The Healing Orchid

The Healing Orchid

Ms. Sonal Kabra
Independent Alternate Therapy Practitioner by Passion
Art Of Living Faculty by Inspir

Sonal Kabra
Independent Alternate Therapy Practitioner by Passion
Art Of living faculty by Inspiration. As an Art of Living faculty since 14 years she has shared life transforming techniques with hundreds of individuals including police officials, prison inmates and under privileged people in the slums. She teaches Yoga, Pranayam (rhythmic breathing) and Meditation programs to help maintain optima


Everything is made of energy right from the food we eat, every breath we take, the sun that shines. When this energy flows properly in our body we experience good health and a good state of mind. Wherever this energy, gets blocked in the body we experience pain or disease of that area or organ in the body and so also our state of mind is altered.
*Meru chikitsa* are specific light touches to the body which facilitate proper channelising of energy.
This enables the person to relax into their true nature . This relaxation and rejuvenation added to proper channelising of energy helps to get rid of the pain and initiates healing if one is suffering from any condition.

Nature is inherently intelligent. She has designed the human nervous system in a way that it can heal itself. Sri Sri Meru Chikitsa enhances this natural ability of the body and mind to self organise, self regulate and self heal. The system is always setting itself right and when Sri Sri Meru Chikitsa is applied, with light feather touches over the body, the awareness is enlivened. This creates pranic flow and heals the diseased condition.

Meru Chikitsa literally means ‘setting right by using the spine’. It is the art of penetrating our deepest nature, increasing self-awareness, accessing infinite energy and creating a state of well-being – eliminating stress, pain and disease. It is unique in that it doesn’t offer a quick fix solution. Instead, it gently nudges the body in the direction of self-healing. This therapy helps restore and balance the vital energy forces of the body – Vata, Pitta and Kapha – that regulate the physiological equilibrium so that the entire system is revitalised.

Check out the benefits of Meru Chikitsa therapy:

Provides an alternative cure for serious, acute and chronic conditions.
Induces overall improvement in health and well-being.
Reduces aches and pains in the body.
Dramatically improves posture, flexibility and spinal alignment.
Energises the system, cuts back fatigue.
Boosts emotional and mental health.
Enhances vital energy flow.
Upgrades immunity levels.
Increases body awareness and enhances the mind body connection
Has no side effects, is completely natural.
The overriding objective of Meru Chikitsa is to uplift the psyche and pump up the quality of life.


Pendulum Alchemy Testimonial:

I had a great experience with the Healing Orchid. Sonal is a very genuine person who I find cares truly and earnestly for her clients.
My problem was handled very sincerely and with sensitivity by Sonal. I had a property matter which wasn’t getting resolved no matter what I did, it was in this desperation I approached The Healing Orchid, thinking what’s there to lose.

The moment I started the pendulum healing sessions, it was as if universe started aligning in my favour. Even the compromises I was ready to make (to address the situation) were rolled back.
Obviously following this experience, I have been referring to their services for a gamut of things.

Simply saying, highly recommend their services.
My only suggestion is, when you go for it, go with some faith. Doubtful mind can clog the outcome.

~~ Client review shared anonymously* for a Pendulum therapy I did for them two months back.

*Client available for a private discussion if requested.


Maintaining client's anonymity for obvious reasons.


