Benmoon Ayarvada Fan Club's

Benmoon Ayarvada Fan Club's

� Healthy Wealthy Organic India mission
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Happy Diwali Benmon Family


"Promotes Healthy Ayurvedic Lifestyle"


is tough on Headaches as it contains pain relief effective ingredients to provide superior relief of headache.


"Herby spice" Man chow spirulina soup

A very unique blend of spice and herb empowered with spirulina not only enhances the taste but also activates energy level to perform day to day task and maintain fitness.
it is lip smacking tasteful that boost your appetite and restore your digestive system at its fullest and provide you energy.
the finest herbs offers and accelerates stamina so instantly that you can rejoice your health at extreme .
although it offers instant refreshments to your mood.
most authentic, easy,home style and ready to serve mix.
🥗🥣An Extra-Ordinary mix of hot & sour taste with a very unique blend of Spice & Herb. Lip Smacking Tasty Refreshing & Loaded with energy 🍵

Try This 👉💪 

" Direction for use"
Empty the sachet into a cup. Add 150 ml .water & stir well leave it for a minute & enjoy the taste.


BENMOON FLAXSEEDS CAPSULE are one of the nature's richest source of Omega 3, 6 & 9 fattyacids, highly beneficial for overall well being of the body. Rich in nutrients and fatty acids.

These capsules are your all in one solution to fullfil your body's need for Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. If you are lacking with tge needed requirement, then this product can be a wonderful trusted product to try


"Prevention is better than cure” so lets value the importance of health and try to safeguard it from an early age.


A proven Ayurvedic Formulation of is made from 100% natural ingredients dealing with gynecological disorders Promotes Energy Levels and Strength and maintains proper gynecological health.


Refreshing Fresh Breath With DantVardan Mint


"Herby spice" Man chow spirulina soup

A very unique blend of spice and herb empowered with spirulina not only enhances the taste but also activates energy level to perform day to day task and maintain fitness.
it is lip smacking tasteful that boost your appetite and restore your digestive system at its fullest and provide you energy.
the finest herbs offers and accelerates stamina so instantly that you can rejoice your health at extreme .
although it offers instant refreshments to your mood.
most authentic, easy,home style and ready to serve mix.
🥗🥣An Extra-Ordinary mix of hot & sour taste with a very unique blend of Spice & Herb. Lip Smacking Tasty Refreshing & Loaded with energy 🍵

Try This 👉💪 

" Direction for use"
Empty the sachet into a cup. Add 150 ml .water & stir well leave it for a minute & enjoy the taste.


Joints Pain in Rain??



🍃Refreshing Fresh Breath Whole Day
With DantVardan Mint
🍃It is natural and works faster
🍃Gives the cooling sensation after brushing
🍃Improve Gum Health
🍃In ancient times they place a mint on the teeth and gum for healing and to improve gum health🍃


शुद्ध गाय का घी। ज्यादातर लोग देसी घी खाना पसंद नहीं करते क्योंकि उन्हें लगता है कि घी खाने से चर्बी बढ़ती है लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। यह विटामिन से भरपूर होता है। न केवल स्वास्थ्य के लिए बल्कि त्वचा और बालों के लिए भी। रोजाना एक चम्मच घी खाने से शरीर को बहुत लाभ होता है।
घी विटामिन, एंटीऑक्सिडेंट और स्वस्थ वसा का एक समृद्ध स्रोत है। जबकि वसा का सेवन कम मात्रा में किया जाना चाहिए, अध्ययनों से पता चलता है कि घी जैसे वसायुक्त खाद्य पदार्थ खाने से शरीर को कुछ आवश्यक विटामिन और खनिजों को अवशोषित करने में मदद मिल सकती है। घी के साथ स्वस्थ भोजन और सब्जियां पकाने से आपको अधिक पोषक तत्वों को अवशोषित करने में मदद मिल सकती है।
घी आपके सभी सवालों का जवाब देता है। क्योंकि यह "स्पष्ट मक्खन" है।
What Organic Pure Cow Ghee Means For Your Health & Wellbeing
For a healthy life, you need your daily dose of nutrition.


Your immune system is your built-in defense force that fights off unwanted bacteria and viruses. While it becomes less effective as we get older, finding ways to encourage and boost it is essential to our well being. Luckily, the most effective way to keep your immune system strong, is by living a healthy lifestyle — one that includes a well-rounded and nutritious diet. Here’s what you need to know to encourage your immune system.


🌵 with ayurvedic method has shown great results and relief in all type of piles🌵 It has natural pain killing properties🌵🌵🌵🌵

🌵🌵intense itching around the a**s
🌵🌵🌵painful or itchy swelling or lump near your a**s
🌵🌵painful bowel movements
🌵🌵bleeding from your a**s during or after bowel movements
🌵🌵irritation and pain around the a**s
🌵🌵leakage of stool
🌿Ayurvedic approaches to hemorrhoid treatment are considered holistic. People experiencing hemorrhoids must try
🌵Pilezar capsule is made with a special ayurveda formula which consist of natural herbs which are very efficient in piles treatment.🌵
🌵It gives great results and relief in all type of piles.🌵
🌵It has pain killing properties naturally🌵
🌵The itching or burning effect vanishes from the very first dose.🌵
🌵Pilezar also help improve digestion and regulate bowel movements to prevent recurrence or relapse of piles🌵


" Stonbrak Capsules "

It is long researched formula based on ancient tradition herbal knowledge which is tried, tested and trusted for thousands of years.

It is a natural product that contains ingredients which have been show to help eliminate all kidney stone types while providing effective relief.

It reduces all your problems related to kidney stone.





🦾👉The First Line of Defense Is A Healthy Lifestyle. Maintain A Balanced Immune System With AYURVEDA 🌿That Can Protect You From This Pandemic. With Ayuvardan, AlkaPure, Tulsi-Curcumin Drops, Virocin, Breezil, AquaMist & HerbySpice. Strengthening Your Immune System And Prepare The Body To Fight With Diseases.💪


Be Organic Stay Healthy Stay Fit & Preserve Your Health
Organic food is often fresher because it doesn't contain preservatives that make it last longer


Constipation can be related to MANY factors however the three main factors that are likely to affect someone who is generally healthy are the following:
1️⃣ A lack of dietary fibre — this visual is split into foods that are rich in soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre absorbs water, slows digestion and softens your bowel motion. Insoluble fibre adds bulk and helps push your bowel motion through the bowel.
2️⃣ Insufficient water intake — even if your diet is high in fibre, you can become constipated if you don’t drink enough water because the bulk in your digestive tract will become hard and difficult to move.
3️⃣ Physical inactivity — exercise strengthens the muscles of your digestive system and gets them working, speeding up transit time of contents in the bowel.

