in worship and submission, they returned home by another route. People always do this when they encounter Jesus.

Remember the song, "Things I used to do, I do them no more?"

Take a moment to give thanks for the greatest Christmas gift ever, God’s wonderful Son, and join the wise men in worshipping him today.


Queen Elizabeth II chose for her funeral, ‘Love Divine’ a song that included the line ‘Till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love and praise’ (Charles Wesley, 1747).

The Bible says:

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:

‘The kingdom of the world has become
the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,
and he will reign for ever and ever.’

Revelation 11:15


Baby Jesus! Heaven on Earth ❤️


We praise you, Lord Jesus, that you came as a servant to a humble manger; we don’t minister for you, but with you. You make all the difference.

Eric Gaudion

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