

Elite home fitness solutions. Health & lifestyle coaching.
� Open for online personal training & consultancy.


Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well, improve both your physical health & mental health. This can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.

💪🏼 Get regular exercise. Just 20-30 minutes of walking every day can help boost your mood and improve your health. Small amounts of exercise add up, so don’t be discouraged by the numbers. Try and stay consistent.

🥗 Eat healthy, regular meals & stay hydrated. A balanced diet and plenty of water can improve your health, energy and focus throughout the day.

💤 Make sleep a priority. Stick to a 6-8 hour schedule. Blue light from devices & screens can make it harder to fall asleep, do try reduce it before bedtime.

🎯 Set goals & priorities. Decide what must get done now and what can wait. Learn to say NO to new tasks, if you start to feel like you’re taking on too much. Try to be mindful of what you have accomplished at the end of the day, not what you have been unable to do.

🙏🏼 Practice gratitude. Notice good things around you, look for them, appreciate them. Savor, absorb, & really pay attention to those. Express your gratitude to yourself, write it down if you may, or thank someone.

🫂 Stay connected. Reach out to your friends or family members who can provide emotional support & practical help.

Self-care looks different for everyone, and it is important to find what you need and enjoy. It may take trial and error to discover what works best for you. In addition, although self-care is not a cure for mental illnesses, understanding what causes or triggers your mild symptoms and what coping techniques work for you can help manage your mental health. ? 🖤



A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive throughout your life. Making healthy choices isn't always easy. It can be hard to find the time and energy to exercise regularly or prepare healthy meals.

However, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of your life. This state of being vigorous & almost free from bodily or mental diseases has it's own crazy benifits 🧘‍♀️ Or else, health problems will bring most of your life force down. A state in which you are unable to function normally & without pain.

Steps you can take?

✔️ Be physically active for 20-30 minutes most days of the week. Healthy movements may include walking, sports, strength training, dancing, yoga, running or other activities you enjoy.

✔️ Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, high protein, vegetables & whole grains. Choose nutrition that's low in saturated fat & cholesterol, & moderate in sugar, salt & total fat.

✔️ Learn to recognize & manage stress in your life. Signs of stress include trouble sleeping, frequent headaches & stomach problems; being angry a lot; & turning to food, drugs, alcohol to relieve stress.

✔️ Get help if you think you might be addicted to a lifestyle of smoking, drugs or alcohol.

✔️ Brush your teeth after meals. Also brush after drinking and before going to bed.

✔️ Get enough sleep & rest. Adults need around seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

✔️ Maintain a positive attitude & do things that make you happy. ? 💪🏻🖤 ☠️


Most of you here already know her. It's time we get this beast on-board the Gharseworkout train officially now.

From a client, to an certified trainer, & now our brand new one-on-one GSW coach, .nupur 💪🏻🖤

DM, mail or WhatsApp for a FREE trial! ? ☕


Your body naturally produces more of the stress hormone "cortisol" in the morning. This makes you feel more alert & primed for your workout. In the evening, your body produces less cortisol, so it may be harder to convince your brain that it's time to go, go, go!

Even if you enjoy working out during noon/evening/night. Early morning brief stretching or cardio routines, or even regular 15-30 min jogs will definitely give you an edge, better control over your lifestyle. ? 💪🏻🖤 ☠️

Watch this reel by gharseworkoutofficial on Instagram 16/07/2022

Pancake Burpees for breakfast 🥞

For more acrobatics and customised workout plans from home, please reach out to us. Have a great weekend. !? 💪🏻🖤 ☠️

Watch this reel by gharseworkoutofficial on Instagram Christian Davis • Vizion


The misconception that strength training affects height growth persists until now probably because people are afraid working out may lead to injuries to active growth plates, the “engine” behind human vertical growth for children and teenagers. Notwithstanding this, stunted growth can result from weights that are too heavy, poor form, or a lack of supervision.