Another Happy Healing through Bach Flower Therapy Consultations and Remedies...😊

A Bach Flower Therapy users' testimonial:
Ever since I embarked on this journey as a baker, it has come with its share of the good and the not so good. The good was the recognition and the praise, self confidence about having started something that's met with appreciation, ability to unleash my creativity and of course the money.
The flip side of this journey was the erratic schedule that I was living by. There were days when I was clocking in 22 hours per day and I'd forgotten what it meant to get a good night's sleep, which eventually started impacting my efficiency and also made me very irritable and anxious. I knew that if I continued at this speed, I would burn out.
Yes, I was doing my spiritual practices, but I needed more. Something that would hit the spot. Something that would sustain me through my crazy schedule and keep me comfortable in my own skin.
That's when I happened to chance upon the Bach Flower Therapy, that Sonal Kabra recommended to me. Always eager about giving alternative therapies a try, I happily signed up.
It's been two weeks since I have been regularly administering the recommended dosage and I have to say that this therapy is nothing short of a miracle worker. The impact has definitely been all rounded. The quality of my sleep has improved, my energy levels are MUCH higher. And because the energy levels are higher, you naturally become calmer (at least calmer than what I was) and it has helped me tremendously in areas that I am not at liberty to discuss on an open forum. I can't recommend this highly enough. Thanks Sonal!


Mrs. Gnanasavunthari is a UK resident. She shared her experience of Online Bach Flower Remedy Consultation with me. 😊

My name is Mrs. Gnanasavunthari Kanagaratnam. I am 75 years young and live in London with my daughter. I came across Sonal's post on Facebook and immediately got in touch with her requesting help for health issues I had been facing for the past 4 months. She was kind enough to revert and shared the Bach Flower Remedy mix I needed to take. I have been taking the remedy mix and am glad to share that I am feeling very well and quite relieved. I definitely recommend everyone to book a consultation with her for any issues you may be facing. And I really thank Sonal from the bottom of my heart and wish her the very best. Thank you.


I had been suffering from tennis elbow for over 6 months. This was in April 2014, about a year before I became the Security Department Head at Art Of Living, Bengaluru, International Centre. My left hand elbow was very tight. I was not able to move it at all it was tremendously painful. I had visited a couple of doctors and they had advised me to go for physiotherapy with no definite timeline of getting cured. The doctors advised to put a tennis elbow brace. I was serving at the Information Centre then. Sonal was visiting and came by at the information Centre to seek some Information. Upon seeing my situation she offered to help. Sonal gave me a therapy session which gave me a huge relief and I could take off the band and move my hand. Next day she gave me one short session to remove a few stiff points here and there. And that's it. My 6 month long tennis elbow was cured, pain, agony and band gone in just 2 sessions of alternate therapy, it's simply amazing....


In October 2016 I was on this week long therapeutic yoga retreat. unfortunately the moment I landed in Bangalore I sprained my right foot very badly and it was really very painful on my way to the ashram I must have consulted at least few doctors in total I think I had already consulted 5 doctors when I saw Sonal giving therapy to someone on the program. I approached her due to emergency. Unable to bear the pain I was still attending the program and I thought it to be a good idea to approach her and see if she could help me out. She is a very pleasant person and she agreed to take a look. She examined and gave me therapy and she told me to report back the next day. Which I did, all the pain and swelling had come down but Sonal said the problem was still there, and that it is surely a hairline fracture and asked me what did doctors say and all these 5 doctors had said it's just a sprain nothing to worry and there is no fracture and no need for an x-ray.
She told me to get this double-checked. Upon getting an x-ray there was indeed a hairline fracture. It really amazes me how accurate she was in her diagnosis. She is definitely one heck of a healer an alternate therapy practitioner you must seek help of, in case you have any health issues. Not just that by simply talking to her I was already feeling a little better and more hopeful.
I strongly recommend giving yourself in the hands of this bright and gentle Alternate Therapy Practitioner. She has a wide knowledge base around alternative therapies. And has the amazing ability to identify exactly what needed for you to heal not just bodily pains but deep rooted issues and patterns as well.
Jaishree Dilp


In October 2016, I was attending a week long therapeutic yoga retreat. Since 2 days I was experiencing pains which had become quite unbearable.
I didn't know the reason so I went to the emergency clinic where I was told in all probability I had kidney stones and I will need to get admitted to the hospital very next day.
I have known Sonal for a very long time and we have been friends ever since. I was just sharing my concern with her in the evening, not knowing that she could help at that point in time. She agreed to take a look.
She gave me therapy and lo behold !!! in just one session I was absolutely fine. The pain was gone for good and never came back again.
I'm really grateful for getting timely help from her.
If you have any type of health issues be it physical, emotional. Definitely, She is the one you should be seeking out for alternate cures. She has a 'healer's touch'.
Garima Khandelwal
Faculty, Art Of Living



Many times clients ask, how long will it take for me to recover completely, how many sessions will it take. It's important to understand everyone's physiology is different and your body and mind decide the pace of healing. Not to forget how chronic or acute is the issue.

