Let's Design Lyfe

Let's Design Lyfe

Hi, my name is Deepak Bhageria. I am a Life and Mindset Coach. My aim is to help people live their b


Habits direct our actions, our way of thinking, and how we carry ourselves. In order to create a happy life we have to work on our habits, and our outlook toward the world.

Which one of these habits are you going to apply?🤔
Do share in the comments below!!

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The most part of self-care or self-love is that we respect ourselves. If we don't respect ourselves how can we expect that from others?

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We can only give what we have. You can only give money or lend it to others only if you have it. Similarly, you can only give love to others or share love only if you are filled with it.

So, are you in love with yourself?🥰
Which one did you resonate the most with and think can help you in falling in love with yourself?🤔
Would love to hear from you.

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Pat is not in our control. What we can best do is learn from it and apply those learnings and create the future that we want.

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Mental health is as important as physical health. In the case of physical health, we know what to do but when it comes to mental health we become clueless.

So, look at the post to know a few of the ways to keep your mental health intact.

Which one are you going to apply in your life?🤔
Do share in the comment section.

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Often we tend to link productivity with doing more or achieving more but sometimes it also means taking a pause, realigning yourself, setting clear your vision, and decluttering the noise around you.

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Few things to keep in mind as we go through the day.

Which one did you connect the most with?🤔
Do share in the comment section.

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We are always in a rush to come to conclusion. Take your time to evaluate the situation and make sure you are considering all possibilities before jumping into any.

Do drop a 💥, if you ever found yourself in such a situation.


Commit yourselves to work on things that people can't take away from you.

New year is around the corner. Are you ready to make this your New Year's Resolution?

Drop a 💥if you are committing yourself to make a change.


Happiness! We all want to stay happy. Isn't it?

But where can we find it? Can it be found in things, events, places, or experiences? Yes, certain experiences do provide happiness but it's not lasting, as soon as the experience passes away, so does happiness.🤔

Happiness is a quality, it is a state of being, how we feel within irrespective of the outer circumstances or events. When we feel happy within we express it in everything we do. Recall how you feel when you are happy and how you act out of that happiness?
So, it is not that by doing something we will be happy but we should do things out of happiness.

We can call it a state of being, or mindset, or whatever we want to, but it cannot be found outside.

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Let us know your thoughts in the comment section!!☺️



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We all face problems, whether it's small daily challenges like attending meetings, meeting deadlines, going to work, making small decisions, or the big ones like choosing a career, shifting jobs, relationship goals, and the like. We have and we will continue to face challenges.

But what is important is how you choose to deal with it.

Are you finding escapes like using social media, scrolling through post, intoxicating yourself, or by any means trying to avoid your problems and act as if it doesn't exist?🤔

If so then you are just putting yourself in no man's land position, even after walking 1000 miles, you will still feel stuck. 😡

The best antidote to this is to start recognizing and accepting your problems and find a way to overcome them instead of getting bogged down by them. 😊

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Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!😍


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Whenever we start taking care of our mental health, adopt new habits or replace old mind patterns with new ones, there will be a lot of mental discomforts. One might feel pain in the head, racing thoughts, conflict within oneself, and uneasiness which will tempt us to quit and continue with the old patterns😖.

But knowing that this is normal, like any change in the beginning might feel difficult whether it is change of location, change of eating habits, change in environment or change in our thinking patterns, but with passage of time we get used to it and it no longer feels like burden or a mountain we are carrying on our back.

So, bear with it for some time and you will reap the reward for your whole life.😊

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Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!😍


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When we fail to keep the promise we make to ourselves, to do something or abstain from doing something, we often indulge in negative self talk and feel guilty about our actions or sad for non action.

And to get rid of these feelings we fall into the same unhealthy old patterns and it continues and becomes a loop. 😵‍💫

When we fail to keep the promise we make to ourselves, to do something, or abstain from doing something, we often indulge in negative self-talk and feel guilty about our actions or sad for non-action and see it as an opportunity to grow and move forward instead of getting stuck.

Drop a 💥if you agree.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.☺️


Photos from Let's Design Lyfe's post 29/11/2022

What is your reason for unhappiness?🙄

What are you doing to overcome it?🤔


Failing is a part of process. It is just another step towards success!!.

Photos from Let's Design Lyfe's post 22/11/2022

Take a minute to reflect on it.🧐


If we spend just half of the time we spend on the phone, on ourselves, and on seeking clarity on our issues, we would be a completely different person.

Do you agree?


If you think you know everything, then you have a lot to learn. The Smartest people are not the one who claims to know everything, but the ones who are curious to learn new things. And curiosity is just a willingness to explore the topic and understand it in its depth.

And we can ignite curiosity in us by asking the right questions and delving into them.

Through curiosity, we can bring freshness and newness into our life and make each day worth living.


Change is the only constant.✌️

Become a better version of yourself every day and take the world by surprise.💛


Alone, yet not alone.