What this myth fails to address is you are susceptible to a risk of injury in almost any type of sports or recreational activity. In fact, growth plates are involved in between 15 and 30 percent of all childhood fractures. As the cartilaginous areas of growing tissues at the ends of long bones, your growth plates will turn into hardened bone when you reach physical maturity, mostly after you have gone through puberty. These plates are softer during development, and therefore more subject to damage. This does not mean a teenager or an adolescent should avoid exercises or strength training, simply because the growth plates are susceptible to damage.

Rather, lifting weights around the time you hit puberty or your teenage years is directly related to increased production of testosterone, it might just help your muscle grow bigger, denser and stronger, even taller.

These growth plates are only found in children and adolescents; in adults, who have stopped growing, the plate is replaced by an epiphyseal line. This replacement is known as epiphyseal closure or growth plate fusion. Complete fusion happens on average between ages 12–18 for girls and 14–19 for boys. ? 💪🏻🖤 ☠️


Consistency is arguably the most important component when working to accomplish goals. Without consistency, programs are disorganized, the body has a harder time adapting, and forming habits may be more challenging.

We also know the importance of proper rest and recovery in a healthy fitness routine, sure—but an actual, lengthy break from regular workouts does more than just allow your muscles to repair themselves.

Many studies in many different settings show that when people take a break [from working out], they can improve their fitness a lot more on the other end of things. It's like a pause and reset, and allows you to push things harder than if you were to just continually running a marathon. Physically, as well as mentally.

If you're fitness devotees like us, while a proper break—a week or more off of working out, may feel like you're somehow slacking or failing yourself, it's actually necessary to properly meet your goals. ? 💪🏻🖤 ☠️

Photos from Gharseworkout's post 09/06/2022


If you do not understand basics like calorie deficits. You need professional guidance.

Stop bunny hopping to your mind & body goals. Get smarter before you go harder on yourself. For more, you can reach us out here anytime. 💪🏻🖤

Photos from Gharseworkout's post 21/05/2022

Superficial aspects live in the minds of the general population & this contributes to many people holding negative stereotypes which keeps them from improving their health. We need to humanize it for the everyday people, affected by negative attitude about working out and educate them to keep an open mind for reasons deeper than vanity. It's a place of,

✔️ Mental health for someone struggling
✔️ Confidence for someone building it
✔️ Recovery for someone who's battled addiction
✔️ Social interaction for someone who feels alone
✔️ Physical health for someone fighting to hold on to it

Strength & cardiovascular have well established benifits for our mental health. More people feeling safe & working out, would help our society. It is not a substitute to professional mental health intervention for most.. Still the physiological benefits of it on our mind can't be ignored.

So many people get into fitness come from a history of alcohol & drug abuse. Important outlet for recovery for some, keeping strong from relapse for others. It's more common than we think. So don't judge appearances because we don't know their story.

Key to building confidence & self-esteem for so many people. It's a part of why I believe we need to expose kids to work outs, martial arts, or any sort of physical discipline early on in life. Confidence carries into success in all walks of life, and adds up individually as a society.

People who don't have a lot of social outlets. Many people feel alone in their lives. For some, they put their headphones on, head down, and that's it. But for many, it has a strong social element.

Physical health benefits. Should I really start THAT list too? ? 💪🏻🖤


Training using resistance bands provides similar strength gains to using conventional gym equipment.

Although they aren't necessarily as heavy as free weights, bands still create tension & resistance on your muscles. Over time, they help strengthen your muscles, especially if you're building beginner-level strength and intense stretch routines.

Things are much steadier with bands as well, and users will be a lot less likely to experience any pain or accidental injury. Another thing to note is that resistance bands are much cheaper and more portable when compared to free weights, making them much easier to get access to without a visit to the gym during rehabilitation. For more, reach us out at [email protected] !? 💪🏻🖤

📸 Yeashu Yuvraj


"Sivananda Suryanamaskar" is designed to warm up the body and clear its energy pathways. A popular variation that consists of a graceful sequence of twelve positions performed as one continuous exercise. Each position counteracts the one before, stretching the body in a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the chest to regulate the breathing.

