Healthy lifestyle with Richa

A CA turned into a Govt. Cert. Yoga Trainer & Nutrition Coach to help people deal with health/weight.


🕉 It's rightly said when you decide to transform, you are half there already.
If she can, so can you!
For sustainable diet plans, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 If he can loose 4.5 kgs of weight and 2" from tummy in 4 weeks time, so can you!
For sustainable diet plans, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


Did you know?

▪️Both the legs together have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood is flowing through them.

▪️ It is the largest circulatory network that connects the body.
*So Walk daily*

▪️Only when the feet are healthy then the convention current of blood flows , smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a strong heart. *Walk*

▪️Aging starts from the feet upwards.

▪️As a person gets older, the accuracy & speed of transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decreases, unlike when a person is young.
*Please Walk*

▪️In addition, the so-called Bone Fertilizer Calcium will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures.

▪️Bone fractures in the elderly can easily trigger a series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis.

▪️Do you know that 15% of elderly patients generally, will die max. within a year of a thigh-bone fracture !!
*Walk daily without fail*

▪️ Exercising the legs, is never too late, even after the age of 60 years.
*W A L K*

▪️Although our feet/legs will gradually age with time, exercising our feet/ legs is a life-long task.
*Walk 10,000 steps*

▪️Only by regular strengthening the legs, one can prevent or reduce further aging.
*Walk 365 days*

▪️ Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy.

*You should share this important information with all your 40+years" friends & family members, as everyone is aging on a daily basis.*👍🏼


🕉 Healthy Gluten free Oats Banana Choco Chips Waffle 🧇 😋
Try this 🚫 NO Sugar, 🚫 No Jaggery, 🚫 No Maida waffle and enjoy without any guilt 😉 😜
Quick guide:
Blend 1 cup oats, 1 big or 2 small ripe banana 🍌, 1/4th tsp eno/baking powder altogether into a fine batter.
Heat the waffle maker and pour half cup batter into it and put some choco chips on the top of the batter.
Allow it to cook until waffle maker gives green signal.
Take off the waffle, drizzle some chocolate sauce/maple syrup/honey and enjoy!
Mantra should be: Eat wahi jo hai healthy bhi aur tasty bhi 😋
For sustainable diet plans, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Loosing weight is not difficult if you manage to get a proper diet plan.
Well, we are just a whatsapp message away! Start your health journey with me and experience a positive changes in and out.
For sustainable diet plans, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Healthy snacking is a great way to satisfy your taste buds without compromising on your health journey 😀
Quick guide to make this delicious yet healthy makhana chaat-
- All you need is Ghee Roast or dry Roast makhana with little sendha salt, steamed sprouted or not sprouted whole green moongdal, anaar, Green chutney, amchoor gur/ imli gur meethi chutney, beaten curd with little khaand, salt to taste, roasted cumin powder, red chilli powder, 1 spoon bhujia/sev.
- Mix it well and enjoy!
For sustainable diet plans, whatsapp on +91-9560228726


🕉 So happy to receive this message from a previous health partner who lost around 22 kg with my diet plans.
She is still following the health guidelines which she learnt during her weight-loss and health journey with me.
If she can, so can you!
For sustainable diet plans, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 At 58, he lost 13.5 kg and reduced his belt size by 3 nos. in 1 month and 3 weeks time. Also improved skin texture.
If he can achieve this awesome weightloss and inchloss despite his busy schedule, you can also.
For sustainable diet plans, Whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


Celebrating my 3rd year on Facebook. Thank you for your continuing support. I could never have made it without you. 🙏🤗🎉


