BNI Delight Nashik

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from BNI Delight Nashik, Business service, Nashik.

The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop long-term meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.


Embrace quality:
Quality is first on the list for a reason. Be very selective about who you bring into your chapter - you want quality business professionals with positive, supportive attitudes. Networking is dependent on the quality of the relationships that you actually develop as a group, so it’s important to build deep relationships with your referral partners if you want to generate more referrals.
There also has to be accountability in the group - accountability in a group helps you achieve excellence, and you want quality people who are willing to commit


Givers Gain® is the underlying philosophy of BNI. We exemplify that by giving business to others; you will get business in return.


Why join BNI?
To save time...

Come learn how to increase your business through a structured, positive and professional word-of-mouth program that enables you to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.

The philosophy of BNI is built upon the idea of "Givers Gain". BNI offers members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and most importantly, business referrals. Being a member of BNI is like having sales people working for you every day who market your product or service. If referrals are an important part of your business, then BNI is the organization for you.

Learn more about BNI and how to find a local BNI chapter by clicking on this link:


Share your expertise and ideas. Share information. Promote your network’s work and accomplishments. Be a connector.When people in your network get stronger, you get stronger. By helping people in your network get stronger, they may be in a better position to be able to help you in the future.


The secret to success in BNI is that there is no one secret - there are at least three secrets, plus one more.
Embrace quality
Grow your team
Seek engagement
And: ‘share stories’.
Sharing stories is how you embrace quality, grow your team, and get people engaged - a story compels people to take an action that transforms them in some way...


International Networking Week®

International Networking Week®
February 2-8, 2020

I am encouraging all of our BNI members to bring 5 visitors to your BNI chapter meeting during the first week of February to celebrate the power of networking and the impact that networking has had on our growth as business professionals. We would also like for all the members to verbally thank five people during the meeting who have helped to grow your business.

For more information, please visit Each year, we come together to celebrate the power of networking and the impact that it has had on our growth as business professionals. During the first week in February, we invite you to take part in the 13th annual International Networking Week®.


Why Small Talk Skills Have the Power to Make or Break Your Leadership Abilities

Why Small Talk Skills Have the Power to Make or Break Your Leadership Abilities
Being more specific, making small talk and perfecting the art of the causal ramble. For those who are more introverted, small talk sounds about enjoyable as the plague. I'll admit, small talk has only been a recent addition to my life. Read more:
Blog credit: Leadership means many things to many people. However, one thing that is in total agreement is great leadership requires a focus on the intangibles.


Top 10 Traits Of A Master Networker - Ivan Misner And BNI

Topic: Dr Ivan Misner’s video on Top 10 Traits Of A Master Networker - Ivan Misner And BNI
Networking is more than just shaking hands and passing out business cards. Networking is really about building social capital. Watch as Networking Expert Ivan Misner Explains. - Networking is more than just shaking hands and passing out business cards. Networking is really about building social capital. Watch as ...


Ignorance on fire

One thing I have learned over the last 35 years is I can teach people how to do something. I can teach them how to network. I can’t teach them to have a good attitude.


BNI Core Values – BNIs 7 core values and why they are so important to us here at BNI

BNI CORE VALUES: The more we see members, leadership teams and director consultants immersed in a culture of learning, the more successful our chapters are. More education and learning leads to greater engagement and more successful networking.
Link: We are all in business to make a profit, but business should serve a greater need. Business can be profitable as well as honourable and noble. As business people we can make a difference in communities and individual lives.


Selecting Your Business Networks

Topic: Dr Ivan Misner’s video on “Selecting Your Business Networks”
When you begin networking, finding the right groups for you are vital. Choosing the wrong group is like having a bad dance partner-you'll end up moving backwards and tripping, eventually forgetting why you started in the first place!
But remember not to choose just one group, because you'll find that not one group can satisfy all your needs.

When you begin networking, finding the right groups for you are vital. Choosing the wrong group is like having a bad dance partner-you'll end up moving backw...


Garage to Global ® - Dr. Ivan Misner®

Garage to Global®
Part 1

Dr. Ivan Misner shares twelve lessons on his blog this week that he learned from growing BNI globally over the past 35 years. Ivan was able to grow BNI literally from his garage to a global enterprise. Here are his first four lessons. Here are the first four lessons I learned to go Garage to Global. This is how I took BNI literally from my garage to a global organization.


Why BNI? Because chapters are made up of entrepreneurs who help support one another. Let's reach your business goals together. Learn more online:


What To Expect At A BNI (Business Network International) Meeting

Quick visual explanation on how a BNI chapter meeting works and what you can expect to experience when you visit of local chapter.