As demonstrated here by Gharse Yoga Instructor, 🧘🏻🖤 In comparison to other styles of sun salutation, here the pace of flow from one pose to another is kept medium. It makes this particular variation suitable for beginners. The purpose of it is to warm up the body in preparation for longer asana practice. Amongst it's many benefits, it enhances flexibility of the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons, stimulates stronger blood circulation, and strengthens the spine which keeps the body youthful.

For more workout programming ideas, personal coaching & breath work, DM us or mail us at [email protected]. ? 💪🏻🖤


Detox diets are said to eliminate toxins, in turn improving health & promoting weight loss. But these diets, while seductive, aren’t needed as your body has its own, highly efficient detoxification system.

A sophisticated way of eliminating toxins that involves the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs. Still, only when these organs are healthy, can they effectively eliminate unwanted substances.

That said, you can enhance your body’s natural detoxification system and improve your overall health by staying hydrated, consuming less salt, getting active, and following an antioxidant-rich diet. Below are a few points to remember,

✔️ Regular physical activity lowers inflammation and allows your body’s detoxification system to work properly
✔️ Drinking too much alcohol reduces your liver’s ability to detoxify
✔️ Adequate sleep allows your brain to reorganize, recharge, and eliminate toxins that accumulate throughout the day
✔️ In addition to its many roles in your body, water allows your body’s detoxification system to remove waste products from your blood
✔️ Excess junk food consumption is linked to chronic diseases like obesity & diabetes. These conditions can cause harm to organs important to detoxifying, such as your liver and kidneys
✔️ Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants helps your body reduce damage caused by free radicals and may lower your risk of diseases that can impact detoxification
✔️ Eating a diet rich in prebiotics keeps your digestive system healthy, which is important for proper detoxification and immune health
✔️ Consuming too much salt can increase water retention

For more gyaan, dm us or mail at [email protected]. ? 💪🏻🖤

Photos from Gharseworkout's post 09/05/2022

You can build muscle, and burn fat at the same time. It's not easy though..

You're basically telling your body to get bigger and smaller at the same time.

While you're in a deficit, your body has to break itself down to find energy for you to survive. So it will break down both fat & muscle.

Key is, getting your body to primarily break down fat stores, while giving it the best possible environment & stimulus needed to build muscle. Basic points to remember on this,

✔️ You want to be in a small calorie deficit, 10-20% of your maintenance target. If your deficit is too big, it will be much harder to build muscle.

For eg: If your maintenance target is 2000 calories. Then the lowest deficit you go is 1800 calories.

✔️ Strength training. Do it 3-6 times a week. You need to give your body a reason to not only hold on to it's muscle. But to stimulate it to build more.

✔️ You need to be in a positive protein balance to help and support your muscle growth. If you're lacking proactive protein content in your nutrition planning, muscle building won't work. 0.8-1 gms per kg bodyweight, is a good target.

If you're overweight, aim for a larger deficit and atleast 1 gm protein per kg of your body weight.

It is important to realise, that aiming for muscle gain and fat loss at the same time will take even more time than aiming for 1 result on its own.

Although, if you've been training for long and have low body fat percentage, then bulking & cutting cycles will give you a better result in a long-term.

📸 ? 🦾🖤


It is often believed that yoga means religion, although it stems from Hinduism and Buddhism, yoga in actuality has nothing to do with it.

Yoga is a holistic way of living through asana (poses, or physical practice), pranayama (breath work) and pratyahara (withdrawal of senses).
It is a scientific way of life for the well being of a person. It improves one's quality of life, helps to keep our joints and muscles healthy for the long run.
Conclusively, it is a very personal and a subjective practice for each individual, and is not affected by external factors or beliefs. ? 💪🏻🖤


Gharseworkout now brings to you Gharse Yoga

Now open for 1 on 1 online yoga sessions with certified yoga instructors

Customized for beginners, intermediate and advanced

Book a FREE trial now!
DM or email us at
[email protected]

? 🧘🏻‍♀️🖤


Who doesn't like to eat? All of us have some or the other favourite foods that we like to binge on every now and then. Most of these food items are typically junk items laden with lots of calories, fats, sodium, cholesterol and all things unhealthy. Yes, we are all human and yes we need to soothe ourselves with comfort food once in a while, but we must ensure we nourish our body with healthy food items more often than we indulge ourselves with foods that can affect our body's health in the long term.

