Dr Nikesh Patel

Dr Nikesh Patel

medical lover


Used for this

Photos from Dr Nikesh Patel's post 07/05/2024

The daily recommended intake of iron in pregnancy..

Photos from Dr Nikesh Patel's post 07/05/2024

What are the complications of a molar pregnancy...

Photos from Dr Nikesh Patel's post 07/05/2024

The time period of pregnancy defined as third trimester of pregnancy...


Anybody knows about ....
1. Gravida
2. Primigravida
3. Multigravida
4. Nulligravida
5. Primipara
6. Multipara
7. Term birth
8. Preterm birth
9. Post term birth


Anybody explain more about this


Fiberglass casts are a type of medical dressing used to immobilize broken bones or joints that need stabilization. They are often used instead of plaster casts because they are lighter, more durable, and more comfortable. Fiberglass casts are also radiolucent, can tolerate moisture, and harden within five minutes, allowing the patient to bear weight immediately.
A healthcare provider applies a fiberglass cast in layers, typically consisting of:
Stockinette: A soft, stretchy fabric wrapped around the broken bone
Padding: Cotton or another soft padding wrapped around the stockinette
Fiberglass strips: Moistened strips that are layered around the fracture
Fiberglass casts can be used to hold broken bones in place until they heal, protect a limb after surgery, or immobilize a joint. However, fiberglass casts can have sharp edges that can damage the skin, and they contain toxic isocyanates, so protective gear is required when applying and removing them.
You should contact your doctor if you experience any of the following while wearing a cast:
A fever
Numbness, tingling, burning, or stinging in the injured area
Sores under the cast
Pain or swelling that worsens
Cold, pale, or bluish skin
A crack or soft spots in the cast
A wet cast that won't dry
A cast that's too tight or too loose
Red or raw skin around the cast
Trouble moving fingers or toes


3 साल की उम्र में बुखार, चकत्ते, हाथों-पैर की सूजन, आँखों की सफेदी और लालिमा, गले में सूजी हुई लिंफ ग्रंथियां, और जीभ जैसी "स्ट्रॉबेरी"

आपका निदान क्या है?


What do you see on this picture


Using a female condom is a simple and effective way to prevent unintended pregnancy and STIs. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Choose the right size: Female condoms come in different sizes. Choose the right size for your body.

2. Wash your hands: Before handling the condom, wash your hands with soap and water.

3. Insert the condom: Hold the condom with the open end facing up. Insert the closed end into the va**na, pushing it in as far as possible. The condom will expand to fit your body.

4. Make sure it's in place: Check that the condom is not twisted or bunched up. The open end should be on the outside, covering the v***a.

5. Add lubricant: Apply lubricant to the outside of the condom to reduce friction and increase pleasure.

6. Enjoy s*x: You can now have s*x with the female condom in place.

7. Remove the condom: After s*x, remove the condom by gently pulling it out. Dispose of it in a trash can.

Some additional tips:

- Use a new condom for every s*xual encounter.
- Don't use a female condom and a male condom at the same time.
- If the condom breaks or slips, remove it and insert a new one.
- Practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if it takes a few tries to get the hang of using a female condom.

Remember, female condoms are a highly effective method for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancy when used consistently and correctly. If you have any questions or concerns, consult a healthcare professional.


Condoms are a type of barrier method used for family planning and STI prevention. Here are some key points about condoms:

1. How it works:
- A condom is a thin, flexible sheath made of latex or polyurethane.
- It is placed over the erect p***s before in*******se.
- The condom prevents s***m from entering the va**na, thereby preventing pregnancy.
- It also acts as a barrier against STIs, including HIV.
2. Effectiveness:
- Condoms are about 85-98% effective in preventing pregnancy.
- They are more effective when used correctly and consistently.
3. Advantages:
- Highly effective against STIs.
- Easy to use and accessible.
- No need for a prescription or medical procedure.
- Can be used with other forms of birth control for added protection.
4. Disadvantages:
- May reduce sensation or pleasure.
- Can break or slip if not used correctly.
- May cause allergic reactions or irritation (latex condoms).
5. Types:
- Latex condoms: Most common type, effective against STIs.
- Polyurethane condoms: Thinner and stronger, suitable for those with latex allergies.
- Natural skin condoms: Made from animal intestine, not effective against STIs.
- Female condoms: Inserted into the va**na, less common.

