

I am Cinu P Thomas
Friends call me CPT
Sharing business contents since 2018
Presenting #thecptcode


It’s the sad reality of life that there are times when we just have to let go and move on.

This is true not only in romantic partnerships, but in work situations, living conditions, professional relationships, friendships as well. Even investments and tangible possessions can be difficult to let go of despite how destructive or demanding they might have become.

Should I stay or go? Buy or sell? Stick it out or throw in the towel? Tough choices. It’s a kind of balance between perseverance and self-preservation.

What often makes the problem worse is that while we may intellectually understand this life truth, it’s hard for us to practice. Oh, we can easily see and readily point out to others when it’s time for them to move on, but when it comes to ourselves, it’s more difficult to recognize when it’s time to say goodbye.


Who is a True / Real friend?

Someone who is a true friend stands up for you. When others try to hurt you emotionally or physically, they do everything they can to make sure you stay safe. They don’t care who is trying to harm you; they will defend you anytime, anywhere. If they can help you, they’ll do it without reservation or reward.

A true friend is not only honest about themselves, but they are also honest about you. They are able to have difficult conversations in telling you things that sometimes you may not be eager to hear. The key is that they do it in love and with grace. They don’t tear you down. A true friend will hold you to a standard they know your character is worthy of.

A real friend accepts you as you are. They can encourage you to become a better version of you, but they also help you see the beauty in who you are right now. They don’t get sidetracked by what others may say or think of you. Instead, they celebrate the you they’ve come to know.

Fairweather friends are with you when you’re happy and successful. Then, when things become challenging for you, they move on to the next happy, successful person. A real friend, on the other hand, stays with you through traumas, disappointments, mental health crises, and physical illnesses. They don’t abandon you just because it’s easier or more comfortable to avoid you.

Because a true friend truly cares about you, they actually want to be there for you during your difficult times. They care more about what you are going through more than they care about how fun you are. A friend isn’t around simply for the things you have in your life — they are around for you! So when your life gets more challenging and you find yourself feeling pretty down or overwhelmed, you won’t have to go through these challenges alone with a true friend in your corner.


Knowing Others Is Intelligence.

Happily married people really know each other. A good mother knows her son. Astute teachers know their students. This knowledge is powerful. Insight into another human being provides the knower with a remarkable ability to meet needs, heal heartache, be emotionally supportive and above all, provide a prescripted and targeted kind of love.

The skill of understanding others helps us predict what people might feel in a certain situation, but it also allows us to make sense of how people react.

People who are skilled at understanding others imagine another person's feelings ("I think he'll feel awful if I say that to him"). They are able to relate to how that person reacts to things ("Oh, I completely get why she got angry like that. No wonder!"). Understanding how others feel, act, and react helps us build better relationships.

It's not always easy to predict or understand how someone else feels. Some people are better at it than others, but just about everyone can improve with practice. Understanding others is all about watching and listening.

After building your skills in understanding others, how do you use that knowledge? If you're like most people, you use it to help and support the people you care about. This is compassion, and compassion helps us form relationships.


Why Are We Waiting For Tomorrow to Start Living?

We’re always talking about getting on with our lives. Well, we are. We get on with our lives. This is it. Maybe the problem is that I’ve always been driven by my wants. My life’s always been about tomorrow. And the idea that life is now… it’s horrible.

I know that life is not eternal and that sometimes it goes by frighteningly fast. But we should not be afraid of its speed. Life really is about the journey, not the destination. We have to remind ourselves that the journey started the moment we were born and it's not waiting somewhere in the future. It is now, and that is the most certain thing we know.

Therefore, we better enjoy it. Don't plan to go to that place when you have more free time, just go now. Don't wait until it is convenient, because it never will be. And that is the reason to do it.

If you doubt that this is the thing for you, is there really any other way to answer this if you don't just try it now? Have no expectations, because if it is meant to be it will be. Some things need to happen when you are mature enough to appreciate them. It is possible to say to ourselves years later that we should have done something differently from what we chose. It is also possible to say to ourselves that we did everything we thought was right when it happened. I hope we choose the latter.

I hope we do not forget that happiness can always be with us, as long as we allow it to be.


Those who don't know their worth may consciously or unconsciously believe that they are worthless. Such beliefs can affect one's thoughts, emotions, actions, and experiences.

Knowing your worth and believing that you are indeed worthy is essential for happiness and well-being.

Knowing your self-worth allows you to disassociate the outcome of what you do with who you are. It implies you are in touch with your inner soul, and more than going through life, you are intentional, doing only the things that serve your purpose. So basically, knowing your worth enables you to be true to who you are, and live an authentic life.

While it’s important to be realistic about your abilities, it’s also equally important to acknowledge that despite the fact you might not live up to these so called standards, you are still worthy, talented, intelligent and deserving of happiness, love and fulfillment.

