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Timeline Photos 14/10/2020

Book to read from Self help books by indian authors..

Timeline Photos 13/10/2020

Everybody Loves a Good Draught
Stories from India's Poorest District
-P. Sainath

If someone want to know better, about India and how system works in India then blindly go for this book. The author of book is a renowned journalist P. Sainath, he done spectacular work and ground reporting in poorest districts from india. For his extraordinary work, and analysis made him to achieve Magsaysay Award.

It's quite a bit clear that book is written from journalistic perspective, so thats what we need to understand before going for it.

Basically book is in the form of stories, from backward areas like tribal villages, dalit vastis. The stories in this book revolves around the oppression, suppression and repercussions of Tribals, Dalits and women's along with their children, by government authorities, contractors, and so called upper strata people. Stories includes facts and figures which gives or enhance the authenticity of reports or stories as well.

One thing reflects from these stories that is, "present system exploits humans, as human exploits animals".

The Book is bulky including around 500 pages, so it takes too much time to read it. I personally completed it in two parts. But after reading, it will definitely leave imprint on your mind about another side of India, Which is marginalised. Really book seems to me as "Discovery of poor India".

Finally I will conclude it as, "what people want that's not the goverments problem, governments problem is that they have funds and drafted schemes to disburse the funds without understanding needs".

Timeline Photos 12/10/2020

Being Love
Creating Beautiful Relationship
-Sister BK Shivani..

Sister Shivani did her graduation and postgraduation, with gold medal in academics from pune. She is a Spiritual teacher in Bramha Kumaris. Her television program Awakening with Bramha Kumaris with Suresh oberoi, was about discussing problem in day to days life. Basically this book is in question answer format from her talk in the show.

Most of us are in deep trouble without knowing or understanding actual meaning of relationship. This book helps us to understand and analyse the relationship. Expectations, unreasonable behaviour and over optimism leads to deep sorrow also these are root causes of our relationship being sad one. This book through spiritual practices helps us to get out from sadness.

I will recommend this book to those who are in deep trouble with their relationship and also to those who are are trying to build a beautiful relationship with the help of spirituality. Lets make one thing clear here unless and until you do it on practical basis it won't helping you to grow.

Timeline Photos 11/10/2020

Life's Amazing secrets
How to find balence and purpose in your life
-Gour Gopal Das ()

Gour Gopal Das is a monk of our generation, who inspired and followed by millions of people. He done his electrical engineering from Pune and also after his education, he joined ISKON from downtown Mumbai and remained there for 22 years. Book is of spiritual kind, which deals with the real life examples, lucidly explains with the help of anecdotes by his way of knowledgeble expression.

Book starts with the invitation of dinner for Gaur gopal das by the couple named Harry and Lalita who lives life of luxury, still not happy with their life. As a spiritual guru Gaur gopal das explains him how life works and how it run by the four wheels of life. It seems intresting that spiritual gurus sharing their experience from books.

As self-help book always seems intresting for me, one can go for it who wants to do voyage of spirituality. This book gets edge over other self-help books as it includes real life examples. Ideal for those who have faith in spirituality.

Timeline Photos 10/10/2020

छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज जीवन-रहस्य
लेखक-नरहर कुरुंदकर
नरहर कुरुंदकर यांनी ज्या पद्धतीने या पुस्तकामध्ये महाराजांच्या जीवन-रहस्याची मांडणी केली आहे, त्यावरून एका दृष्ट्या विचारवंत्याचे, आणि एका तर्कसंगत अभ्यासकाचे दर्शन घडते.

महाराजांच्यावरील लिहिलेल्या अनेक पुस्तकांमध्ये आपल्याला सर्व नाट्यमय थरार वाचायला मिळतो म्हणजे जसे की अफजलखानाचा वध, पन्हाळ्यावरुन सुटका, अशा सर्व घटना लिहिलेली बरीच पुस्तके सहज उपलब्ध होऊन जातात, पन त्या घटनांचे परीक्षण आणि त्यामागची पार्श्वभूमी ही जोपर्यंत समजत नाही तोपर्यंत महाराजांच वेगळपण लक्षात येन तितकस सोप नाही, जे की या पुस्तकामध्ये उत्कृष्टरीत्या मांडलेले आहे. मध्ययुगीन काळातील आधुनिक दृष्टिकोण असलेला राजा आणि त्याच्याशी प्रामाणिक असलेली प्रजा यांच नात यामध्ये समर्पक रित्या मांडलेले दिसून येते.