🕉 When you decide to be healthy, then no one can stop you. All you require is a proper diet planning alongwith sincere efforts to execute that plan.
If he can lose 2.5 kg in 9 days, if can trim down his tummy by approx 1" in 9 days, you can also.
For sustainable diet plans, Whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Feedback appreciated from a new health partner. She tried to loose weight with weightloss powders and improper diet plans with various dieticians but everytime she gained it back.
Based upon her Sister in laws feedback (my old health partner), she decided to give a chance to us and she started getting results in just 1 weeks time. Proper diet planning never disappoints. Choose your dietician wisely.
For sustainable diet plans, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Transformation should be healthy and this requires consistent efforts and patience.
Focus on loosing weight in a healthy way with balanced meals and don't look for shortcuts.
If they can, so can you!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 A health partner sheds 10 kgs with right diet and yoga.
If she can, so can you!!! It's just that you need to initiate what's best for you!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 A teenager health partner sheds 1.5 kgs in just 3 days with just homemade nutritious food.
If she can, so can you!!! It's just that you need to initiate what's best for you!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Good eating habits for a better and healthy tomorrow!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Have you ever made coconut chips in virigin coconut oil? Well, you must try it on your cheat days!
Follow for more!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726


*गुड़ और चीनी में अंतर..!*

चीनी में सिर्फ सुक्रोस
(मिठास) ही होती हैं। इसके अलावा इसमें मिनरल विटामिन कुछ नहीं होता और सुक्रोस जब पचता है तब शरीर से एनर्जी लेता हैं। इसलिए शरीर को इसे पचाने में थोड़ी मशक्त करनी पड़ती हैं।
गुड़ में सुक्रोस के अलावा फ्रैक्टोज होता हैं। फ्रैक्टोज जब ग्लूकोस में बदलता हैं तो शरीर को ऊर्जा देता हैं इसलिए इसे भोजन के बाद लेते हैं जिससे भोजन आसानी से पचता है।
इसलिए ही हम इसकी तासीर गर्म समझते हैं।

इसके अलावा गुड़ में आयरन , कैल्शियम , ज़िंक, सेलेनियम, एल्युमिनियम, पोटैशियम, सोडियम , कोबाल्ट क्रोमियम, लिथियम, मेगेनेशियम, मेगनीज, फास्फोरस, निकल, कॉपर, vitamin B1, vitaminB2,vitamin B3,vitamin B5, vitamin-B9 vitamin-D, vitamin-E, vitamin- c ,vitamin-A, 15 प्रकार के अमीनो एसिड , lutein , वसिय अम्ल, पोलीफेनॉल, आदि होते हैं इसलिए गुड़ को देसी सप्लीमेंट भी माना गया है।

यदि गुड़ की जगह चीनी नहीं आती तो भारत के बच्चो और महिलाओं में आयरन डेफिसेयंसी एनीमिया ना होता, क्योंकि गुड़ एक आयरन का अच्छा सोर्स हैं।
आज भारत में 60% बच्चे और महिला एनीमिक हैं या फिर अन्य कोई न्यूट्रीशन की कमी हैं।

*गुड़ खाने के फायदे..!*

1 . गुड़ फेफड़ों को साफ करें-यदि आप गुड़ खाते हैं तो इसके कारण आपके फेफड़ों की गंदगी भी साफ होती है। बड़ी-बड़ी फैक्ट्रियों में जहां पर प्रदूषण अधिक होता है, धूल गर्दा अधिक होती है वहां फैक्ट्री वाले अपने मजदूरों को गुड़ खाने को अवश्य देते हैं ताकि उनके फेफड़े साफ रहे।

2 . गुड़ पाचन शक्ति को मजबूत करता है।
यदि आपकी पाचन शक्ति कमजोर है, आपके पेट में गैस आदि बनती है तो आपको गुड़ का सेवन करना चाहिए। गुड़ खाने से आपके पेट के विभिन्न रोग दूर हो जाएंगे।

3 . गुड़ खाने से खून बढ़ता है-यदि आपके शरीर में खून की कमी है तो आपको गुड़ का सेवन करना चाहिए जो कि आपके शरीर में खून की मात्रा को बढ़ाएगा और उसको शुद्ध करेगा।