Remember, condoms are a highly effective method for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancy when used consistently and correctly. If you have any questions or concerns, consult a healthcare professional.


Here are some sample answers to the nursing interview questions:

1. What inspired you to become a nurse?
I was inspired to become a nurse after volunteering at a hospital and seeing the impact nurses had on patients' lives. I wanted to make a difference and provide compassionate care to those in need.

2. What do you know about our hospital/facility?
I researched your hospital and learned about your commitment to patient-centered care, cutting-edge technology, and community involvement. I'm impressed by your reputation for excellence and excited about the opportunity to join your team.

3. How would you prioritize patient care?
I prioritize patient care by assessing their physical, emotional, and social needs, then developing individualized plans to address those needs. I also ensure timely and effective communication with the healthcare team and patient's family.

4. How do you handle stress and pressure in the workplace?
I manage stress through self-care, prioritization, and effective time management. I also seek support from colleagues and mentors when needed, and focus on the positive impact I'm making in patients' lives.

5. Can you tell me about a challenging patient you've cared for and how you managed their needs?
I once cared for a patient with complex medical and emotional needs. I listened actively, empathized with their concerns, and collaborated with the team to develop a comprehensive care plan, resulting in improved outcomes and patient satisfaction.

6. How do you stay current with developments in nursing practice?
I attend conferences, workshops, and webinars, and read nursing journals to stay updated on best practices, research, and technological advancements. I also participate in peer review and quality improvement initiatives.

7. How do you work with a team to achieve patient goals?
I believe in open communication, respect, and active listening. I collaborate with colleagues to set shared goals, delegate tasks effectively, and recognize each other's strengths and expertise.

8. What do you know about our patient population and how would you tailor your care?
I understand your patient population has diverse needs. I would tailor my care by considering individual cultural, social, and economic factors, and adapting my approach to meet those unique needs.

9. How do you assess and manage pain in patients?
I use a multidisciplinary approach, assessing pain levels regularly and developing personalized plans incorporating pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.

10. Can you describe your experience with medication administration and management?
I have experience with medication administration, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. I also monitor for potential interactions, side effects, and allergic reactions.

11. How do you handle confidentiality and HIPAA guidelines?
I understand the importance of confidentiality and adhere to HIPAA guidelines, ensuring patient information is secure and only shared with authorized personnel.

12. Tell me about a time when you had to think critically and make a quick decision in a high-pressure situation.
In a code blue situation, I quickly assessed the patient's condition, prioritized interventions, and collaborated with the team to achieve a positive outcome.

13. How do you support patient education and empowerment?
I educate patients and families through clear, concise communication, providing resources and support to promote self-management and independence.

14. Can you describe your experience with electronic medical records (EMRs)?
I have experience with EMRs, ensuring accurate and timely documentation, and utilizing technology to enhance patient care and communication.

15. How do you prioritize your workload and manage your time effectively?
I prioritize tasks based on patient needs, delegate when possible, and use tools like to-do lists and time management apps to stay organized and focused.

16. Tell me about a situation where you had to communicate effectively with a difficult patient or family member.
I once had to address a family member's concerns about their loved one's care. I listened empathetically, provided clear explanations, and involved the healthcare team to resolve the issue and improve communication.

17. How do you handle end-of-life care and support patients and their families during this time?
I provide compassionate care, focusing on pain management, emotional support, and dignity. I also facilitate conversations about advance directives and support families during the grieving process.

18. Can you describe your experience with wound care and management?
I have experience with wound assessment, dressing, and treatment, ensuring timely and effective care to promote healing and prevent complications.

19. How do you support patient safety and prevent falls, infections, and other adverse events?
I follow established protocols, ensure accurate medication administration, and prioritize fall prevention strategies, such as bed rails and frequent rounding.

20. Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond for a patient or their family.
I once organized a patient's birthday celebration, involving the healthcare team and family, to boost their spirits and create a positive experience during a difficult time.

