SoulFood Tarot

Let me guide your way with tarot and the energies of the universe
- DM for Readings

Photos from SoulFood Tarot's post 04/01/2023

New year tarot ritual with the and a small altar of all my cards, crystals and markers of what I aspire for in this year.
How did you start your new year?


ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔤 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔡

A lot of you have put in a fair amount of hard work and planning in the last few weeks, but you would have noticed the general slowing down of processes and results as we drew closer to Mars retrograde that occurred on 30th Oct.

This card is an indication that you need not go at it all on your own. Help is at hand. Share the load. Share the burden. Share your problems and challenges. Don’t hesitate to ask for help thinking it may show you in a weak light. Get rid of any apprehension you may have about exhibiting your vulnerability. You can’t ‘do life’ all on your own - especially when help and support is readily available.
All you have to do is ask.
We’re now approaching the lunar eclipse on 8th Nov, which affects almost everyone in different ways. Another reinforcing reminder to take it easy and request help.


𝔾𝕖𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖!

Take that creative idea out of your head and throw it out there into the universe! You’ve got the energy and passion to get it started today. Think crazy enthusiasm and big, bold moves.
Your head’s going to be full of these creative ideas and you’re going to be filled with all the good mojo and some crackling inspiration today - to make that dream come true. You can almost visualise your goal and you can see it turning into reality. That’s the power of this card and you should feel lucky to have it bless your social media feed today!
You may be deciding to start a new business, take on a new career opportunity or learn a new skill. This card is a big yes for you on all those fronts.
I should ask you though to put some thought into it - that seed has only just become a sapling and will need plenty of nourishment and nurturing for it to grow into that big beautiful tree.
Get out there, give yourself the permission to dream big and then just watch it take shape as you move towards making it a reality.


𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚

How many of you are feeling listless and lethargic today - also a tad bit unhappy with the slow-mo vibe of your progress in general? The appearance of this card in your feed today asks you to count your blessings and be in the attitude of gratitude.
The universe doesn’t always land a celebration in your lap everyday, but it keeps giving you small nudges to appreciate all your blessings. This card is one of those small nudges.
The theme of the day is to take an hour at time and conserve your energy. I’d recommend refraining from socialising, and if at all your party’s already planned, make sure it is with people who energise you. Stay away from energy vampires.
A roof over your head, a working and able mind and body, food on the table - are sometimes blessings enough that we overlook in the daily humdrum.

Stay blessed and DM for personal readings.


𝓖𝓸 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀…

We’ve already begun to feel the effects of Mars going retrograde, even though we’re still 12 days away from the date. Mars rules forward action and the resources to be competitive and win. When mars is retrograde, we’ll feel like moving forward is like wading through molasses.
You’ll have all the resources to make things happen for yourself today, but, wouldn’t it just be better to see what the universe has planned for you? Let your boat be gently navigated by the calm, natural flow of the sea. You’re on the right track and the appearance of this card ensures that your current natural state is in line with the universe’s chosen spot for you. So be restful, stop scrambling, take some time out to let your mind wander - let the universe take you on its own course. Let go of the need for you to have things exactly your way. Your opportunities will arise out of your core beliefs when your mind is calm and surrenders to the will of the universe.


𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐩 𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰!

Your day will revolve around an authority figure today - someone you look up to for advice and guidance. This could be your father or your boss or a teacher or a professional advisor.
For many of you this authority figure could be you, yourself. You would have woken up with a clearer head today - in terms of what you want - in life, in your career, or from your current and prospective relationships. You will find yourselves more focused today on your tasks and goals.
You just instinctively know what to do today, to further that goal of yours - this is not an epiphany or serendipity - it’s your sheet mental focus and thoughtful determination that is propelling you forward. If you come across this post today, know that you should move ahead with purpose and authority.
You may also have the tendency to be brusque and abrupt in your conversations today, with those around uou. You mean well and your aim is to deliver efficient communication - but there’s a fair chance that not everyone will be coasting that intellectual wave of yours at the same speed today. Remember to be impactful but kind.


𝑀𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽!