How do you feel when you are alone at a party or at home and have nothing to do? It feels uncomfortable, right? Our body contracts and we start to think of what people will think or all the way things can be unfavorable and go wrong for you.
But are we actually alone?
Well, No! There is always one person there, who is observing the thoughts, emotions and events that are taking place. And that is YOU. No matter what, you are always there in every thought, every experience and every emotion. So, instead of framing all the negative possibilities, can we enjoy being with ourselves?
Yes, we can. We can enjoy our own company, which is nothing but solitude. Being in solitude means grounding ourselves in the present moment, not resisting or wishing things to be different. But being present with our thoughts, emotions, feelings and surroundings. And with such presence comes the action which needs to be taken in the moment. We will start enjoying our company. How does it feel when you observe a beautiful sight? It’s similar to it.
So, are we actually alone?

Keep Learning. Keep Growing!!


Perfection is a myth!

You will be good at something and bad at others and even in things, which you are good at there is always something new to learn. So, get rid of the idea of being perfect and focus on growth and learning.


Detox your mind.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Keep your place clean. Put things in its place, in order. How many times we have heard these phrases? Well keeping our environment neat and tidy surely makes us feel good and fresh. But these statements, along with its literal meaning, have a deeper meaning. They direct us towards something and that something is our inner world.
Just as our outer environment needs to be clean and in-order, our inner environment, inner world needs to be kept in-order. Which means we should be taking care of the thoughts that we are planting, nurturing and remove the weeds that are surrounding the inner space. But how often do we do that?
How often we are aware of the movie that is playing in our head? How often we spend time in learning and growing instead of spending time in pleasure seeking activity? How often we engage in cleaning our mind of anger, jealousy, fear and negativity?
Cleaning the mind, means questioning our beliefs, getting rid of our biasness, observing the facts, solving our doubts, and taking action based on reality. Increasing our understanding on the subject and consuming good content. When we engage ourselves in cleaning, over a period of time, we will feel light, peace and full of energy. Ready to take actions and live up to our potential.
Initially it will feel uncomfortable but as someone said, ‘The greatest investment you can make, is to invest in yourself.

Keep Learning. Keep Growing. Have Fun!!


Set your priorities and break them into daily achievable goals.

It will provide direction to action.🏂

Photos from Let's Design Lyfe's post 25/10/2022

Mind Mapping.

Have you ever been stuck in a problem? Or had difficulty in planning things or even struggled to get clarity? If so, then mind mapping is a way out of it. But why, why is it so? Imagine you being stuck in a jungle. What will you do? Probably, take your map out and find your way. Isn’t it? Similarly, when we are stuck in our life, whether in a career, health, financially, or in a relationship, creating a mind map will present the whole scenario in-front of us and enable us to make decision.
Though the word mind map may seem to suggest to create a map in the mind but actually we need to draw it through and paper. Keep the subject at the center and then create sub branches of the topic, then create branches of the sub-branches to dive deep and gain clarity.

Suppose at the center you kept your career. Then take out branches of the different career option you have. Then for each of the option create branches of benefit and loss. Then for each of the benefits of each option, create branches by mentioning the benefits, it may be 2,3 4 or more. Similarly, for loses. After doing this you can see the whole scenario at a time and make decision accordingly.
This can be applied to planning things like party, travel or even to brainstorm ideas, to take notes.
What it does is present the whole scenario at a one time in a short way.
Few things to keep in mind while mind-mapping:
• Use short phrases or a single word
• Consider images to get message across better
• Attempt to add at least two points for each key thought and branch off of those.
That’s it!

Keep Learning. Keep Growing. Have Fun!!


The person with whom you spend the most time is "YOU".
So, doesn't it make sense to love ourselves, and take care of ourselves?🤔


Prioritize Yourself.

Why is it important to have priorities in our life? What it is? Let’s say you asked the driver to drive you. The driver asked, “Where should we go?”. You replied, “anywhere, just go”. What reaction do you expect from the driver? He will ask you to get off the car. Without knowing where to drive, he is helpless and could not drop you to the destination.
That’s the role priorities have in our life. They are the driving force, the destination, the vision that pulls us. They are the cause of our actions. It’s not that without priorities, no action will be taken, it is just that we will be like a wanderer not knowing where to go and would be a puppet to our circumstances and situations.
Now, we know the importance of setting priorities. So, the important question that arises is, how to set priorities?
Take a pen and paper and write down the things that you think are important for you in the next 3-4 years of your life. It could be anything form relationship, studies, health, reading books, self-learning, travelling, starting your business, getting a new job, personal development, financial growth, spiritual growth and so on. It depends on the current situation of your life and where you see yourself in the next 3-4 years. After jotting it down, start working on it. Take small, achievable steps.
This the most effective way to give direction to your life, by setting priorities.
Every step taken towards it will lead you closer to it, no matter how small or big the step is.

Have fun in your journey!

Videos (show all)

Habits direct our actions, our way of thinking, and how we carry ourselves. In order to create a happy life we have to w...
We can only give what we have. You can only give money or lend it to others only if you have it. Similarly, you can only...
Mental health is as important as physical health. In the case of physical health, we know what to do but when it comes t...
Few things to keep in mind as we go through the day. Which one did you connect the most with?🤔Do share in the comment se...
Happy World Mental Health Day!! ❤️When we talk openly about our mental health we are not only benefiting ourselves but t...
In-order to create peace with the 'out'-er world we need to first create peace with-in ourselves. Who we are with-in ref...