Personal space is sometimes an issue. How close should you stand to people when you are talking to them?
Body language in networking environments can be very important.Personal space varies by culture. Don’t get in someone’s space unless you have a relationship with them that would justify that. Don’t make people feel uncomfortable by standing too close. In this day and age -- that is particularly important with the opposite gender.
Credit: Ivan Misner Article on


BNI's 35th Anniversary

Celebrate BNI's 35th Anniversary on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 Dr. Ivan Misner - Founder and Chief Visionary Officier of BNI


Simply say something like, “It was really nice meeting you. Do you have a card so I can have your contact information. Thanks.” That’s it. No fuss. No muss. No big deal. Don’t apologize because you have to go network and definitely don’t’ say you see someone else you need to talk to. Simply thank them and move on.


Find a Chapter | BNI: Business Network International

Why Join BNI?

Our 260,000+ members enjoy unparalleled business growth. As the world’s largest referral network, BNI passed over 11.2 million referrals last year, resulting in more than $14.2 billion in business (2018).

Learn more about BNI by visiting one of our 9,500 BNI chapters near you The world's largest business referral organization is just a few clicks away. Find a business networking chapter near you to get started.


2019 Year in review - The Top Ten Most Popular Posts

#10) The VCP Process: CREDIBILITY

Credibility is when you trust them & they trust you & you both believe that each other is good at what we do. How do you gain credibility? Credibility is the quality of being reliable, worthy of confidence. Credibility grows when appointments are kept, promises are acted upon, facts are verified, and services are rendered. The old saying that results speak louder than words is true. Failure to live up to expectations–to keep both explicit and implicit promises–can kill a budding relationship before it breaks the surface of the ground and can create visibility of a kind you don’t want.

Let’s talk about those activities that can help us lead those relationships from Visibility to Credibility:
- Following up with a thank you note.
- Offering doing something for others.
- Being seen as someone that does perform consistently.

Find ways that can you help them to make yourself more memorable. To determine how credible you are, people often turn to third parties. They ask someone they know who has known you longer or perhaps has done business with you. So, how credible are you? Would the people in your network vouch for you by saying that you are reliable and honest, your products and services are effective, you keep your appointments, act on your promises, deliver results as expected, and can be counted on in a crunch? If you’re not sure, now is the time to make a strategic effort to build your credibility; without credibility, you can forget about achieving profitability.

This process takes time and work on your part to do it. Do it intentionally, do it meaningful & make it effective.


BNI Core Values: Serving a Greater Good In honor of the 400th episode of The Official BNI Podcast, Dr. Misner chose to discuss BNI's 5 core values and 2 additions: Accountability & Recognition.


BNI’s core values help to establish its culture. It’s never too late to be thinking about your core values
This is such an important value in the contemporary business world. A networking group without accountability is a coffee club. It’s like playing a game of football with no rules. Accountability is a key value at every level of the BNI organisation.


Are you pushing your new customers away or building trust for repeat business? by Robert Skrob - Dr. Ivan Misner®

Are you pushing your new customers away or building trust for repeat business?

Member Retention Specialist Robert Skrob has written a fantastic guest blog on The New Customers Experience.

Check it out here: I’ve asked Robert Skrob to do a guest blog for my site on the topic of "The New Customers Experience".


Visiting chapters is an important piece in finding your new referral network. To help you get the most out of your first BNI meeting, here are some things to know before you go.
Visiting chapters is an important piece in finding your new referral network. Each chapter has a personality of its own, and finding where you fit best helps you to get connected.


Episode 592: The Value of Visitors Synopsis This episode is a rebroadcast of Episode 522, originally released on August 30th, 2017. David Clegg joins Dr. Misner this week to talk about the value of visitors in BNI. Visitors pass referrals to BNI members,


BNI Delight Nashik's cover photo


Givers Gain®

It is a powerful philosophy that is absolutely transformational. It’s focused on cooperation and collaboration. It’s an approach that involves helping other people over time, and by helping them, they will help you in return. I think it’s really the foundation for the types of change that we incorporate in the way that the world does business.


Visiting chapters is an important piece in finding your new referral network. To help you get the most out of your first BNI meeting, here are some things to know before you go.
Only one person from each profession specialty is allowed to join a chapter of BNI, eliminating the possibility of competition among our members. When you join a chapter, you are the sole representative of your field and can develop relationships with others in the chapter as their go-to person for your services.


Episode 638: Politics, Religion, and BNI (Classic Podcast) It's fine to have strong political or religious views--but keep them out of your BNI meeting.


So what is the 12 x 12 x 12 rule?

What do you look like from 12 feet away?

Are you prepared, have you dressed appropriately for the event you are attending? Do you have what you need for the event? Preparing in advance by researching the dress code for the event, knowing what time to turn up and what you need to bring with you can make you much more comfortable about walking into a room.

What do you look like from 12 inches away?

