
I help working professionals to build their disease free body and get their dream shape naturally.

Photos from Healingpilesnaturally's post 04/01/2024

Pics Clicked by my little Daughter,

Doing Vrikshasana(Tree-pose)

Very good asana to
🌈Improve focus and build concentration
🌈Strengthens Legs, and muscles of back and shoulders
🌈Relieves stiffness of shoulders


If you are the one:

Who has formed various health issues and mainly the problem of PILES and are not able to make time for your loved ones and important stuffs in life and above that inspite of trying various medications this problem of Piles keeps coming again and again and again and do you know why it re-appears, the problems you might be facing:

😠The irritation
😩The felling of something stuck,
and this doesn’t end here, it is hampering your day to day activities and you also:

👉Feel low and energy get drained at the end of the day.
👉you have gut issues.
👉you feel bloated and have upset stomach
and as you tend to work long hours in front of desk, that un-comfort😑

And one thing that is been overlooked by you for long and hence you are not able to overcome this problem of PILES:

Because, because the problem is not only due to physical aspect, what !!!

Yes, Right, ok let me check if you have some of these emotions and feelings that has made their nest in you :


😡You have past negative emotions in which you are not able to release, you are not able to release those negative emotions, that keeps coming-in time to time.
🏃‍♂️You always make hurry in doing things as you always feel that it is getting late and you will not be able to do the task in time.

👣 You think you don’t have proper space to do the tasks.

If you feel any of the above, now you might understand the reasons that why, why are you not able to get rid of PILES,

See, the *emotional aspect* makes a lot to recover and heal ourselves, so don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts and emotions from next time.


If you are suffering from PILES ,Do this simple exercise very often and whenever you feel like:
Very helpful in easing out the pressure from in and around A**s part.

Thank you


Piles! Piles! Piles!
👉Are you suffering from PILES and Constipation?
👉 Tired of long work hours and endless discomfort?
👉 Are piles and constipation affecting your work-life balance?
🥗 Discover a natural path to relief and reclaim your well-being! Our holistic approach can help you bid farewell to piles without medication.
🥗 Unlock the secrets of positive affirmations, crafted to ease constipation and promote overall wellness.
📈 Don't let piles and constipation hold you back in your personal and professional journey. Take charge of your health with us!
✅ Say goodbye to pain 😣
✅ Improve your focus 🎯
✅ Regain your energy 🔥
Contact us today to embark on your journey to a piles-free, comfortable life.
Register now for the Live webinar by submitting your details through below link-
Your well-being is our priority. Let's get you back on the path to a healthier, happier and more productive life.
Click the link to join my free webinar happening on 24 Dec at 11:00 am
Hurry up limited seats.
Book your seat now...


पाइल्स! पाइल्स! पाइल्स!
👉 क्या आप पाइल्स से परेशान हैं?
👉क्या आप बवासीर और कब्ज से पीड़ित हैं?
👉 क्या आप अंतहीन बेचैनी और लंबे समय तक काम करने की परेशानी से थक गए हैं?
👉 क्या बवासीर और कब्ज आपके वर्क लाइफ बैलेंस्ड को प्रभावित कर रहे हैं?
🥗राहत पाने का नैचरल रास्ता खोजें! हमारा अप्प्रोच, बिना दवा के बवासीर को अलविदा कहने में आपकी मदद कर सकता है।
🥗 कब्ज को ख़त्म करने और संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देने के लिए तैयार की गई सकारात्मकता के रहस्यों को जानिये।
📈बवासीर और कब्ज को अपनी प्रोफेशनल और पर्सनल ज़िंदगी में बाधा न बनने दें। हमारे साथ अपने स्वास्थ्य का ख्याल रखें!
✅दर्द को अलविदा कहिये😣
✅अपना फोकस सुधारें 🎯
✅ अपनी ऊर्जा पुनः प्राप्त करें 🔥
बवासीर-मुक्त, आरामदायक जीवन की अपनी यात्रा शुरू करने के लिए आज ही हमसे संपर्क करें।
नीचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से अपना फॉर्म सबमिट करके लाइव वेबिनार के लिए अभी क्लिक करें
आपकी भलाई हमारी प्राथमिकता है. आइए आपको स्वास्थ्य, अधिक उत्साही जीवन की राह पर वापस ले चलें।
👉 https://forms.gle/uFRf4bu9t9PD9mkm6
👉 17 दिसम्बर को सुबह 11 बजे होने वाले मेरे फ्री वेबिनार में शामिल होने के लिए ऊपर दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें
🌟सिमित सीटें उपलब्ध हैं |
🌟अभी अपनी सीट बुक करें.....