That’s why it is important to realize your worth before others reinforce a false belief of who you are, how much you are worth and what you deserve.

When you know your self-worth, you only focus on things that add value to your life. You cut off people and things that weigh you down. It helps you become a better person because you are only open to positive energy and self-growth.

Knowing your self-worth is an important step. It’s a lifelong journey that keeps getting better with time. When you’ve ultimately reached healthy levels of self-awareness, you treat yourself better. In return, those around you fall in line, reciprocating the same love, respect and attention you give yourself.

Self-worth will help you live a better, fulfilled life and connect you to the right people who radiate the same energy as you.


If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.

Whenever you feel like you’re moving a thousand miles a minute trying to achieve your goals, you need to learn when to take a break. It can be easy to caught up in your ambition a little too much. Keep in mind - slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. I believe if you try to accomplish too many things at once, you make little progress than if you live in the moment and focus on the task at hand.

Learning to focus your attention and fully immerse yourself in your work is crucial. If you only bring 80% of you, the amount you can accomplish will be severely diminished. In order to practice this, you need to enhance your mindfulness. Meditating daily can drastically help you become more mindful.

Back to rest. Learning your body is so important. There are going to be times where you really want to keep going and push to your limits, but you have to know where to draw the line. If you put yourself into a state of pure exhaustion (mentally not just physically) you may suffer.

Once you can gauge this, and you are leaning into your edges, but not overstepping, it is very beneficial. At times we do need to push ourselves to the limit in order to grow past our threshold. But we also need to know not to do it too frequently, that can lead to unintended consequences that can leave us severely fatigued.

Next time you thought of quitting ever crosses your mind, don’t even think about accepting it. Just know that you have to protect you from you at times. Learn to rest, not to quit.


If you’re an overthinker, you’ll know exactly how it goes. A problem keeps popping up in your mind, and you just can’t stop dwelling on it, as you desperately try to find some meaning or solution. Round and round the thoughts go but, unfortunately, the solutions rarely arrive.

Remember, letting yourself get absorbed in your problems isn't going to resolve anything. If you have some control over any part of what's happening, try to move your focus to what you can do to prevent or resolve the issue.

If you’re feeling really stressed and just need to calm down in a hurry, take a short walk or use a few minutes to meditate or pare your focus down to what’s in front of you. When you’re feeling calmer, think about how your attitude and effort can make a difference now and in the future.

Remember that a perfect decision is never a bold one, so get started.

When your final years are approaching, you will not worry about how well you thought through your decisions, or how thoroughly and accurately you approached life’s forks in the road.

You will rest happily knowing you lived true to yourself, acted with confidence, and stood up for what you believed in.

So don’t worry about the perfection of your decisions. Be swift to move forward, even if it is in the wrong direction. Boldness is respectable; carefulness has never changed the world.


Do you enjoy spending time alone?

It might have happened to you on various occasions - When there were just not your type of people around. When nobody you could connect with, then you rather walk away instead of having meaningless conversations.

Why do I distance myself from other people?

I do think it is a way of having matured. I think it is a sign of getting older to not do everything you used to do. To have realized what matters to me and what is good for my soul. It is actually a sign of being aware of my mental health. Of knowing what I enjoy in life. And avoid situations where I am not happy. Because they are not good for me. Or simply not comfortable for me.

I am not saying you should stop pushing your limits when you get older. Not at all. I’m just saying that it is okay if you take yourself out of situations. It is okay to be anti-social sometimes. I’m sure it does more good than bad. Because I think it is always good to listen to your own feelings. To follow your instincts.

It is okay to enjoy the time by yourself.


Everything is a choice

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.

No change can happen until choices are made and you have to make a conscious choice to change. When we choose consciously change will happen, even making the decision to make the change, even if we haven’t actually set the ball in motion When we feel that we don’t have a choice we underperform. We often feel this way because of our limiting beliefs.

Feeling we have options can make such a difference to our state of mind and the control we feel that we have over a situation. Making a decision might bring some strong emotions like fear, you might make mistakes and need to readjust but it’s all part of the process of growing and feeling empowered and in control.

Understanding that we have a choice reminds us of our power to be ourselves and to live the life we would like to have.



We rise by lifting others.

We all living in competitive world, where everyone is running the race to prove themselves. During the course of action, people are forgetting the basic ethics of team work, values and morals. In a team, You become strong by lifting others up, not pulling others down.

In every organisation, the person driving the bus must first be an effective leader that has courage and is willing to stand up against outside pressure and not listen to critics .It is hard to stand up against external social pressure that is pushing you to do something for their short term gain. To do the right thing is hard. That’s why the best leaders make the hard decisions and take their own self interest out of the equation.

