Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre

Snoring is the noise produced by the tissues of the upper respiratory tract as a result of excessive vibration.

Book online appointment with the best Snoring treatment doctor in Delhi.


At Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre, we know why you can't sleep and we're here to help. Stress, alcohol, thinking too much, and medicine can all mess up your sleep. But you don't have to deal with it alone. Our center helps people like you get better sleep. You don't have to stay awake all night – let us help you sleep well again. Reach out to us now and start sleeping better soon. Trust us to help you get the rest you need.

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


May the divine blessings of Goddess Durga illuminate your path with knowledge, strength, and success this Durga Ashtami. Wishing you and your loved ones a day filled with learning and growth. Let's celebrate the victory of light over darkness and the power of education. From all of us at Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre , may this auspicious occasion bring you inspiration and fulfillment. Happy Durga Ashtami to you and your family.
श्वेते वृषे समारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः।
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेवप्रमोददा॥

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


ज़ी न्यूज़ पर डॉ. दीपाली नरुला, जो स्नोरिंग और स्लीप अपनिया के रिहैब विशेषज्ञ हैं, मुख्य कारणों पर चर्चा करती हैं और कैसे इसे सही किया जा सकता है। स्नोरिंग और स्लीप अपनिया को विशेष जीभ और गले के व्यायाम, जो व्यक्तिगत रूप से योजनाबद्ध होते हैं, पोजीशनल थेरेपी, जीवनशैली में परिवर्तन और नींद की साफ़ाई सुझावों के साथ पूरी तरह से ठीक किया जा सकता है।
जेनेसिस न्यूरोजन ऑक्सीसलीप। ऋषभ विहार दिल्ली

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 7481909090


वैसाखी के इस के शुभ अवसर पे , Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre से आपको और आपके परिवार को ढेरों शुभकामनाएं! हमारी सेवाएं आपके लिए न केवल नींद को सुधारने में मदद करती हैं, बल्कि आपके स्वास्थ्य को संपूर्णता तक बढ़ावा देने में भी योगदान करती हैं। हम उन जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए यहाँ हैं, जो आपको एक स्वस्थ और सुखद जीवन की ओर अग्रसर करती हैं.

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Happy Navratri from Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre! May Goddess Druga bless you with peace and prosperity as we help you sleep better and live healthier, providing personalized treatments for snoring and rehabilitation to guide you to more restful nights and brighter days.

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु तृष्णारूपेण संस्थिता । नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Genesis Oxysleep Snoring and Rehab Center participated in a HEALTH CAMP offering free Sleep Scores and measuring Respiratory Muscle Strength (PImax) for elderly patients at Senior citizens forum, Defence Colony, New Delhi on 7th April ‘2024.
The elderly patients showed great enthusiasm and engagement throughout the process, making the event a rewarding experience for all involved. 🌻
This initiative aimed to promote better sleep and respiratory health in our community. 🫁
Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make this event a success! 🙏
Dr Deepali Narula
MPT - Cardiopulmonary
Snoring and Pulmonary Rehab Specialist
📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092

Call now to connect with business.


Take quick naps in the day to feel better and help your heart! 💤 Short naps can make you healthier. 😊 If you have trouble sleeping, come to Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre for help.

Dr. Deepali Narula
MPT - Cardiopulmonary
Snoring and Pulmonary Rehab Specialist

📱 +91 9090908678, 7504001122
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


📣 Tune in tonight at 7 PM on Zee News for an enlightening session with Dr. Deepali Narula!

↗️↗️Join us as she sheds light on the importance of addressing snoring and sleep apnea, along with introducing effective rehabilitation programs to reverse the symptoms. Don't miss out on this crucial discussion!

Dr Deepali Narula
MPT - Cardiopulmonary
Snoring and Pulmonary Rehab Specialist

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Experience peaceful slumber with Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre advanced treatments. Say goodbye to loud snores and hello to silent nights! Book your appointment now and reclaim your sleep. Don't let snoring ruin your relationships or health.

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Get Better Sleep, Feel Better! 😴✨ Did you know bad sleep can mess up your body and brain? It can make your sugar levels wonky, mess with your hunger, and make you feel tired and cranky. 😣 But don't worry! Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre can help you sleep better and feel awesome again.

