Primax Health Care.

Primax Health Care.

Primax Health Care is Eastern India's first Advanced surgical clinic founded by Experienced doctors.

We are dealing with Laser Proctology, Advanced Laparoscopy, GI and Cancer surgery.


Consult our Expert for your Gallbladder Stone problem.
📞 7076516594 / 7908633187.



God cannot be everywhere so He sent the Doctors with excellence and selflessness.
Happy Doctors Day 2021.


We will not let a global pandemic stop any of us from becoming who we want to be in the future. Give everything that you can, never give up, stay positive, strong, healthy, and resilient!


Happy Earth Day!

Its a special day to take pause and reflect, spend time in nature, thank mother nature for all her gifts, and feel inspired to do more for the home we all share… planet Earth.


Are you suffering from Fissure ? Call us today at +917908633187 to book your Appointment.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions associated with Fissure:

Q.What is a**l fissure?
Ans- An a**l fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the a**s. The crack in the skin causes severe pain and some bright red bleeding during and after bowel movements.

Q.What is the cause of a**l fissure?
Ans- 1) An a**l fissure most often occurs when passing large or hard stools.
2) Chronic constipation or frequent diarrhea can also tear the skin around your a**s
3) Straining during childbirth or bowel movements
4) Overly tight or spastic a**l sphincter muscles
5) Inflammatory bowel disease, a**l cancer, HIV, TB etc

Q.What are the symptoms of an a**l fissure?
Ans-An a**l fissure may cause one or more of the following symptoms:
1) a visible tear in the skin around your a**s
2) sharp pain in the a**l area while passing stool
3) burning or itching in the a**l area
4) streaks of blood while passing stool
5) a skin tag, or small lump of skin, next to the tear

Q.What is the treatment for a**l fissure?
Ans- The treatment options for a**l fissure is medical and surgical. In medical treatment laxatives, ointments and sitz bath is given however the relief obtained is only temporary and pain and bleeding returns again after a while.

Q.What are the surgical options for a**l fissure?
Ans- The surgical options are
1) Open fissure surgery(sphincterotomy)
2) laser sphincterolysis

Q.What is laser surgery for a**l fissure?
Ans- In laser sphincterolysis the tight a**l sphincter muscle is released with a laser energy source and provides immediate relief of symptoms. It is the most latest and advanced method of trearting a**l fissure.

Q.How long does the procedure take?
Ans- Laser sphinterolysis takes only 10-15 mins

Q.what are the benefits of laser over open surgery in fissure?
1) No cut, stitches or big wound
2) Painless, bloodless procedure
3) Less than 24 hours of hospital stay
4) No complication such as incontinence
5) Quick recovery and return to normal life (within 24 hours)
6) No dressing required


Call us today at +917908633187 to book your Appointment.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions associated with hydrocele:

Q. What is a hydrocele?
Ans- A hydrocele is when fluid fills a male’s sc***um, causing it to swell. It is not a major health issue but it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Hydroceles are more common in male infants than adults, and there are treatments to solve the problem.

Q. How common is a hydrocele?
Ans- About 10% of newborn male infants have a hydrocele, which often clears up without any particular treatment within the first year of life. Hydroceles occur in only about 1% of adult men.

Q. Who is at risk of a hydrocele?
Ans- Although the condition is much more common in baby boys, it may also occur in adolescent and adult men.

Q. What are the types of hydrocele?
Ans- There are two: communicating hydrocele and non-communicating hydrocele.
• Communicating hydrocele: This is a type of hydrocele that has contact (communication) with the fluids of the abdominal cavity. A communicating hydrocele is caused by the failure of the processus vaginalis (the thin membrane that extends through the inguinal ca**l and extends into the sc***um). If this membrane remains open, there is a potential for both a hernia and a hydrocele to develop. The child’s sc***um will appear swollen or large and may change in size throughout the day.
• Non-communicating hydrocele: In this type, the inguinal ca**l did close, but there is still extra fluid around the testicle in the sc***um. This condition might be present at birth or might develop years later for no obvious reason. A non-communicating hydrocele usually remains the same size or has very slow growth.

Q. How is a hydrocele diagnosed? What tests are done?
Ans- A healthcare provider can diagnose a hydrocele in a child or adult through a combination of tests and observations, including:
• Physical exam - This may include testing to see how the bulge in the groin area changes under pressure or when the patient is asked to cough and/or shining a light through the sc***um, highlighting any collection of fluid in that area.
• An imaging test such as an ultrasound.

Q. How is a hydrocele treated? What medicines may help?
Ans- There are no medications available to treat a hydrocele.
A hydrocele usually does not need to be surgically repaired. A hydrocele typically goes away on its own within six to 12 months of age. If the hydrocele does not resolve on its own, then it needs to be surgically repaired to prevent further complications.

Q. Can a hydrocele be prevented?
Ans- There is nothing you can do to prevent your baby from getting a hydrocele. For adolescent and adult men, the best protection against a hydrocele is to keep the testicles and sc***um free of injury. For example, if taking part in contact sports, use an athletic cup.
Although hydroceles are usually not a major health issue, you should tell your healthcare provider about any abnormality or swelling in the sc***um. Another disease or condition may be causing or mimicking the abnormality.
The outcome for a hydrocele is generally positive. Cases that need surgery have a high success rate.

Q. Can I live a normal life with a hydrocele?
Ans- Yes. A hydrocele shouldn’t interfere with your everyday activities or reduce your quality of life.

Q. Will a hydrocele affect fertility?
Ans- No.


Wish you a SAFE and HAPPY HOLI.

Don't let Covid-19 take the colour out of Holi.

Here are a few safety precautions for a safe Holi celebration :
1. Do not put colour on face and always wear a mask.
2. Constantly clean hands with soap and water or alcohol based rub to curb infection.
3. Those who have a history of travel should remain at home.
4. Avoid large gatherings.
5. Celebrate with close family members at home instead of Holi parties at housing societies/clubs.
6. If anyone has symptoms like cough, cold and fever, he/she should not step out.
7. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when you cough or sneeze.


Happy International Women's Day!

There should never be only one day marked as women's day. In our daily economic, social, political, cultural life women have so much more greater contribution that a day celebrated for them is not enough to highlight their achievements. Last year during pandemic, in health sector , thousands of health staffs fought relentlessly against the evil corona.

So ahead of this auspicious day, let us take a oath that we will praise the sacrifices , achievements of better halves of the society and we will honour them, respect them not only on this day but throughout the year.

"The willingness to listen,
the patience to understand,
the strength to support,
the heart to care & just to be there...."
That is the beauty of a lady!


Let us not forget that the pandemic is not over yet. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts to get you through.

Do :
1. Stay at Home .Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness
and can recover at home without medical care. Do not leave
your home, except to get medical care. Do not visit public
2. Take care of yourself. Get rest and stay hydrated.
3. Stay in touch with your doctor. Call before you get medical care. Be sure to get care if you have trouble breathing, or have
any other emergency warning signs, or if you think it is an emergency.
4. Wear mask, use sanitizer

1. Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis.
2. Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick or suffering from
cold and cough.
3. Don’t spit on roads and public areas.
4. Don’t panic, take it easy. Most often a state of fear can lead to wrong decisions.

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