Photos from Healingpilesnaturally's post 05/12/2023

Do these 3 asanas to get relief from daily constipation and stomach problems...

Very easy to do and benefits are immense

1. Malasana(Garland pose)
2. Vajrasana
3. Shishuasana

Do multiple rounds of 1 and 2 and then rest in 3.


See, we all know the important of one's health.

Let me dig deep dive into it,

Is it necessary to keep reminding that IT IS TO BE THE FIRST PRIORITY,

Hell ! YES

In today's fast paced world, we forget this WEALTH of health, basically who are working class, corporate professionals, IT professional's. And till the time we get aware of it, it might get late for some.

See the thing is, we all have today, not tomorrow not day after tomorrow...

And why it has become far more important for todays generation, cause we mostly are living in

👉nuclear families, one has to take care of everything on our own, our parents, our child, our spouse, our household,(in previous generations, we have this privilege that if one is out of city or town, their child and parents are been taken care of other family members).

👉If one gets unhealthy, not only the person, whole family suffers.

👉The treatment costs of various health issues, it has become so costly and if your situation arises to get admitted to the hospital, there is no limit and lakhs can be spent and been charged for hospitalization for few days.

So can we overcome this,

Yes, absolutely it is possible.

See, we have this limited 24 hrs/day,

So if you are the one who says I dont have time due to various valid reasons, be it job commitments, family, you cannot run away to this fact.


And above that you will not get that optimum health and 100 perc assurance even from doctors who are giving treatment to you that you will become 100 perc fit again.

so what is the trick,


Start small..., Dont wait for the perfect moment, perfect hour, perfect day.

# #


See, we all know the important of one's health.

Let me dig deep dive into it,

Is it necessary to keep reminding that IT IS TO BE THE FIRST PRIORITY,

Hell ! YES

In today's fast paced world, we forget this WEALTH of health, basically who are working class, corporate professionals, IT professional's. And till the time we get aware of it, it might get late for some.

See the thing is, we all have today, not tomorrow not day after tomorrow...

And why it has become far more important for todays generation, cause we mostly are living in

👉nuclear families, one has to take care of everything on our own, our parents, our child, our spouse, our household,(in previous generations, we have this privilege that if one is out of city or town, their child and parents are been taken card of other family members).

👉If one gets unhealthy, not only the person, whole family suffers.

👉The treatment costs of various health issues, it has become so costly and if your situation arises to get admitted to the hospital, there is no limit and lakhs can be spent and been charged for hospitalization for few days.

So can we overcome this,

Yes, absolutely it is possible.

See, we have this limited 24 hrs/day,

So if you are the one who says I dont have time due to various valid reasons, be it job commitments, family, you cannot run away to this fact.


And above that you will not get that optimum health and 100 perc assurance even from doctors who are giving treatment to you that you will become 1pp perc fit again.

# #


Are you struggling with piles?😰
Do you want to heal your PILES naturally without taking any medicines in the most natural ways:
Don't worry we are here to help you🤗
Join our Webinar Today
👉What we cover in this webinar:
✅Reason behind forming Piles.
✅Why medicines don’t work?
✅How to get rid of piles holistically without pills and dieting?
✅5A Framework
✅Eating Habits
✅Sleeping Habits
✅Mental cleansing

So, Don't be late and apply now for this valuable Webinar that Change Your Life Forever🤩


