IQRA Fashions

IQRA Fashions

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Losing Human Emotions 01/07/2024

What are you most worried about for the future? The way the world is progressing and materialistic thinking losing human emotions is the thing I am most worried about for the future. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Losing Human Emotions What are you most worried about for the future? The way the world is progressing and materialistic thinking losing human emotions is the thing I am most worried about for the future. Thank You! Tak…

A great Student 30/06/2024

What makes a teacher great? I don't have an exact answer and don't know how to put it here. I think Teacher who encourage his students to think and try different approaches to solve particular problem. Great Teacher is one who was Great student at some point of his life and now try to shape future great students who will become future great teacher....

A great Student What makes a teacher great? I don’t have an exact answer and don’t know how to put it here. I think Teacher who encourage his students to think and try different approaches to solve par…

No 29/06/2024

Have you ever had surgery? What for? No Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

No Have you ever had surgery? What for? No Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray! 28/06/2024

What are your daily habits? No daily routine. Wake up in the morning. Getting ready for work. After Work return to home. Having some chat with family. Playing with my kids. Dinner. Watching some movie or web series or youtube video. Sleep. And cycle countinue. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray! What are your daily habits? No daily routine. Wake up in the morning. Getting ready for work. After Work return to home. Having some chat with family. Playing with my kids. Dinner. Watching some mo…

Nothing 27/06/2024

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle? Nothing. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Nothing Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle? Nothing. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Everything and anything 26/06/2024

What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten? Anything which is made in the family. Although I love limited foods like 'methi ki bhaji' ,'Pulao' ,'Khichdi' ,'Salan Roti' and 'Dal Chawal'. But everything is so delicious that I can't pick anyone. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Everything and anything What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten? Anything which is made in the family. Although I love limited foods like ‘methi ki bhaji’ ,’Pulao’ ,’Khi…

It can be any 25/06/2024

If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? I don't have any favourite outfit or taste in clothes so I can wear any outfit over and over. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

It can be any If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? I don’t have any favourite outfit or taste in clothes so I can wear any outfit over and over. Thank You! Take Care…

Very important 24/06/2024

How important is spirituality in your life? Spirituality gives us a sense of whether we are doing right or wrong. It's very important to be spiritual. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Very important How important is spirituality in your life? Spirituality gives us a sense of whether we are doing right or wrong. It’s very important to be spiritual. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay…

Careless 23/06/2024

How do you practice self-care? I am very very careless with self. All I do a little bit due to my wife. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Careless How do you practice self-care? I am very very careless with self. All I do a little bit due to my wife. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Social media 22/06/2024

How do you waste the most time every day? By watching reels or shorts. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Social media How do you waste the most time every day? By watching reels or shorts. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Dal Chawal 21/06/2024

Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? Dal Chawal Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Dal Chawal Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? Dal Chawal Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Don’t have answer 20/06/2024

Who is your favorite historical figure? Don't have an exact answer. I am not too much in history. It's not a good sign , we all should know about our history. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Don’t have answer Who is your favorite historical figure? Don’t have an exact answer. I am not too much in history. It’s not a good sign , we all should know about our history. Thank You! Take Care! Smil…

Technically it’s the love of my life 19/06/2024

Write about your first crush. I don't know how many crushes I had , but the genuine one is my wife . Although she is my cousin as she is daughter of my paternal aunt and we used to see each other every summer when we visit our native place ajanta. It was around the time when the whole family gathered for uncle marriage, and I saw her serving some snacks and water to all . ...

Technically it’s the love of my life Write about your first crush. I don’t know how many crushes I had , but the genuine one is my wife . Although she is my cousin as she is daughter of my paternal aunt and we used to see each o…

Awesome products designed by independent artist – Stopover Store 18/06/2024

Hi, take a look at my own designed 😍😍 Nothing merchandise on Stopover -

Awesome products designed by independent artist – Stopover Store Hi, take a look at my own designed 😍😍 Nothing merchandise on Stopover –

Every…but 18/06/2024

What countries do you want to visit? I want to visit each and every country but as I am not very out going person I don't think so ever I visit any . Here is the list of countries as per priority set by me . Saudi Arabia Falastein (Palastein) USA Paris Epygpt England Pakistan Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Every…but What countries do you want to visit? I want to visit each and every country but as I am not very out going person I don’t think so ever I visit any . Here is the list of countries as per prio…

Saying sorry 17/06/2024

What’s your favorite thing about yourself? I apologise when I think a mistake is mine or someone realizes my mistake. In my opinion saying sorry does not make you smaller . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Saying sorry What’s your favorite thing about yourself? I apologise when I think a mistake is mine or someone realizes my mistake. In my opinion saying sorry does not make you smaller . Thank You! Take Care! Sm…

