Rupali Joshi-Wellness Lifestyle Coach

Rupali Joshi-Wellness Lifestyle Coach

Iam a Wellness Coach.Iam on a mission to help working professionals,Students to overcome Sleep relat


Life is a gift, stay healthy spend it well.
Love yourself first...
Be Love and Spread Love...


A healthy life is the key to it all.


Lets make a Sankalp or Decide on Goal,a Health and wellness goal and work consistently to achieve the same...for 2022
Happy Makar Sankrant🎉💯


As the world continues to fight the pandemic, I wish you and your family strength and good health this new year. I hope that this year marks the beginning of solid determinations and will power to fulfill each one of them.

Wish you all a very Happy and prosperous New year!


The spirit of Christmas fill our hearts with joy and bring peace to our minds. The festival brings with itself the dawn of a beautiful beginning full of hope and serenity.

May the lights of Christmas guide you and your family to a healthier lifestyle so that you can celebrate this festival of togetherness for many years to come.

May we get all the health and happiness today, and may God bless us all.

A Merry Christmas to you all!


Contact me to get consulted for your health💞


Dm for details.


Sturdy and prickly on the outside; fragrant, delicious and extremely healthy inside. Pineapple was named as the healthiest fruit in the world and for some seriously important reasons.[1] They contain zero fat and cholesterol, and plentiful of vitamins A, B, C, potassium, manganese, cooper and a dozen of other minerals and nutrients our bodies regularly need.🍍🍍🍍


Life is full of opportunities to step outside the comfort zone, but grabbing hold of them can be difficult.

Sometimes the problem is not being aware of reasons to do so. After all, if the feeling of comfort signifies our most basic needs are being met, why should we seek to abandon it?

What holds people back most of the time is their frame of mind rather than any distinct lack of knowledge.

Contact me if you are feeling stuck at a point in your life and wants to grow💯


Anxiety is a normal emotion. It’s your brain’s way of reacting to stress and alerting you of potential danger ahead.

Everyone feels anxious now and then. For example, you may worry when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision.

Occasional anxiety is OK. But anxiety disorders are different. They’re a group of mental illnesses that cause constant and overwhelming anxiety and fear. The excessive anxiety can make you avoid work, school, family get-togethers, and other social situations that might trigger or worsen your symptoms.

Contact me to get consulted fir your problems 💯


The air of Diwali absolves the soul and feeds the mind with enlightenment.
It warms our hearts with mystical joys and helps us let go of materialism.

It brings the joy of sharing and forming bonds and the eternal bliss of togetherness.

This Diwali, pledge to live by the motive, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", to prolong your time together.

Together, let go of every unhealthy habit and embark on a journey of health and wellness.


By triggering positive thoughts right from the hour zero of the day; you can spread happiness and positivity among others also.
- Rupali Joshi


If you really pause, reflect, and think back through the years. Ain’t that the truth.

“Health” is a big term in a way. We tend to think of health as black or white. It is either you are sick or you aren’t. Yet if you really observe the natural system, nothing is a full-on black or white. It does not work in binary as if the world is just made up of only two colors.

Most of us want to be rich in money to buy the things we want, to travel to places that we want, to eat all the things that we want. But in pursuit of money, how is your health doing today?

You can be making lots of money with your current job, but are you truly healthy? Can you say without a reasonable doubt that you feel energetic and wholesome?

That is true health for you.


The Wellness Wheel illustrates a wellness model with seven dimensions: emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial, and spiritual. All of the dimensions are interconnected and important to a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

Stay tuned for more details about our upcoming webinars and courses.

Dm me to get Consulted about your overall physical and mental wellness !
🆓 🆓 🆓 🆓 🆓 🆓 🆓 🆓 🆓


This Dussehra, take a pledge to let positivity encompass your life.

Take the first step against sleep disorders and smoking, and join hands with me and millions across the world on our mission to create a happy and healthy tomorrow.


World Mental Health Day is marked every year on October 10 to advocate against social stigma on mental health issues.

Mental health is one of the most neglected areas of public health. According to studies, nearly 1 billion people are living with a mental disorder, 3 million people die every year from the harmful use of alcohol and one person dies every 40 seconds by su***de.


Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there's nothing else you can give, and nobody will care for you.


Gandhi is not a name but a slogan, a slogan for peace, a slogan for prosperity, a slogan for hope and most importantly a slogan for courage, and it is precisely that, that one needs to fight their own health issues and addictions! I rupali joshi have pledged my life to the Gandhian cause by promising to further the message of peace and prosperity through a healthy society free from sleep disorders and a society that is free of smoking! The Gandhian way is an inspiring message to everyone who wishes to change and begin the metamorphosis in life that brings them one step closer to what they want to be and as such become an asset to society!