*ATTENTION* Desk-Job Professionals*
If you are the one:
Who has formed PILES and other health issues and are not able to make time for their loved ones and important stuffs in life and, the problems you might be facing:
😫The irritation
✊The felling of something stuck and this doesn’t end here, and also it is hampering your day to day activities and you -
👉 Feel low and energy get drained at the end of the day.
👉you have gut issues.
👉 you feel bloated and have upset stomach
👉 Irregular bowel movements
and as you tend to work long hours in front of desk, that un-comfort Oh!!! God
Inspite of trying various medications for the treatment of this problem, Piles keeps coming up again and again and do you know why it re-appears,
Because, because the problem is not only due to physical aspect, WHAT !!!
Yes, Right, ok let me check if you have some of these emotions and feelings that has made their nest in you :
●You have past negative emotions in which you are not able to release, you are not able to release those negative emotions, that keeps coming in time to time.
● You always make hurry in doing things as you always feel that it is getting late and you will not be able to do the task in time.
●You think you don’t have proper space to do the tasks.
If you feel any of the above, now you might understand the reasons that why, why only working out and taking medications and pills are not going to get you out from this UNCOMFORTABLE situation, and why are you not able to get rid of PILES,
See, the emotional aspect makes a lot to recover and heal ourselves, besides non being physical active, sleeping disorders, bad food habits ; so don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts and emotions from next time.
And there were the times, when I used to feel lethargic all the time.
I grinded myself since past two, two and half years,
In-spite of being the brightest child in my family and not indulging in bad habits (for me at least, smoking, drinking), I got into depression, I was struggling in my job, and problems in my married life is adding more chaos. I formed various health issues like:
🌪 Fatty liver
🌪 Sinus
🌪 Upset stomach
🌪 Frequent stomach aches
🌪 Irregular bowel movements
and besides these above physical problems and i tend to form various other aspects as:
Low energy
Disturbed sleep and what not...
But these setbacks of my life also made me realize that if i didn’t do something NOW, my life is going to become a hell, and never ever I will be able to come out of this.
I made investment in myself and learnt a lot directly and indirectly from few great healers, mentors and this one realization that there will always be something that I don’t know, made me realize to take actions now and kept me grounded and going.
I met few enthusiastic people from where I learnt a lot and I was "able to connect the dots".
I found out ‘1 big thing’, one major thing that kept me away from taking control of my body, and that was my will to do things perfectly at the perfect time.
And that left me with
And this realization made me to do things, take actions …
My life started to change…
And I reached to the point where I started feeling change in myself and I got rid of and able to
a) Heal my PILES without any medication purely in natural ways.
b) Become healthier and energetic (I must say I have never felt this much great about my body).
c) Take ownership of what I do (and not blaming to the people and circumstances around).
d) Improved my performance in personal as well as professional life.
e) Open ( In-spite of being an introvert) and confident in dealing with people of all sorts of age groups and ranks.
f) And many more to come…
The opportunity is right here, and one thing u can do to is to grab it with both hands.
I am looking forward to people who are really committed to heal themselves from this adverse situation and if you are ready to take charge of your health and heal your piles naturally without any medication and pills.
Click on the link and get ready for your transformation.
See you on the other side...
Thank you
With fit regards,

fb.me 26/09/2023

*ATTENTION* Married Desk-Job Professionals*

If you are the one:

Who has formed various PILES AND other health issues and are not able to make time for their loved ones and important stuffs in life and above that, inspite of trying various medications for the treatment of this problem, Piles keeps coming again and again and again and do you know why it re-appears, the problems you might be facing:

😫The irritation
✊The felling of something stuck and this doesn’t end here, it is hampering day to day activities and you -

👉 Feel low and energy get drained at the end of the day.
👉you have gut issues.
👉 you feel bloated and have upset stomach
and as you tend to work long hours in front of desk, that un-comfort

Because, because the problem is not only due to physical aspect, what !!!

Yes, Right, ok let me check if you have some of these emotions and feelings that has made their nest in you :


●You have past negative emotions in which you are not able to release, you are not able to release those negative emotions, that keeps coming in time to time.

● You always make hurry in doing things as you always feel that it is getting late and you will not be able to do the task in time.

●You think you don’t have proper space to do the tasks.

If you feel any of the above, now you might understand the reasons that why, why are you not able to get rid of PILES,

See, the emotional aspect makes a lot to recover and heal ourselves, so don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts and emotions from next time.

And there were the times, when I used to feel lethargic all the time.
I grinded myself since past two years,

In-spite of being the brightest child in my family and not indulging in bad habits (for me at least, smoking, drinking), I got into depression, I was struggling in my job, and problems in my married life is adding more chaos. I formed various health issues like:

🌪 Fatty liver
🌪Upset stomach
🌪 Frequent stomach aches

Low energy
Anxiety, stress, disturbed sleep.

But these setbacks of my life also made me realize that if i didn’t do something NOW, my life is going to become a hell, and never ever I will be able to come out of this.
I made investment in myself and learnt a lot directly and indirectly from few great healers, mentors and this one realization that there will always be something that I don’t know, made me realize to take actions now and kept me grounded and going.

I met few enthusiastic people from where I learnt a lot and I was "able to connect the dots".
I found out ‘1 big thing’, one major thing that kept me away from taking control of my body, and that was my will to do things perfectly at the perfect time.

