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A chance towards a better health

We will be reaching out to you, at your Home, through your food pl


Must be well versed with Making of Wraps, Paranthas or Indian Dishes


The artist used approximately 4.5 kilogrammes of expired coffee granules to complete the painting, according to the Guinness World Records statement.
Ohud Abdullah Almalki used expired coffee to illustrate renowned leaders from the kingdom and the neighbouring United Arab Emirates for the 220 square metre (around 2,370 square feet) piece.The artist used approximately 4.5 kilogrammes of expired coffee granules to complete the painting, according to the Guinness World Records statement.
It features the founding fathers of Saudi Arabia and the UAE -- the late King Abdul Aziz bin Saud and the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, respectively.


Describing elephants as “keystone species” for survival of Indian forests and other animals, the Supreme Court on Wednesday concurred with the Madras high court and directed eviction of 39 resorts in the Mudumalai reserve forest area falling in the elephant corridor. The resorts, which house 309 buildings, hindered the nomadic lifestyle intrinsic to the survival of pachyderms.
Elephant corridors allow elephants to continue their nomadic mode of survival, despite shrinking forest cover, by facilitating travel between distinct forest habitats... these corridors play a crucial role in sustaining wildlife by reducing the impact of habitat isolation,


Arathi Reghunath, a second-year MSc Biochemistry student of MES College, completed 350 online courses in the last three months. The girl who resides in Elamakkara in Kochi made a world record at the Universal Record Forum.
In her free time during the lockdown, she started studying these courses and was able to make a world record.


Solar energy fully powered the entire state of South Australia for the FIRST TIME! The new record was set at 12:05 p.m. on October 12th, with rooftop solar panels generating 76.3% and utility-scale solar providing 24.2% of the state's electricity demand. Though instantaneous demand was only met for 2 hours, it's still a huge step in the right direction towards phasing out fossil fuels for good!
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The ban started from October 1, putting an end to the 4.7 BILLION straws, 316 MILLION drink stirrers and 1.8 BILLION cotton buds tossed every year in England! People with disabilities or medical conditions that need straws can still request them, but it's otherwise illegal for businesses to sell these single-use plastic items starting October 1st. Suck on that, plastic!
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Don’t you think India should adopt this this practice too?
Comment below!!


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Follow for daily sustainable zero waste tips

1. Did you know?
It is almost impossible to recycle the following items:
Receipts, toothpaste and other squeezable tubes are difficult to recycle because they often contain a thin layer of aluminum and various types of plastic - making it challenging for recycling plants to separate and process them.
Paper straws contain recyclable material. However, paper straws are almost never recycled because they would need to be collected separately in large quantities before being able to recycle them.
Paper receipts are often printed on shiny, thermal paper, which is not recyclable because they are coated with a substance called bisphenol A (BPA) or bisphenol S (BPS). Many stores now send you an email receipt, or give you the choice of whether to take a printed receipt.
Pringles boxes are very difficult to recycle because they combine five different materials including a metal base, tear-off foil top, a plastic lid, silver foil lining inside and a cardboard outer sleeve.
Crisps packets can't be recycled because of the grease and crisp residue that clings to them. Try the scrunch test: if the item springs back into shape after you have scrunched it up, then it shouldn't be recycled.
Cotton pads are often blended with synthetic materials, such as polyester, so are impossible to recycle. If 100% cotton, they can be composted but only if they have not been used to remove make-up or with chemicals such as disinfectants.
Sticky notes cannot be recycled in most cases because the glue on the adhesive strip can't always be removed during the recycling process, so many centers refuse to accept them.
For all these products, always remember: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse! Easy!


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As scorching temperatures continue to break records across Europe, unprecedented wildfires break out in the Arctic, and polar sea ice cover drops—again—to an all-time low, never before has the climate crisis been so palpable, for so many people.
The increasing intensity and frequency of climate extremes impacts life on earth in many ways. Ocean and terrestrial ecosystems, which we all depend on, are equally affected, as is our planet’s capacity to sustain our growing needs.
There will be no silver bullet to solve this man-made crisis, but there is hope in that, by acting fast and at all levels of society, we will be able to scale back at least part of the unfolding disaster. Only we cannot afford to wait for the next report to remind us that the time to act is now.


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Switch to wooden highlighter pencils,instead of traditional plastic ones.
They are compostable, they are less toxic,they don't get dry, and they last longer because you can sharpen them.
Avoid Plastic Waste


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India is the world’s third-largest carbon emitter, just behind China and the US.

India has to make rapid strides to meaningfully contribute towards limiting global warming.