महाराजांच्या आयुष्यामध्ये ज्या काही महत्वाच्या घटना घडल्या त्या घटनांचे सहसंबंध आणि त्या घटनांवरील महाराजांनी दक्ष राहून केलेले नियोजन यामधून छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांचा दृष्टिकोण लक्षात येतो. एकविसाव्या शतकामधील लोकशाही मध्ये आपल्याला कल्याणकारी राज्य ही संकल्पना अजूनही पूर्णत्वास आणता आली नाही, पन महाराजांनी त्या काळामध्ये अशी व्यवस्था निर्माण केलेली की त्यामध्ये कोणत्याही वर्गातील लोकांना राज्य आपल असल्याची भावना मनामध्ये होती.

महाराजांना समजून घेण्यासाठी फक्त अफजल खानाचा वध समजून घेता कामा नाही तर, त्यासाठी त्यांनी वतनदारीचा केलेला वध समजून घेन गरजेचे आहे. स्वप्न पाहन आणि ते स्वप्नात उतरवन ह्यामधील फरक नीट समजून घेन गरजेच आहे, जे महाराजांना युगप्रवर्तक नेता बनवतात. कदाचित ह्या गोष्टीच अनुसरण आजच्या काळातील नेत्यांना करने गरजेचे जास्त आहे. शिवाजी कोन होता? ह्या पुस्तकामध्ये करुंदकरांच्या पुस्तकाधील बरेच संदर्भ घेतले आहेत त्यामुळे काही घटना पुन्हा वाचनात येतील.

काही ठिकाणी लेखकाची वैयक्तिक मते आपल्याला संदर्भामध्ये मांडलेली दिसतील, पन त्याठिकानी तसा उल्लेख केलेला आढळून येतो. घटनांच्यापलीकडे जाऊन महाराजांच्या जीवनाचे रहस्य समजून घेण्यासाठी संदर्भ पुस्तक म्हणून वाचन्यासाठी उत्तम पुस्तक.

Timeline Photos 09/10/2020

Here is another list of books, you can get any one of these as all of these are shortlisted for The Booker Prize 2020

Timeline Photos 09/10/2020

Serious men is film directed by Sudhir Mishra, which is satirical work of fiction based on book named 'Serious Men's written by Manu Joseph. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is playing main role in the film which makes movie fabulous, as he is in the list of my favourite actors(jokes a part).
It's a film about slum dweller who pull strings, in pursuit of upward mobilty for him and for his child Adi as well, for which he has long craved. His efforts for upward mobility keeps Adi in danger, his conscious choices and expectations getting disastrous day by day for Adi as it reflects from Adi's behavior in later. This movie is symbolic creation for society where caste matters, and also how it works in the peoples life. Nawazuddin nailed the character of Ayyan. In this movie, it shows how politics took over the life of downtrodden people, for greedy purpose of snollygustor politicians. I am very much impressed by simplicity and sober dialogue delivery which express character in well defined manner.
Here are some insights before go for it. If you are kind of person who doesnt like movies from genres Satire, then you might be little bit disappointed with this, but those who comes in this category it will be perfect movie for you. Go ahead and enjoy it. here is a dialogue which impreesed me a lot i.e,
"The end of an ox is beef, the end of a lie is grief".

Timeline Photos 09/10/2020

Letters from a Father to his daughter -Jawaharlal Nehru
Just now done with this this book, it's a book of 30 letters from Jawaharlal to little Indira in 1928. The reason behind I like this book, that is the cordial relation between the father and his daughter. The book includes a collection of letters, which was sent at that time to the 10 year old Indira, by Jawaharlal Nehru. Who were in Mussoorie enjoying summer, now I really realized why this man called by the title 'Man of Vision'.
In this book he told little Indira everything right from origin of the earth, and ahead of that evolution and development of Universe along with this, the concepts like Religion, Civilization, Barbarism, etc in very simple and lucid way as any of the 10 year old child can understand it easily. It proves that how should be the ideal relation between the father and his daughter, really from these letters we can really get to know how he was played every role perfectly I liked it very much, I will suggest u just read it once. It worths to read .
In this book of letters this Part from a letter, Made me to think about Jawaharlal Nehru's Vision and his Knowledge is as follow,
"The Mahabharata came long after the Ramayana. It is much bigger book. These were the books written in India thousands of years ago. Who but the greatest of men could have written them? And although they were written so long ago, they live today in India and every child knows them and every grown-up is influenced by them"