Are you facing any problem with the most important parameter of your overall health "Sleep"?

If Yes!
Then quickly register for our workshop through the given link in bio🌐

About Trainer-
Rupali Joshi is a professional Health and Wellness Coach who can guide your sleep cycle properly and with a professionally approach providing ethical, creative and evidence-based strategies. We’ll help you find the answers you need to relieve your stress and enhance your good night's sleep to live a happy and healthy life!


Tossing and turning at night instead of sleeping? Worrying about the ridiculous cable bill, stressing over the unexpected car repair or questioning your career choice? We’ve all been there, losing sleep over our major and minor problems – followed by waking up in an even worse mood.

Rupali Joshi is a professional Health and Wellness Coach who can guide your sleep cycle properly and with a professionally approach providing ethical, creative and evidence-based strategies. We’ll help you find the answers you need to relieve your stress and enhance your good night's sleep to live a happy and healthy life!


The collective term sleep disorder refers to conditions that affect sleep quality, timing, or duration and impact a person’s ability to properly function while they are awake. These disorders can contribute to other medical problems, and some may also be symptoms for underlying mental health issues.

To Register Click on
(Link is on bio)


Sleep psychologists study sleep and treat sleep disorders. They are highly trained mental health professionals. They develop an understanding of normal and disordered sleep. Sleep psychologists seek to understand the root of what may be causing your sleep disorder so that they can treat it.

Sleep Apnea.
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.
Non-24-Hour Sleep Wake Disorder.
Excessive Sleepiness

To Register Click on
(Link is on bio)


Common sleep disorders like insomnia, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy and sleep apnea can affect every aspect of your life including your safety, relationships, school and work performance, thinking, mental health, weight and the development of diabetes and heart disease. Not getting enough quality sleep can hurt your quality of life.

Rupali Joshi is a professional Health and Wellness Coach who can guide your sleep cycle properly and with a professionally approach providing ethical, creative and evidence-based strategies. We’ll help you find the answers you need to relieve your stress and enhance your good night's sleep to live a happy and healthy life!
To Register Click on
(Link is on bio)


Tossing and turning at night instead of sleeping? Worrying about the ridiculous cable bill, stressing over the unexpected car repair or questioning your career choice? We’ve all been there, losing sleep over our major and minor problems – followed by waking up in an even worse mood.

Rupali Joshi is a professional Health and Wellness Coach who can guide your sleep cycle properly and with a professionally approach providing ethical, creative and evidence-based strategies. We’ll help you find the answers you need to relieve your stress and enhance your good night's sleep to live a happy and healthy life!


Sleep-related disorders have been a critical public health concern for decades. And many are unaware, undiagnosed and unconcerned about the serious health consequences that can follow.

Rupali Joshi is a professional Health and Wellness Coach who can guide your sleep cycle properly and with a professionally approach providing ethical, creative and evidence-based strategies. We’ll help you find the answers you need to relieve your stress and enhance your good night's sleep to live a happy and healthy life !


Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 🌸😇

Happiness is a 9 letter word that is felt 9 fold higher on festivals, away from the workplace and schools surrounded by smiles on all four sides with an assortment of family and friends, festivals truly are the happiest times of the year. This festival season, put yourself and your mental health first and learn to find joy in both the small and big things in life through love and gratefulness. The often deep and spiritual nature of these special occasions leads a person to introspect and search for meaning deep within the chasms of their soul, we hope that this introspective journey brings you peace and that the spiritual and important nature of this journey of introspection leads you on a path of healing and love and helps you find yourself !

Contact now for a free consultation call session.
Stay happy, stay healthy ! ☀️


Teachers are the soul of humanity, guiding us through this harsh and perilous journey of life through the misty lakes of failure right through the intimidating forests of fear, and cheering for us from the side-lines as we reap the fruits of our labour, while also actively playing the role of being our biggest motivators and educators throughout the entire journey !

I believe that education is like that omni-present cloud that surrounds everything, every person, every field and every industry. Knowledge is that stone and anchor that keeps humanity still and firm in its place. I have as such furthered this mission of knowledge by spreading awareness in the sector of health and towards the ill effects of smoking and indulging in other unhealthy habits, I have moved many of my clients towards a more sustainable lifestyle so they can continue their process of learning and seeking knowledge while being fit and in the best of health.

