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Stock Market

Principles are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behavior that gets you what you want out of life. They can be applied again and again in similar situations to help you achieve your goals Every day each of us is faced with a blizzard of situations we must repond to. Without principleswe would be forced to react to all the things life throws at us individually as if we were experiencing each of them for the first time. If instead we classify these situations into types and have good principles for dealing with them we will make better decisions more quickly and have better lives as a result. Having a good set of principles is like having a good collections of recipes for success. All successful people operate by principles that help them be successful, though what they choose to be successful at varies enormously, so their principles vary.


It is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree make sure you understand the fundamental principles I. E the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/ details or there is nothing for them to hang on to - ElonMusk


Stock market

When you're in the middle of the work. Set your expectations high. It's unlikely your performance will exceed the standard you set for yourself. High expectations encourages you to keep reaching and fulfill your potential.

Once the work is done release yourself from expectations. The fastest way to receive a good outcome is to tell yourself it's good enough. Your expectations dictate your happiness more than your results.

Expectations can be helpful as a motivator and unhelpful as a measuring stick. Now that the work is done you can rest easy knowing you tried your best you've already win.

Certainly a practical approach to investing in dividend stocks for retirement involves careful consideration and long term perspective. Here's step by step guide

Understand your retirement goel.

Begin by defining your retirement goals such as the desired retirement age lifestyle and financial needs during retirement. This will help you set a target amount for your retirement savings.

Assess your risk tolerance

Evaluate your risk tolerance to determine how much risk you are willing to take with your investments, dividend stocks while relatively stable, can still fluctuate in value.

Research dividend stocks

Look for stable dividend paying stocks with a history of consistent payouts and a track record of financial stability.

Diversify your portfolio

Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments across different sectors and industries to spread risk consider a mix of dividend stocks to create a balance portfolio.

Evaluate dividend yields

Pay attention to the dividends yield which is the annual dividend payout dividend by the stock price higher dividend yields can provide more income during retirement but make sure they are sustainable.

Regular monitor your investments

Stay informed about your investments by keeping an eye on the companies you've invested in. Look for any change in their financial health or dividend policies.

Reinvest dividends

Consider reinvesting dividends back into the some stocks to benefit from compounding. This can significantly increase your wealth over time.

Review and adjust

Periodically review your retirement portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. Adjust your investment as needed based on charges in your financial situations or market conditions

Consult a financial advisor

If you are uncertain about your investment strategy. Consider consulting a financial advisor who specializes in retirement planning. They can provide personalized guidance based on your unique circumstance.

Stay patient and disciplined

Building wealth for retirement through dividend stocks takes time stay patient and disciplined in your investment approach and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short term market fluctuations.

Remember that investing carries risks and there are no guarantees of returns. The key to success in building wealth for retirement is well thought out strategy, consistency and long term perspective


Stock Market

In the world of investing, there's a simple yet powerful goal that stands the test of time aiming to beat benchmarked returns but with a touch of wisdom, Warren Buffett, the legendary investor suggest that striving to outperform your benchmarks by a maximum of 10% is a prudent approach.

Why this restraint while we seek growth and profit in our investment. We must also exercise caution. The stock market can be volatile and aiming for excessively high returns can often lead to unnecessary risks

By keeping this 10% rule in mind investor can strike a balance between ambition and prudence. It encourages us to seek reasonable gains without succumbing to the temptation of chasing unrealistic return It's a goal that aligns with the principals of long term sustainable investing reminding us to stay patient discipline and focused on financial objectives.


A well balance investment strategy often includes both care and satellite portfolios. The care portfolio typically contributes a significant portion ( around 70%) of the total holding and focused on high quality long term investments.
Care holding are chosen based on stringent criteria and are considered consistent compounders. The satellite portfolio makes up the remaining 0-30% and operates with a more dynamic approach reaching to price volume and earning momentum triggers. This approach combines stability and steady growth (care) with flexibility and responsiveness (satellite) to adapt to changing market conditions.


Five compelling reasons on why you should invest in yourself

Why should you make you a top priority?
Here's are five incentives on why investing in yourself is the most rewarding journey you'll ever embark on.

Improved self confidence

Self investment is the ultimate confidence booster. It's about recognizing your works, embracing your strength and believing in your abilities when you invest in yourself you become unstoppable.