Tips to effectively reduce Carbon Footprint:

1. Switch to having a bucket bath – By eliminating the use of showers and switching to a bucket bath, one can save 30 litres per bath and if we were to calculate that for a building of 30 flats, it would be 13 lakh litres on an annual basis, which is equivalent to planting 10 trees.

2. Set AC from 24 – 26ºC with a fan – This would help save 12 per cent on AC power and approximately Rs 2, 500 for an AC that has been used for eight hours/day for six months. If followed by a building of 30 houses, this is equivalent to planting 45 trees.

3. Set geyser thermostat settings to 500c – By doing this consciously, 29 per cent of geyser power is saved, which is equivalent to savings worth Rs 1, 83, 000 per year for a building of 30 houses, or planting 102 trees!

4. Install motion sensors for staircase lights – Installing 20 tubelights in a building controlled by motion sensors will help save close to Rs 21, 000 each year or equate to planting 12 trees per year per building.

5. Compost your home waste – Using a home-composting system in earthen pots can avoid a building’s meaningless contribution of 22 tonnes of waste, which would end up in a landfill. This is equivalent to planting 29 trees per building per year.

6. Reduce meat intake – By avoiding three meat-based meals in a week, an individual is helping what is equal to planting one tree per year.

7. Reduce flying short-distances – Avoiding four domestic flights and taking an AC train instead for shorter distances is equivalent to planting two trees per person per year.

8. Walk – As a family of four, if you walk 1.5 trips, twice a week, it is equal to planting four trees per year.


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7 Fashion Pieces That Make Trans-Seasonal Style A Breeze

1. Chunky Socks

“Paired with slides, mules, sneakers, heck even sandals, knit socks are an in-betweener season saviour.”

2. Rollnecks

“You can turn any summer dress (a tea dress, slip dress, lace dress… the possibilities are endless) into a winter appropriate look by adding a rollneck underneath. Stock up on thin, woollen styles in black, grey and khaki.”

3. Mum Jeans

“Layer your straight leg jeans under dresses and structured skirts (like you would do with opaque tights) and you’ll add a few more weeks to your favourite summer pieces.”

4. Fishnets

“Ok, they might not be the warmest trans-seasonal piece, but under jeans and worn with skirts, you’ll at least look a little warmer”.

5. Puffer Jacket

“The sporty puffer is still trending. If it gets too hot, try the shrugging technique: artfully slouching your jacket off the shoulders.”

6. White Boots

“Yes, white boots. They’re strangely versatile – try them with a floaty dress or a structured trouser and knit combo.”

7. Denim Jacket

“When can you not wear a denim jacket? This impending winter, try it buttoned up all the way, worn like a shirt.”


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The Sri Lanka government announced on September 30 that the Cabinet cleared Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s proposal to ban cattle slaughter in the country on September 29.

The Sri Lankan government is, however, looking at ways to start importing beef for those who consume the meat and also planning to provide it at a concessional rate.
What are your views on it?
Do comment....


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Meet Balbir Singh Seechewal, one of the most renowned environmentalists from Punjab who is also known as Eco Baba. In the 2000, Balbir Singh decided that something had to be done about the domestic and industrial waste that was killing the Kali Bein river – 160 km long tributary of Beas in Doaba region of Punjab. The river, which is considered sacred by many in the state, had reduced to nothing but a drain because of all the waste that was being discarded in it. Some portions of the river had even dried up, resulting in immense water problems in the neighbouring farms.

Balbir Singh Seechewal gathered an army of volunteers and started work.

Photos from Sujog's post 28/09/2020

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A great initiative by the Philippines
We should spread the word and ensure more countries adopt this new trend.
This movement can help people stay more connected with the earth and there would be a sense of happiness to see a forest grow
India has set a target of bringing 33 per cent of its geographical area under forest cover. The TFC of India in 2019 is 21.67 per cent of the total geographical area (TGA) of the country as against 21.54 per cent (of TGA) in 2017.


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Did you know there's a whole universe of good and bad bacteria that only inhabit your mouth?
Our mouths are an entire wild ecosystem, populated with living things that play a vital role in our well-being and confidence. Getting to know the creatures that live behind your lips will help you manage your oral health more effectively
Scientists have a fancy name for your mouth’s ecosystem – they call it the “human oral microbiome.”
A big part of the microbiome is bacteria. A single mouth can be home to more than 6 billion bacteria, an impressive number when compared to 7.3 billion total human population of earth.

Photos from Sujog's post 25/09/2020

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Reducing Your Carbon Foot Print

Learn the 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Rot, Recycle:

REFUSE: Avoid single use plastics and paper products by saying no thank you, opting for reusables.

