Dr. Madhav Danthala, Hyderabad Videos

Videos by Dr. Madhav Danthala in Hyderabad. Medical Oncologist, Hemato Oncologist & Bone Marrow Transplant Physician, Yashoda Hospitals.

Check out this video on HLA typing and its importance in choosing a donor for an allogeneic stem cell transplant.


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Other Dr. Madhav Danthala videos

Check out this video on HLA typing and its importance in choosing a donor for an allogeneic stem cell transplant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSacs1lrs4E&t=35s Click on the link to book an appointment: https://www.yashodahospitals.com/doctor/somajiguda/hematology-bmt/dr-madhav-danthala/ WhatsApp (for appointments & queries) – 9346524080 Follow my social pages: Google my business – https://goo.gl/maps/XPgwLRbq5aBxDc2DA Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/doctordanthala Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.danthala/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/docdanthala LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-madhav-danthala-7b43601bb/ Subscribe to my YouTube channels – Telugu channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmtLFS9wNaPTsL9o-gdNwJA English channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_jeov59mZnYC63cQ0zfkfA My website – http://www.drmadhav.com/ #bloodcancer #bloodcancerawareness #blood #leukemia #leukemiaawareness #bonemarrowtransplant #pediatrics #cancer #medicaloncologist #bestmedicaloncologistinhyderabad #Telangana #curecancer #stemcelltransplant #oncology #drmadhavdanthala #hyderabad #chemotherapy #yashodahospitals #AndhraPradesh #DKMSBMST #DATRI #dkms #stemcelldonor

Check out this video on symptoms of blood cancer (acute leukemia). #yashodahospitals #oncology #hyderabad #AndhraPradesh #drmadhavdanthala #bloodcancer #bloodcancerawareness #blood #pediatrics #leukemia #leukemiaawareness Subscribe to my new YouTube channel in Telugu. https://youtube.com/channel/UCmtLFS9wNaPTsL9o-gdNwJA

“I shall finish a half-marathon by the time I’m discharged from the hospital after my transplant,” said Mr.X. He marked the day of stem cell transplant, number of days left (assuming everything went according to plan), percentage days, and percentage completed each day on the window glass in his BMT room. He added squats, hip abduction and calf raises to the exercise regimen. The goal was set and he went about accomplishing it, step by step. He noted his small achievements by counting tally marks. The transplant was a walk in the park. Literally! Don’t we love such patients? Physical exercise that includes aerobic exercise, resistance training, and relaxing stretching exercises may have positive effects on physiological, psychological, and psychosocial health of stem cell transplant patients. Physical exercise during hospitalisation has been shown to lead to higher quality of life and lower fatigue in stem cell transplant patients at the time of discharge from the hospital. #stemcelltransplant #stemcells #stemcelldonor #blood #Cancer #oncology #dkms #pediatrics #chemotherapy #DATRI #bloodcancer #YashodaHospitals #bloodcancerawareness #DKMSBMST #hyderabad #bonemarrowtransplant #oncologist #childhoodcancer#drmadhavdanthala #hematology #hematooncology

The average length of hospital stay for Allogeneic stem cell transplant is 5 weeks, but the stay can be much longer if complications develop. The first three months after a transplant are the most critical period, and 25% of patients require at least one readmission. The immune system cannot respond effectively to threats for at least the first six months after a transplant, and during that time you are required to stay close to the hospital. #stemcelltransplant #stemcells #Cancer #oncology #blood #pediatrics #oncologist #stemcelltransplants #bonemarrowfailure #bloodcancerawareness #childhoodcancerawareness #stemcelldonor #DATRI #bonemarrowtransplant #hyderabad #childhoodcancer #chemotherapy #vijayawada #dkms #DKMSBMST #bloodcancer #AndhraPradesh

Pre-transplant evaluation is a complex process intricately dependent on number of variables including patient age, performance status, medical comorbidities, family support structure, socio-economic viability and motivation to participate in self care. Routine work up: 1. History and physical examination 2. Confirmation of histological diagnosis 3. Assessment of remission status (CT scans, PET scans, bone marrow biopsy and so on as dictated by the clinical scenario) 4. Donor search (for Allogeneic transplant candidates) 5. Karnofsky performance status score 6. ABO typing 7. Complete blood count 8. Complete metabolic profile 9. 2D ECHO 10. ECG 11. Chest x-ray 12. Pulmonary function tests 13. Pregnancy test (female patients) 14. Lumbar puncture (high-risk patients with history of central nervous system involvement) 15. CMV serologies 16. Herpes simplex viral serologies 17. EBV serologies 18. VZV virus serologies 19. HIV testing 20. Hepatitis B and C serologies 21. Dietary consult 22. Dental consult #oncologist #bloodcancerawareness #blood #bloodcancerawareness #oncology #chemotherapy #childhoodcancer #DKMSBMST #stemcells #Cancer #vijayawada #bonemarrowtransplant #hyderabad #pediatrics #stemcelltransplants #stemcelldonor #stemcelltransplant #childhoodcancerawareness #bonemarrowfailure #DATRI #dkms #bloodcancer #AndhraPradesh