Stronger Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is a vital aspect of self growth. When you invest in yourself you gain in strength to say no. When headed and the wisdom to say yes when it aligns with your values Your boundaries becomes a shield of self respect

Intimate relationship with yourself

Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life, self investment allows you to build a deep loving connection with your inner self. You learn to accept your flaws embrace your uniqueness and cherish your journey.

More optimism

Self improvement is like a pair of glasses that let's you seethe world through a lans of optimism challenges become opportunities setbacks become stepping stone and life becomes an exciting adventure. Invest in yourself and watch your outlook transform.

Forward Momentum

Every step you take in prioritizing in yourself is a step forward on your life's incredible journey. It's like fueling your personal rocket propelling you closer to your dreams and aspirations with each investment. You create a ripple effect of growth that extends to every aspects of your life


Stock Market

Earning money from the stock market can very greatly and is influenced by several factors. It's essential to approach stock market investing with a realistic perspective. Your potential earning depends on.

Investment Strategy

Your approach to investing, whether it's short term trading, long term investing or a combination of both, will impact your earnings. Each strategy has its own level of risk and potential reward.

Knowledge and research

Your understanding of companies or assets you're in plays a crucial role. it depth research and staying informed about market. Trends can help you make informed decisions.

Risk Tolerance

Your willingness and capacity to tolerate risk are key. Riskier investments might offer higher potential returns, but they also come with risk of losing money.


Spreading your investments across different assets can help manage risk. Diversification can reduce the impact of poor performing investments on your overall portfolio

Market condition

Stock Markets can be influenced by economic conditions, geopolitical volatility can affect your earnings.

Time Horizon

The longer you hold your investments the more time, they have to potentially grow. A longer time horizon can be advantage for long term investors.

Initial capital

The amount of money you initial invest matters. Generally the more you invest, the higher your potential earning can be.

Traeling costs and Taxes

These expanses can eat into your profits. so it's essential to consider them when calculated potential earnings

It is important to note that there are no guarantees in the stock market and past performance is not indicative of future results. You should create a well thought out investment plan. Set clear financial goals and consider seeking advice from a financial adviser to help you make informed decisions based on your unique financial situation and goals.

Remember that patience and discipline are often key to successful investing.


Stock market

The market cycles are a natural part of investment landscape and history gas shown us that even during the bull runs, corrections are bound to happen. It's crucial to stay informed, be prepared and recognize these opportunities .

Learn from history

The past market downturn you mentioned serve as powerful reminders that markets have their ups and downs. These challenging periods have often paved the way for new opportunities.

Stay brave and invest wisely

In a Bull market, correction keeping a level head and making well informed investment decisions can lead to significant gains. Sometimes, those moments of uncertainty can be the ideal time to enter or expand your investments.

Focus on Learning

Use this time to enhance your financial knowledge and investment strategies. The more you know, the better equipped you'll be make informed choices.

Patience Pays

Patience is a virtue in investing. it's about having a long term vision and not making impulsive decisions based on short term market fluctuations.

2024 - A Super Year

The election in India is just completed in a few days ago and new government joined in. Understanding the potential impacts of political events on the market can be valuable part of your investment strategy.

Swing Trading

If you're interested in swing trading. it's an excellent way to take advantage of shorter term market movements. Connecting with experienced readers to learn the ropes is a smart move.


The information provided here is for educational and informal purpose only. it should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Investment decision should be made after careful consideration of your financial situations, goals and risk tolerance Always consult with a qualified financial adviser or conduct your research before making any investment decision. Past market performance is not indicative of future results and all investments carry some levels of risk.


Investing is a journey and informed decisions are your best allies in navigating the market successfully.



Rules of wealth

Saving is a sign of maturity spending is a sign of maturity

The true value of money lies not in the physical notes and coins, but in the Choices and opportunities it can offer.

Wealth does not guarantee happiness but it does provide freedom and options.

Invest in yourself - education and self improvement are the surest ways to increase your earning potential.

Don't let fear of failure or making mistakes hold you back from taking calculated risks.

Financial success is not about luck, but about knowing your goal, planning and taking discipline actions to achieve them.

It's not how much you earn that matters but how much you keep and how you make it grow.

Money is a tool. Use it wisely to create a better life for yourself and those around you.

Be grateful for what you have while striving for what you want.