Remember to be specific, sincere, and concise in your answers, and to highlight your skills, experience, and compassion as a nurse. Good luck with your interview!


Inserting a catheter is a medical procedure that requires proper training and expertise. It's not a procedure that should be attempted without proper knowledge and experience. However, I can provide a general overview of the steps involved in inserting a catheter:

1. Prepare the equipment:
- Catheter (appropriate size and type)
- Catheter insertion kit
- Sterile gloves
- Antiseptic solution
- Lubricant
2. Prepare the patient:
- Explain the procedure and obtain consent
- Ensure the patient is in a comfortable position
- Clean and disinfect the ge***al area
3. Identify the urethral opening:
- For males: Locate the urethral opening at the tip of the p***s
- For females: Locate the urethral opening just above the va**na
4. Insert the catheter:
- Use sterile gloves and insert the catheter through the urethral opening
- Advance the catheter slowly and gently until it reaches the bladder
- Inflate the balloon (if using a balloon-tipped catheter)
5. Secure the catheter:
- Use adhesive tape or a catheter securement device to keep the catheter in place
6. Connect the drainage bag:
- Attach the drainage bag to the catheter
- Ensure the bag is securely attached and positioned below the level of the bladder

Again, please note that inserting a catheter is a medical procedure that requires proper training and expertise. If you are not a trained healthcare professional, do not attempt to insert a catheter. Instead, seek assistance from a qualified healthcare provider.


there are differences between male and female catheters:

Male Catheters:

- Longer in length (around 40-45 cm) to accommodate the longer urethra
- Thinner in diameter (12-18 Fr) to reduce discomfort and trauma
- May have a curved or angled tip to facilitate insertion
- Often have a larger balloon size (30-50 mL) to secure the catheter in place

Female Catheters:

- Shorter in length (around 20-25 cm) due to the shorter urethra
- Thicker in diameter (12-16 Fr) to reduce the risk of migration or expulsion
- May have a straight or slightly curved tip
- Often have a smaller balloon size (10-30 mL) to secure the catheter in place

Additionally, female catheters may have a recessed or "funnel-shaped" opening to reduce the risk of urethral trauma and make insertion easier.

It's essential to use the correct type and size of catheter for the individual patient to ensure proper fit, comfort, and to minimize potential complications. A healthcare professional should always be consulted to determine the appropriate catheter type and size.


The balloon size for a male catheter typically ranges from 30-50 mL, and the balloon is usually filled with sterile water. Here's a general guideline for male catheter balloon sizes and the corresponding water volume:

- 30 mL balloon: 30-40 mL of water
- 35 mL balloon: 35-45 mL of water
- 40 mL balloon: 40-50 mL of water
- 45 mL balloon: 45-55 mL of water
- 50 mL balloon: 50-60 mL of water

It's important to note that the recommended balloon size and water volume may vary depending on the individual patient's needs and the specific catheter product being used. Over- or under-inflation of the balloon can lead to complications, so it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if you're unsure.

When filling the balloon with water, it's essential to use sterile water to minimize the risk of infection. The water should be injected slowly and gently into the balloon port, and the balloon should be inspected for any signs of damage or leakage before and after inflation.


The balloon size for a female catheter typically ranges from 10-30 mL, and the balloon is usually filled with sterile water. Here's a general guideline for female catheter balloon sizes and the corresponding water volume:

- 10 mL balloon: 10-15 mL of water
- 12 mL balloon: 12-18 mL of water
- 15 mL balloon: 15-20 mL of water
- 20 mL balloon: 20-25 mL of water
- 25 mL balloon: 25-30 mL of water
- 30 mL balloon: 30-35 mL of water

As with male catheters, it's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if you're unsure about the appropriate balloon size and water volume for a female patient. Over- or under-inflation of the balloon can lead to complications, so it's crucial to get it right.

Remember to always use sterile water when filling the balloon to minimize the risk of infection. The water should be injected slowly and gently into the balloon port, and the balloon should be inspected for any signs of damage or leakage before and after inflation.