A lot has culminated for you with the full moon of last night (16th Feb). For many of you it’s been a couple of months of changes and transformations - some not so easy ones. The phase of acceptance begins today - you can start to relax and feel a renewed sense of stability. A new path will show up and obstacles will disappear gradually.
Today you can be sure of a wish, a hope or dream coming true. Your unwavering optimism and confidence will make this happen - and don’t worry - you will feel all of these things. Feel the peace and calm around you and know that the universe is on your side. For many of you, this signals the beginning of a period of personal growth and mental stability.
People under water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will play an important role in your wish fulfilment. If you’re a water sign yourself, you could play a significant role in making something good happen for a loved one.

If this has given you hope and peace, hit me up for a personal reading.


ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝕍𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖’𝕤 𝔻𝕒𝕪!

Get ready for a new love, a new romance entering your life right about now.
Has someone been trying to woo you over but you’ve been confused? Take this as a big sign to say ‘yes’! Have you been waiting for someone to say ‘yes’ to you? It’s on its way, as soon as today! New friendships, new connections - it’s gonna be an exciting day for you. The feeling of contentment inside is gonna be legit.
For those already in relationships, the card serves to let you know there’s love passion and warmth in your relationship - there’s a perfect balance in the give and take between you and your SO. Take advantage of the date and go paint the town red!
For some of you a new creative opportunity will come your way. Don’t sweat the hows and whys, just say yes to it.
The seeds of this new relationship / opportunity have been sown, but to manifest it into long term reality keep doing what you’re doing. Happy Valentine’s Day you all!

DM for a private reading.


𝒞𝑜𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉, 𝓈𝑜𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝒷𝓊𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓁𝓎!

Many of you have just emerged from general fatigue and listlessness. With mercury retrograde ending tomorrow, it’s time to shed the cocoon and become the social butterfly you are and can be.
Your warmth and passion makes this day perfect to socialise and be the center of attention. You’re being encouraged to be bold and share your ideas and dreams with those around you. It’s time to stop hiding for the sake of making others comfortable.
For some of you, it’s a sign to revive exercise routines that have been paused or forgotten in the daily humdrum. Your athleticism and mounds of energy today are available to do this.
Get out of bed and out of the doldrums, it’s a joyous, celebratory time for you. Let your heart be filled with happiness and reach out to others around you. The weekend ain’t here yet, but that party needs to be planned.
Have you been feeling lethargic and listless off late? Then this reading is for you. Get out of the doldrums and hit me up for a personal reading.


Plotting and planning are the theme of the day. Many of you had a brilliant idea recently - about a work project, a career path, a solution to a problem, or even travel. That idea has taken root and manifested - you’re now in planning mode.
Some of you are even thinking of whether to stay (in your current situation) or go. To do or not. I see a lot of oscillation between decisions. You are contemplating leaving your comfort zone but aren’t sure yet.
This card asks you to take courage and do what you have to, to make that idea come to fruition.
Know that you have all the tools to make things happen for you. The map to the way forward is in your hands and you’re working on getting on all the info you’ll need to set forth to make your dreams come true. Plan and proceed with single minded focus.


We are just 2 days away from Jupiter entering Pisces on the 28th of December. Jupiter is the giver of luck and surprise gifts - this ties in neatly to the card of the day, indicating you’ve worked long and hard at something - work, finances, projects, goals and now it’s time to rest and recharge.
For many of you this indicates a short vacay, like a weekend trip.
This card lulls you to sleep and unwind so that your mind, body and spirit can heal and regenerate.
For those of you who’ve been suffering from any short term illness (physical or mental), it’s a sign that you need to stop pushing it, just rest and recuperate, and you’ll come out duly charged.
If you come across this post, take it as a sign from the universe asking you to put aside your thinking cap and your tools of the trade and take a break. You’ll come out of this break all charged up, with fresh perspectives and ready to take on the next challenge.
Are you resting enough? What inside you needs to heal? Have you been paying attention to your well-being of late?
DM for a private reading.


A mysterious energy is pervading your being and senses today. Infact, you have been noticing this strange restlessness ever since the new moon of 4th of November - like you seem to have made up your mind about something and want to move forward with it full steam ahead!
While the cards say go ahead and fly high on that adrenaline high, make sure you’ve given yourself enough fuel to go the long haul. Just like planning to travel (which you likely will be), and you make sure your tickets are in place, travel insurance done, hotel booking ticked off, etc - make sure your leap of passion and excitement isn’t impulsive.
In relationships, enjoy the passion filled union and go paint the town red.
For work or career, it’s time to come out of planning mode and into action and ex*****on.

