Ram Bilash Mahto Welfare Foundation

Ram Bilas Mahto Welfare Foundation is Established to Promote Humanity Throughout the World


Here's to empowering every girl to break barriers, pursue education, and contribute to building a brighter future.

“Wishing all the incredible girls a day filled with love, encouragement, and endless possibilities."



As the New Year dawns, may it bring new hopes, new aspirations, and a new beginning.
Thank you for your trust and collaboration. May our relationship continue to thrive in the coming year. As we welcome 2024, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued partnership & Support.

Happy New Year to all.



To protect the rights of the minority communities every year on 18 December Minorities Rights Day is observed in India. No doubt every nation has different ethnic, linguistic, and religious minority groups. The Constitution of India provides equal rights for all citizens and adopted several measures for safeguarding the rights of linguistic, ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.

Also, it takes care of those people who are economically or socially disadvantaged people irrespective of their caste, culture, and community including the people of scheduled tribes and scheduled castes.



The true meaning of energy conservation is to avoid unnecessary use of energy and to use at least power so that energy sources can be saved for future uses. To make energy conservation plans more effective, every person should include energy conservation in their behavior.

Every person can save energy by eliminating the unnecessary use of fans, lights, heaters, or other electrical instruments used in their daily life. It is the easiest and most effective way to save extra energy usage which can be played a major role in National Energy Conservation Campaign.



As Foundation we Support this day with the Aim of Promoting Empowerment, and Helping to Create real Opportunities for People with Disabilities.

Empowerment Involves Investing in People in Jobs, Health, Nutrition, Education, and Social Protection. When people are Empowered they are Better Prepared to take Advantage of Opportunities, they Become Agents of Change and can more Readily Embrace their Civic Responsibilities.



Advocates: The Protectors of Justice:

Advocates in India are legal professionals who are licensed to practice law and represent clients in courts of law. Advocates' day is celebrated in India by the lawyer community on the 3rd of December to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the First President of India and a very eminent lawyer himself.

This day is also very Important for us because of our Foundation's Ideological Founder Late Mr. Ram Bilash Mahto, Advocate & AAG of Bihar who live his whole life with the responsibility of presenting cases, defending the accused, and pursuing justice on behalf of their clients.


Constitution Day of India, also known as Samvidhan Divas. It commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of India in 1949, which came into effect on 26th January 1950.

Jai Hind

Photos from Ram Bilash Mahto Welfare Foundation's post 12/11/2023

इस दीपावली के शुभ अवसर आप सभी के जीवन में मां लक्ष्मी और भगवान गणेश सुख-शांति और समृद्धि लाएं
जीवन दीप सार रौनक हो, प्यार, स्नेह और आंनद का उजियारा फैले l
आपको और आपके प्रिजयन को दीपावली की ढेरों मंगलकामना और बधाई l


On the basis of Article 39-A of Constitution the Legal Services Authorities have constituted for the purpose of provide free and competent legal services to the weaker section of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities, and to organize Lok Adalaths to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basic of equal opportunity.

1. Creating legal awareness among the general public by organizing legal awareness functions and workshops.

2. Providing free legal advice by establishing legal aid clinics in all taluks and legal support and protection centers in selected villages.

3. Providing free legal aid (Services) to the persons entitle for it.

4. Amicable settlement of Pre-litigation and cases pending in the courts by organizing Lok-Adalaths & Mega e-Lok Adalats (Janata Nyayalaya).


National Cancer Awareness Day reminds us all that we can put a check on the spread of this disease by making people aware of it.

Cancer is killing our society and our future and therefore, we need to conquer it with all our efforts. The more aware we are going to be of cancer and things that cause cancer, the better it is going to be for all of us.
Make the most of World Cancer Awareness Day.


🌟 Today is ! Let's spread love and hope. Reach out to someone who might be struggling. Together, we can make a difference. 💙


Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier.

Mother Teresa is renowned for her charity, kindness, and amazing contribution in helping the destitute. 5th September was chosen as the date for International Day of Charity to commemorate the death anniversary of Nobel Prize laureate Mother Teresa of Kolkata, India.

Ram Bilash Mahto Welfare Foundation Pay's tribute to commemorate, appreciate, and honor people like Mother Teresa who spent their entire lives to helping the poor and needy people.



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Dear friends,

On this special occasion of Raksha Bandhan, let's celebrate the beautiful bond of protection and love. While the traditional thread signifies sibling affection, let's also remember that the strongest protection comes from within.

This Raksha Bandhan, we encourage everyone to tie a symbolic thread of self-empowerment. Let's stand united, recognizing the power we hold to protect ourselves and those around us. Together, we can create a world where safety and strength prevail.

🌟 Happy Raksha Bandhan! 🌟

With heartfelt wishes,
Ram Bilash Mahto Welfare Foundation


The world observes Women's Equality Day. It is a sign of progress and serves as a reminder of the continuous struggle for equal rights and opportunities for all women.

This day is noteworthy because it honours women's accomplishments, promotes gender parity and gender equality, and raises money for numerous charities that support women.



This Day reminds us of the many sacrifices our freedom fighters made for the freedom movement and to get Independence from British rule.

So, today is also a day to honour those who gave their lives so that India could one day be an independent nation.


This day aims to honour Mandela's lifelong commitment to social justice, reconciliation, and human rights.