I don’t know 16/06/2024

How do you want to retire? I don't know exactly how I want to retire but I definitely want to retire when I know I have done something that will benefit generations to come .may be it's in the field of education. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

I don’t know How do you want to retire? I don’t know exactly how I want to retire but I definitely want to retire when I know I have done something that will benefit generations to come .may be it’s…

Nothing 15/06/2024

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily? Nothing. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Nothing What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily? Nothing. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

There are many 14/06/2024

Describe one of your favorite moments. There are many moments. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

There are many Describe one of your favorite moments. There are many moments. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Nothing 13/06/2024

What notable things happened today? Nothing. Maybe it happened but I am not realising it for timing. Maybe in the future I will realise it . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Nothing What notable things happened today? Nothing. Maybe it happened but I am not realising it for timing. Maybe in the future I will realise it . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healt…

Teaching 12/06/2024

What are you passionate about? Teaching. I want to incorporate the ability to ask questions in the students. I think by asking questions you learn more better and generally students hesitate to ask . I just want to build an environment where students can ask stupid questions without worrying about what may come as humiliation or not. Let me know you all points of view on this. Thank You! Tak Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Teaching What are you passionate about? Teaching. I want to incorporate the ability to ask questions in the students. I think by asking questions you learn more better and generally students hesitate to ask…

Every season 11/06/2024

What is your favorite season of year? Why? There is no favourite season. Each season has its own beauty. May be I am saying this because I have no taste . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Every season What is your favorite season of year? Why? There is no favourite season. Each season has its own beauty. May be I am saying this because I have no taste . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay H…

Materialistically nothing 10/06/2024

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without? Materialistically Nothing ,, Emotionally having quality time with family. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Materialistically nothing What’s the one luxury you can’t live without? Materialistically Nothing ,, Emotionally having quality time with family. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Awesome products designed by independent artist – Stopover Store 09/06/2024

Hi, take a look at my own designed 😍😍 Desire merchandise on Stopover -

Awesome products designed by independent artist – Stopover Store Hi, take a look at my own designed 😍😍 Desire merchandise on Stopover –

We are ONE 09/06/2024

If humans had taglines, what would yours be? "We are ONE" will be a good tag line for humans as ultimately humans are equal . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

We are ONE If humans had taglines, what would yours be? “We are ONE” will be a good tag line for humans as ultimately humans are equal . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy!…

Family 07/06/2024

Who do you spend the most time with? Family Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Family Who do you spend the most time with? Family Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

What’s in the name …..? 06/06/2024

If you had to change your name, what would your new name be? I love my name and don't going to change but just to answer I would change it to 'ABDULLAH' . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

What’s in the name …..? If you had to change your name, what would your new name be? I love my name and don’t going to change but just to answer I would change it to ‘ABDULLAH’ . Thank You! Take Care! Sm…

Cadbury 05/06/2024

Describe your dream chocolate bar. Cadbury. I love the taste of Cadbury of Rs. 5. There are others Cadbury of higher cost but I don't like them. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Cadbury Describe your dream chocolate bar. Cadbury. I love the taste of Cadbury of Rs. 5. There are others Cadbury of higher cost but I don’t like them. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy…

No 04/06/2024

Do you remember your favorite book from childhood? No Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

No Do you remember your favorite book from childhood? No Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Books …My friend 03/06/2024

List three books that have had an impact on you. Why? Books play a very important role in our life. They teach us the morals and importance of being ethical. I love to read small books for kids as their small small stories teach us very big lessons. I am not able to list down books but surely the Holy Qur'an will be on top of any of my list. Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!

Books …My friend List three books that have had an impact on you. Why? Books play a very important role in our life. They teach us the morals and importance of being ethical. I love to read small books for kids as …

Videos (show all)

Respect everyone's space!#space #respect #tshirts #tshirtsdesigns #googled #trendy #stopover
Education is all about creating synergy between heart and mind so that we can do or create something useful for mankind ...
Parmanent Change are always slow!#quotes
Parmanent Change are always slow!#quotes
Don't be so busy that you don't have time for self!#quotes #self
Keep Going My Friends,Keep  going!#quotes #motivation
Misunderstanding Destroy Relations!Avoid it!#quote
Learn to respect TIME and how to manage it effectively!#quote #Time #learn
Stay Focus , Be Consistent, Be Happy with yourself.#quotes
Never forget the one who helped you!#quotes #help #Forget
I believe in you! Do you believe yourself!Say 'YES' loud and Clear!
Do not try something half hearted!#HalfHearted #quotes