True wealth is not measured by possession but by the quality of relationship, experiences and the impact you make others.


Embrace change navigate wisely and watch your investment grow. The journey from low ROCE to high growth Is marked by strategic decisions and untapped potential


Stock market

Dream big daily is a transformative journey design to reshape your mindset and inspire your spirit.

Delve into the incredible power of your thoughts and how they can shape your future. Embrace your journey.

Learn to value and leverage your unique life experiences to unlock your true potential beyond busy.

Explore the concept of productivity, emphasizing the importance of purpose and prioritization over mere busyness, overcome negativity bias.

Discover strategies to counteract the brains natural tendency towards negative thinking and rewire yourself for success.

This enlightening journey is on opportunity to understand the profound impact of your mindset on your achievements and overall fulfillment. it encourages you to dream big and top into your inner power to manifest your desired results.


Investing mantra from the greats

Thinking in bets

Market are like women - Always compounding mysterious, unpredictable and volatile.

It's all about risk management

Prepare for losses, losses are part and parcel of stock market. Investor life calculate capital risk.

Have a powerful screening process

When opportunities comes. They can come through technology. Trands, Value protection, Capital etc. You need to be able to spot those.

If you are wrong get out. Don't fight with markets. Learn from mistakes. Learn to take a loss.

Have stop loss and exit strategy in place

I am not afraid of mistaking mistake. But my mistake were those that I could afford. That's very important .Mistakes will happen, but you must ensure that you keep them within limits you can afford.

Why 52 weeks high and all time high are good.

Markets go up not because there is abundance of buyers. But because there is a lack of sellers.

Importance of having investing system

Emotional investment is a sure way to make losses in a stock market.

Always respect market

Bhao or Bazaar Bhagwan che. Baki Sab salaam che.

Learning from his portfolio

Ride your winners like how he did in his portfolio.


Money rules everyone should learn

Pay yourself first

As soon as you get paid, put money into savings, automating this is even better.

Keep a six months emergency fund

If you have multiple streams of income. You can go as low as three months. If starting out on your own, you could need as 12 months.

Budget using the 50/30/20 rule

50% for need
30% for wants
20% towards saving/ investing
This is the bare minimum.

Divide your bonus into third
* 1/3 for fun
* 1/3 for retirement
* 1/3 for debt paydown ( add to retirement if only low interest debt)

Put all or a large percentage of your raises into saving and investing. This helps avoids lifestyle inflation and moves up your retirement data.

Avoid high interest debt.

If you have it, use the avalanche or snoball method to pay it off.

Always take an employer 401 K match.

Many employers with match percentage of your paycheck.
This one is getting an immediate 100% return. If you turn this down. It's the same as turning down a raise.

You have payment ( mortgage, interest and insurance) should cost less than 25% of your monthly income.

When buying a car use 20/04/10 rule if you have to
*20% down
*04 years loan
*10% of your monthly income.
I shall prefer to buy older vehicle with cash but each to their own.

You should save at least 15%of your income for retirement.

Your age subtracted from 100 represents the percentage of stocks you should have in your portfolio.
Some are now thing the number is 120

The stock market has a, long term average return of 10% . To calculate your return it's common to use 6-8% to capture the effect of inflation.

The rule of 72 to tells you how long it will take your investment to double. Example : The stock market returns 10% so 72/10=7.2 years to double your money.

The 4 percentage rule says you can safely withdraw 4% of your starting investment balance each year ( adjust for inflation in subsequent years) and not run out of money.

Your net worth should be equal to your age X pre tax income /10 . Example : If you are 35 years old and $100,000 in annual income, than your net worth should be $350,000 ( 35x 100,000/10) .

Have at least five times your gross salary in terms of life insurance.

Before spending money, wait 24 hours and ask do I still want it? If you do go head and buy it This will save you from a lot of impulse purchase

Save for retirement first then your children education.

Value time over money and experience over things


Blueprint for overcoming financial anxiety in retirement

Facing financial uncertainly in retirement is a common concern but with proactive steps. You can transform fear into empowerment.
Here's a blueprint to help you navigate this new chapter with confidence.

Assess your financial situations

Take a comprehensive look at your retirement savings, investments and expenses.

create a detailed budget to understand your monthly cash flow.

Set clear financial goals

Define your retirement goals whether it's travelling, hobbies or spending time with family.
Calculate the estimate costs for each goal to determine your financial needs.