Removing a catheter is a medical procedure that requires proper training and expertise. However, I can provide a general overview of the steps involved in removing a catheter:

1. Prepare the patient:
- Explain the procedure and obtain consent
- Ensure the patient is in a comfortable position
- Clean and disinfect the ge***al area
2. Deflate the balloon (if applicable):
- Use a syringe to withdraw the water from the balloon
- Ensure the balloon is completely deflated before proceeding
3. Remove the catheter:
- Gently pull the catheter out of the urethra
- Use a steady, gentle motion to avoid causing discomfort or trauma
4. Dispose of the catheter:
- Properly dispose of the catheter and any associated materials
5. Monitor the patient:
- Observe the patient for any signs of discomfort, bleeding, or other complications
- Provide appropriate care and support as needed

It's important to note that catheter removal should only be performed by a trained healthcare professional, as improper removal can lead to complications such as infection, bleeding, or urethral trauma. If you are not a trained healthcare professional, do not attempt to remove a catheter. Instead, seek assistance from a qualified healthcare provider.


Nephrology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of kidney diseases and disorders. Nephrologists are medical professionals who specialize in the care of patients with kidney problems, such as:

1. Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
2. Acute kidney injury (AKI)
3. End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
4. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
5. Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney filters)
6. Nephrotic syndrome (excess protein in the urine)
7. Electrolyte imbalance
8. Kidney stones
9. Kidney cancer

Nephrologists use various diagnostic tests, such as:

1. Blood tests (e.g., creatinine, urea, electrolytes)
2. Urine tests (e.g., protein, blood, pH)
3. Imaging studies (e.g., ultrasound, CT scan, MRI)
4. Kidney biopsy

Treatment options in nephrology include:

1. Medications (e.g., blood pressure control, diuretics)
2. Dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis)
3. Kidney transplantation
4. Lifestyle modifications (e.g., diet, fluid management)
5. Conservative care (symptom management, supportive care)

Nephrologists work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as urologists, cardiologists, and primary care physicians, to provide comprehensive care for patients with kidney diseases.


Which method


S*xual health and pleasure are important aspects of overall well-being! Here are some key points to consider:

- S*xual Health:

1. Embrace your body and s*xuality
2. Practice safe s*x (e.g., condoms, consent)
3. Get regular STI testing and gynecological check-ups
4. Communicate with your partner about desires and boundaries
5. Prioritize consent and enthusiastic participation

- S*xual Pleasure:

1. Explore your body and desires
2. Discover what feels good (e.g., touch, pressure, rhythm)
3. Communicate with your partner about your preferences
4. Embrace solo pleasure (e.g., ma********on) as a healthy aspect of s*xuality
5. Prioritize intimacy and connection with your partner

- Tips for Enhancing S*xual Pleasure:

1. Take time for foreplay and arousal
2. Experiment with different positions and techniques
3. Use s*x toys and accessories (e.g., vi*****rs, lubricants)
4. Practice sensual touch and intimacy (e.g., massage, kissing)
5. Embrace your senses (e.g., sight, sound, smell) during s*xual activities

_Remember:_ S*xual health and pleasure are unique and personal experiences. Prioritize communication, consent, and connection with your partner, and don't hesitate to seek guidance from a healthcare provider or s*x therapist if needed.


Vaginal dryness and pain during s*x can be a challenging and distressing experience for many women. Here are some key points to consider:

*Causes of Vaginal Dryness:*

1. Hormonal changes during menopause or breastfeeding
2. Insufficient foreplay or arousal
3. Certain medications (e.g., birth control, antidepressants)
4. Medical conditions (e.g., va**nal infections, endometriosis)
5. Stress and anxiety

*Causes of Pain during S*x:*

1. Vaginal dryness or inadequate lubrication
2. Vaginal infections or inflammation
3. Endometriosis or adhesions
4. Vaginal trauma or scar tissue
5. Pelvic floor muscle tension

*Tips to Help:*

1. Communicate with your partner about your discomfort
2. Explore different lubricants (e.g., water-based, silicone-based)
3. Try gentle, gradual pe*******on
4. Engage in regular foreplay and arousal techniques
5. Consider va**nal moisturizers or estrogen creams
6. Practice relaxation techniques (e.g., deep breathing, pelvic floor relaxation)
7. Consider seeking help from a healthcare provider or s*x therapist

*Remember:* It's essential to prioritize your comfort and consent during s*xual activities. If you experience persistent pain or discomfort, consult a healthcare provider for guidance and support.