There is a lot of interest in people for shifting to alternative systems of healing these days. The catch is how consistent one is with these !

There is a difference between maintaining status quo (staying sick and keeping symptoms in check) and healing completely. Body and mind have their own intelligence and mechanisms to heal.

Most debilitating problems donot arise overnight. It is through years and years of abuse that most problems arise unless accidental or sudden trauma causing in nature. We have patiently taken the medicines to maintain status quo over the years. If we wish to heal completely through absolutely natural and side effects free gentle healing modalities we must be patient. Not discounting that these modalities can certainly give you surprising results in a flash too.

It's so comforting to know that these therapies donot interfere with anything you are taking already and in fact only complement each other. Which is a big plus in itself. All we need is to be willing to give ourselves time.

Trust nature and it's process, have faith and patience to see the magic of healing come to fruition. Your body and mind need time and space to regain the health and happiness, You deserve to have !✨

Happy Healing 😊

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A point worth pondering 💁💁💁


This is our cook Sangeeta Joshi and this is her experience :

Although nothing had changed in my lifestyle and diet I had been facing a problem of bloating, lot of gas and heaviness in the stomach so much so that my stomach was evidently jutting out far more than it usually does since November 2019. I had known and seen many clients visiting Sonal Didi for Bach Flower Therapy consultation and requested her to help one evening. And Didi agreed to help me out. I went through a consultation with Sonal Didi, she diagnosed the underlying emotional issues and gave me a remedy mix for it's resolution. I started taking the remedies as per her instructions. In about ten days time my problem had come down considerably. I finished the course and have no more bloating, gas and heaviness issues. My stomach is back to it's original form pre November.
Truly amazed at how quickly the issue was resolved.
Thank you Sonal Didi for helping me solve a problem that many times regular medicines from an allopathic doctor or even an ayurveda or homeopathy doctor may take very long and may or may not get resolved.

P.S: It's important to understand although Sangeeta approached me with a physical issue Bach is diagnosed on emotional disposition.


❤️ Worth a read..Such a beautiful message ❤

" Grandma how do you deal with pain?"
" With your hands, dear. When you do it with your mind, the pain hardens even more."
“With your hands, grandma?"
" Yes, yes. Our hands are the antennas of our soul. When you move them by sewing, cooking, painting, touching the earth or sinking it into the earth, they send signals of caring to the deepest part of you and your soul calms down.
This way she doesn't have to send pain anymore to show it.
" Are hands really that important?"
" Yes my girl. Thinking of babies: they get to know the world thanks to their touches.
When you look at the hands of older people, they tell more about their lives than any other part of the body. Everything that is made by hand, so is said, is made with the heart because it really is like this: hands and heart are connected. Masseuses know this: When they touch another person's body with their hands, they create a deep connection. Thinking of lovers: When their hands touch, they love each other in the most sublime way."
" My hands grandma... how long haven't I used them like that!"
" Move them my girl, start creating with them and everything in you will move. The pain will not pass away. But it will be the best masterpiece. And it won't hurt anymore. Because you managed to embroider your essence."


Shared on a seminar about Bach Flower Remedy 🏵️🌸🏵️



Dr. Edward Bach believed in self-help. He wanted us to have the power to heal ourselves and others hence he made his system of flower remedies as simple as possible. Though he was successful in devising a very simple system of remedies which gives marvellous results, it is not always easy for many to apply it for overcoming their difficulties. This is a good time to seek out the help of a qualified Bach Foundation Remedy Practitioner (BFRP). BFRPs are trained by The Bach Centre UK, to help you select remedies and at the same time teach you more about them.