Timeline Photos 08/10/2020

-महात्मा ज्योतीराव फुले
आज महात्मा ज्योतिराव फुलेंच्या जयंतीनिमित्त त्यांच एखाद पुस्तक वाचवा म्हंटल म्हणजे कस ज्ञानाचा दिवा ज्याणी बहुजन लोकांच्या घरी लावला त्यांना श्रधांजली सुद्धा ज्ञानाच्या मार्गाने देऊ.
त्यांच्या लेखनीतील माझ्या संग्रहातील असलेल्या पुस्तकांधील गुलामगिरी हे पुस्तक मी वाचनासाठी निवडल आणि ते वाचून सुद्धा पृर्ण केल. एका संघर्षमय युगातिल तेजस्वी आणि थक्क करणारा प्रवास जोतिबानी पृर्ण केला. ब्राह्मणी पाशातुन बहुजन जनतेला मुक्त करण्यासाठी आणि ब्रह्म्नांच्या वर्चस्ववादी कपटी बुद्धिच समकालीन रूप त्यानी गुलामगिरी या ग्रंथतुन अतिशय समर्पक आणि चिकित्सक रित्या मांडला आहे.
अगदी ब्रह्मा पासून सर्व भाकडकथांमधील अवतारांचा उगम आणि त्यांच सत्य रूप बहुजनाना कळाव यासाठी तर्कसंगत मांडनी पुस्तकामध्ये केली आहे. पुस्तकामध्ये धोंडिबा आणि ज्योतिराव यांच्यातील संवादरूपी मांडणी केली आहे. समस्त बहुजनांचे आद्य इतिहासकार म्हंटल तरी त्यात काड़ीमात्र शंका नसावी अश्या प्रकारे सर्व इतिहास पुस्तकद्वारे मांडलेला आहे.
ब्राम्हणी गुलामगिरीतून बहुजन समाजाला बाहेर काढण्यासाठी लिहिला गेलेला प्रमाण ग्रंथच म्हणन योग्य ठरेल.

Timeline Photos 07/10/2020

This is the list of Man Booker Prize winner from india.
One can enjoy these books as it really worths to read.

Timeline Photos 07/10/2020

मराठी साहित्यामधील आदर्श आणि सर्वोत्कृष्ट कलाकृती आयुष्यात एकदातरी वाचावी अशी....

Timeline Photos 07/10/2020

- A documentary about the important things
I watched this documentary last night which is directed by Matt D'Avella, and I found it intresting so I go for search more about it in the quest, for minimalistic approach to understand it fully. Basically Minimalism was a art movement, it started after second world war, in the 60s and 70s in america. It's a fascinating concept living about a meaningful life.
In this documentary this concept of minimalism explained by the very first bloggers of minimalism, Joshua fields millburn and Ryan nicodemus. Here are some intresting fact put out by these to minimalists that is, live with the less, to avoid unnecessary things, to overcome fear, anxiety, pressure you should live with minimal things. That's doesn't mean you have to get rid off important things but here is the things which holds exactly what one should do while being minimalist, 'you must go for quality over quantity'. Lots of people fails to do so and spends excess then they need to do spend.
Here again one thing pop up while watching this documentary, that's we are surrounding by the world which shows you or simply bombarding advertisements on your mind. Which technically drag you to buy many unnecessary things. Let's understand by example, in 1983 companies spend about 100 million dollar marketing on children's, and in 2006 it turn out into 17 billion dollar. It's not our conscious choice to buy, it's what society shows you or makes it as things of status.
According to a Nokia study, average person checks his phone 150 times in a day which affect drastically our life. So stop doing conspicuous consumption, acquire minimalist approach and live with less and happy.