Most of us begin to gain weight once we cross our 30s. Unhealthy eating habits are the number one reason for weight gain and can lead to obesity and several other chronic conditions. Infact, cardiovascular diseases have become very common, even among the youth today. The cases of premature heart diseases and strokes have risen in the past few years. This is attributed to stressful lifestyles, which affects the heart the most. If you are struggling to manage your stress levels, it is in your best interest to cultivate healthy eating habits. A healthy nutrition plan, coupled with 30-45 minutes exercise, can help you keep your health in check. You should include foods rich in all the necessary nutrients including proteins, minerals, iron, fibre etc., while cutting out sugars and complex carbohydrates.

Long story short, you can’t out-exercise a poor diet. Just like you wouldn’t expect your car to run without proper fuel, you can’t expect your body to perform with junk fuel. It’s essential to both work out and eat mindfully for successful weight-loss and to maintain good health, lifestyle. Leave behind these diet myths and facts and switch to healthy living for long-lasting results. 💪🏻🖤


Six-pack abs are really hard to achieve. And unless you're a genetic freak, it's a tough challenge, both physically & mentally. As a workout enthusiast, it's a challenge that gives you an excuse to do stuff you've never done before. If you're looking for a tough challenge, getting six-pack abs is a great one.

In order to have defined abs or a six pack though, you need to get rid of the visceral & subcutaneous fat from your abdominal area. When dropping fat percentage from your overall body, visceral and subcutaneous fat are pretty much the last to go. Depending on your insulin levels, or any other health factors involved.

You can use a combination of aerobic exercises, cardio, and resistance training, such as lifting weights. In addition to eating a healthy diet with plenty of protein, fiber, and portion control — all of which are proven to help reduce body fat.

So yes, exercising your abs will definitely help them become strong and muscular. However, you won't be able to see them, if you are not dropping your body fat index. ? 💪🏻🖤


Have you ever been on one of those diets or plans where you had to count calories and track everything you ate? If you’re here, that’s probably a yes. And I’m happy you are 🖤

While that might work as a short-term fix, it’s simply not realistic to maintain. Not only does counting calories not support you in living a healthy and balanced lifestyle, but it may also contribute to more stress, guilt, confusion, and overwhelm with food. This in itself can raise our cortisol levels. As a result, our appetite increases, we feel sh*tty for going "off the wagon", we crave processed fatty and sugary foods, and our bodies store belly fat.

Also, most of the time we’re not eating in situations where it’s possible to track every ingredient, use measuring cups, or even know what’s actually in the dish. We go out to eat, we eat at our friends’ or our family’s homes and we eat nourishing whole foods that aren’t packaged with calorie amounts. That’s what normal life looks like. It becomes cumbersome or simply impossible to keep up with.

The moral of the story, counting calories simply isn’t practical. ? ☠️


Most people think that eating protein, or supplements causes kidney diseases or worst. Consuming excess protein only harms the kidneys if you are severely low on water intake, or have underlying kidney or liver disease, since healthy kidneys are very good at expelling the extra nitrogen that comes with eating lots of greens, steak, eggs & beans.

If your meal supplies you with enough protein/carb/fat amounts, then you do not need a supplement. The only role of whey protein is to provide your body with the fastest digesting protein, if you don't get enough protein from normal food. Do not treat it as a meal replacement.

On that note, lifting, doing strength training without adequate nutrition, especially without enough protein, can actually lead to loss of muscle tissue & strength. No building blocks, no building! Furthermore, if you aren't eating right you won't have the energy to do the workouts that lead to muscle gain as it is. So think smarter. Fuel yourself with nutrition, not your mood or fear. ? 🖤 💪🏻🔥


Each & every one of us decides what standards we choose to live by on a daily basis. The moment you stop waiting for someone else to set your standards for you is the moment true freedom, success & happiness will begin to be a consistent part of your life. To whoever needs it today 🖤 ? 💪🏻⚔️ ☠️


"By the company you keep I can tell what life you lead, for birds of a feather flock together" from 1755 an edition of “Don Quixote”.