DM for a private reading.


What a gorgeous card to signal the start of a new month!
Welcome to Scorpio month….
Use that fire in your belly to kick start any new projects or tasks that you’ve been thinking of doing but haven’t because of doubts. They’re all in your head. This is a big ‘yes’ card.
The seeds of something new have been sown, new potential, possibilities, opportunities. Something that you feel passionately for is taking shape now.
For some of you, this Diwali will mean the start of a new business or a new work opportunity coming your way. I see a drastic change in what you have been doing so far and what you’re going to take up.
But hold on, this is just the spark… you’re going to need to fan it vigorously for it to turn into a massive fire.


Is there any unfinished business in your past that you’ve been getting reminders of?
With mercury in retrograde from today, this card ties in neatly to explain what needs to be done. Ensure you’re double checking all the emails/texts you’re sending out. Mercury going weak messes with communication, electronics and travel. Triple check all your paperwork, dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s.
On the relationship front, it’s best to address any unresolved emotions you might have with someone. This could be a good time to pick up the phone and talk it out and make a clean cut where there needs to be one.
Not a great time to sign contracts, agreements or offers. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t finish sending your emails, ticking off unfinished tasks off your to-do list and taking your work projects to completion so you close things on a strong, high note.

Did this resonate with you? Have you started feeling the effects of mercury retrograde creep in? Is there someone in your life who deserves some closure from you? Or are you the one awaiting closure from someone?

DM for a private reading.


Often enough we come to a crossroads in life and become unsure of which direction to take - because we fear a negative outcome as a result of our choices. To stay stationary is usually not an option so, make a decision, we must.
If you’ve come across this post, you seem to be staring a similar indecisive moment in the face right now. Either because you have too much information about the situation or too little. Or you’re too emotionally invested in this sitch to make a logical decision.

Nevertheless you do have the ability to make a decision. Take off the blindfold for a minute and try looking at the problem from a different angle. Remove yourself from the situation and look at it from a higher perspective.
This card is here to tell you to trust that your decision is already preordained and the universe is working towards ensuring your path.
This is no doubt a tough decision.
Trust your intuition, keep a hand over your heart and let your internal compass to guide you.

How does it feel? Do you trust yourself when your intuition refuses to answer? What happens when you make a list of pros and cons and then weigh it out?

DM for a private reading.


Why so serious?
Have you been feeling bored? Dejected? Looking at the grass that’s obviously greener on the other side?
This card says you might be being a teensy bit of a brat.
There will always be someone with more than you. And there will also always be someone with less than you. But what you have, is something that no one else does.

You’re being encouraged to be in the attitude of gratitude today, and appreciate the blessings in your life. From something as small as a nice cushion gifted by a friend to pretty shoes to cover your feet, to something as profound as having a roof over your head and good food on the table.
Smile and rejoice in all that life has given to you and all that is waiting in the wings to be yours (and only yours). Cheer up and accept it with grace :-)


The universe is telling you to just hang in there.
It’s time to relinquish your control and put a pause on projects and situations.
Have any of you felt lately that despite your efforts to steer events in a particular direction, things just seem to have a mind of their own? That’s just the universe’s way of telling you to take a step back and observe. Evaluate. Go with the flow and do not resist the forces of nature.
Maybe some of you just need a new perspective or new approach to a problem or project.
The lesson this card teaches is to let go when we most want to hold on. To surrender when we most want to control. The mystery is solved when you move forward by standing still. This paradoxical card is telling you to have patience and trust the universe’s methods.

Did any of you feel this? DM me for a personal reading.


For all my clients outside India, if you have trouble making a payment to me for the readings I do for you, here’s a beautiful way to do it.
Those who don’t have the apps or tools to pay me directly, can make a donation of the same amount to a charity of your choice in my name. I will however ask for a screenshot from you as a mark of completion of spiritual services provided.

So DM me for a personal tarot reading asap!