Timeline Photos 06/10/2020

मी माणूस शोधतोय!
- व. पु. काळे
माणसांमधील माणूस शोधनाऱ्या व्यासंगी माणसांना, आणि त्याहुन पुढ म्हणजे माणसातील मोठेपण आणि मोठ्या माणसातील लहानपण मांडनाऱ्या, व. पुं नी त्यांच्या साध्या सोप्या आणि सामान्य माणसाच्या पचनी पडेल अश्या अप्रतिम लेखन शैलिमध्ये केलेल लिखाण, माझ्यासाठी आपलस करणाऱ्या लेखकांमध्ये व. पु कायमच सरस ठरतील यात शंका नाही.
व. पुं च्या मी माणूस शोधतोय या कथासंग्रहामध्ये, नानाविध माणसांच्या कथा मांडताना, सुख, दुःख, आनंद, नैराश्य, उत्साह, काम, क्रोध या सर्व भावनांची अफलातून सांगड घालत माणूस कसा आयुष्य जगतो याचे उत्कृष्ट नमूने व. पुं नी सादर केले आहेत. व. पु सर्व अनुभवांवरुन निष्कर्ष मात्र हा काढतात की जगात चांगल्या माणसांची संख्या जास्त आहे. व. पु कायमच त्यांच्या लिखानातुन जीवनकडे बघण्याचा एक आशावादी दृष्टिकोण वाचकांसमोर मांडत आलेले आहेत. सामान्य माणसाला कनेक्ट करून घेता येईल, अश्या पद्धतीच्या लिखानासाठी कायम प्रसिद्ध असलेल्या लेखकाची आणखी एक कलाकृती.
पुस्तक वाचताना प्रत्येक पान एक नवीन शिकवण एक नवीन अनुभव देत होत, यामध्ये मला भावलेला एक प्रसंग किंवा मजकूर म्हणजे,
"हा निसर्ग आहे म्हणा किंवा नियती आहे म्हणा. नियती माणसाला कोणत्या तरी दालनात शिखरावर नेऊन पोहोचवते आणि त्याचा, त्या दिलेल्या उंचीचा हिशोब साधण्यासाठी, जीवनाच्या दुसऱ्या दालनात त्याच माणसाला अगदी सामान्य, अगदी क्षुद्र करून सोडते. एका माणसाला छोटा करून तो दुसऱ्याला मोठा करत नाही, तर एकाच माणसात ती त्याला इथं छोटा तर तिथं मोठा करते".

Timeline Photos 06/10/2020

मी माणूस शोधतोय..
व. पु. काळे


नीरव शांतता आणि उत्साह मनामध्ये भरनारा रंकाळा 😊

Timeline Photos 05/10/2020

अंतर ह्या शब्दामध्येच खूप मोठा अर्थ लपला आहे ज्यान तो साधला तोच सुखी😊

Timeline Photos 04/10/2020

मी माणूस शोधतोय!
-व. पु . काळे

Timeline Photos 04/10/2020

- व. पु. काळे
व. पु. काळे ह्यांचे कोणतेही पुस्तक, कथासंग्रह, कादंबरी उचलावी आणि त्यामधील कोणतेही पान उघडावे, अनुभवांनी भरलेल्या आणि हॄदयाच्या प्रत्येक कोपऱ्याला स्पर्श करुण, एक नवीन उमेद देणाऱ्या थोड्याच लेखकांमध्ये व. पुं चा समावेश कायमच असेल.
इन्टिमेट मध्ये, माणुस कितीही जवळचा असला तरी त्याची जवळीकतेचा अनुभव त्याच्या अनुपस्थितिमध्ये होतो याची उदाहरण व. पुं नी वेगवेगळ्या कथांच्या माध्यमातून व्यक्त केली आहे. मानवी मन भावनांनी ओतप्रोत भरलेल असत, गरज असते ती त्याला आपल्या जवळच्यांच्या (इन्टिमेट्स) समोर रित करण्याची. मानवी स्वभाव आणि त्याचे विविध पैलु एका वेगळ्या पद्धतीन अतिशय समर्पक रित्या मांडलेल आहे.
व. पु त्यांच्या कथासंग्रहातुन जीवन जगण्याची एक नवीन पद्धतच जणुकाही वाचकांसमोर मांडत आले आहेत. व. पुं सारखा लेखक कधीही काळाच्या पडद्याआड जात नसतो, तर तो सदैव त्यांच्या लिखानातुन वाचकांच्या मनामध्ये जीवंत असतो. मला भावलेला इन्टिमेट मधील मजकूर..
"भांबावलेला माणूस अस्थिर असतो. अस्थिर माणसाची विचारशक्ती क्षीण बनते. क्षीण विचारांची माणसं एकत्र येत नाहीत. माणसं एकत्रित नाहीत म्हणजे संघशक्ती नाही. संघशक्तीशिवाय आंदोलन अशक्य!"