I can provide information and resources on a wide range of topics related to va**nal health, s*xuality, and wellness.

What would you like to know? Some examples of topics I can help with include:

- Vaginal anatomy and physiology
- Menstrual health and hygiene
- S*xual health and pleasure
- Vaginal infections and diseases (e.g. yeast infections, BV, STIs)
- Vaginal discharge and abnormal bleeding
- Vaginal dryness and pain during s*x
- Vaginal birth and postpartum care
- Vaginal surgery and reconstruction

Remember, I'm here to provide information and support, and I strive to do so in a way that is respectful, inclusive, and empowering. So please don't hesitate to ask me any questions you have!


*Health Assessment_1*
Q1: A medical examination differs from a comprehensive nursing examination in that the medical examination focuses primarily on the client's:
A. Physiologic status
B. Holistic wellness status
C. Developmental history
D. Level of functioning
E. All of these

Q2: Sense of smell is carried by:
A. Optic nerve
B. Auditory nerve
C. Vestibular nerve
D. Olfactory nerve
E. Vagus nerve

Q3: Dorsal recumbent position is contraindicated in:
A. Cardio pulmonary
B. Head and neck
C. Breast
D. Vital signs
E. None of these

Q4: This is a systematic collection of data by nurse about client's physical, psychological, emotional, socio-cultural, and spiritual:
A. Assessment
B. Planning
C. Implementation
D. Diagnosis
E. Evaluation

Q5: General survey documentation findings of physical examination are all, except one:
A. Specific
B. Concise
C. Complete entry
D. Use black pen
E. Assess Elder women

Q6: Purpose of an interview are all, except one:
A. Gather information
B. Establish rapport
C. Identifying health status
D. Health education
E. Changing position

Q7: Termination phase of an interview:
A. Orientation
B. Build trust
C. Use therapeutic technique
D. Closure/summarize
E. All of these

Q8: The following is the middle phase of an interview:
A. Subjective data
B. Physical examination
C. History taking
D. Working phase
E. Preparatory phase

Q9: Information about client's present health and practice, past health perception, knowledge, and attitude toward health is called:
A. Inspection
B. Objective data
C. Palpation
D. Physical examination
E. Health History

Q10: Initial, focused, emergency, and ongoing are types of:
A. Interview
B. History taking
C. Subjective data
D. Assessment
E. Objective data

Q11: The most important primary technique used during a physical assessment is:
A. Auscultation
B. Palpation
C. Percussion
D. Inspection
E. None of these
Q13: A solitary nodule found on palpation of the thyroid is suggestive of:
A. Carcinoma
B. Thyroid adenoma
C. Retrosternal goiter
D. Graves' disease

Q14: Which skin lesion presents as a bright red star-shaped area with central pulsation noted with pressure?
A. Venous star
B. Spiderangioma
C. Petechiae
D. Cherry angioma

Q15: Physical assessment is best conducted:
A. Toe to head approach
B. When comparing right and left-hand sides of the patient
C. While standing at the foot of the patient examination table
D. Proceeding from the most invasive to least invasive procedure

Q16: Pain in the mandible during opening and closing of the mouth associated with a clicking sound suggests:
A. Temporomandibular joint dysfunctioning
B. Vascular spasm
C. Dental abscess
D. Swollen lymph nodes

Q17: When describing characteristics of an enlarged lymph node, you would note:
A. Size, shape, color, tenderness, mobility
B. Size, shape, vertical mobility
C. Size, shape, delimitation, mobility, consistency, tenderness
D. Size, shape, lateral movement

Q18: The color of normal sclera in a light-skinned individual is:
A. White
B. Brown
C. Blue
D. Yellow

Q19: Risk factors for oral cancer are:
A. Female gender excessive alcohol use
B. Male gender to***co use
C. Male gender age

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