Stem cell transplant complications - the not so good days 1. Mucositis (inflammation or sores in the mouth and throat) 2. Nausea and vomiting 3. Infection 4. Bleeding and transfusions 5. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) 6. Graft failure 7. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease #bloodcancerawareness #hyderabad #stemcelltransplant #vijayawada #chemotherapy #bonemarrowtransplant #stemcelldonor #DKMSBMST #stemcelltransplants #DATRI #bloodcancer #Cancer #oncologist #oncology #AndhraPradesh #pediatrics #childhoodcancer #childhoodcancerawareness #stemcells #bonemarrowfailure

Stem cell transplant rooms are fitted with special air filters (HEPA filters) to reduce the risk of infections during treatment. The room may also have a protective barrier to separate it from other rooms and hallways. Some have an air pressure system that makes sure no unclean outside air gets into the room. #bonemarrowtransplant #chemotherapy #stemcelldonor #pediatrics #stemcelltransplants #vijayawada #oncologist #oncology #bloodcancerawareness #hyderabad #AndhraPradesh #bloodcancer #stemcelltransplant #Cancer #DKMSBMST #DATRI

The transplanted cells will begin to grow and produce healthy red and white blood cells and platelets, a process called Engraftment. It usually occurs between day +10 and day +20 after stem cell infusion. #bonemarrowtransplant #bloodcancerawareness #bonemarrowfailure #DKMSBMST #Cancer #oncology #oncologist #childhoodcancer #childhoodcancerawareness #stemcelldonor #AndhraPradesh #bloodcancer #pediatrics #chemotherapy #DATRI #hyderabad #stemcelltransplant #stemcelltransplants #vijayawada #stemcells

Happy Bhogi everyone.

For at least the first 3 to 4 weeks after stem cell transplant, until the new stem cells start making white blood cells (engraftment), you can easily get serious infections. Bacterial infections are most common during this time, but viral infections that were controlled by your immune system can become active again. Fungal infections can also be an issue. And even infections that cause only mild symptoms in people with normal immune systems can be quite dangerous for you. This is because right after transplant you don’t have many white blood cells that are working well (neutropenia), and they are the primary immune cells that fight off infections. #AndhraPradesh #hyderabad #oncologist #chemotherapy #oncology #Cancer #vijayawada #stemcelldonor #stemcells #bloodcancer #stemcelltransplants #DKMSBMST #stemcelltransplant #DATRI #pediatrics #bonemarrowfailure #bloodcancerawareness #childhoodcancer #bonemarrowtransplant #childhoodcancerawareness

The actual date of transplant is numbered day 0. You will receive your new, healthy stem cells through an infusion in your central intravenous line. Unlike other forms of organ transplant (eg. kidney, lung) surgery is not required for a stem cell transplant. The infusion generally lasts between 30 minutes to an hour. #hyderabad #bonemarrowtransplant #bonemarrowfailure #oncology #stemcelltransplant #stemcelltransplants #vijayawada #childhoodcancer #pediatrics #chemotherapy #bloodcancer #oncologist #stemcells #bloodcancerawareness #Cancer #stemcelldonor #DATRI #DKMSBMST

The terms “bone marrow” and “stem cell” are sometimes used interchangeably, since bone marrow is the source of hematopoietic stem cells, and healthy stems cells are what patients need. However, there’s a technical difference regarding the donation procedures. In a bone marrow transplant, these stem cells are collected from a donor’s bone marrow. While under general anesthesia, the donor’s bone marrow is harvested directly from the hip bones through a large needle. In a peripheral blood stem cell transplant, or PBSCT, stem cells are harvested from a donor’s blood through a process called apheresis. Mobilization: Donors receive a medication for five days (G-CSF or Granulocyte Colony-stimulating factor) that increases stem cell production and cause the movement of the stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Other drugs used for mobilization: Plerixafor, Cyclophosphamide. #AndhraPradesh #hyderabad #oncologist #chemotherapy #oncology #Cancer #vijayawada #stemcelldonor #stemcells #bloodcancer #stemcelltransplants #stemcelltransplant #DATRI #DKMSBMST #pediatrics #bloodcancerawareness #bonemarrowtransplant #dkms

Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder (PTLD) 1. EBV+ in most cases; can be EBV- in 10 to 20% cases. 2. Clinical presentation variable - lymphadenopathy, diffuse infiltrate in transplanted organ, pancytopenia, or fevers of unknown origin. 3. Treatment - reducing immunosuppression, Rituximab, chemotherapy, EBV-specific cytotoxic T-cell therapy. #stemcelltransplant #bonemarrowtransplant #bloodcancer #oncologist #hematology #Hyderabad #AndhraPradesh