Karthi Savithri Life Coach Associates
This endeavor is focused to help people live a holistic, conflict free life and transform one self to the highest potential man can reach....
Love is a constant
Attention is the only requirement for a healthy mind.
Man requires only attention to what is for right living
Intelligence and now are one. For intelligence to function the mind has to be in the present, now.
Having an attitude either + or - is building your own prision. You are then, that attitude....
Products of psychological thought will be divisive and divide man against man. Man's bane, enemy is psychological thinking.
With out thought conflicts cannot arise. Observation is the only essential not thinking.
Meditation means continuous movement of observation and action. Silence is also action. Living is meditation then.
Desire is the ONLY main issue of humans.
And the emptiness of oneself is the root cause for desire to arise.
The war within and out is result of ONLY thought.
Hopelessness is just another illusion of thought
Constant thinking creates a dull mind
There is no oneself in reality. Oneself is actually image of what one observes. You are memories, Knoweldge. Understanding this by heart is TRUE liberation.
Conflicts wouldn't arise in life if thinking isn't there.
Every brain has a unique capacity. Finding it, brings creativity to one.
Narrowing of mind leads to stress, depression. And thinking mind is narrow but not an observeing mind.
To understand love you have to understand attachements
There is no total security unless you understand yourself
For a free mind understanding oneself is vital.
Fear is because of thinking only.
Untill the me consciousness is functioning man will suffer and wars cannot be prevented
Awareness is the only real solution for all issues. Intelligence functions only then.
Intelligence cannot be cultivated. AI is still memory being manipulated. Only in awareness intelligence can flower.
Relationship is only in the moment, now. Memories, thought are only hindrance to relationship. And they don't operate then.
Total relationship is only possible in the absence of the thinker
The enemy to a good relationship is thought. Don't let thought operate in a relationship and be assured of happiness.
Real life Coach is one who makes you independent of any coaching requirement.
When a coach makes you realize the truth about yourself then you are your own coach.
Living in the now, present is the only real solution for peace of mind. Working towards it is human advantage.
Self discipline is effortless when the meself isn't functioning