Those you spend the most time with have a huge influence on your moods, how you view the world, influences your work energy & the expectations you have of yourself. When you surround yourself with positive people, you're more likely to adopt empowering beliefs & see life as happening for you instead of to you.

As it turns out, we are more tolerant of people who have similar negative personality traits as us. But remember, the company you keep influences your mind & even people will judge, work with you accordingly. If you always underestimate yourself, try to be in the company of those who see your strong points & help you enhance them. Dreamers too are good people to have around. However, be sure that they are dreamers, And doers. !? 💪🏻🖤


Strength training damages the muscles, which causes them to repair & grow. The result is bigger, stronger muscles. However, optimal muscle growth goes beyond your actual workout. It relies on post-workout nutrition. Your muscles need enough protein & carbohydrates to effectively recover.

"Anabolic window" refers to that short 30-40 minutes period after training when your muscles are repairing & recovering. It’s also called the metabolic window or protein window.

Eat your post-workout meal when it works for you. This could be before training, right after, or later on. The exception is if you train in a fasted state, which means you should have a post-workout meal soon after. ? 💪🏻🖤


A way of increasing it's efficiency. Our brain turns daily actions & behaviours into habits, so we would do them automatically & without too much thought – thus freeing up our brainpower for other more important challenges.

Good habits makes us feel better, energetic, brings success & sense of achievement. The most important thing is, it makes us happy & helps build our character. ? 💪🏻🖤


Winter is coming. Also, 120+ today. Have a badass day as well 🖤 !? 💪🏻


When you love yourself first, you can create real change. You have that new confidence, bravery & conviction to do it. You stop depending on someone else to give you all the emotional benefits that comes with love. Start with one day at a time, you have all the time on the planet. !?💪🏻🖤


Although cardio before a workout is great because it gives you the chance to burn more calories over the course of the training session by spiking your heart rate initially. This, in turn, increases your internal temperature & elevates the metabolic demands placed on your body.

One of the issues with cardio before weight lifting has to do with the fatigue that it can induce. Excessive cardio can leave you tired, which then impacts the amount of force you can produce. Weight training before cardio also prevents your arteries from becoming stiff & helps you increase muscular strength.

But tbh, it's the goal that matters, the life you wish to lead & the changes you are comfortable bringing in for your future. Do either, but do it right.
? 💪🏻🔥

Videos (show all)

A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive throughout your life. Making healthy choices isn't always easy. It can be hard t...
The first time gymgoers hear the word “burpee,” they laugh. Then they learn what that word means & they groan. Often use...
"Sivananda Suryanamaskar" is designed to warm up the body and clear its energy pathways. A popular variation that consis...
"Full Body HIIT Workout" of the week. Have a great weekend. Stay clean, healthy and hydrated y'all 💦🖤  Now to business, ...
BASICS: A dip is an upper-body pressing exercise in which the athlete must lower and raise themselves with their hands s...
Six-pack abs are really hard to achieve. And unless you're a genetic freak, it's a tough challenge, both physically & me...
Winter is coming. Also, 120+ today. Have a badass day as well 🖤 #whatwasyourexcuseagain!? 💪🏻
Early morning, legs are falling 🍗Squatting with resistance bands is an affordable& convenient way to build muscle and st...
Early morning, legs are falling 🍗  Squatting with resistance bands is an affordable& convenient way to build muscle and ...
Pretty much my "go-to" warm up. Full-body calisthenics workout that aims to build muscle strength & endurance in both yo...
Pretty much my "go-to" warm up. Full-body calisthenics workout that aims to build muscle strength & endurance in both yo...
The pike push-up looks like a mash-up of Downward-Facing Dog & Dolphin Pose, & this move can build major strength. Use i...
