Wedge Digital

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We are Dedicate to excellent Digital Marketing Services, and trust in a high rate of Customer Relation Management, Responsiveness, and making a positive impact on your business.


The world of digital marketing is ever-changing -- businesses constantly need to ensure their digital strategy remains relevant to their target audience. For instance, if you're targeting a group who's primarily active on Instagram, focus on that platform and consider using your resources to create engaging Instagram Stories, instead of spending too much time making YouTube videos. However, pay attention to if, and when, your audiences' preferences shift.
Wedge Digital


A lot of businesses are getting influencer marketing wrong especially ,

Where they pay influencers to share a pic and ask them to put a link in bio.

But they forget the other part which is to retarget their followers.
Wedge Digital


Benefits of PPC Advertising
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Keywords are the words or phrases that are used to match it with the term people are searching for on Google.

1️⃣ Broad match
By using this keyword type Ads will show on the searches that are related to your keyword

Example (black shirt) If there is someone who search for queries such as shirt your Ads will appear
*there is no symbol for using this product match type in Google ads

2️⃣ Phrase match
By using this keyword match type your Ads will show on the search of that include the meaning of your keywords

Example - “black shirt”
If someone search for latest black shirt your ad will show them as well

The symbol is “ ————keyword—“

3️⃣ Exact match
If you use exact match then your Ads will show on the searches that are same meaning or same intent as the keyword you are giving

Example -[ Red shoes ]
If someone will search red shoes your Ads will appear to them
the symbol is = [—-keywords ]

4️⃣ Broad match modifier ❌no longer available
this is responsible for showing Ads if the keywords show up in search query in exact or similar variant form the keyword you are giving

Example : + black shoes
if someone search latest black shows your Ads will show
Symbol is : +

5️⃣ Negative keywords
You can use negative keywords to exclude your ad from showing on searches with that term.
Example : - kids shoes
Suppose if You Are Shoes company that doesn’t Kids shoes you could add a negative keywords for baseball hat
Symbol is : -
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Facebook/Instagram Marketing Objectives
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15 tips for using product images on your online shop.

what else would you add?

For more Digital marketing tips, Visit my profile
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Both keywords should be included in your post.
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Top performing article!
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Remember that technical SEO is just a piece of the complex SEO strategy pie.
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How to slay the SEO game in 2022! 🙌🏼 What's important, what's not, what to do, what not to do
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We've said it plenty of times before, but when it comes to SEO, content really is king! 👑

Google's algorithm is on a mission to match users with the most relevant page to their query. So how can you make content that tells Google you page and website are the best option?

The answer is quite simple. Frame your site content around what users are *really* searching and asking. 🤔💭

Google gives you an insight into the queries and questions people are typing in or searching by voice with the 'People also ask section'. In fact, around 43% of search queries now show a PAA box.

Creating content that seeks to answer these questions can help make your page more relevant, and help you rank for longtail keywords.

Better yet - there's a chance your site and it's content could be displayed under the PAA section.
Wedge Digital


If you are a podcaster, SEO may not be your first priority.

We'll take a look at the advantages and benefits of optimizing your podcasts for search engines to give you some ideas on how to do it.

1️⃣Users search with Intent. One of the biggest advantages to SEO is that it’s an inbound marketing strategy.

The advantage of inbound methods are they center around making it easy for people when looking at information on the internet, and not going out there trying to reach them.

2️⃣No need for paid ads. There are many ways to get your site ranked on Google.

A page with good SEO strategy gets chosen as one of those pages worthy enough for users' attention - and they'll continue coming back month after month/year after year.

3️⃣SEO can help with PR. The relationship between SEO and public relations is a long-standing one.

PR professionals often use their connections to land features or coverage on relevant blogs, news publications and other websites where they may have connections themselves in order the generate web traffic from these high quality backlinks!

Does any of this sound like a goal you’re shooting for?

If that’s the case, reach out and we’ll talk about how we can achieve this for your podcast or your business!
Wedge Digital


What to do if you feel stuck in your life..
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You're overthinking how to do this. It's this simple 🤯 When someone visits your profile they're looking to be able to IDENTIFY themselves with it. E.g. you say 'I help these types of people' and they say 'that's me'. THAT'S the purpose of a niche. When you DON'T have a niche they can't do that, so they can't see the VALUE in looking into you and being exposed to your content. That's N. After looking at your bio and seeing a niche, and saying 'that's me' they'll look at your content. If that content doesn't meet that niche statement, they'll walk away. If it does, and the content ADDS VALUE to them based on that, they'll follow. NOW they're in your circle. And as you post more content, you'll build trust with them. That's C. Over time they'll WANT to invest in you. But if your offers don't ALIGN with that niche, and that content, they won't be ABLE TO. If your offers don't speak to them and they're not compelled to act on them, they won't be ABLE TO. You'll ask yourself 'why can't I make any money?' when the money is there, you're just not making it EASY for people to invest in you. That's O. When you have N, C and O, it all clicks. People SEE you. People click WITH YOU. People TRUST you. And it's EASY for them to do business with you. If they're NOT doing that you're missing one or more letters. So... which one(s) do YOU need?