The day also encourages individuals and communities worldwide to engage in acts of service and make a positive impact in their societies, fostering a spirit of activism, solidarity, and collective responsibility.


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फाउंडेशन के वैचारिक संस्थापक एवं पटना उच्च न्यायालय में बिहार सरकार के पूर्व अपर महाधिवक्ता स्व. राम विलास महतो आज के दिन ही हम पूरे परिवार, मित्रगणों, अपने शिष्यों एवम सहकर्मियों को छोड़कर सदा के लिए चले गए, परंतु हमलोग आज भी उनके आदर्शों पर चलते हुए उनके अधूरे सपने को साकार करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। आपका आशीर्वाद हम सबों को मिलता रहे, यही प्रार्थना है।
विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि।🌹


छाया में सड़क का तापमान और बगैर छाया की सड़क के तापमान में अंतर देखिए l...और अब तो पेड़ लगाइए 🙏🏼

Photos from Ram Bilash Mahto Welfare Foundation's post 10/06/2023

कपूर सिर्फ फैक्ट्रियों में नहीं बनते, बल्कि पेड़ पर भी उगते हैं, पढ़िए इसकी बागवानी की पूरी जानकारी।

ज्यादातर लोगों को लगता है कि कपूर सिर्फ केमिकल्स के ही बने होते हैं। हालांकि, वर्तमान समय में प्रचलित कपूर केमिकल्स के ही बने होते हैं, लेकिन यह कमाल का तत्व प्रकृति में भी विद्यमान होता है। दरअसल, कपूर एक विशालकाय पेड़ से प्राप्त होते हैं, जिनका मेडिसिनल वैल्यू कमाल का होता है। वहीं, केमिकल्स वाले कपूर में मेडिसिनल वैल्यू का कोई अता-पता नहीं होता।

कपूर एक विशालकाय, बहुवर्षायु लगभग सदाबहार वृक्ष है। इसका वृक्ष, एशिया के विभिन्न भागों में जैसे भारत, श्रीलंका, चीन, जापान, मलेशिया, कोरिया, ताइवान, इन्डोनेशिया आदि देशों में पाया जाता है। कपूर के वृक्ष की लम्बाई 50 से 100 फीट तक होती है। इसके सुन्दर, अति सुगन्धित पुष्प और मनमोहक फल तथा पत्तियाँ बरबस ही अपनी ओर आकर्षित करते हैं। यही कारण है कि कहीं-कहीं, इसे श्रृंगारिक वृक्ष के रुप में भी अपनाया गया है। पत्तियाँ बड़ी सुन्दर, चिकनी, मोमी, लालीमायुक्त हरापन लिए होती हैं। वसन्त ऋतु में छोटे-छोटे अति सुगन्धित फूल लगते हैं। इसके फल भी बड़े मोहक होते हैं।

कपूर वृक्ष की लकड़ियाँ सुन्दर फर्नीचर के काम में भी लायी जाती हैं, जो काफी मजबूत और टिकाऊ होती हैं। इसके पेड़ से प्राप्त लकड़ियों को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में काटकर, तेज ताप पर उबाला जाता है फिर वाष्पीकरण और शीतलीकरण विधि से रवादार कपूर का (crystalline substance) निर्माण होता है। इसके अलावा, इससे अर्क और तेल भी बनाया जाता है, जिसका प्रयोग प्रसाधन एवं औषधी कार्यों में बहुतायत होता है।

आयुर्वेद में इसके अनेक औषधीय प्रयोगों का वर्णन है। एलोपैथी और होमियोपैथी दवाइयों में भी कपूर का प्रयोग होता है। यह शीतवीर्य है, यानी इसकी तासीर ठंडी है।


A Heartfelt Thank You to all the Amazing Mothers who have made an immeasurable impact on our lives - Happy Mother's Day!


मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भगवान श्री राम के अवतरण के अति पावन दिवस 'श्री राम नवमी' की आप सभी को हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं!

जय श्री राम!


The day aims to raise awareness about the necessity of vaccination. It also acknowledges and appreciates the hard work of frontline healthcare workers to ensure the vaccination of every child.

The history of vaccination in India dates back to the nineteenth century when the country pioneered modern immunizations. Over 51 years ago, India introduced the Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccination to combat tuberculosis.

India has made remarkable progress in scaling up routine immunization through intensified vaccination drives. Vaccination is the most effective method of preventing highly infectious diseases and keeping them at bay.


Holi usually marks the welcoming of spring, fertility, harvest and bright colours in the world after the dullness of winter. Culturally, people also say that Holi is the day when people bid goodbye to their problems, animosities and some even say that the biggest enemies and foes turn into friends on this blessed day by applying gulaal on each other's faces.

“Let’s throw out the colours in the air, and renew our love with a bit of romantic colour. Happy Holi”


RBMWF actively promote the day with various activities to celebrate everyone’s right to live a full life with dignity regardless of age, gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, height, weight, profession, education, and beliefs.

Many countries have laws against discrimination but it's still a problem in all layers of society in every country in the world. Many countries have and still use discrimination as a way of governing.


A non-governmental organisation is any nonprofit group that operates without the influence of the government.

People all throughout the world recognize World NGO Day on February 27 each year. It is an international day intended to honour, acknowledge, and celebrate nonprofit and non-governmental organisations. The day also celebrates the individuals who founded these groups and made significant contributions to society worldwide.

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