On this special day, I would encourage every single one of you to write a small thank you message to the mentors who’ve made you what you are today and the mentors that have guided you and continue to guide you through this evergreen process of learning.


Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The way you feel while you're awake depends in part on what happens while you're sleeping🛌

If you face any problem regarding your sleep patterns then connect with me💯


It’s estimated that around 15 per cent of the adult population will experience depression at one point or another throughout life. And, accordingly to the World Health Organization, that means there are currently over 300 million people in the world currently living with depression.
Whatever the cause, for some of these people, the emotional pain will become too much and they will consider su***de as an option of escape. In fact, around 8,00,000 people go through with su***de every year, and for each of those, there are around 25 times more su***de attempts.
🗣️Talk to us Today and Share this post as much as possible so that it may help someone around you📞


Are you Suffering from Sleep Disorders

Book your 30 Minutes FREE Discovery call Now..

Book FREE 30 Minutes Discovery Call 04/08/2021

As I was researching, I came across an article by Indian Research on Sleep Disorders.The international classification of sleep disorders classifies the sleep disorders in six major categories:[1]

• Insomnia
• Sleep related breathing disorders
• Hypersomnia’s
• Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
• Parasomnia
• Sleep related movement disorders
• Insomnia refers to the difficulty in initiation, maintenance, duration or quality of sleep. People may experience poor concentration, lower productivity and poorer work quality as a result of insomnia

• Sleep related breathing disorders include several potentially serious conditions that include primary snoring, Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), central sleep apnea, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

• Excessive daytime sleepiness, defined as sleepiness that interferes with daytime activities, productivity or enjoyment is usually abnormal and may reflect insufficient sleep, disrupted sleep or a primary sleep disorder such as narcolepsy.

• Circadian rhythm sleep disorders include the sleep disorders in which sleep-wake cycle is disturbed as it happens in workers having shift duties and in travelers who get a jetlag.

• Parasomnia is an undesirable nondeliberate motor or subjective phenomenon that takes place during transition from wakefulness to sleep or during arousal from sleep.

• A variety of involuntary movements occur during the sleep and these are covered under this category of sleep related movement disorders.Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) is one of the commonest neurological disorders and causes significant disability, if left untreated


Book FREE 30 Minutes Discovery Call Resolve your Sleep related problems


I'm Certified fitness and wellness coach who can help you to quit smoking and to***co today for a Healthy future😊
It is a habit that drains your money and kills you slowly, one puff after another. Quit smoking, start living❤️

DM me for more details 💯💞

Join our Live Workshop on 10th July if you want to quit smoking 💯
Time 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM⏰
Joining Link -


Take a one step forward to the wellness amd join our Live Workshop on 10th July if you want to quit smoking 💯
Time 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM⏰
Joining Link -


You can break the chain of smoking!
Every time you say no brings you one step closer to being a non smoker. Don't give up!

👉🏻Join our Live Workshop on 10th July👈🏻
Time 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM⏰
Joining Link -


The decision to quit smoking is the most important step you can take to improve your overall health. It is NEVER too late to quit. By quitting smoking, you can:

1)Lengthen your life expectancy
2)Decrease your risk of disease (including lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema, heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers and reflux, erectile and sexual dysfunction, kidney disease, and other conditions)
Reduce your risk of respiratory and anesthesia complications during surgery and risk of infection or re-admission after an operation
3)Decrease the chance that your children will become sick (respiratory and ear infections are much more common among children exposed to secondhand smoke)
4)Feel healthier (after quitting, you won’t cough as much, have as many sore throats or stuffy noses, and will have an increased energy level and exercise tolerance)
Improve your sense of taste and smell
5)Improve your personal life (smoking causes erectile dysfunction and overall sexual dysfunction)
6)Improve your looks (smoking cause wrinkles, stained teeth, and dull skin)
7)Save money – a 1 pack-per-day habit costs almost 25,000/year

👉🏻Join our Live Workshop on 10th July👈🏻
Time 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM⏰
Joining Link -

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Videos (show all)

Are you Suffering from Sleep DisordersBook your 30 Minutes FREE Discovery call Now..
Harsh Truth in Fitness Industry
Fear robs you of your freedom to make the right choice in life that can bridge the gap between where you are and where y...
Life is too short to hide your feelings, and that’s true! We do not realize it until and unless it becomes too late.
Rupali Joshi's Zoom Meeting
Yoga And Meditation




Opening Hours

Monday 6pm - 8pm
Tuesday 6pm - 8pm
Wednesday 6pm - 8pm
Thursday 6pm - 8pm
Friday 6pm - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm

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