“It’s not the title we hold, the company we work for or the popularity we gain that defines us. It’s our ethics and values that make us who we are. It’s the unforgettable moments we share with those around us, the lasting impression we make on the hearts and lives we touch. Our legacy is written by our ability to lift others and leave people a little better off than how we found them.”
If you take care of your employees, you take care of the environment, your productivity and sales increase with the efforts of your team. At the core of leadership is serving other people. Too often those in positions of leadership get confused as to who is supposed to be serving who. It’s the leader who is meant to serve not the other way around.


Do you find yourself often pulled between what you want and what others around you want? Are you constantly hiding your true self and putting up a fake facade? Do the thoughts of other people affect you badly?

It’s time to start living for yourself and not others.

As humans, we are born with a desire for love and acceptance. We want the people around us to like us. This is a basic psychological need.

Loving yourself is crucial to living for you and only you. It is to learn how to live the life you want for yourself, regardless of the opinions of others.

Your life is in your hands, do not give it to anyone else.

Just keep in mind that, when you choose to live a life for yourself, you are responsible for your actions and what you do to learn and grow. Do not blame others for your mistakes, learn to own them and learn from them.

However, make sure that “living for yourself” does not make you a selfish person who does not consider or help others around you. Learning to put your needs first and making choices that align with your standards does not mean ignoring everyone else.

Do not live just a life that makes you happy. Live a life that makes you proud and happy.


The Networking

Some people hate it, some people love it, but at least we can all agree: Networking is one of the most important business skills.

The best business leaders and institutions understand that your network is your net worth, and they do everything they can to invest in their relationships.

Successful relationships are built on mutual trust. If you want people to work with you, they need to trust you first. You have to be able to truly offer something of value and expect nothing in return.

If you think you could be better at networking, then start small and simple. Try "nudging" at least one person a day, whether that’s someone you’ve fallen out of touch with or someone you’ve been meaning to get in touch with. Then watch as, over time, good things happen.

Your Network is your Net Worth.


Everybody is different. We all think, talk, learn, pray, and live differently than others. While many think it’s important to fit in with “the crowd”, it’s not as great as it may seem. Think about it; if all of your friends lived the same lives as you did, wouldn’t you get bored with them?

The best part about friendship is everyone thinks differently. They all contribute something special to the table, just like you.

Each and every one of us is born with unique traits and characteristics that help us shine and find our true calling. Learning to love ourselves for who/what we are is a big challenge, and when people persistently avoid us for being ourselves, it makes it that much harder to embrace our uniqueness.

I implore you to continue being the best version of yourself you can possibly be. Who knows, you might inspire somebody else to embrace themselves! After all, having one or two good friends that adore you for who you are is much better than having ten or eleven friends who like who you pretend to be.

Everyone has their quirks; some are good, some are not so good. If you embrace yourself for the good and the bad, you can become an even more likeable person. Don’t go with the crowd! It’s the path less-traveled by where all the hidden treasures lie.

You are Unique. You are important

Timeline photos 18/12/2020

When you find yourself in a new or scary situation it’s easy to begin to doubt yourself. But remember, you have accomplished more than you give yourself credit for. Believe in yourself and your abilities to become unstoppable and trust yourself.

Negative thoughts can rid you of your personal power and happiness. Choose to think positive so you can manifest more of what you want in life.

Life will present you highs and lows, no matter who you are. Once you understand that life is all about handling things instead of acquiring more things you will feel secure. Know that you are abundant and can handle anything the Universe gives you.

Don’t fight fear, move towards it. Fear is an opportunity for you to grow into someone you are not currently.

Often times, if you are going after a new goal you will feel fear and discomfort. But any big goal will require you to become someone new to attain it. Fear is an opportunity for you to get one step closer to achieving your biggest dreams.

Patience is a needed skill to navigate successfully through life. Use your feeling of impatience as positive motivation, not guilt, to push you to reach your goals sooner. If you find yourself being impatient don’t turn it into a negative feeling that hurts your progress.


Proving people wrong doesn’t happen in an instant, just like achieving goals doesn’t happen overnight. You must commit to your goal and believe in yourself over time. For some of us, that can seem overwhelming, so just win the day. Believe in yourself enough to overcome the odds today, and then get up and do the same thing tomorrow. By the time your deadline rolls around, you will have proved yourself and others wrong so many times that you’ll have the confidence to do it when the game is on the line

People don’t want to hear about how you’re going to prove them wrong. To be honest, they won’t want to see it, either. You will encounter far more opposition if you claim beforehand what you are going to do than if you just shut up and do the work to support your claim. They’ll see in time. Besides, you don’t want to claim too much before you know you can hold up your end of the bargain.

Once you’ve done the work, once you’ve paid the price, you have to put everything you learned into practice when it matters the most: game time. You must have the same confidence on the mountaintop that you did in the climb. You’re using the same principles; it’s just that now they are on full display.

