
Motivated yoga teacher with advanced training in yoga and specialisation in Sivananda and Satyananda

Photos from Yoga_with_sharmila's post 30/10/2023

With our closest ones ♥️♥️♥️


Day 3: Day 3: I love my spirit - any pose that lights your spirit or any pranayama

August 10-17th

If you want to grow, you need to fall in love with every aspect Of yourself. Love the body , mind and soul that makes you, you.

Join us on this amazing challenge, and take a step towards knowing ourselves a bit more to love ourselves completely.




August 10-17th

If you want to grow, you need to fall in love with every aspect Of yourself. Love the body , mind and soul that makes you, you.

Join us on this amazing challenge, and take a step towards knowing ourselves a bit more to love ourselves completely.

Line Up:
Day 1 : I love my body - heart opener

Day 2: I love my thoughts - inversions

Day 3: I love my spirit - any pose that lights your spirit or any pranayama

Day 4: love for something greater than me : any meditative pose or a pose in nature

Day 5: love for the world / nature : any forward fold

Day 6: love for my family : any balance pose

Day 7: love for community : pose with a prop

Day 8: yogi’s choice




Photos from Yoga_with_sharmila's post 03/07/2023

Art is the illusion of spontaneity.



The Beauty You See In Me Is A Reflection Of You ~ Rumi.


Arunachal you literally took my breath away!!


Paradise Found!!


Just another cliché click.



Day 5: Santosha : Contentment ( Cobra)

May 8-15

In yoga, there are two guidelines, so to speak, called “yamas” and “niyamas.” Essentially, these refer to positive observances, duties, and morals that can help guide you toward releasing bad habits and forming new, better habits for healthy living. The word ‘Niyamas’ can mean ‘rules’ or ‘habits’. So please join us as we attempt to incorporate the Yamas and Niyamas in our daily life. Over time these habits becomes easier and more natural, greatly increasing the level of happiness in your life.
Please join us in this breaking bad habits challenge!



Day 2 : Asteya : Generosity (Any Forward Fold)

May 8-15

In yoga, there are two guidelines, so to speak, called “yamas” and “niyamas.” Essentially, these refer to positive observances, duties, and morals that can help guide you toward releasing bad habits and forming new, better habits for healthy living. The word ‘Niyamas’ can mean ‘rules’ or ‘habits’. So please join us as we attempt to incorporate the Yamas and Niyamas in our daily life. Over time these habits becomes easier and more natural, greatly increasing the level of happiness in your life.
Please join us in this breaking bad habits challenge!



Day 1: Satya : Truthfulness ( Any Heart Opener)

May 8-15

In yoga, there are two guidelines, so to speak, called “yamas” and “niyamas.” Essentially, these refer to positive observances, duties, and morals that can help guide you toward releasing bad habits and forming new, better habits for healthy living. The word ‘Niyamas’ can mean ‘rules’ or ‘habits’. So please join us as we attempt to incorporate the Yamas and Niyamas in our daily life. Over time these habits becomes easier and more natural, greatly increasing the level of happiness in your life.
Please join us in this breaking bad habits challenge!



‼️New Challenge Announcem‼️

May 8-15

In yoga, there are two guidelines, so to speak, called “yamas” and “niyamas.” Essentially, these refer to positive observances, duties, and morals that can help guide you toward releasing bad habits and forming new, better habits for healthy living. The word ‘Niyamas’ can mean ‘rules’ or ‘habits’. So please join us as we attempt to incorporate the Yamas and Niyamas in our daily life. Over time these habits becomes easier and more natural, greatly increasing the level of happiness in your life.
Please join us in this breaking bad habits challenge!


Pose Line Up

Day 1: Satya : Truthfulness ( Any Heart Opener)
Day 2 : Asteya : Generosity (Any Forward Fold)
Day 3: Aparigraha : Non hoarding
( Any Twisting Pose)
Day 4: Saucha : Clarity ( Chair Pose )
Day 5: Santosha : Contentment ( Cobra)
Day 6:Tapas : Discipline ( Plank Pose variations )
Day 7: Svadyaya : Self Study ( Any Lateral Stretch )
Day 8:Ishvara Pranidhana : Surrender ( Resting pose / Child Pose )


That’s the thing about small towns, you go out for coffee and end up exploring interesting spots in the middle of the city!!


Yoga happens beyond the mat. Anything you do with attention to how you feel is yoga.


Nature doesn’t hurry, get everything is accomplished. ~ Lao Tzu.


Always looking outside the box!!


The desire to know your own soul, will end all desires. ~ Rumi.


Happy New Year


Photos from Yoga_with_sharmila's post 12/12/2022

25 yrs and two kids later !!