And that left me with


And this realization made me to do things, take actions …

My life started to change…
And I reached to the point where I started feeling change in myself and I became more

a) Open(In spite of being an introvert) and confident in dealing with people of all sorts of age groups and ranks.

b) Healthier and energetic (I must say I have never felt this much great about my body).

c) Taking ownership of what I do (and not blaming to the people and circumstances around).

d) Improved my performance in personal as well as professional life.

e) Healed my PILES without any medication purely in natural ways.

f) And many more to come…



The opportunity is right here, and one thing u can do to is to grab it with both hands.
I am looking forward to few people who are really committed to heal themselves from this adverse situation and if you are ready to take charge of your health and heal your piles naturally without any medication and pills.

Comment " I AM READY" to get the link.



AFFIRMATIONS are a powerful way to get out any negative emotions, if you keep repeating the specific statement with full emotions that will help you to get out of those particular problematic situations.

Here these are the powerful statements that you can affirm to get out of dis-ease to ease from PILES(BAWASIR).

Watch the video to know the powerful statements.

Thank you,

To your health


Do this to increase your prosperity, productivity and happiness by 10x, 100x l @ #?mamenn


Laziness isn't something to be accepted or tolerated,
It is a challenge to overcome and a hurdle to be leaped over.


Become aware of this fact, and accept it.


Yes, absolutely, mindblowing, fantastic


Do you know why Piles keep coming up, the
👉the irritation
😖the feeling of something stuck

Because, because the problem is not due to physical aspect, what!

Yes, Right, ok let me check if you have some of these emotions and feelings that has made their nest in you :


✊You have past negative emotions in which you are not able to release, you are not able to release those negative emotions, that keeps coming in time to time.
🤖You always make hurry in doing things as you always feel that it is getting late and you will not be able to do the task in time.
🤔you think you dont have proper space to do the tasks.

If you feel any of the above, now you might be knowing the reasons that why, why are you not able to get rid of PILES,

See, the emotional aspect makes a lot to recover and heal ourselves, so dont underestimate the power of your thoughts and emotions from next time...

Do you agree, feel free to write your thoughts in comments

Thank you


Inspite of having PILES problem, I am able to achieve this,

Yes, the people who have this problem will be on the same page with me,

The people who have this problem are been told to stick on strict diets and avoid a lot of foods,

Instead I went on to eat more(definitely I have some plan), and build this body of mine,

Follow me to know more...


📢📢*ATTENTION* Married Desk-Job Professionals*
If you are the one:

Who has formed various health issues and who thinks that he/she don’t have time for fitness: and are not able to make time for their loved ones and important stuffs in life:

👉Feel low and energy get drained at the end of the day
👉If you have formed various posture and muscle stiffness.
👉If you have gut issues.
👉If you feel bloated and have upset stomach
👉Tend to work long hours in front of desk.

I am able to crack the code to:
💥 Be energetic and leave behind laziness.
💥 Lovingly taking care of body and get rid of the feeling bad about body.
💥 Become healthier and stronger and better every single day.
💥 Taking responsibility for things and not blaming others.

There was the time, when I used to feel lethargic all the time.
I grinded myself since past two years,
In-spite of being the brightest child in my family and not indulging in bad habits (for me at least, smoking, drinking), I got into depression, I was struggling in my job, and problems in my married life is adding more chaos. I formed various health issues like:
🔥Fatty liver
🔥Upset stomach
🔥Frequent stomach aches
🔥Low energy
🔥Anxiety, stress, disturbed sleeps for months.

But these setbacks of my life also made me realize that if i didn’t do something NOW, my life is going to become a hell, and never ever I will be able to come out of this.

I made investment in myself and learnt a lot directly and indirectly from few great mentors and this one realization that there will always be something that I don’t know, made me realize to take actions now and kept me grounded and going.
I met few enthusiastic people from where I learnt a lot and I was "Able to connect the dots".

I found out ‘1 big thing’, one major thing that kept me away from taking control of my body, and that was my will to do things perfectly at the perfect time. And that left me with


And this realization made me to do things, take actions …

My life started to change…

And I reached to the point where I started feeling change in myself and I became more

a) Open(In spite of being an introvert) and confident in dealing with people of all sorts of age groups and ranks.

b) Healthier and energetic (I must say I have never felt this much great about my body.

c) Taking ownership of what I do (and not blaming to the people and circumstances around).

d) Improved my performance in personal as well as professional life.

e) And many more to come…




The opportunity is right here, and one thing u can do to is to grab it with both hands.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

I am looking forward to see you all. and if you are ready to take charge of your health and heal your piles naturally without any medication and pills.

Comment " I am ready" to get the link.

Arvind kumar Gupta MFITTER


When you get up in the morning 🌄
whatever time you get up, what is the 1st thing you do, leave it what is the 1st feeling you have in your mind, haha!!

