MiRrOrEd ReFlEcTiOnS

MiRrOrEd ReFlEcTiOnS

Welcome to MiRrOrEd ReFlEcTiOnS, we endeavour to inspire, motivate & enable you, to be a better you

Mirrored Reflections aims to bring people closer, to the knowledge of God.


It is easy to follow a herd as it gives a sense of belonging that we not only fit in but are also headed in the same direction. But God's ways aren't our ways, for his word tells that we aren't just called to follow him, we must believe; that God truly exists. And once we set our hearts on knowing this true God; our faith will surely be rewarded.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


We often worry about things, seems kind of human nature to do so. But though we have maybe human, as baptised Christians we share the same Holy Spirit that is Jesus Christ. Therefore don't worry about anything, but in all things pray in gratitude to God. And if you don't know what and how to pray be still and know God.


The God who was, who is and who is to come is always before you, beside you and with you, in every struggle. His silence does not mean absence, but presence in the quietest corner of your soul. Trust Him.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Even though we may not understand, we can still choose to trust God and wait on His promises. He has been faithful to us in our past and we can trust him with our future. He is our way-maker. Relax!

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Give him the knots, give Him the crosses and give Him your confusions. Sit at His feet and watch Him untie them, one by one. His hands can do it, not yours.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Sometimes, those around you have no idea what you’re going through. But God does. Don’t forget that and keep your faith strong. He will never leave you nor forsake you. For he has carved you on the palm of his hands.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


God has you in the palm of His hand. He already knows what you will face today and what you will need. Trust Him. Set your focus on Him because He will order your steps. He is at work!

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


We belong to a God who sees us, knows us, loves us so deep. Don’t be afraid. Don’t take things into your own hands. Follow him. He is in control.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


If we open our hearts, God will gently lead us step by step, decision by decision, perhaps not to the life we’ve always wanted but to the life that He has always wanted for us.

God Bless you and your loved ones 😇🙏🏻


Actions speak louder than words and rightly so as we can see actions before we hear any words. Know that Jesus went through much even though he wasn't at fault, yet He loved us all and is through him that we know God loves the world. Therefore, try to be at peace with everyone, and try to live a holy life, because no one will see the Lord without it.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


There is more joy in giving rather than receiving, and it takes us while to really learn this; for when a child is born the hands are clasped tightly within but as we age and it's time to depart our hands are but open. Know that God loves a cheerful giver, therefore Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands — all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.”

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Love covers a multitude of sins and it's through God's love that we're saved, for Love was God's plan when he made man. For God's divine nature is love. And so I pray that your love will keep on growing more and more, together with true knowledge and perfect judgement, so that you will be able to choose what is best. Then you will be free from all impurity and blame on the Day of Christ.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


St. Augustine decreed, 'our Hearts were made for you Lord and they'd never find rest until they find their rest in you'. Know that 'You have been raised to life with Christ, so set your hearts on the things that are in heaven, where Christ sits on his throne at the right-hand side of God.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


The word of God is a fascinating revelation of himself. And how many of us hear these words that brings solace and joy to our hearts. But as Christians we must be doers of the word. For Christ himself has shown us what it is to take up one's cross. Therefore, 'Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice. Whoever listens to the word but does not put it into practice is like a man who looks in a mirror and sees himself as he is. He takes a good look at himself and then goes away and at once forgets what he looks like.'

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


The world today has become so full of itself that God has become an entity for a few to exercise their beliefs and practice their faith. But God in his wisdom not only created the world but has also revealed himself to the world. How happy are those who grasp this truth for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Temptations become roadblocks when we engage with them and there are times we are going to fall, but the important thing to do then, is to get up and seek the grace of God; for the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and keep you safe from the Evil One.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Our being came into existence for we were created as individuals, but the human race as an entity is coherent because we are interdependent as a community. For no man can live as an island journeying through life alone. When we open our hands we will not only be able to shakes another's hand, but perhaps hold and guide them; so that they can do the same, for people learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Have you ever thought of the simple action we as humans do, whenever we think of God? we look up or point up, and why would we do that, simply because 'How clearly the sky reveals God's glory! How plainly it shows what he has done!'

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


There are two ways of how we can live our lives here on earth. One that yields to the flesh and the other that yields to the spirit. While former may bring instant gratification on most occasions, the latter will always conclude in unending joy. And Jesus shows us the way of how we can always yield to the spirit, for man doesn't live on bread alone but from every word that comes from God, therefore 'do what is right and fair; that pleases the LORD more than bringing him sacrifices.'

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbows? Are you tired of turning round and round? Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life and at the feet of Jesus lay them down. Give your all to Jesus, for he assures a life of abundance. As the word of God tells us 'watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already — you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.'

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


When we choose God's way, we are choosing wholesomeness, we are choosing that what we were created for, we are choosing Eternity. Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!