REDUCE: Downsize what you purchase, opting to be more mindful of what you really need.

REUSE: Always find a way to keep an item out of the landfill by keeping it in great condition, repairing or upcycling it when it breaks.

ROT: Set up a compost system for your food scraps, or find a food scrap drop off center (like a farmers market, or community garden) near your house.

RECYCLE: Properly recycle any plastic, paper, glass or metal that comes into your life you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse by researching your state’s recycling laws.


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There are two opposing mentalities when regarding the means of sustainability for the earth we all live on and share. The modern form of humans have only been in existence for roughly 200,000 years, a scratch on the surface of time. Despite only being civilised beings for 6,000 years, we have accomplished many magnificent things through industrialisation and the mechanisation of industry.
Our responsibility, as intelligent beings is to adopt the role of the planet’s caretaker and to preserve and nurture the earth like those before us, for the future generations to come. We continue to live obliviously to the damage and destruction, often taking for granted the resources and experiences we gain from this planet.

Photos from Sujog's post 23/09/2020

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Yes, we want you to taste a rainbow - but not the kind that comes in a bright red candy bag! Eating a variety of colorful foods with every meal is vital for boosting maximum nutrition.
It's a simple rule to apply to your diet: the more colorful the food on your plate, the more nutrients.
Include colourful fruits and vegetables in your diet to maximize your nutrient intake.
Foods get their colour from the phytochemicals present in them.
Each colour adds a different nutrient, so the mantra is to keep your meals as colourful as possible. “Everything that your body requires is colour- coded,"



In a paperless world, there would be no banknotes, photographs, folders, works of art, boxes, cartons… Life would be far less interesting. But to make the paper we need, millions of trees have to be cut down.
Here are some unexpected materials that are already being used to produce paper.
1) Your old T-shirts
In 2017, the Italian firm Moo launched a series of business cards made from recycled old T-Shirts.

2) The poo from your favourite herbivore
Herbivore faeces are rich in fibres derived from the plants and fruit that these animals eat. By using a cleaning and filtering process, it’s possible to make superb (and completely odourless) paper out of this poo.

3) Fruit skin, peel and stones
Orange peel, grape stalks, olive stones, walnut shells… These are just some of the things that Italian brand Favini can use to make its Crush tree-free paper.

4) Plants other than trees
In China, they have been making from bamboo for a millennium and a half. Bamboo can be used to make pulp just like that used to make conventional paper. Even sugar cane and h**p offer good-quality fibres, which are already used in commercial papers. And an African plant from the cotton family, kenaf, is generating lots of interest.

5) Seaweed
This sea “rubbish” is rich in cellulose, which can be used to make good-quality paper.

6) Stones
Some conventional papers contain powdered minerals that make them glossy and strong. But there’s another type of paper made of over 80% mineral which is mixed with a small amount of plastic resin.

7) Leather
Italian firm Favini has released an original product made from conventional recycled paper mixed with leftovers from leather manufacturing.

Photos from Sujog's post 21/09/2020

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The mission to end the plastic menace must include ending single-use plastics, promoting alternatives to fossil fuel-based materials, promoting 100 per cent recycling of plastics, corporate and government accountability and changing human behaviour concerning plastics.
Starting with Micro Plastic, they are tiny plastic particles (smaller than 5mm), hardly visible to the naked eye. They are everywhere and are hard to avoid. Obviously, they are not biodegradable.
Microbeads are a subcategory of microplastics. They are nanoplastics, even smaller than two millimetres. Can you imagine?
To avoid microplastics you must read the packaging info and watch out for words starting with poly:
Polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP)
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Polylactic acid (PLA)
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)

Photos from Sujog's post 20/09/2020

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World Cleanup Day is one of the biggest civic movements of our time, uniting 180 countries across the world for a cleaner planet.
Plastics made from fossil fuels are just over a century old.
Plastics revolutionized medicine with life-saving devices, made space travel possible, lightened cars and jets—saving fuel and pollution—and saved lives with helmets, incubators, and equipment for clean drinking water.
The conveniences plastics offer, however, led to a throw-away culture that reveals the material’s dark side: today, single-use plastics account for 40 percent of the plastic produced every year
The world is beginning to tackle the threat of plastic waste, according to the renowned broadcaster Sir David Attenborough. We need more of such influencers in the world to SAVE OUR PLANET EARTH.