Timeline Photos 03/10/2020

आपण सारे अर्जुन
लेखक-व.पु. काळे
मला भावलेल्या, समजलेल्या आणि अविस्मरणीय लेखनशैलीन सर्व वाचकवर्गावर कायमच, ठसा ऊमटवन्यात यशस्वी ठरलेल्या लेखकांमध्ये व.पु यांच लेखन कायमच मला जीवन जगण्याची नवी प्रेरणा देत राहीलय. माणुस समाजाकडे पहताना सोयीस्करवादी दृष्टीन पाहतो आणि स्वतः मात्र या सगळ्यापासून अलिप्त राहतो. व. पु नी आपन सारे अर्जुन या पुस्तकामध्ये जनु काही माणसालाच डिकोड केलय. महाभारतातल्या अर्जुनासारख आजच्या जीवनात जगत असणारा प्रत्येक माणुस खरच अर्जुन आहे याची हकीकत पुस्तक वाचल्यानंतर समजते. गीता त्यावरच भाष्य आणि ती समजून घेन्याची नवी पद्धत एका वेगळ्या अंगान ती सुद्धा व. पुं सारख्या लेखकाकडून, वाचून झाल्यानंतर वाटत खरच आपण सारे अर्जुनच!!!

Timeline Photos 03/10/2020

The Great Hack
(Netflix Documentary)
What if i told you that, if there is third world war going to happen , then it will be not based on mass distruction weapons or nuclear weapon it will be on data hacking and manipulating data. Yes it's so true that it already made its footprint into America's presidential election and in the time of Brexit, that's by Cambridge Analytica. This documentary decode everything about how Cambridge analytica manipulate everything on internet for Trumps election Champaign and made him President of America.
Your every impression either on social media or on internet, gives your emotional pulse in their hand. They made it possible collecting 5000 data points of every voter in america to manipulate voters behavior. Basically Cambridge Analytica works under the project named Project Alamo, in which they spend almost 1 million dollor per day for facebook ads. Also with this around 35000 targated masseges per day to change voters behavior. Now based on these statistics it seems data is the most vulnerable asset on the earth.
Technology which connects us now driving us apart, following Divide and Conquer policy by digital gangsters or tech giants. They mined our data into trillion dollar industry per year, providing us Matchmaking, instant fact checking, personal entertainer and being guardian of our memories. And we the people don't even know about breach of our privacy, we are just enjoying free services provided by them.
All I loved about this documentary is, it explains how these tech giants philosophy works on new society, which will be not your you will be the only puppets in their hand.
"If you want to fundamentally change society first have to break it, as only when you break it you can remold the pieces into your version of new society".

Timeline Photos 01/10/2020

Gujrat Files
Anatomy of a cover up
- Rana Ayyub
This book made unbelievable impact on me, as I am student of Mass communication it seems precious reference book for me personally. Like Ravish Kumar commented about book that, this book should be made mandatory in study in journalism colleges, and I am totally agree with him after done with this book. It is an ideal example of journalism of courage, bravery, and boldness.
Book simply explains various dimensions, edges over various cases where everything rests aside when it comes to sting operations, which was done by Rana Ayyub at that time when she was working for Tehelka as a investigative reporter. It was her eight months struggle to take over bit of Gujarat riots of 2002, fake encounters and crucially the murder State home minister Haren Pandya case. Some of major investigations done by Rana was Soharabuddin case(In which current home minister of India Amit shaha was put behind bars) ishrat jahan case, the detailing of which put forward in this book.
The way through which she done everything possible, and keeping her spirit alive to find the truth was remarkable. She is a brave heart lady who keeps guts to ask question to established system and well known for getting answers through her unique style(you will get to know how after reading this book). In the time of chaos everywhere in the Field of journalism as we all know, books like Gujrat Files and journalist like Rana ayyub keeps our hope alive to fight for Right with right cause.
One must read this book for understanding relations between snollyguster politicians, currupt system and network of cops/police where it curropts everything using their power for benefiting themselves. I would like to put one quote from this book by Milan Kundera which is adorable,
"The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting".