Bach Flower Remedies may heal various emotional imbalances such as anger, stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, nightmares (adults & children’s), divorce, death of near ones, bullying, lack of self-esteem fears of unknown or known origin like exams, stage- fright, animals, insects, interviews, diseases and many more.

Book yourself to a one-on-one personalized Bach Consultation with Bach Centre UK trained practitioner. We have experience in healing clients of all ages from infants to old aged persons for more than twenty years. Animals & plants are equally benefitted from application of Bach Flower Remedies to their problems.
After the consultation you’ll receive your bottle of remedy mix containing all the indicated remedies agreed by you & me specially prepared for your concerns/distresses explaining to you what to expect in the healing process.

We offer consultation via Skype/Whatsapp/Zoom-Video call/ email or phone other than one-on-one personalized Bach Consultation.
You can book an appointment for a consultation with us by online transfer of Rs. 500/- . Balance consultation fees can be paid on the day of your actual consultation, (if you don’t turn up or cancel an appointment confirmed by us your appointment booking fee of Rs.500/- will be forfeited).
To book an appointment, please message on 9820056005.
Please Note: Consultations by prior appointment only.


People flood us with various questions on Bach Flower Therapy. We have selected some of the frequently asked questions & hope these would answer queries of new visitors to our page. We thought of keeping the Question & Answer format intentionally, so that it is more direct and you can look for specific queries easily. If you have any more queries kindly email or message me.

1. What are Bach Flower Remedies?

Dr. Edward Bach found a way to extract the vibrations of wild flowers & used these energetic extracts or remedies to successfully heal negative emotions in his patients. The Bach Flower Remedies are non-invasive, complementary healing method, made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family including pets.

2. Which kind of emotions will be able to heal using these remedies?

ALL of them ! Depression, anger, loneliness, sensitivity to toxic people, being stuck in a toxic pattern, fears & phobias, anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, unable
to move on from a past incident, sleeplessness, indecisiveness, shyness, guilt, lack of confidence, & much more. It could be something as small as being unable to focus in class or feeling discouraged at times to as big as feeling suicidal.

3 How are the remedies selected ?

Remedies from the system are always selected on the basis of
our natural character, emotional outlook, mood, temperament, personality and state of mind.

4. How much time will it take for me to heal

Generally, passing moods and emotions which have developed all of a sudden or recently will not take long time to correct.
For problems which have become deep rooted and firmly established evolving over a period of several months, years or decades, healing will be a much more gradual process and will naturally take more time.

5 How do the remedies work ?

Remedies contain flower vibrations in water, and work by transmitting a vibrational energy through the memory of water (not the same as homeopathy, but equally implausible).

6 Are Bach Flower Remedies used to treat physical problems or diseases directly?

Bach Flower Remedies don’t treat physical complaints directly. Instead they help by treating the negative emotional states that may provoke or worsen illnesses. Dr. Bach strongly believed that physical ill health was a result of disequilibrium within our minds and that it was therefore of utmost importance to treat the mind in order to bring about healing of the sick body.

7 Can Bach Flower Remedies be taken when I am on other system of medicine or with any other alternative / complimentary modalities of treatment?

Bach Flower remedies can be taken with any form of treatment or alternative / complimentary modalities. They do not interfere with any system or modalities of treatment.

8 Is it a placebo effect ?

No as the flower remedies work equally well on small children and animals.

9 Could it be allergic ?

The Essences do not contain any material substance derived from the Flowers; thus they contain no allergens. They carry only the energetic information i.e purely vibrations of each Flower.

