Syed urva07, Srinagar Videos

Videos by Syed urva07 in Srinagar. vedio creator Kashmiri girl iz urva

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Kindly Share #Missing General public is hereby informed that a girl namely Fatima D/o Niyaz Ahmad Wani R/o Shari Bhat Alamgari bazar has been missing since today (16/07/2022 Time 5:30 pm) aera of Shribhat Alamgari Bazar Sgr.if anyone has any information regarding this missing girl, kindly contact on this number 9797818266 9796571528 and also Plz & plz share

Viral on social media Duniya ka aakhri akal mand insaan 😅

Two family members have #died in a road accident in Arizal #Budgam. Both are from Sitharan Budgam and are from Lone family. #KNT

Driver of the year❤️❤️ With 100% experience

ASI Mushtaq Ahmad R/O South Kulgam Who Was Killed In Militant Attack At Lalbazar Srinagar

#Heae breaking😭😭😭 First year MBBS Student Shahid Beig from Punzwa kupwara Drowns in panzwa river of Kupwara. May Allah grant him highest place in Jannah


#hearttouching 😭 17 year old boy died due to electric shock at Bandipora..His father wailing while hugging him
#hearttouching 😭 17 year old boy died due to electric shock at Bandipora..His father wailing while hugging him

Muzafer Ahmad sheikh (driver) Gulabsheikh mohalla safapora lost cash 37700 rs from lar tehsil Ganderbal to Gulabsheikh crossing.If anybody found please contact on 7889451005...
Muzafer Ahmad sheikh (driver) Gulabsheikh mohalla safapora lost cash 37700 rs from lar tehsil Ganderbal to Gulabsheikh crossing.If anybody found please contact on 7889451005...