Rambo - The Rajapalayam Dog, Erode Videos

Videos by Rambo - The Rajapalayam Dog in Erode. This page is all about my Rajapalayam dog Rambo. I will be sharing videos and photos.

Rambo - Rajapalayam dog, He was 28 days when he came to your home.

Other Rambo - The Rajapalayam Dog videos

Rambo - Rajapalayam dog, He was 28 days when he came to your home.

Rambo, Digging and playing with Shravan

Rambo, Rajapalayam Dog
Rambo, Sleepy boy

Rambo, Rajapalayam dog.

Rambo, sneaky attack

Rambo, jumping practice.

Rambo, running and playing.

Rambo, nibbling the finger...

Rambo, likes to drinking water from tap.

Rambo - Rajapalayam Dog, barking..

Rambo, Rajapalayam Dog
Rambo, His way of showing affection.