Photos from Sujog's post 18/09/2020

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Ways You Can Downsize Plastic From Your Home. .
+Understand and follow the recycling rules in your county. Start by being willing to have three receptacles in your kitchen – one for recycling, one for compost and one for trash.
+Collect all your plastic trash for one week just to see how much you actually use. It may make you think twice about how much plastic you buy.
+Stop buying single use plastic bottles and fill a reusable bottle instead.
+Start to notice how things are packaged and opt for grocery items packaged in cardboard vs. plastic whenever possible, for example laundry detergent.
+Minimize your use of plastic bags. Keep reusable bags in your car.
+Say no to straws or buy the reusable kind made of wood or metal
+Use a thermos for your morning cup of coffee and bring it with you to your local coffee shop.
+Don’t buy disposable razors
+Swap out or minimize all those plastic food storage containers you’ve collected over the years, especially those without lids or bottoms. Use glass or metal containers.
+Buy from bulk bins. This doesn’t mean having to buy in bulk. Bring your own reusable cloth containers or jars.
+Stop using disposable plastic plates.


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Here's 7 ways you can help the environment! 👇
▪️ Avoid conventional chewing gum (it's made of rubber), instead try gum with a chicle base! (it'll say on the packaging)

▪️ Try regrowing green onion! Chop 1-inch off the base, including the roots, and place in cup of water that covers 2 cm of the green onion.

▪️ Go to the thrift store for dish cloths and use those instead of paper towels (have a bin under the sink to toss the dirty cloths into until you can wash them)

▪️ Try eating meat free, dairy free, and egg free meals 2 or more days of the week (there's so many awesome recipes online!!)

▪️ Keep your veggie scraps in a container in the freezer until the container is full. Pour scraps into a pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Once at a boil, turn the heat down to simmer and let it simmer for 30min or more. Strain the veggies and keep the liquid... it's an easy DIY veggie broth!

▪️ Swap out single use napkins for cloth

▪️ Try making a DIY all-purpose cleaner instead of buying a plastic packaged cleaner.
Are you going to try any of these tips? Tag someone who wants to be more eco friendly!

Photos from Sujog's post 16/09/2020

" There’s so much pollution in the air now that if it weren’t for our lungs there’d be no place to put it all. ” ~ Robert Orben

Indoor Pollution. What??

According to WHO, annually 3.8 million people die prematurely from illness attributable to the household air pollution, among these deaths:

27% are due to pneumonia
18% from stroke
27% from ischaemic heart disease
20% from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
8% from lung cancer.

NASA investigated ways to immaculate the indoor air in Space Stations back in 1980s.
They narrowed down to the use of air-purifying plants that are highly effective in cleaning the pollutants.

The top 12
1. Arecra Palm - Living Room
2. Snake Plant - Bedroom
3. Money Plant - Any room but should be away from children or pets
4. Gerbera Daisy - Bedroom
5. Chinese Evergreen - Living Room
6. Spider Plant - Living Room
7. Aloe Vera - Any well lit corner
8. Broad Lady Palm - Bathroom
9. Dragon Tree - Balcony
10. Rubber Plant - Living Room
11. Chrysanthemum - Kitchen
12. Bamboo Palm - Dining Room

For best results put these in every 100 sq. Ft of Indoor Space and follow

Photos from Sujog's post 15/09/2020

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Here's a few products that can't be recycled at all 👇
▪️ Paper cups (lined with thin layer of plastic, needs specific & uncommon machine to recycle it)
▪️ Plastic straws (fall through cracks of conveyer belt)
▪️ Plastic bags (get caught in the recycling machines)
It's fairly well known that plastic pollutes the ocean and environment, and harms wildlife, but what if it's recycled? Hopefully this graphic gives you a better idea of what happens if plastic is actually recycled ♻️
Did you know these facts about plastic?
Please share this post! This could help inspire others to reduce their plastic use!
Tag someone who's trying to be more eco friendly!

Photos from Sujog's post 15/09/2020

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Do you agree with Robert Swan? We do! 👋
Every little action to help the environment adds up! Instead of shaming others for not doing enough, I believe it's best to support others for what they're already doing to help the environment. Then encourage, as well as teach others how they can do even more to help the environment! 🌎
And that's not decomposition time, plastic never fully decomposes, it just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces of plastics, most commonly known as microplastics!
Here's a list of alternatives to avoid these products! 👇
- Chips bags ➡️ Make chips at home
- Cigarette butts ➡️ Hand rolled ci******es
- Milk cartons ➡️ Glass milk containers
- Sanitary pads ➡️ Reusable sanitary pads
- Tinfoil ➡️ Reusable baking sheet (tin or regular)
- Diapers/Nappies ➡️ Reusable diapers/nappies
- Batteries ➡️ Rechargeable batteries
- Plastic water bottle ➡️ Reusable water bottle

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