Timeline Photos 30/09/2020

Ruth Barden Ginsburg
RBG is documentary based on the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was associate justice of US from 1993 till the end of her life. She was famous for her so called Notorious RBG tag, which was because of her dissenting opinion.
Before we get into this we must know some things about united states and womens status in so called 'Developed Nation' United States, it's pretty much relevant and also needed for making your conscious opinion about Ruth Ginsburg, at the time when we adopted We the people of india, from We the people of America, we must take our concentration toward the status of women in contemporary American Society. Which was branded inferior, subordinate, waste of human resources, dependent, to weak to vote and over all considered as second class of citizen.
In the dark times for womens in America, Ruth played crucial role as light bearer, and convince to the Supreme Court of America which was dominated by elite, Royal, white man who never seems womens rights as an issue for their consideration. Ruth by creating legal landscape strategically won five out of six cases, among which abortion rights, fair pay restoration act are some of important cases and build strong foundation for womens right.
Her arguments inside the court seems incredible and her life will be tacit for all the woman in world. While defending a case she argued in front of judges which will be words of wisdom for me is as follow.
"Think about how you would like the world to be for your daughters and grand daughters"
Tribute to legal womens rights warrior RUTH BADER GINSBURG

Timeline Photos 29/09/2020

the social dilemma
Literally shocked after done with this documentary, I will recommend to all of you must watch, what it takes only 90 minutes from your busy schedule and spend it on this documentary, worths to watch.
We think we control our habits, our areas of intrest, our choices, our time but you must know in the first place, that everything is in control of social media and algorithm which produced or generated by internet. You are mere puppets of their trap, yes it's true and you can experience it from now on your mobile, which seems just a gadget but it controls our mind and turns it into a systematic follower of whatever they putting in from of your screen. All this things devastated the natural instinct of thinking (critical thinking), you are not evolving you are only involving in this traps which are perfectly made for you.
AI technology gives us guarantee of better future for comfortable surviving thats for sure but in my opinion, AI is not stands for artificial intelligence it's stands for ALTERNATIVE INTELLIGENCE which is ruining your privacy and take over your space without knowing you. Involving in social media is becoming or became a reason for anxiety, frustration and depression which leads to serious consequences for lifetime.
In this documentary former CEOs, workers, and staff of Google, Facebook Twitter, Instagram, explains us how they are catching your every bit of your time. Simply explaining you are not controlling social media but social media is controlling you I.e, technology which connects us also controls us. At the end of documentary Jaron Lanier gives a beautiful massage that turn off your mobiles notificacions and go out there is a beautiful world waiting for you, talk to the people communicate with them, hang out with them, explore yourself in real world rahter than virtual world.
I will recommend all of you must watch this and before this turn off your all notification so you can go there as per your time not by their demand. Finally a quote from this documentary..
"Social media isn't a tool that just waiting to be used, it has its own goals, and it has own means of pursuing them".

Timeline Photos 22/09/2020

तुमच्या मृत्यूनंतर कोण रडणार आहे?
-रॉबिन शर्मा
सेल्फ हेल्प पुस्तकांच्या यादीतील हे पुस्तक एका योग्य टप्यावर हाती आल. अस म्हणन्याच प्रयोजन एवढच की यामध्ये मोटिवेशन म्हणजे काय, आदर्श घालून दिलेल्या लोकांच्या जीवनातील प्रसंग किंवा त्यांचे प्रसिद्ध असे कोट देण्यापेक्षा जास्त महत्व दररोजच्या जीवनामध्ये छोट्या छोट्या बदलांमुळे आपन आपले जीवन कसे बदलू शकतो याचे अतिशय प्रभावी पद्धतीने केलेली मांडणी . यापेक्षा ही पुढे जाऊन भौतिक , सामाजिक , मानसिक ,आध्यात्मिक जीवनामध्ये अश्या कोणत्या चुका अनपेक्षित पणे होतात आणि त्यासाठी कोणत्या प्रकारचे बदल अपेक्षित असतात याच विवेचन समर्पक रित्या लेखकाने केले आहे .
या पुस्तकाची सर्वात जास्त आवडलेली बाजू म्हणजे यामध्ये लेखकाने पुस्तकांना जवळ ठेवन्याचा आणि संग्रह करण्याचा दिलेला सल्ला. याबरोबर वेळेचे नियोजन, स्वयंशिस्त, संभाषण कलेच महत्व , मौन धारनेचा फायदा ह्या गोष्टीनमुळे एक प्रभावी आणि यशस्वी व्यक्तिमत्व बनन्याचा मार्ग अतिशय सुबक रित्या मांडला आहे.
सध्याच्या स्थूल आणि बुद्धिला चालना न मिळन्याच्या काळात, वाचाव अस पुस्तक.

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