Goa Foundation, Mapusa Videos

Videos by Goa Foundation in Mapusa. The official page of the Goa Foundation, the best known of Goa's environmental action groups. http:/

Goa's best known environmental lawyer on what lectures she is taking at the Goa Foundation/Kare Law College PIL law course for citizens and activists.

For more information, https://goafoundation.org/lawcourse2/

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Other Goa Foundation videos

Goa's best known environmental lawyer on what lectures she is taking at the Goa Foundation/Kare Law College PIL law course for citizens and activists. For more information, https://goafoundation.org/lawcourse2/

Welcome to Goa, sunshine and garbage, returned without thanks, from the sea. This is a video of a report by an unnamed woman of Fatrade beach. Media reported 11 trucks of waste removed from Miramar beach on 25.6.2021. We have turned a dream into a nightmare. But what option do we have but to carry on nonetheless till better sense prevails? Incredible to relate, the coastal authority is now busy with public hearings to be conducted on Goa's coastal zone management plan. There is no plan here, only an obituary.

How Adani is Polluting Vasco with Coal
This video is about continuing coal pollution in Mormugao, Goa, sourced to Adani's coal handling berth.

Fishy Formalin: Why best to avoid fish till better times prevail
How much funnier can you get? Goa's fish catch is hocked off (the best of it) to consumers abroad. To fill in the gap, fish is imported from AP, Karnataka and other states. To make it last and to ensure it has that fresh looking gleam, formalin -- favourite of mortuaries -- is used in such quantities that when samples of fish were seized, all showed evidence of the toxic element. Maneka Gandhi has been warning of formalin use in fish for centuries. Eating formalin regularly ensures you resemble a dead body sooner or later. The present video presents a citizen's view. Our view is that eating fish today in Goa -- except the fish brought in by the traditional fisherfolk -- is a hazard to health. Eat it at your own risk. But don't give it to your kids or sick ones. Formalin testing kits are simply not being made available in stores so people can do their own checking. Till we are all equipped to do our own testing (like we test for blood sugar or pressure), fish eating will be mostly by foolish people. Or simply join the demand that the export of fish -- subsidised by our taxes -- from our waters in Goa to well-heeled consumers abroad be suspended.