Yah ! I assume you abuse and say bad things to other things not to yourself 😂😂

Ok, Do this every morning after you get up and change the way you start your day ...


One very effective way to beat procrastination is these 3 words :

Break it down


I was struggling to maintain my healthy body weight,

I still remember when I was hit by CORONA in 2and wave in year April 2021. I lost about 7-8 kg reached to 52 kg in just a month.

Being having average body averaging 58-59 kg, I use to think to increase my body weight to few pounds.But the Corona took toll on my health and i got weak.

And after recovering from Corona, I started training myself, doing Yoga, meditation and other exercises to regain my Health. And it improved.

But... the downside was I was not able to increase my weight, I was feeling better about my body, but not able to increase my weight inspite lot of efforts is not helping the cause.

But fast forward today now in a short span of 3 months i am here increased my weight to 60+ from 52-53.

How do I do that?

Yes that's the question arised in your mind right now, right !

So here is the answer :

I invested in myself, invested in my body , invested to have a personal trainer.

Yes, you got it right. I spent handsome amount of money Rs 6k/ month ( yes it was for me and for many, being hesitant to spent even a 1k for Gym, it was big for me) for the personal trainer and I still am and I know I am gonna hit my target of 68 kg in upcoming 1 to 2 months.

You what is the thing that has changed in me or what I made change in myself :

Its changing my mindset, changing my emotions about being spending on myself. (either way I do spend whether it on fancy clothes not necessary anytime, or eating out or spending or other stuff )

I found out this one thing that to grow, you need to grow not only in terms of body but your context expansion is equally important, your mind your relative emotions is to grown to get the optimum result.

Why I am doing this?

I know there are people like me who are not aware about investing in themselves ...

I was in the same stage too few years back but not now:

Let's do the calculation

If you go to gym for 1.5 k on monthly subscription basis and you went on to a gym for a year ( which I know is ver hard to be this consistent ) and you get some significant body shape .

1.5k * 12 = 18k


If you go to gym for 3 months but that with PERSONAL TRAINER, I bet you you will get far more result and that too in short time and around same cost.

6k*3 = 18 k

So what's the difference, the major difference here is that you get the result and that too saving your all precious time of 9 months

What do u say , share your thoughts in comments ...


Yes, as the years are getting added into ones life, one gets mature, and the same thing is happening to me.

Let me tell you a story :

There was a person, let him name AARU, He is very enthusiastic about getting more and more things done for his office , for his family, for his personal growth,

so that he get recognition in all aspects and part of his life and he worked religiously to get that recognition from family members, colleagues and what not.

But do you know what he got :

More work from office( in his thinking, not reality), as he got indulge other unimportant activities and in return wasting his energy and effort and not able to do give his 100 perc in important tasks assigned.

And also he is not able to get that quality time to his family as he felt frustrated and exhausted getting from office as inspite of the efforts put he didnt get recognized and he kept getting distracted

So the key thing here is that this person Aaru is not getting prioritizing his tasks beforehand and hence not able to get that quality output to his work and to his family...


One can live life to the fullest, when one can live thy day to the fullest. Because you never know...

With healthyvregards,
Arvind Kumar Gupta


It is not only about shedding few pounds or gaining extra muscle...

It's more about " Getting in Shape", hence next time when you go to build your body, strong body, keep it in mind. It's about:




Happiness is not something ready-made.
It comes from your own EMOTIONS and ACTIONS

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Very nice #married #mfit #mfitwellness
If you are suffering from PILES ,Do this simple exercise very often and whenever you feel like: Very helpful in easing o...
Working on only Physical aspect will not help you to get rid of the problem of Piles, You need to work on Mental and emo...
One tip to get to know if certain food or eating material suits you are not,Yes, in general I am not much into going for...
Piles!            Piles!             Piles! 👉Are you suffering from PILES and Constipation? 👉 Tired of long work hours a...
पाइल्स!         पाइल्स!         पाइल्स!   👉 क्या आप पाइल्स से परेशान हैं?👉क्या आप बवासीर और कब्ज से पीड़ित हैं?👉 क्या आप...
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Watch full video on the Page to get full gist.#arvindkumargupta #arvindpro1 #workingprofessionals #deskjobprofessionals ...
AFFIRMATIONS are a powerful way to get out any negative emotions, if you keep repeating the specific statement with full...
The mother to all solutions of the big one thing that is to be consistent is 3 words :  JUST SHOW UP        #mfitwithakg...





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