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Dr. Deepali Narula, MPT - Cardiopulmonary, Rehab and Reversal specialist, Top Snoring and Sleep Apnea Rehab Expert, can help you to reduce your snoring and sleep apnea symptoms through an Individualised Rehab Program.

Say BYE to noisy nights and HELLO👋 to peaceful sleep.

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Sending you big smiles and colorful vibes this Holi from Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre , May your day be filled with laughter, joy, and all the brightest colors of the rainbow. Let's celebrate together and make unforgettable memories. Happy Holi to you and your loved ones.

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Sleep apnea doesn't just mess up your sleep—it messes up your whole body. It can make your heart and brain work less well. But at Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre, we know how to help. Don't let sleep apnea make you feel tired and groggy. Let's fix it together.

📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


On Sleep Day, 💤 it's crucial to recognize the role of exercise in enhancing sleep quality.🏃‍♀️ 🏃🏻‍♂️

Engaging in physical activity during the day can lead to deeper, more restorative sleep at night. 🛌 💤

Physical activity helps regulate circadian rhythms, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation, leading to better overall sleep patterns. 💪

Engaging in moderate aerobic exercise or strength training can enhance sleep quality and contribute to a more restful and night rejuvenating night's rest. 💤 🛌 🌻
Sleep Better 😴 Breathe Better🧘‍♂️
Happy World Sleep Day !!!


For more information, Contact 9711400777


Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi - Promoting AWARENESS about Pulmonary Rehabilitation 🫁Programs can significantly reduce BREATHLESSNESS by providing patients with the tools and support they need to manage their condition effectively. 🧘‍♀️ These programs offer tailored Exercise m, Education, and Support, helping individuals improve their lung function and overall quality of life. 👍🌻
📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi - "Empower your lungs, embrace life!” 😊🌻Pulmonary rehabilitation is a game-changer for respiratory health. 🫁Spread awareness and let everyone breathe easier. 🧘‍♀️
📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi - "Unlock the power of your breath! Pulmonary Rehabilitation transforms lives. 🫁🧘‍♀️Join the Movement, Ignite Awareness, and Support Respiratory well-being. “Every breath counts!” 🌻
📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092



Take a breath and celebrate Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week!“🫁
Let's raise awareness about the importance of respiratory health and support those undergoing rehabilitation to breathe easier and live better.

For more information, Contact 9711400777


पूर्वी दिल्ली में जेनेसिस ऑक्सीस्लीप स्नोरिंग एंड रिहैब सेंटर - इस महाशिवरात्रि पर, भगवान शिव आपको शांति, समृद्धि और खुशी का आशीर्वाद दें। ओम नमः शिवाय!" "महाशिवरात्रि की इस पवित्र रात पर भगवान शिव का आशीर्वाद आपके और आपके परिवार पर बना रहे। हैप्पी महाशिवरात्रि!
📱 +919090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi - To all the incredible women, may this Women’s Day be a reminder of your worth and the powerful impact you have on the world. Keep making waves, for the future is female!
📱 +919090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Want to sleep better and stop snoring? Come to Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre we'll help you sleep peacefully with our special treatments. Say bye-bye to loud snores and hello to good sleep.
📱 +919090908678, 7504001122
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


If you are searching for snoring treatment center in Delhi ncr to come at Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in east Delhi this is the reputed Sleep apnea treatment clinic in Delhi NCR. Book your online appointment or call us.

📱 +919090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


क्या आप खर्राटों से हैं परेशान? जल्द ही दूर कीजिए। जड़ से इलाज।"
"खर्राटे को बाय-बाय कहो, सिर्फ़ कुछ हफ्तों में! 😴👋"
नींद में भी सुकून की तलाश? सप्ताहों में मिलेगा यह समाधान!
"Say bye-bye to snoring, just in a few weeks! 😴👋"
"Time for snore-free nights is here! ⏰😴

+91 9711400777
+91 9090908678

{Snoring solution,
Sleep apnea relief,
Anti-snoring remedies,
Quiet sleep techniques,
Stop snoring naturally,
Silent sleep methods,
Snore reduction tips,
No more snoring}


Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre is the best snoring treatment centre in Delhi NCR. They are providing the all type of snoring and sleep apnoea treatments in Delhi India. Get more info about snoring treatment book your online appointment or call us.
📱 +919090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


👇 Obstructive Sleep Apnea 👇
👉 A potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts
👉 Risk factors include age, obesity, neck circumference and narrowed airway. It’s more common in male.
👉 Symptoms include loud snoring, choking or gasping, daytime sleepiness and tiredness even after a full night sleep.
👉 Treatment- PAP Therapy, Weight Reduction, Lifestyle Modification, and
👉 “Stop Snoring & Sleep Apnea Exercise Program”
👨‍⚕️Get the more info book your consult with Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi
📱 +91 9090908678, +91 9711400777
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Looking for the best clinic for your snoring treatment around the Delhi Ncr? We at Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre are equipped with the best diagnostic and treatment facilities for snoring and sleep apnea related issues. Book your online appointment or visit us our clinc.
📱 +919090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Wishing you a joyful Saraswati Puja from Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre🙏 May Goddess Saraswati bless you with knowledge and peace. Remember, we're here to provide effective solutions for snoring and rehabilitation. Stay safe and enjoy the celebrations

📱 +919090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


"Sleep harmony starts with a little help for the snorer! 💤
Snoring affects your partner sleep time
Help your snoring partner...

Stop your Snoring through Exercise.
अपने खर्राटों को बंद कीजिए।

Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi is the best snoring treatment center in Delhi NCR, India. We are offering best sleep apnoea treatments in Delhi India. Get the more info book your online appointment or come to the centre.
☎️ 011-22378802
📱 +91 9090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092

(Snoring partner
Sleep disturbances
Solutions for snoring
Relationship health
Sleep quality
Sleep support
Restful sleep
Sleep deprivation
Relationship tips
Partner support)


Stop your Snoring through Exercise.

अपने खर्राटों को बंद कीजिए।

Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi is the best snoring treatment center in Delhi NCR, India. We are offering best sleep apnoea treatments in Delhi India. Get the more info book your online appointment or come to the centre.
☎️ 011-22378802
📱 +91 9090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092


Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi is the best snoring treatment center in Delhi NCR, India. We are offering best sleep apnoea treatments in Delhi India. Get the more info book your online appointment or come to the centre.
☎️ 011-22378802
📱 +91 9090908678
🏥 143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma Court Road, Near Cross River Mall, Delhi-110092

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ज़ी न्यूज़ पर डॉ. दीपाली नरुला, जो स्नोरिंग और स्लीप अपनिया के रिहैब विशेषज्ञ हैं, मुख्य कारणों पर चर्चा करती हैं और कैस...
Dr. Deepali Narula, MPT - Cardiopulmonary, Rehab and Reversal specialist, Top Snoring and Sleep Apnea Rehab Expert, can ...
On Sleep Day, 💤 it's crucial to recognize the role of exercise in enhancing sleep quality.🏃‍♀️ 🏃🏻‍♂️ Engaging in physica...
Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi - Promoting AWARENESS about Pulmonary Rehabilitation 🫁Programs can...
Take a breath and celebrate Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week!“🫁Let's raise awareness about the importance of respiratory he...
क्या आप खर्राटों से हैं परेशान? जल्द ही दूर कीजिए। जड़ से इलाज।""खर्राटे को बाय-बाय कहो, सिर्फ़ कुछ हफ्तों में! 😴👋"नींद ...
"Sleep harmony starts with a little help for the snorer! 💤Snoring affects your partner sleep timeHelp your snoring partn...
Stop your Snoring through Exercise.अपने खर्राटों को बंद कीजिए।Genesis Oxysleep Snoring & Rehab Centre in East Delhi is t...
"खर्राटे को बाय-बाय कहो, सिर्फ़ कुछ हफ्तों में! 😴👋"नींद में भी सुकून की तलाश? सप्ताहों में मिलेगा यह समाधान! "Say bye-by...
"खर्राटे को बाय-बाय कहो, सिर्फ़ कुछ हफ्तों में! 😴👋"नींद में भी सुकून की तलाश? सप्ताहों में मिलेगा यह समाधान! "Say bye-by...




143, Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma

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