

A page to replace my diary


You've come a long way baby..


Happy birthday Ma

❤️ ❤️

Timeline photos 20/05/2021

মাঝে মাঝে ভাবি,
কেন দেখা হয়েছিল ?
তারপর ভাবি,
ভাগ্যিস !

নইলে কোন দিন ও বুঝতাম
কত অপরিসীম সহ্য ক্ষমতা আমার।
সব কিছুর শেষে আমি
দাঁড়িয়ে থাকি।

পায়ের তলার খসে যাওয়া মাটি
ভাটার সময় ফেরত চলে আসে।
ফারাকটা গড়ে দেয় সময়,
আর লাগে ধৈর্য্য।

মাঝের সময়টা চোখের জলে
ভেসে ভেসে দিব্বি কেটে যায়।

তারপর একদিন সকাল হয়,
অফিস যাওয়া কলেজের পড়া,
সবের মাঝে বহুদূর থেকে একটা
কি যেন.. ? ভুলে যাওয়া কি যেন গল্পটা --
তালগোলে সব একাকার ।

খালি পুকুর পাড়ের মাটির রাস্তাটায়
যখন আকাশ লাল করে কাগজ ফুল নেচে ওঠে।
ওরা হয়ত সেইই ভুলে যাওয়া
কোন এক বিকেলের অপেক্ষা,
সবার থেকে লুকিয়ে রাখা
এক মান-অভিমানের ব্যর্থ কাহিনী চর্চা করে।

এদিকে হয়ত অফিস যাওয়ার পথে
ট্রেনে কারুর মোবাইলে বা শাট্লকারের রেডিও তে
হঠাৎ বেজে ওঠে,
একটা জোর করে ভুলে যাওয়া গান,
"দো দিল মিল রহে হে, মগর......"

এক মুহূর্তের ধাক্কা, তারপর অফিস, কাজ,
আবার ....

কি যেন ছিল, কি যেন ছিল গল্পটা ...?


Timeline photos 27/03/2021

I wish for colours this Holi!
I hope it rains and paints my canvas red.. and green and blue and yellow..
All bright
And glittery
All happy !
And my eyes
Dazzling bright
Beholds the spectacle
Of colours
Gracefully painting across
My black & white life!

I wish for colours this Holi!

Timeline photos 26/03/2021

Have a great Holi weekend!
Stay safe



If one morning you find me away,
Don't fret or fear.
Just know that I finally found a way,
That takes me there
Where I dream to tread.
Alone, this time
With all grief shed.
Know that I am
Happy as can be -
Happier than birds tweeting
And flying merrily.
My smile so fleeting
That it touches the sky,
And rings it to sing,
In chords low and high!
All mirth with spread wings
All-day, and night and morn.
Don't fret or fear,
That I am gone,
Just Smile, as I was there!


Black & White

I hide in plain sight
As time takes flight
Around me

I choose to be hidden
Stay away and stay ridden
Of humanity

You see, the world requires
Me to act as norm desires
Which is too much for me

So I stay unseen and away
As the herds graze and sway
Sans Sanity


If someone asks
On one cozy winter evening
How I feel..
Remember the rains
That had flooded
My mind when young
Remember those drops
Both warm and cold
Like Winter and Summer combined
Sometimes soft and sweet
Like Spring in full bloom
Sometimes in hard torrent
Every moment
Every time
How I feel..
Is like warm coffee
On a rainy evening
In solitude and bliss!
My mind like white Daisies
Or like the wild Roses
Catching fire in the Rain!


No matter how torrid
No matter how horrid
No matter how much we hate
No matter how strong a debate
I hurl abuses at your face
While you stand bruised and scathed
You throw off your fiery tirade
While I burn and cry and fade
Then comes a lull, a day or two
Seems the fire subsided, and cool winds blew
But again in a cycle so vicious and uncouth
We start again, hurling hurt and heart deep wounds
Why do we do this on repeat?
Why do we pull our hair and stamp our feet
Why do we then cry and huddle in deep
All sadness and tears in a sad sad heap
And then with time, thing heal
And we smile and talk and feel
Good once again to be together
Until once again there comes in bad weather!


I love falling in love.. again and again.. who doesn't!


10 years..
And all we celebrate is being together being apart! They say long distance doesn't work yet with us.. that's all we have.. years of being apart together.. or together apart.. whichever order, meaning remains the same.

Ever wondered what is it that our love lacks that we continue keeping apart while the world breathes, lives and runs together?

Timeline photos 23/09/2020

Life Hacks..

Your smile can conquer barriers than your sword could never break!


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Timeline photos 22/09/2020

How do you seek love?

Timeline photos 20/09/2020

II Talking Life II

by Abby_Speaks

It took one step, two steps maybe more
To get things right.
Or may be we simply changed the door
And chose the one that looked just right!

And may be we got it wrong again,
And wasted time, suffered more,
Felt hope disappear just by that lane,
And were more miserable than before!

We cried and cursed, and bashed our heads,
On unfeeling rocks and walls around.
We kicked ourselves, and wished us dead
Till one day, it didn't matter if hope weren't found!

We crawled and limped a bit by bit,
Then somehow beat ourselves to walk.
Then walked that hopeless barren s**t,
As that was all that we had in stock!