4 . गुड करता है हड्डियों को मजबूत-यदि आप की हड्डियां कमजोर हैं तो आपको गुड़ का सेवन करना चाहिए ऐसा करने से आप की हड्डियां मजबूत हो जाएंगी क्योंकि गुड़ के अंदर फास्फोरस और कैल्शियम काफी मात्रा में पाया जाता है।

5 . गुड़ बनाता है आपके शरीर को ताकतवर
यदि आपका शरीर कमजोर है तो आपको गुड़ का सेवन करना चाहिए। यदि आप गुड़ खाते हैं तो ऐसा करने से आपकी कमजोरी दूर होती है, आपकी मांसपेशियां मजबूत होती है और शरीर ताकतवर बनता है।

6 . गुड बढ़ाता है आंखों की रोशनी-यदि आपकी आंखें कमजोर हैं तो आपको गुड़ का इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए। यदि आप गुड़ का प्रयोग करते हैं तो आपकी आंखों की रोशनी भी धीरे-धीरे बढ़ती चली जाती है।👏


🕉 Worth paying 1 minute of your attention here!


🕉 Evening snack time: Boiled Singhara with heeng jeera
Follow for more healthy snack ideas.

For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Healthy breakfast of the day!
Radish leaves are widely used in Salads, Soups and to garnish a wide range of dishes.
Choose bright and crisp green leaves free from blemishes. Avoid any kind of pale colour.
It is very popularly chopped finely and kneaded into paratha dough.
Follow for more!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Health tip for you!
Consuming Boiled or Raw Singhara is good for weight loss because it contains a very low amount of calories... 100 grams of singhara only has about 97 calories and contains negligible fat.
✅️ It is rich in anti-oxidants fibre, potassium, manganese, and many other nutrients that are beneficial for your body.
✅️ It
Acts as a coolant
Helps curing jaundice
Treats urine infection
Cures indigestion and nausea
Relieves cough
Helps to combat hypertension
Improves the blood
Is beneficial for the hair
Follow for more!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.