Consult Financial professionals.

Seek advice from financial advisors who specialize in retirement planning.
They can provide insights and strategies tailored to your situations.

Diversify your investments

Invest in a mix of assets to mitigate risks and potentially earn higher returns.
Consider a blend of stocks, bonds and other investment options.

Create Multiple Income Streams

Explore opportunities for additional income, such as part time work, freelancing or turning hobbies into ventures.

Minimize Debt

Prioritize paying off high interest debt before retirement to reduce financial stress.

Aim for debt free retirement to free up your income.

Embrace lifestyle adjustments

Be open to adjusting your lifestyle based on your financial situations.
Cut unnecessary expanses and focus on what truly brings joy.

Build an Emergency fund

Set aside an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses without tapping into retirement savings.

Stay Informed

Continuously educate yourself about personal finance, investments and retirement strategies.
Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions.

Create a support system

Engage with a community of retires and like minded individuals who share experiences and advice.
Connect with friends, family or online forums to stay motivated.

Focus on well being

Prioritize your physical and mental well being as a healthy lifestyle can lead to better financial decisions.

Celebrate Milestones

Celebrate your achievements and milestones along the way.
Recognize the progress you make towards your financial and retirement goals.

Remember : Financial anxiety can be transformed into an opportunity for growth. By following this blueprint and seeking guideness. You can embark on a retirement journey that's fulfilling, financially stable and filled with cherished moments.



Five deadly financial mistakes

Lack of financial reporting system

Most business owners have zero visibility about their finances. That's an unhealthy place to be in. You need to have regular reporting systems, so that you can make decisions which are backed up by data, not your mood. Don't make blind bets in your business.

Not keeping books of accounts clean

Stop taking your finances for granted. Don't default on your payment obligations, as that is, what spoils your credit scores and financial reputation.

Not differentiating between personal and business finances.

If you don't make a clear bifurcation between your personal and business money then you are going to fall into a massive trap. if you mix up, you will neither be able to grow your business nor your own personal assets and wealth.

Not making necessary investments

Do not be cheap on your way to greatness. Most business owners don't invest in developing teams, systems and strategies for growth. Remember this, If you don't invest in these three pillars, there is no chance for you to build a successful business.

Think money will make you money.

Reality check : Money does not make money in business.
Borrowing money, when you lack basic business capabilities is like adding fuel to the fire. it will only land you in a massive debt trap.

Instead, develop your capabilities and invest in growth system and strategies. That is what makes money in business.


Promoter Holding

Promoter holding refers to the percentage of a company's share owned by its promoters that is individuals or entities who founded or currently control the company.

Importance of promoter holding for investors.

Promoters holding is an essential factor to consider when investing in a company. Here are some of the reasons why promoters holding is significant for investors.

Promoter holding indicates promoter confidence.

When promoters hold a significant percentage of a company's shares, it shows their confidence in its projects. Promoters will likely have information about the company's operations, financial and industry outlook.

Their decision to hold a significant state in the company suggests that they are optimistic about it's growth potential. Conversely, if promoters sell their shares or reduce their stake in the company, it may signal that they are losing confidence in its prospects.

Promoter holding indicates an alignment of interest

Promoters are most likely to make decisions that benefit the company's long - term growth and profitability rather than their short term interests. When promoters hold a significant stake in the company, their interest are aligned with those of the share holders.

This is in contrast to companies where promoters have a small percentage of shares and their interests may not align with those of shareholders.

Promoters holding indicates stability

Companies with a high promoters holdings are often more stable than those with a low one. This is because promoters are typically long term investors committed to the company's growth and success.

They are less likely to engage in short term trading or speculations, which can lead to volatility in the company's share price.

Furthermore, companies with a higher promoter holding are less susceptible to hostile takeover or external influences that may destabilise the company's operations. Promoters have significant control over the company's decision making and are more likely to resist any attempts to change its direction or strategy.

Promoter holding indicates corporate governance.

Promoter holding can also be an indicator of good corporate governance when promoters hold a significant stake in the company, they ensure it is usually run transparently and ethically.

They are more likely to implement effective corporate governance practices, such as appointing independent directors conducting regular audits and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Furthermore, companies with a higher promoter holding are less likely to engage in activities detrimental to shareholders interest, such as insider trading financial mismanagement or other unethical practice. Promoters are more likely to act in the best interests of all stakeholders including shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers.