10 What's the difference between homeopathy and Bach Flower Remedies ?

Homeopathy and Bach Flower Remedies are based on the same belief that the body can cure itself. Homeopathy uses small amounts of natural substances like plants and minerals to treat the body or mind. Bach Flower Remedies use fewer materials and don't work directly on physical symptoms, but instead they work very subtly on emotions to give profound results.

11 Is it habit forming ?

No, because it is 100% natural it is not habit forming.

See you soon,
Happy Healing.


A sweet little real life Bach Flower Therapy Experience 😊
People who are sceptical about Bach flowers have asked: How do you know the Bach flowers work? How do you know they are not just a placebo? Do I have to believe in them? How safe are they? Well, there is nothing quite like an animal story to allay any concerns and questions, and that when you identity the correct emotion with the corresponding Bach flower - something wonderful happens. The following example by Arundhati (name changed) is reposted here Enjoy! 🌺

My sweet little (ten pound) dog, Jolly, was attacked (but not harmed) by a pit bull last summer (while in my arms, standing up!) and then had some other run-ins with overenthusiastic big dogs at dog parks. She became anxious and withdrawn, where previously she loved to run fast and play with almost any dog. It got to the point that I could no longer take her to the dog beach, where we used to go a few times a week. Last time we were there an exuberant dog bounced all over her and then she refused to even walk, made me carry her the whole time (unprecedented, she usually doesn't like to be held very long).

I tried Rescue Remedy for a long time, no effect, then just one other remedy, to no effect. Finally a couple of weeks ago I started putting yet another one in her water, because it did seem to boil down to a known fear (of dogs).

She started getting better, but every visit to the dog park (even just the small dog only park) would result in a setback if another dog got too close to her. Day before yesterday she started to display a lot of energy, harassing our other dog like she used to (not in a bad way) and generally wanting to play and chase toys etc. This morning we took her to the small dog park, and instead of heading for the empty corner of the park when we came in, she waded out into the throngs of dogs (Sunday morning, lots of dogs). She chased her ball without fear, and she showed interest in playing with other dogs, and was fine when a group came racing past her from behind. Then we took her to a nearby open field and threw the ball and she ran around freely and happily, and THEN she found another small dog to play with and they tore around the field super fast and playing and jostling each other until she was just tired and came back and laid down in the grass. So relaxed and happy.

I am so grateful for the flowers and Dr. Bach and my training, and so happy she is back to her playful, energetic, fearless self! I wish she hadn't rolled in that smelly patch of grass on the way home, but really who cares... 🙂



The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force and develop compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness.


What is EFT tapping?
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure.
Tapping the body creates a balance in your energy system and treat pain. A disruption in energy is the cause of all negative emotions and pain.

How does EFT tapping work?
Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body’s energy. It’s believed that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.
Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are thought of as areas of the body energy flows through. These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health. Any imbalance can influence disease or sickness.
Acupuncture uses needless to apply pressure to these energy points. EFT uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure.
Tapping helps you access your body’s energy and send signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. Stimulating the meridian points through EFT tapping reduces the stress or negative emotion you feel from your issue, ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy.

Although it is still often overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing - no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body's ideal healing and preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way. Research also shows that suppressed emotions lead to disease... time to let it go!


Facial Lymphatic Drainage Cupping

Facial cupping is an excellent form of non-invasive treatment that can work to minimize the effects of sun and environmental damage, and aging. It is completely safe to use since it does not involve surgery and long recuperation time, chemicals or any other potentially harmful and painful procedures. Further, it is more economical as against expensive creams and lotions that claim to remove the signs of aging, but may or may not be effective. Facial cupping has been used by many people across Europe, Russia and Asia and is found to be very effective in eliminating wrinkles and lending a smooth, texture to the skin.

How it Works

Facial cupping is done using customised cups that are specifically designed for treatments on the face, neck and upper chest. The reverse suction that is applied works to gently lift the facial tissues.