No matter the end result, whether you proved your mocker wrong or not, walk off with joy, knowing that you did the best you could. If you’ve done that, then you’re well on your way to becoming a champion, no matter what anyone says.

Timeline photos 08/11/2020

Having dreams is important. Unfortunately, too many people get stuck in the dream phase and never put forth the effort needed to realize their dreams.

1. Before you can start working towards achieving your dreams, the first step is to believe in them. Believing in your own dreams means that even if your dreams are big, you have faith that you can make them a reality. Believing that this is possible will give you the right kind of motivation to work hard to achieve them. Write down your dreams, and constantly visualise them.

2. Planning is crucial for converting your dreams into action. Start your plan of action by setting attainable goals for yourself. Small steps over time will eventually lead you to where you want to be. It may not happen overnight, and it may be hard, but it will happen, as long as you keep taking action.

3. While chasing your dreams, bumps along the way are inevitable. Remember, the bigger the dream is, the harder it is to achieve, but this does not mean it is impossible. It simply means that you have to be prepared to fail and that you must not be afraid of failure.

Big dreams can be inspiring and can fuel your ambitions in life, but if you are not willing to work hard, then all you have are dreams. Remember, “dreams don’t work unless you do” – so whether your dreams are big or small, it is all the hard work you are willing to put in that will see you living your dreams.

Timeline photos 07/11/2020

Often, we hear the saying, “people make mistakes.” But what we don’t hear is that it is through these mistakes, we learn.

In any business venture, entrepreneurs experience up’s and down’s before they even become successful. Successful entrepreneurs are those who even made countless mistakes. At one point of their lives, they may have even regretted certain decisions. But once they reach their goals, they would simply look at those as part of the whole experience.

Mistakes, challenges, and finding solutions are just part of the whole deal. Building a business just won’t go without them. Through these, we also become better people. It is better to make a mistake because you’re trying rather than always be in the safe side and never knowing what’s the extent of your capabilities is. You learn and grow whenever you stumble and fall. But you also learn how to get up and avoid making the same mistake as you go along.

As you make mistakes, you’re also on your way on making great things happen.

So when you make a mistake, just pull yourself together and just remember that it’s all part of the experience and it is a requirement for success.

Timeline photos 05/11/2020

The intended idea of social media was to share things with your friends only and we are supposed to keep it that way. But in reality, we are on a race of followers. we want to be liked so much by as many people as possible that it becomes a media of affirmation.

tudies shows that people who are constantly posting on Instagram are actually looking for ways to mask their insecurities and seeking reassurance from other people. When we scroll into Facebook or Instagram, we also subconsciously compare our lives to others and this is mentally unhealthy. We see other people boasting their wealth, beauty, lifestyle, etc. and we got envied.

Now think about it, if receiving thousands of likes from people you barely know makes you happy or satisfied, I’m afraid you just made yourself a slave to the outside world.

But if you are a celebrity, high level politician or an influencer, bring out the best in you and use them wisely to spread positivity. Instead of bragging your possessions and vanity, use them to raise awareness, help others, save the environment, or whatever.

Now I am not saying that you should ditch social media altogether, just use it purposely. Because there are tons of positive materials out there too. You can remove all unknown followers on your Instagram and keep it exclusively for people you know. Live your life, there are so many inspiring and beautiful things out there if you just held your head high and stop looking at your screens. Go out with your friends, meet other people - you know you hang out with the right ones if you forget or stop looking at your phones while you are with them - and vice versa.

Do not let your days, weeks, months, years passed by while you were busy spending so much time on social media rather than spending it with your reality, your actual life.

You don't have to post every second of your life. Because you don't have to prove it.

Timeline photos 01/11/2020

Often times people give the advice, “Go with the flow.” In some situations, this may be truly helpful. But as an entrepreneur, leader or an influencer does this thought suits you? You may have seen in your life, those people who go with the flow do everything that others are doing. But your dreams are different from others and why we need to go with the flow.

Just ask yourself a question, are you living for your dream? Is there anyone whose sharp-witted tone or sarcasm encouraging you to build your own presence then don’t be shy, just get out of your comfort zone & hug the new opportunities. You don’t need people to think for you. You should don’t allow them to think of your ability & make decisions on it.

Never forget, people will only speak what they know, what they feel about you. But here, how others feel for you is not a question. The main question is what you are feeling about yourself? How do you find your abilities? How do you compare your skills with the previous version of yourself?

Don’t conclude your career on the basis of other’s mindset. Stick with your dream, work on it, stay updated with industries, trends & let’s allow your ability to open all the doors of possibilities & success which can speak out about your presence.

Let’s open the heart to overcome your fear of failure. Start your journey of greatness by just believe in yourself & your dreams. Work hard & remember your hard work will pay off. Your passion will become your charm & your goal will shine in the limelight of your life’s success story.