Do you still look as prepared? Do you understand the culture of the event you are attending? Are your clothes clean, is your breath fresh? This may not seem important however you don’t want to be the one remembered for not ironing your shirt or having bad breath! Can you easily find your business cards? Make sure you look professional at all times, have your business cards to hand when you need them and ensure you know when is the best time to hand over your cards.

What are the first 12 words out of your mouth?

This is the most important point. Have you thought about what you are going to say to someone else at a networking event, because the worst time to think about what you want to say is when you are saying it. Think about concise ways you can get your points across…… what you want to say about your business, your target market, the benefits of your product or service etc. Think about examples of projects you are working on or stories about how you helped clients. Be confident and speak with conviction.

So next time you are going to a networking event or holiday party, check out if you have followed the 12x12x12 rule.


Networking is not a sprint - it's a marathon!

Most people who are successful at networking and creating strong strategic alliances view the process as a series of small actions taken with many people to create a long-term positive growth for their companies. The process is more of a marathon than a sprint. Throughout the race, you form alliances and help each other in what may seem like little ways over the long haul, but small actions over time can create big results.


Episode 626: Collecting Business Cards is NOT Networking If you don't make a meaningful connection, you might as well still be cold calling, no matter how many business cards you collect.


BNI’s core values help to establish its culture. It’s never too late to be thinking about your core values
The more we see members, leadership teams and director consultants immersed in a culture of learning, the more successful our chapters are. More education and learning leads to greater engagement and more successful networking.


This One Personality Trait Sets Apart the Good Networkers From the Bad If you possess this characteristic, you will have less problems broadening your social circle.


Well-connected entrepreneurs tend to stop growing their networks | Forbes India Many entrepreneurs at a networking event chatted only with peers they already knew. What opportunities did they miss?


Some business people seem to have all the luck. At just the right time, the right people seem to appear in the path of these lucky people, ready to introduce them to people who will give them all the business they could ever desire.

Do you know any people like this?

Then you should also know that it’s likely more than just luck that brings a deluge of referrals their way. These people likely have built strong Power Teams for themselves.

A Power Team is a group of people of “complementary” professions. They work with the same clients, but do not take business away from each other. Great examples of these are easily found in the real estate and wedding industries. A realtor, mortgage broker, building inspector, title agency, and a real estate attorney all service clients looking to purchase property. A wedding planner, photographer, and florist are among the many professions that cater to the bride-to-be.

If these professions form a Power Team, when one person in the team gets business, he or she can refer the client to every other member in the team.

So it’s more than just luck. Successful business people have the ability to select and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with high-quality people in strategically important business categories, and this ability is a core competency for maximum success in networking.

So how do you cultivate such relationships? It’s vital that you find out as much as possible about your Power Partners so that you can send the right kind of business their way. You need to learn what makes your Power Team partner special as a person, as well as how to recognize your partner’s best prospects.

As a result, you can be an effective “Bragging Buddy” for your partners. As a Bragging Buddy, your job is to help prospects like, trust, and want to do business with your Power Team…while they are doing the same thing for you!


Don't allow your competition to outrun you.

I've heard of some people who consider joining a networking group that allows only one person per profession, but they just take too long to decide. They end up losing the opportunity when someone else in their profession joins first.

It reminds me of the story of two hikers who were friendly competitors. As they were walking through the woods, they rounded a corner and came face to face with a huge grizzly bear. The first hiker gently lowered his pack, so as not to startle the bear. He began to change into his running shoes. The second hiker reminded the first hiker that grizzly bears can run much faster than humans, and asked why on earth he was putting on his sneakers.

"Because," the first hiker replied, "I don't have to worry about outrunning the grizzly. I only have to worry about outrunning you!"

The lesson: If you find a strong contact referral group that you like and it has an opening, you'd better not blink... or your competition will outrun you.

Find a BNI chapter in your area:


Why Join BNI?

The Benefits of BNI Membership
- Increased exposure to many other people and businesses.
- Substantially increased referrals.
- Tools to network more effectively.
- Participation in up to 52 networking meetings per year.
- Newsletters and blogs on networking, public speaking, and business.
- Free periodic workshops on networking.

Learn more about BNI by visiting a local BNI chapter near you


Episode 637: The Networking Mentor In The Networking Mentor, Dr. Misner shows how mentoring a new BNI member takes the idea of Givers Gain to a whole new level.


BNI - The World's Leading Referral Organization

An Exclusive “Ask the Founder” session with Dr. Ivan Misner - Live from Warsaw, Poland.


BNI India

In support of one of BNI’s Core Values, Lifelong Learning, we are excited to announce our new BNI Business Builders Webinar Series.
Topic: Marketing 101
Mike Fitton, BNI's Director of Global Marketing, will discuss easy-to-implement marketing tactics to help power your business forward. View Webinar Here.

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Opening Hours

7am - 11am

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