And then we beat the ground instead.
We kicked ourselves, this time to run.
We churned the barren to wake the dead,
And forced it to breathe, and we had just begun!

There is always a choice of how you live
Of how you choose to pass your days,
You can be down, crying, a barren heaf,
Or you can till that land, to make your hays!

Come what may -
Whichever door,
Change or nay,
Create a life.. you adore!


Talking Life
by Abby_Speaks

It took one step, two steps maybe more
To get things right.
Or may be we simply changed the door
And chose the one that looked just right!

And may be we got it wrong again,
And wasted time, suffered more,
Felt hope disappear just by that lane,
And were more miserable than before!

We cried and cursed, and bashed our heads,
On unfeeling rocks and walls around.
We kicked ourselves, and wished us dead
Till one day, it didn't matter if hope weren't found!

We crawled and limped a bit by bit,
Then somehow beat ourselves to walk.
Then walked that hopeless barren s**t,
As that was all that we had in stock!

And then we beat the ground instead.
We kicked ourselves, this time to run.
We churned the barren to wake the dead,
And forced it to breathe, and we had just begun!

There is always a choice of how you live
Of how you choose to pass your days,
You can be down, crying, a barren heaf,
Or you can till that land, to make your hays!

Come what may -
Whichever door,
Change or nay,
Create a life.. you adore!

Timeline photos 19/09/2020

A poem after a long time... hope you like it.


And I keep looking for that fine
Love, magic and romance divine!
How does it flutter and skips a beat,
Your heart, when magic touches its feet!
When the sky is blue and blue and vast,
When the clouds seem to dance all overcast.
When the greens are but happy and calling you by,
When no reason, just like that, you feel coy and shy.
When smiles flow like wine off an hearty feast,
When glances and glimpses, young hidden love's released..

That magic, that feeling, that fluttering of the heart,
That excitement of the ages, the not-wanting to part!
That's what I seek now, as I lay staring high.
The bare ceilings, whitewashed, lone witness to my sighs!


We are all moved by circumstances. We rarely bring about anything.. it is fate and luck and the universe and the stars placing their pawns to make us behave the way we do..

Luck are those who manage to be one with the worldly orders to their own !

Timeline photos 09/09/2020

Because I love you.. till the end of time


And in this game of Imagination vs Reality, Imagination seemed to win..

Timeline photos 04/09/2020

Ever compared a wounded pride with public appearance and measured the difference ?


No, I dont want to be a Mum.... ! | Blog Post by Abhinanda Bhattacharya | Momspresso 03/09/2020

Do you feel a woman's success is measured ONLY by motherhood?
Read on, my new article on Momspresso, and let me know..

No, I dont want to be a Mum.... ! | Blog Post by Abhinanda Bhattacharya | Momspresso And for the people who feel women are failures if they dont have a child! Several reasons, a thousand complications come into play when a woman is pregnant or conceives that causes them to lose the child or be rendered infertile!

Timeline photos 30/08/2020

I don't know why but I have always found it pretty hard to be happy and genuinely smile. And as days pass it's getting harder for me. Masks came easy earlier but I am struggling with camouflage as well.

Every passing day seems to say I've had enough.. it's been a long run, and it's time!

Anyone who feels this way?

Timeline photos 27/08/2020

I don't know who wrote this.. but whoever's did just stole my heart..

Loved it. Inspiration for present days and for days to come.

Timeline photos 17/08/2020

till death do us part

Timeline photos 15/08/2020

Did you ever try speaking to your shadow?

Timeline photos 14/08/2020

Irritated yet?


Black Magic

Of course we know black magic
How else can you account
Of how we fool and grossly trick
Your boys like hungry hounds!

Of course we practice the arts
We have a flair of words and song
How else could we write such ballads
That chain your boys lifelong!

Ofcourse hon, we scream and shout
Too vocal than Indian bahus
In any house we manage clout
Respect or fear, either would do!

You see love, we are weird
Our land raised is strong
Our family praised our birth and cheered
No one said being a girl was wrong!

You're scared now, I understand
Baffling it is, how can this clan
Of Bengali women firmly stand
And not cower when in confronting man..

Baffling it is.. I know for you
And equally sad, for me !
When I see how I grew
And how terrible your life has been!

Yes terrible love,
Life in a well
With light just above
And darkness swell..

I won't pity you,
Or belittle your thoughts
Societal glue
Cannot be your fault

But i will for sure
With arms open wide
Invite you sans censure
To the land east side!

Come once, come again
Come mingle, come stay
See us, see all
You'll love us...

Witches of Bengal

Timeline photos 31/07/2020

I don't need conviction
Or belief in penned diction
For closed eyes give me a vision
Of lands afar and seas in unison
Calling out like that soul wild
Unchained untied, that lost child
Who ran away yet grew like fire
Blazed around in muck and mire
Yet, smiled the broadest, happy and free
Living life in all its entirety..

For in my dreams I can fly!

Timeline photos 29/07/2020

Can u force people to be in love?

A page to Replace my Diary

This page is my way of expressing my thoughts. I have been resorting to pen and paper as a mode of expression since childhood. I feel it’s time to bring it out to a public platform. This is a small step in the direction. I hope for support from people who read my scribbles.

Videos (show all)

Dance workshop at Blind School @workbytes