We talk about stories of Us
" বহুসময়ত কথকৰ পৰিচয়তকৈ কাহিনীৰ প্ৰাসংগিকতা অধিক প্ৰয়োজনীয় হৈ পৰে । কাহিনীতহে কথক এজন জীয়াই থাকে, কাহিনী এটা কথকৰ মাজত জীয়াই থকালৈকে কাহিনী হ'ব নোৱাৰে । সেইবাবেই বহুসময়ত কথকৰ পৰিচয় তেনেই গোণ প্ৰতিপন্ন হৈ কাহিনীৰ বৈচিত্ৰলৈ মানুহৰ মোহ বাঢ়ে । মোৰ কাহিনী পঢ়িবলৈ মোৰ পৰিচয় জ্ঞাত হোৱাটো আপোনাৰ বাবে অপৰিহাৰ্য নহয় । সেইবাবেই, মোৰ পৰিচয় অবিহনেই আপোনালোকৰ সমুখত মুকলি কৰি দিছোঁ মোৰ কাহিনী -
মোৰ ঘৰত নিবিচাৰে এনেকৈ অহাটো । তথাপিও মই আহোঁ । আনক আমনি দিবলৈ, আনৰ বোজা হ'বলৈ ইচ্ছা নহয় মোৰ । হয়, মই যোৰহাটৰ এই ব্যস্ত পথৰ ফুটপাঠত বহি থাকো, পুৱাবেলাতেই আহি বহো । বেলি ডুবাৰ আগে আগে ঘৰলৈ যাওঁ । আচলতে আহো আৰু যাওঁ বুলিলে ভুল হ'ব । মোক মোৰ ল'ৰাই লৈ আহি থৈ যায়, মই ইয়াতে বহি থাকো এই বস্তাটোৰ ওপৰত, ল'ৰাই আহি আকৌ লৈ যায়হি ।
মানুহে ভাবে, মই পইচা খুজিবলৈ এনেদৰে বহি থাকো, এয়া মোৰ উপাৰ্জনৰ পথ বুলি ভাবে । কিন্তু তেনে কথা নহয় । উভৈনদী ন'হলেও পেটেভাতে খাই থাকিব পৰা অৱস্থা এটাতেই যেনেতেনে চলি আছে ঘৰখন । মোৰ ঘৰত ল'ৰা বোৱাৰী আছে । পৰালৈকে যতন লয় মোৰ । মোৰ যে ভৰি দুখন বিকল,এই কথাৰ বাবে মোৰ সমস্যা নোহোৱাকৈ ৰাখিবলৈ যত্ন কৰে । তথাপিও মই এনেদৰে ঘৰৰপৰা ওলাই আহোঁ, ফুটপাঠত বহি থাকো । ল'ৰাই লৈ আহে, থৈ যায় ।
চৌপাশৰ ব্যস্ততা, ভীৰবোৰ চাই থাকো । মানুহৰ খোজবোৰ বৰ খৰ । সকলোৱে নিজৰ নিজৰ পৃথিৱীৰ মাজত ব্যস্ত । তাকেই চাই বহি থাকো । ঘৰ এখনৰ বাহিৰৰ পৃথিৱীখনে বেছি শিকায়, সুখী কৰিও ৰাখে । সবাতোকৈ ডাঙৰ কথা, মই নিজক ঘৰখনৰ বাবে বোজা কৰি ৰাখিব নিবিচাৰোঁ । আত্মসন্মান নে কি কয় ইয়াক, ময়ো ক'ব নোৱাৰিম ।
কিন্তু, এতিয়া জীৱনৰ বিয়লি সময়ত এনেদৰেই চলি আছে দিনবোৰ । বাট এটাৰ কাষত পদপথত মোৰ অচিন ঠিকনা এটা হৈছে, লাহে লাহে ভাল লগা হৈছে । "
As narrated to Eureka kakoti
" This Tandoori tea has ruined our taste buds. Despite having such a rich heritage of Assam
tea, we never understand the essence of a genuine cup of Assam tea.
It was disheartening to witness how the simple pleasure of sipping on a cup of organic tea has become a luxury to afford. This realization stirred up a deep pain within me, and I knew I had to do something. That’s the spark that encouraged me to start Chai-Bar, to bring back the true essence of Organic Assam Tea and make it accessible to everyone.
Gone are the days when we used to sip tea with jiggery, or cheleka chah, as it is popularly known. These old traditions and adda places have been replaced by modern cafes and restaurants that lack the homely ambiance where one can spend quality time discussing and
sharing stories. I felt a deep longing to revive those old memories and create a space where people could come together to share a cup of tea and connect with each other.
On one of my trips to Darjeeling, while visiting a tea cafe, I remember being struck by the painstaking care and attention to detail that was put into every cup of tea served there. It wasn’t just about the taste, but about the entire experience. The way the tea was prepared, the way it was served, and even the way it was presented — everything was done with such precision and care.
While returning to Guwahati, I brought this experience along with me and promised myself to do something to offer the pristine taste of tea from Assam.
Then that hard question popped into my mind ….. what can I do to bring back those moments of
genuine connection and joy that I long for? Can I truly meet the needs that I m striving for?
I spoke to myself… let’s do it…
Luckily, our humble abode is located right at the heart of Panbazar. With just a few minor tweaks
to our drawing room, we were able to transform it into a cozy and welcoming café. As we were putting everything together, I was very mindful to keep the homely atmosphere intact. When you
step into Chai-Bar, every moment of your presence will be filled with the warmth and comfort of visiting someone’s home and sitting in their drawing room.
The journey wasn’t easy, and the initial days of starting Chai-Bar were challenging. We spent an entire week without a single customer. But I never gave up, and I believed in organic growth. I
wanted to gain customers through word of mouth rather than paid advertising. And it worked!
Our customers were so impressed with our services that they mapped our café on Google along
with glowing reviews.
It’s been a learning journey for me as a woman entrepreneur. I didn’t have any prior experience in hospitality or cutlery skills, but I was determined to make Chai-Bar a success. I took courses
in Bangalore to learn the skills I needed to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for our customers.
I have a vision for the future of Chai-Bar. I want to provide authentic Assamese cuisine to city dwellers and tourists at an affordable price. And I want to change the perspective of how
organic, sustainable, and orthodox terms have been corrupted for commercial profits.
As I sit here sipping my tea, I am grateful for the customers who have supported me along the way. College students, parents, sales representatives, tourists, and many others come to our
café, and we talk and sip tea together. I guide them to the city’s attractions and offer them a homely ambiance that they will never forget.
In the end, it’s not just about serving tea; it’s about connecting people and creating memories.
That’s what Chai-Bar is all about. So, while coming to Panbazar, pay a visit to us and share a sip of tea with me. Let’s chat, let’s connect, and lets cheers to the memories we will create
As narrated by the Chai-Bar owner
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