God Blessyou and yourloved ones :)


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Among all the promises made to us through scripture, there is a theme that is constant and that is God is with us. The birth of Jesus fulfills this scripture, for he came and has conquered everything, even death. Therefore, 'Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, LORD , for you are with me. Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me'.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


The world will always misunderstand what humility and gentleness is. And that shouldn't deter us from being true to ourselves. Know that the powerful never have the need to show their power, and this was shown to us by Jesus. He who can say the word and heal, couldn't he say it and the cross would be gone away from him. Therefore, 'be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another.'

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Have you ever thought of how you can be more like Jesus? The answer is very simple but perhaps a little challenging to put in practice but not impossible, for Jesus himself showed us that to be like him we must 'Love one another warmly as Christian brothers and sisters, and be eager to show respect for one another'.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Everyday in life we come across different situations and sometimes they are so challenging that we find ourselves perhaps in a not so ideal position. However we always have hope and the best thing we can do is;
to have the attitude that Christ Jesus had.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Life on earth is journey and as we make our way through the ups and downs of life we must never forget that we were created for eternity and our focus must be on doing what our Lord Jesus commanded us to 'Love one another' even if it hurts. And those who trust in the LORD for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.

God Blessyou and your lovedOnes :)


Imagine if as a parent your child asked for something that you want to give your child, for you know that it is good. You would be happy to give that what you're child asks. And so it is with God our Father, our creator and maker. We are his children and so we have courage in God's presence, because we are sure that he hears us if we ask him for anything that is according to his will.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


No man can live like an island journeying through life alone for God created us in his image and likeness. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are in perpetual communion. And so it is with us we born in a family and belong to our community and church. For God dwells with his people as he has given us his word "For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them."

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


God has plans for each one of us and while we all want to do big things in our lives, we ought to start with the small ones. We got to love more, give more, forgive more and we can do this simply beginning from our very homes. For whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones.

God Blessyou and your loved ones :)


As human beings we often caught up in the world of tangible. We need to see it and feel it to believe. But God's ways and thoughts aren't like ours. If only we surrender our lives completely to his word, we will see a transformation like never before. Never underestimate the power of the word of God. The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


We all have our weakness, but how we respond to them makes all the difference. St. Paul teaches us that the best response to weakness is surrender them to God and through that action we will see God's power. St Paul asked God to take away the thorn in his flesh, but God's answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.”

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


What a privilege we Christians have in the word of God. It is our living God who speaks to us. Yet how many of us dwell in his word? You may be going through a time of uncertainty, of perhaps are awaiting a breakthrough. The Lord speaks directly to you; "Do not be afraid — I am with you! I am your God — let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you." Believe!

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Imperfect as we are God's invitation to give him your all, always stands. He doesn't want a part of you, He wants all of you. Because that's what he has created you for; for Him. Am I willing to give God my all? Or do I find myself bargaining for what I think is good here on earth. Life here is just a passing phase and if you want to spend your eternity with the one whom you were made for, you must come to the knowledge of him and it will surely happen when you; Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


In the world we live in we have laws and the judiciary and everyone ought to be live in order to the law. While there are some who disregard the law, the majority abides by it. But this is with regards to this world. Now if we assume there's no eternity, then there is no need for salvation, but since the law of God states there is, then we surely are in need of a savior for "Salvation is to be found through him alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us"

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Each Christian has a vocation, and that is a call to discipleship. But what does it mean to be a disciple? It means to be like the teacher. Do we love as Jesus does? Do we forgive as Jesus does? The call is to have a conversation of heart and he himself showed us by taking up his cross what it is to love and forgive. Can we then pay heed to his words when he says, 'Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.'

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


How many times has it happened that we've done things our way and weren't happy about the results. But must always remember that God is good and though the immediate result may have disappointed the larger outcome of that choice was turned into a greater good. But we can only see this through faith. So it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. This life that I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


A day consists of different times; day and night. And so it is with life; there is a time for everything. While we may bask and enjoy our blessings, we must not be afraid of our battles, for we are never alone in them. Give thanks for every blessing you receive. However, if you suffer because you are a Christian, don't be ashamed of it, but thank God that you bear Christ's name.

God Blessyou and your loved ones :)


We all have the desire within us to carry our plans and visions that we have for our lives. But are these plans in alignment to God's will? In all that we do, we must always Ask the LORD to bless your plans, and we will be successful in carrying them out.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Of all the things that concern the human race, it is money that brings about the most. Because the thing about money is; it is never enough. Know that every good thing created here on earth is gift from God, however we have come to love his gifts more. God's ways are different for The LORD says, “Come, everyone who is thirsty — here is water! Come, you that have no money — buy corn and eat! Come! Buy wine and milk — it will cost you nothing! Why spend money on what does not satisfy? Why spend your wages and still be hungry? Listen to me and do what I say, and you will enjoy the best food of all.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

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Are we happy to respond to Jesus call?