This results in massaging of the tissue because of which blood circulation and the draining of the lymph nodes is stimulated. As a result, the tissues receive a fresh supply of oxygen and nutrients; and waste from the cells, and other harmful toxins, and substances are eliminated. Excess fluid is also drained and the facial muscles relax with the movement of the suction cups.

Beauty Benefits of Facial Cupping

The effects brought about by the cupping can have several aesthetic benefits that work on both, dry and oily skin. Here’s how:

Drainage of fluid in the lymph glands results in reduced edema and puffy appearance.

Better nutrition brought to the skin helps bring a young glow to the skin. Any beauty products used post-treatment are absorbed better and are more effective.

The lifting motion reduces the visible fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring because of injuries or acne. The skin also looks plumper. Further, the connecting tissue under facial skin is stimulated so that it heals and reduces smile and laugh lines.

Massaging movements help relax tense facial muscles resulting in a softer, younger appearance.

Therapeutic Benefits

Facial cupping is helpful to patients suffering from a range of ailments related to the head and neck area without the need for more extensive treatments. They are:

Sinus infections or sinusitis

Headaches and migraines

Facial paralysis


Conditions in which there is jaw pain and movement of the jaw is hampered, also known as TMJ


A facial cupping session typically lasts for about 30 minutes. The therapist begins by first cleaning the skin and the applying therapeutic oils such as coconut, jojoba that are suited to the kind of treatment and skin type.

A light massage is given to the face and neck and then cupping begins. Facial cupping can be either site cupping or gliding cupping. Initially, 1 or 2 sessions per week are recommended. Depending on the condition of the skin and the client's requirements, it could be recommended to take 6 to 12 sessions in all.

Photos from The Healing Orchid's post 19/03/2020

Mudra Therapy

Hands and finger poses (the whole body may be part of the mudra as well) that influence on the energies of the body, mind and moods and can give rise to deep healing.


Kansa Wand Face Marma ....
benefits for mind, body, and spirit!

The Kansa Wand Face Marma reduces stress and provides a gentle face-lifting therapy, using a bronze-capped massage wand and organic natural massage oils.

The bronze is a sacred metal alloy. Kansa (pronounced cuns) and it is produced from pure tin and copper. This blend of metals is known in Ayurveda, a traditional healing system in India, as "Healing Metal".

A wooden, hand-carved handle makes using moderate pressure, delicate stroking or rapid friction easy on the face, shoulders, and neck areas.

Organic oils, along with essential oils, are used in the massage, which helps the wand to glide carefully over the face, providing a warm, relaxing, and comfortable sensation.

The Kansa Wand provides gentle friction to facial muscles which helps pull acidity from the tissues. If fact, as it is used on the face, oils will often get grey or black if acids are present in the skin.
Another advantage of this treatment is the subtle electrical conductivity of the bronze metal, which may explain how this therapy improves the body's natural electrical balancing system.

Tools like this have been used for centuries in India to enhance health and strength, and to increase energy, and reduce stress. They are believed to be essential to optimal health and well-being.

Other benefits of Kansa Wand Face Marma:

Revitalizes face, shoulder, and neck muscles

Gently lifts facial skin

Reduces face pain, head pain and tension

Reduces acidity


Unifies body, mind and spirit

Sessions are approximately 20 to 30 minutes and work is done on the face.


What happens in a Cranio Sacral Therapy ?

This therapy session involves the therapist placing their hands on the patient in order to tune into the craniosacral system. Just as the circulatory system transmits blood throughout the body, craniosacral therapists feel various locations of the body to determine the ease of motion and rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid pulsing around the brain and spinal cord. The basic concept is that the central nervous system is dependent on the craniosacral system (the membranes and fluid that surround, protect and nourish the brain and body) and that blockages or distortions of this system cause tension and then can lead to diseases throughout the body. Craniosacral therapists therefore massage gently to release the tension and correct imablances and restore the flow throughout your body. By gently working with the spine, the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia, the restrictions of nerve passages are eased, the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord can be optimized, and misaligned bones are restored to their proper position.

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