Day 8: Samadhi
Pose: Lotus pose/ Variation

1st - 8th November

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means “eight limbs” (ashta=eight, anga=limb). These 8 limbs of yoga, basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life.
Join us for this 8 day journey to deeply understand the essence of yoga.

Our Hosts:

Our Generous Sponsors:


Day 5: Pratyahara
Pose: Any asana that helps you draw your awareness away from the external world.

1st - 8th November

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means “eight limbs” (ashta=eight, anga=limb). These 8 limbs of yoga, basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life.
Join us for this 8 day journey to deeply understand the essence of yoga.

Our Hosts:

Our Generous Sponsors:


Day 3: Asana
Pose: Any asana of your choice

1st - 8th November

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means “eight limbs” (ashta=eight, anga=limb). These 8 limbs of yoga, basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life.
Join us for this 8 day journey to deeply understand the essence of yoga.

Our Hosts:

Our Generous Sponsors:



1st - 8th November

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means “eight limbs” (ashta=eight, anga=limb). These 8 limbs of yoga, basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life.
Join us for this 8 day journey to deeply understand the essence of yoga.

Pose line up:
Day 1: Yama
Pose: Asana that helps you bring a sense of integrity.

Day 2: Niyama
Pose: Asana that helps you self discipline.

Day 3: Asana
Pose: Any asana of your choice

Day 4: Pranayama
Pose: Any breathing technique

Day 5: Pratyahara
Pose: Any asana that helps you draw your awareness away from the external world.

Day 6: Dharana
Pose: Any asana that helps you concentrate/ focus.

Day 7: Dhyana
Pose: Any meditative pose

Day 8: Samadhi
Pose: Lotus pose/ Variation

Our Hosts:

Our Generous Sponsors:

1. Follow all hosts and sponsors
2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends to join along.
3. Keep your account public so that we can see your posts.
4. Post daily using
and tag your hosts and sponsors in the caption
5. Have fun and try to connect with the hosts and other participants




DAY 8 : Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

October 12-19

Can’t bend and touch your toes? Before you embrace the curse of inflexibility for life, know that yoga can change your body. Prolonged sitting (thanks, desk jobs!), poor posture, stress (ugh) and age are the common reasons that contribute to inflexibility 😕.

The ancient practice of yoga has many asanas that can make you flexible in a safe manner✨. Along with boosting your flexibility, practicing specific yoga poses may also help you build muscle strength and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.

So, come join us for this 8 days challenge to practice the best yoga poses for improving flexibility and explore their benefits 😊




Day 7: Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

October 12-19

Can’t bend and touch your toes? Before you embrace the curse of inflexibility for life, know that yoga can change your body. Prolonged sitting (thanks, desk jobs!), poor posture, stress (ugh) and age are the common reasons that contribute to inflexibility 😕.

The ancient practice of yoga has many asanas that can make you flexible in a safe manner✨. Along with boosting your flexibility, practicing specific yoga poses may also help you build muscle strength and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.

So, come join us for this 8 days challenge to practice the best yoga poses for improving flexibility and explore their benefits 😊



Photos from Yoga_with_sharmila's post 13/10/2022

Day 2: Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

October 12-19

Can’t bend and touch your toes? Before you embrace the curse of inflexibility for life, know that yoga can change your body. Prolonged sitting (thanks, desk jobs!), poor posture, stress (ugh) and age are the common reasons that contribute to inflexibility 😕.

The ancient practice of yoga has many asanas that can make you flexible in a safe manner✨. Along with boosting your flexibility, practicing specific yoga poses may also help you build muscle strength and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.

So, come join us for this 8 days challenge to practice the best yoga poses for improving flexibility and explore their benefits 😊




October 12-19

Can’t bend and touch your toes? Before you embrace the curse of inflexibility for life, know that yoga can change your body. Prolonged sitting (thanks, desk jobs!), poor posture, stress (ugh) and age are the common reasons that contribute to inflexibility 😕.

The ancient practice of yoga has many asanas that can make you flexible in a safe manner✨. Along with boosting your flexibility, practicing specific yoga poses may also help you build muscle strength and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.

So, come join us for this 8 days challenge to practice the best yoga poses for improving flexibility and explore their benefits 😊

1. Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)
2. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
3. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
4. Head to Knee (Janu Sirsasana)
5. Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana)
6. Eye of the needle pose (Sucirandhrasana)
7. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
8. Bow pose (Dhanurasana)


How to play:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors
2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends
3. Look to the hosts’ pages for daily pose inspiration
4. Post daily using and don’t forget to tag your hosts and sponsor in the caption.
5.Have fun and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts in the gallery and cheer you along!


The hardest mountain to climb is the one within!