Photos from Making a difference together with Richa's post 14/12/2022

🕉 Transformation should be healthy and this requires consistent efforts and patience.
He lost 15 kgs in a healthy way with balanced meals.
If he can, so can you!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 What's your choice?
A. Chilka Moongdal beetroot cheela
B. Chilka Moongdal beetroot toast
Comment below.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Cheat meal once in 15 days is important in your weightloss journey but the cheat meal should be in moderation.
Check this out 👇
✅️ 4 principles of healthy and mindful eating:-
1. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
2. Eat a moderate amount of milk, meat, fish, egg and their alternatives (including dry beans)
3. Reduce intake of foods with high fat/oil, salt and sugar content as well as those preserved and processed foods.
4. Drink adequate amount of fluid every day (including water, herbal tea, veg clear soup, etc)
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 A lactating mother looses 10 kgs of her weight along with huge inchloss.
Post-pregnancy weightloss in a healthy way is possible with balanced meal options in your diet
If she can loose Post-pregnancy weight, you can also.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes , whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Mid-way transformation- A youtuber lost 8 kgs alongwith significant inchloss.
If she can, so can you!
Just homemade nutritious food can make wonders and addon like Yoga can change you altogether for better.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Mid-way transformation- Aash*t lost 15 kgs alongwith significant inchloss.
If he can, so can you! Just homemade nutritious food can make wonders and addon like Yoga can change you altogether for better.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Where there is a will, there is a way!
Start now, Welcome 2023 in a new avatar 😀
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Mid-way transformation of a wonderful Singer, she lost 8 kgs and significant inches.
If she can, so can you! Just homemade nutritious food can make wonders and addon like Yoga can change you altogether for better.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Yoga is for everybody and benefits all.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Gluten free and Selenium rich Ladoos for thyroid patients.
Quick guide to it:
1. Dry roast 1 cup rolled oats, grind it and make oats flour.
2. Dry roast 2 tbsp Pumpkin Seeds and 2 tbsp Melon seeds, grind it, powder it.
3. Dry roast sesame seeds.
4. Mix the oats flour, seeds mix, sesame seeds together and add handful Raisins. Keep aside.
6. Take around 15 to 20 seedless dates, blend it coarsely.
7. Add unsweetened peanut butter to the dates coarse mixture and blend together.
8. Add this dates and unsweetened peanut butter mixture to the flour mix which we made in point no. 4, mix well.
9. Make small sized ladoos.
10. Enjoy!
Follow for more!!!
For effective customised weightloss diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Wheatgrass juice is to be consumed empty stomach, after a few minutes of waking up.
How to make?
Just handful fresh wheatgrass blended with 1 stick of giloy in 1 glass of water. Seive it through cotton cloth, remove the white foam (if any) and drink.
⚠️ Consuming after meals is not recommended as it may cause nausea/constipation.
🚫 Don't take wheatgrass if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. 
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Mid-way transformation: She is a very determined woman, she says that she is going to be the best version of herself at any cost.
No matter however slow her weightloss journey has been due to lot of home and kids responsibility on her shoulders, also there are several issues which can't be mentioned here but she never left hope. That's a proof of really strong woman she is from within 🧿
She got scolded by me so many times for her regular missouts but she never took at heart and at the end she used to say I know that you are scolding me for my betterment and she always said that she will try her best... and here is she is 🧿❤️
She asked for Keto diet/Crash Diet to which I clearly said No. She lost her 15 kgs of weight and significant inches so gracefully that my heart is filled with happiness to see her transform IN and OUT 😊
Every body is different and so are the results but consistency and patience will keep you going towards your goal. Don't deviate from the right path.
Being overweight is not a good thing as it brings along so many health issues, we all should put efforts to make ourselves a priority and work towards our goal which is to be healthy because when we are healthy then only we can take care of our family and loved ones.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 A lactating mother looses 3 kgs in less than 2 weeks with healthy diet plan and online yoga sessions.
If she can, so can you!
Our Diet plan highlights:
✔️ Health focussed plan and weightloss/fatloss will be a byproduct
✔️ Homemade nutritious food
✔️ Add ONs like Herbal water, Soups, Salads, Fruits, Sprouts etc.
✔️ Help you understand the right food alongwith portion
✔️ Budget friendly
🚫 No Starvation/Crash Diet/FAD Diets
🚫 No Protein powder
⚠️ Supplements can be taken based upon your Doctor's advise. We don't recommend any such Supplements. If your body needs it, you should take Supplements to cope up with the situation and gradually you can maintain your nutrition levels by regular healthy eating.
So what are you waiting for??? Start your health journey with me!!!
Remember- It's not a diet plan for you, it's a right lifestyle which you can sustain forever ❤️
☎️ For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga sessions , whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 स्वस्थ जीवन का है यह अनुशासन
रोज सुबह उठो
और करो योगासन..!!


🕉 Some important piece of information for wise people.
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.


🕉 Carrot juice is incredibly nutritious, providing potassium, several carotenoids, and vitamins A, C, and K.
Drinking this veggie juice may help improve eye health, skin health, boost your immune system, protects your heart and liver.
●Since it contains natural sugars, Diabetic patients should consume it in moderation.
●Also, drinking too much may also temporarily change your skin color.
● Avoided by Pregnant women
Follow for more!
For effective healthy customized diet plans and online yoga classes, whatsapp on +91-9560228726.

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Videos (show all)

🕉 Healthy breakfast option- Sprouts Paratha made with a mix of Wheat, Chana and Jau atta.  . . . 👉For effective healthy ...
🕉 Seasonal fruits are important.... ensure you have it in moderation.  . . For effective transformations, join our custo...
🕉 Homemade Mango juice for weight watchers: easy to make and perfect summer drink 🍸 😋  #mangolove #weightwatchers #summe...
🕉 Summer cooler drink made with Raw Mango, Mint leaves and green chillies. . . 💥Ingredients: Half raw Mango Handful Mint...






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Monday 11am - 4pm
Tuesday 11am - 4pm

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