Phoenix Toastmasters, New Videos

Videos by Phoenix Toastmasters in New. Want to improve your public speaking and leadership skills? Join this club and experience the magica

PTMC 197th Meeting TMOD TM Mani What Is Your Limit 21st August 2022

This week TMoD *TM Mani* will help you assess *'What's your limit?'* and will also encourage us to push them.

Let's take this opportunity to enjoy the stretch and exploring what lies beyond our believed limits.

Other Phoenix Toastmasters videos

PTMC 197th Meeting TMOD TM Mani What Is Your Limit 21st August 2022
This week TMoD *TM Mani* will help you assess *'What's your limit?'* and will also encourage us to push them. Let's take this opportunity to enjoy the stretch and exploring what lies beyond our believed limits.

Phoenix Toast Masters Club 195th Meeting Online Speakers Toast Masters Club UFV Toastmasters Trio Meeting TMOD TM Ginny Three Colours One Essence 14th August 2022
This week, in this trio joint meeting, TMoD TM Ginny from Phoenix Toastmasters through the theme of '3 Colours 1 Essence', would share the ideas of unity in diversity. Let us express our love for national flag's tricolour and remind ourselves of it's significance. TM Ginny is all excited to share insights, anecdotes and stories that support the theme.

PTMC 193rd Meeting TMOD TM Rahul Purpose 31st July 2022
"If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there." ~ Roy T. Bennett This week TMoD TM Rahul will lead us in the direction of discovering our purpose. With his theme - 'Purpose', he would help us question why are we here, how can we identify our core purpose and do we have ways to stay aligned with it?

PTMC 192nd Meeting TMOD TM Mohan Best Version 24th July 2022
This week TMoD TM Mohan will help us direct in 'Becoming the best version of yourself'. Let's together make ourselves and others become the best versions of self.

PTMC 191st Meeting TMOD TM Mani HOLD ON PAIN ENDS 17th July 2022
This week TMoD TM Mani is preparing to inspire us to keep hope through difficult times. With his theme, 'H.O.P.E. - Hold On Pain Ends', we shall learn to move ahead with a leap of faith. It is this hope that keeps us going with best of the meetings week after week. Let's make the most of our learn and fun time with TM Mani.

PTMC 189th Meeting TMOD TM Sachin Decision Overload 3rd July 2022

PTMC 184th Meeting TMOD TM Himanshu Manocha Talk Like TED 29th May 2022
You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart." ~ John Ford. Our TMoD TM Himanshu M. has decided to give away some important tips on public speaking with his theme of 'Talk Like TED'. He is also determined to make it a good mix of fun and inspiration!

PTMC 183rd Meeting TMOD TM Gopal Change someone's life 22nd May 2022
"There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. " ~ Mandy Hale This week TMoD TM Gopal will help us ponder and reflect on the possibilities that we all can create and 'Change someone's life'. Let's together make our and others' lives beautiful.

PTMC 182nd Meeting TMOD TM Brajesh Habits 15th May 2022
Healthy Habits are learned in the same way as unhealthy ones - through practice." ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer This week TMoD TM Brajesh will present some ideas related to 'Lockdown Habits' to ponder upon, weigh in and make changes in time. We should have our notepads ready, maybe!

PTMC 181st Meeting TMOD TM Ginny Summers 8th May 2022
In life much like Smoothies you get out what you put in." ~ Bolthouse Farms This week TMoD TM Ginny will share her secret recipes of her super health and will try to make it an easy attempt for us to take away the tips on 'Summers and Smoothies'. A smoothie a day keeps the summer heat away. Let's dive into this cool idea...

PTMC 180th Meeting TMOD TM Mohan Relaxation Table Topics Marathaon 1st May 2022
Excited to share what your views on a random yet interesting question? Our Table Topics Master TM Aditya is going to have a ball sitting on the other side and play this communication game with you all. Ready, right?

PTMC 179th Meeting TMOD TM Gaganpal History 24th April 2022
Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it" - Edmund Burke "We are not makers of history, we are made by history" - Martin Luther King Jr. In our 179th meeting, TM Gaganpal would take us on exploration into the past and on a reflective journey that'll help us know and realize the importance of history and its knowledge.

PTMC 178th Meeting TMOD TM Himanshu Manocha Hobbies 17th April 2022
"Hobbies are great distractions from the worries and troubles that plague daily living" ~ Bill Malone This week our TMoD TM Himanshu Manocha is going to make our Speechathon meeting more interesting and will share about Hobbies and how they are important for every individual.

PTMC 177th Meeting TMOD TM Mani 10th April 2022
The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river." ~ Ross Perot This week TMoD TM Mani will wake us up and shake us up to remind us and have the members acknowledge, plan and act to do something about mother Earth. And for that he has kept the theme as 'Go Green'. So are we ready to Go Green?

PTMC 171st Meeting TMOD TM Mohan Colours of Life 6th March 2022
"If you’re to choose to paint your life today... What will it be? Remember, you’re the artist, not the canvas." ~ Val Uchendu Our TMoD TM Mohan thought of sprinkling varied colours in our meeting with his theme of 'Colours of Life'. He is also determined to make it a good mix of fun and inspiration!

PTMC 170th Meeting TMOD TM Ginny Magical March Memories 27th February 2022
Through her theme of 'Magical March Memories', our TMOD TM Ginny is going to make us smile remembering those good old days!

PTMC 168th Ludhiana TMC 423rd Joint Meeting TMOD TM Guranoop Collaboration 13th February 2022
Collaboration – the ultimate intertwining of skills, passions, and knowledge – is what concocts the most shatterproof forms of change-making." ~ Ian Somerhalder This week, in this joint meeting, TMoD TM Guranoop from Ludhiana Toastmasters will share insights as to how through 'Collaboration' we can do so much and achieve goals that are seemingly mammoth. TM Guranoop is all excited to share insights, anecdotes, and stories that support the theme

PTMC 167th Meeting TMOD TM Tushar- Change is Intergral Part of Life 6th February 2022
This week TMoD TM Tushar will take us on a journey to explore the idea and concept of 'Change is an integral part of life' and will make it an insightful session for all of us.

PTMC 166th Meeting TMOD TM Gaganpal Theme Quotations 30th January 2022
"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder"* ~ Rumi This week TMoD *TM Gaganpal* will share about his love for 'Quotations' and how they can help in the moments of pain, anger, embarrassment, or sense of failure. *TM Gaganpal* is determined to make it an insightful session for all of us.

PTMC 165th Meeting TMOD TM Mani Ways To Live Your Life 23rd January 2022
“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking.” Join us this morning for many such perspectives or as our TMoD TM Mani calls it "The ways to live your life"!