Start each day with a grateful heart.


Yoga is about rising to a new level of balance and competence in all aspects of life.
~ Sadhguru


Day 3 : Love for hip opener ( Kurmasana - Tortoise Pose)

1st - 8th September

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall”

A season to “FALL” in love with all our imperfections. A season when we begin again. A season that teaches us that letting go can be just beautiful ,as the fall leaves are full of colour and a promise of rebirth.

⭐️Our Hosts ⭐️


🔆Our sponsors🔆

: 100 $ gift card 🎁

: 6 months subscription

How to join:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors.
2. Repost the flyer and tag friends to join.
3. Post daily, use the hashtag (tag hosts and sponsors)
4. Have your profile set to public so our community can see and support you.
5. Engage with others by visiting the gallery daily, and by sharing likes and comments with each other.
6. Have fun, be safe and enjoy!


1st - 8th September

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall”

A season to “FALL” in love with all our imperfections. A season when we begin again. A season that teaches us that letting go can be just beautiful ,as the fall leaves are full of colour and a promise of rebirth.

Pose Line Up 🧘🏻‍♀️

Day 1 : Love for side bend
Day 2 : Love for heart opener
Day 3 : Love for hip opener
Day 4 : Love for seated pose
Day 5 : Love for backbend
Day 6 : Love for arm balance
Day 7 : Love for fold
Day 8 : Love for balancing

⭐️Our Hosts ⭐️


🔆Our sponsors🔆

: 100 $ gift card 🎁

: 6 months subscription

How to join:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors.
2. Repost the flyer and tag friends to join.
3. Post daily, use the hashtag (tag hosts and sponsors)
4. Have your profile set to public so our community can see and support you.
5. Engage with others by visiting the gallery daily, and by sharing likes and comments with each other.
6. Have fun, be safe and enjoy!

Photos from Yoga_with_sharmila's post 23/08/2022

Day 3 : Illusion pose (Back bend on an invisible wheel)

Our hosts:

Our sponsors:

: 100 $ gift card 🎁

: 6 months subscription


Day 2 : I can walk on my finger tip (eg: rotated pic of a wall backbend )

Our hosts:

Our sponsors:

: 100 $ gift card 🎁

: 6 months subscription


🔆Day 1 : 🔆

A pose when legs disappear (eg: plank on the wall)

Do you believe in magic ? As we grow older, the magic fades away! But indeed, there are magical moments in each day, we just need to take the time to see them! Let's make our own magic, Yogi style Afterall it's still magic, even if you know how it's done, right?


Pose Line-Up

Day 2 : I can walk on my finger tip (eg: rotated pic of a wall backbend )
Day 3 : Illusion pose (Back bend on an invisible wheel)
Day 4 : Balance on one arm & split !!!(Trick is the invisible wheel )
Day 5: Legs can fly (Something upside down)
Day 6 : Hairstand (Long hair trick 😀)
Day 7 : Popup pose (That comes for just a second)
Day 8 : Defy gravity (Alexa, disable gravity 😁)

Our hosts:

Our sponsors:

: 100 $ gift card 🎁

: 6 months subscription
How to join:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors.
2. Repost the flyer and tag friends to join.
3. Post daily, use the hashtag (tag hosts and sponsors)
4. Have your profile set to public so our community can see and support you.
5. *Engage with others by visiting the gallery daily, and by sharing likes and comments with each other.
6. Have fun, be safe and enjoy!


🔆New Challenge Announcement🔆

16th Aug - 23rd Aug

Do you believe in magic ? As we grow older, the magic fades away! But indeed, there are magical moments in each day, we just need to take the time to see them! Let's make our own magic, Yogi style Afterall it's still magic, even if you know how it's done, right?


Pose Line-Up

Day 1: A pose when legs disappear (eg: plank on the wall)

Day 2 : I can walk on my finger tip (eg: rotated pic of a wall backbend )

Day 3 : Illusion pose (Back bend on an invisible wheel)

Day 4 : Balance on one arm & split !!!(Trick is the invisible wheel )

Day 5: Legs can fly (Something upside down)

Day 6 : Hairstand (Long hair trick 😀)

Day 7 : Popup pose (That comes for just a second)

Day 8 : Defy gravity (Alexa, disable gravity 😁)

Our hosts:

Our sponsors:

: 100 $ gift card 🎁

: 6 months subscription
How to join:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors.
2. Repost the flyer and tag friends to join.
3. Post daily, use the hashtag (tag hosts and sponsors)
4. Have your profile set to public so our community can see and support you.
5. *Engage with others by visiting the gallery daily, and by sharing likes and comments with each other.
6. Have fun, be safe and enjoy!

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