How to interpret promoter holding data?

Interpreting promoter holding data can be complex as several factors must be considered. Here are some key points to keep in mind when analysing promoter holding data.

Look at the absolute and relative numbers.

When analysing promoter holding data looking at absolute and relative numbers is essential The absolute number refers to the total shares hold by the promoters, while the close number referee to the percentage of the company's total claims stored by the promoters.

For example, a company with a promoter holding 10%may have a lower absolute number of shares than a company with a promoter holding 5% but a higher relative number the close number is more important as it better indicates the promoters control over the company

Compare promoters holding to industry averages.

Comparing the company's promoter holding to industry averages is also helpful which analysing promoter storing data.

For example, if a company's promoter holding is significantly higher than the industry averages, it may suggest that the promoters have greater control over it's operations. Conversely, if the promoter holding is lower than the industry average, it may indicate that the supporters have less influence over the company's direction conclusion.

Promoter holding is an essential factors to consider when investing in a company. it provides insight into the promoters confidence in the company's prospects, alignment of interests, stability and corporate governance.

By analysing promoters holding data, investors can make informed decisions about the companies, they invest in and ensure their investments Aline with their long term financial goals.. Investors should look at the absolute and relative numbers of promoters holding compare them to industry averages and look at historical trends when analysing promoter holding data.

By doing so, investors can better understand the company's promoter holding and make informed investment decisions.


The investment options and stocks mentioned here are not recommended. Please go through your own due diligence and conduct through research before
Investing. Investment in securities market is subject to market risk. Please read the risk disclosure documents carefully before investing. Past performance of instruments / securities does not indicate their future performance. Due to the price fluctuations risk and the market risk, there is no guarantee that your personal investment objectives will be achieved.


Dividend yield

The dividend yield or dividend price ratio of a share is the dividend per share, dividend by the price per share. It's also a company's total annual dividend payments divided by its market capitalization assuming the number of shares is constant. It is often Express's as a percentage.

Dividend yield formula

To calculate dividend yield all you have to do is divide the annual dividends paid per share by the price per share.

For example, if a company paid out around INR 412 in dividend per share and it's shares currently cost INR 12,370 ,it dividend yield would be 3.33%

Face value of shares

The face value of a shares is the value assigned to it when it was issued. The face value of a shares in the Indian stock market for example, is the amount in rupees printed on its certificate, if you want to buy or sell shares in an Indian stock exchange, this is the price, you will be quoted.


The concept of the Balance sheet of life.

The concept of the Balance Sheet of life is an apology that compares a person's life to a financial balance sheet, commonly used in accounting to show a company's financial position. Instead of financial assets and liabilities, the Balance Sheet of life represents the intangible aspects and experience that shape an individual's life. It highlights the importance of achieving a sense of balance and fulfillment in various areas of life.
The Balance Sheet of life typically consists of two main categories.


These represent the positive and enriching aspects of one's life. Some examples of assets in the Balance Sheet of life includes.

Health and well -being

Physical and mental health play a crucial role in leading a fulfilling life.


Meaningful connection with family, friends and loved ones are valuable assets.

Knowledge and education

Continuous Learning and personal growth, contribute to personal development.

Accomplishments and experiences

Achievements and memorable experience and value to life.


These represent the negative or challenging aspects that one might face. Examples of liabilities in the Balance Sheet of life includes

Stress and worries

Overwhelming stress and constant worries can be liabilities affecting well being.

Unhealthy Relationships

Toxic relationships can have a negative impact on happiness and fulfillment.

Unresolved issues

Lingering problems or unresolved conflicts can be liabilities in personal growth

The goal of the Balance Sheet of life is to encourage individuals to assess their life's assets and liabilities, identify area's that need improvement or attention and strive to create a balance and meaningful life just as in financial accounting, where the goal is to have more assets than liabilities In life the aim is to cultivate positive experiences, meaningful relationships and personal growth, while managing and minimizing the negative influences and challenges.

By recognizing and addressing the various elements that contribute to one's overall well being individuals can work towards a more fulfilling and balance life. It is essential to regularly evaluate the Balance Sheet of life make adjustments and prioritize what truly matters to achieve a sense of harmony and contentment.

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