If you’ve come across my insta and this pic today, know that it’s time to celebrate!
Your hard work has paid off, your efforts have been fruitful. This card signifies successful completion of something you’ve really laboured over. Anything that involves actual physical activity - search for a new residence or the process of moving residences, or a job search or a business project, or plans for a vacation, or redecorating your home or any other home improvements - will fructify (or has fructified).
It’s a resounding ‘yes’ card - if you’ve come across this post while trying to decide on something, take it as a ‘go for it’!
This card also indicates a joyous event in the pipeline, of which you’d be a focal part - a wedding, or a birth, or a similar festive moment.
Gather up your loved ones and enjoy the contentment and happy times!


You’re going thru a magnetic phase right now, attracting the right kind of people, opportunities and circumstances. However, you must free yourself of the trappings of the recent past. Choose people that choose you back. Passion, love, harmony, commitment are yours for the taking. Your relationships go beyond lust and romance to the deepest core of intimacy.
This is also a good time to be open, honest and raw with your better half. If you’re being pulled in two opposing directions at this time, it’s time to unify any dualities or dual forces to forge your path.
Also, self-love is highlighted. Be kind to yourself. Is there anyone who deserves to hear ‘I love you’ (and more) from you today?

Ping me for a personal reading.


Good fortune is smiling upon you now!
This is one of the most auspicious cards to pull if you’re in a new relationship or have started a new business or project or are planning something new.
If there ever was a sign to MOVE forward now, this card is it - bringing forth new life, energy and passion to everything you do or are planning to. Miracles are about to happen. New opportunities are abound, dreams are coming true. All is well and there is harmony between your thoughts, ideas and your actions to achieve your plans.
Relationships are infused with sweetness and new energies. You’re being urged to connect with new people and share your excitement and enthusiasm.
Work and business ideas take on a new life of their own, magically moving forward like you wanted. Be optimistic for good fortune is on your side.


Calm, contented, composed and unruffled. Those are the energies you are embodying today. You’ve been a self-starter and have nurtured and created your wealth and abundance from scratch. Sit back, smile. You’ve been the responsible parent figure of the family and have performed your responsibilities spectacularly.
This card appears as a reminder to you to, one, level up and practically make your way to the next rung - job / finances / home improvements. And two, strike a balance by prioritising some ‘me-time’. It’s good to indulge yourself a little in the midst of everything else that you’re doing to ensure your financial status.
Take time out to stop and smell the roses for a bit.
You have, after all, been their gardener. :-)

Did you feel this?
Shoutout for a personal reading!


You’re not looking for quick wins, that much is clear. You’re in for the long haul. You’ve invested enormous energy and money into your projects. Now consider this an invitation to take a step back and look at the bigger picture you’ve painted. Assess. Re-focus.
For any future plans take a long term view of what you want to create and whether the current approach is correct or needs to change.
The end goal is near, you can see it at the horizon now.
If you’ve been frustrated of late with all the efforts you’ve put into something without any visible result, this card asks you to be patient - hard work seldom goes unrewarded.

Did this resonate with how you’re feeling?
DM for a private reading.


Choices, choices!
Dreaming of what could be is wonderful as long as you’re also taking steps to achieve them. Anything else and it turns into wishful thinking. Are you indulging in the ‘shiny object syndrome’? Have you been running after the ‘next big thing’ without concrete plans on how to achieve it?
While this card does represent opportunities, it is also indicative of making up your mind which one you really want to pursue. You’re being urged to move out of the ‘ideas and dreams’ phase - focus on the one thing that will move you closer to your goal.


What would you like me to read for you today?


New deck, who dis?


Kay sera sera, whatever will be, will be...

This card is serenading this to you today.
There are some things and situations that you can change thru sheer willpower and effort. And some that have a mind of their own and will answer only to fate, not to you.
Today is a day of acceptance for those things that we cannot change. Open your arms wide today to welcome the fates and let them handle things for you.
If you’re in a relationship, your partner’s personality, habits, likes or dislikes - are things you cannot change. You may have been trying to influence those. Let them be. You both maybe in a situation you’re trying to mould to go your way. It might - but let fate decide that. Love unconditionally.
If you’re single, let fate decide to bring you to the one you’re supposed to be with.
At work, situations beyond your control can come into play. You maybe unprepared for these but that’s just fate guiding your direction. Let it.

In the moment you may not see how these situations will benefit you. Do not fight it. Go with the flow and see where you land. :-)

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