Wedge Digital


Wondered why all your favorite fast food brands always seem to have one thing in common? That’s because the color red has been proven to instigate hunger in humans that see it. Red has had many connotations over the years and brand have harnessed it’s influence to drive more customers to their product.
Wedge Digital


Instagram Features 😍

Im sure we all know pretty much very well about these features that Instagram has provided us.

Let’s take a quick recap on what each features is helpful for and save this one piece of content that can help you remind the values in a quick glance.

What do you use mostly?
Let me know in the comments below.
Wedge Digital


Did you know that the quickest and easiest ways to gain likes, comments, and followers for free is by using hashtags? Yes, hashtags for the win! Using hashtags for social media, more so for your Instagram account, is the perfect way to market on a budget and boost your digital marketing visibility.

I’ve compiled my top seven tips for getting you started and using hashtags for Instagram.

Hashtag Tip 1: Give yourself an hour to research specific hashtags to your industry. Using the most popular hashtags are wonderful but also can get lost in the millions of posts that have also used that same hashtag. Go a little more in depth with the hashtag that may have less uses but will still get you more visible than a hashtag with millions of posts.

Hashtag Tip 2: After you have found hashtags that are specific to your industry, it’s time to start researching hashtags that are more specific to your client that would attract them to your Instagram account.

Hashtag Tip 3: Use location specific hashtags if you have a physical location you do business in (brick & mortar).

Hashtag Tip 4: Try using hashtags that are related to your content, your business, and your ideal clients.

Hashtag Tip 5: Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags per posting. Using tips 1-3, always keep a mix from each category. Some social media managers suggest using 15-20 per post. I say find your sweet spot. did a study and found that for best results, use 20!

Hashtag Tip 6: Use different hashtags for each post. If you offer multiple services, each service should have its own set of hashtags. Save multiple groupings of hashtags.

Hashtag Tip 7: Hashtags belong in your main caption. Why? This helps with keyword search.

BONUS TIP: your hashtags should match your image AND your post caption!

Save this post or share to your stories! 🙌
Wedge Digital


Get more followers on Instagram without
spending a dime on advertising.

Everyone wants to know how to grow on Instagram and we are here to let you in on a little secret: the way to do this is through an engaged following.

Which One of These Instagram Growth tips Will You Try This Week?
Wedge Digital


60% of people say they find new products on Instagram.

There are huge benefits of selling Digital Products.

Digital Selling of Products has some huge benefits 👇

✅ No delivery cost.
✅ Instant Fulfilment.
✅ No stock costs.
✅ Easy or no refunds.
✅ Immediate delivery.

What do you think about this?
Comment below👇👇
Wedge Digital


SAVE THIS POST✅ to use these Psychological headline hooks to get attention!😳
👉 Believe me or not, if you're using simple headlines, you can lose your traffic for sure.

✅ 80% conversion from your posts totally depends on your headlines.

👉 So i decided to make a series and share some of these best Psychological hooks to grab your audience mind!

*Catchy headlines = More views on your posts = More conversion

Hope this post will help you to get some useful hooks for your upcoming posts!

Let's discuss more in the comments
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Have you create a guide yet?? Let me know in the comments👇🏼

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Everyone is creating Reels these day but in order to create Viral Reels you must add something extra to it.

This toolkit is the ultimate toolkit that is need to create high quality REEL videos for your page.

From content planning to scheduling, I have got you covered.

Don't forget to SAVE the Post
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Hashtags can be really helpful in letting a wider range of audience find you! 🤓

Checkout these types of hashtags and include them in your posts! 🤩
Wedge Digital


YOU are the magic! Here are 3 Steps to Start Sharing Your Story to attract the right audience 💛
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12 Story Ideas For This Week 🔥

Don't overcomplicate your stories. Instagram have recently introduced some helpful tools to allow us to communicate more with our followers 👏

➡️ Link Stickers
➡️ "Add Yours" Thread Sticker

Stories only last 24 hours (unless saved to your highlights) so if you are a little camera shy, stories are a great way to build up your confident, whilst showing your followers a bit more personality.

🎉Make them fun. Get your followers involved.

Will you be trying any of these this week?
Wedge Digital


Some cardinal sins made on Instagram

It’s not about likes or followers, it’s about making your Instagram page a reflection of your brand

Avoid these mistakes and eventually the page will grow organically
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Instagram Content Formats Cheat Sheet For You!
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Hi! I'm a digital creator & social media manager!
☆ I can help you Start, Design or Grow your business today! 🌱
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Steal these tips to boost your website performance! These are the strongest foundations for a website that works FOR you, converting your visitors into customers.
Wedge Digital


If you’re starting out with SEO it is essential to have a well thought out strategy. Today I have comprised a list of 4 key SEO elements that you should focus on to get started:

1. Goals & Competitor Analysis
Set realistic goals and know what you want to achieve. See what your competitors are doing and who they are linking to. Try guest posting on the same or similar sites. 🎯

2. On-Page Optimisation
Make your pages easier to index. Use appropriate keywords, meta tags and have a good site structure. Make content readable with appropriate headings. 💬

3. Off-Page Optimisation
This is where you will focus on building links and optimising your social media pages directing to your website. This stage is all about earning online credibility and authority. 🔎

4. Analysis & Review
This stage will be where you analyse your data. You will see what is working and what isn’t allowing you to make appropriate adjustments. You can tweak your goals or add additional ones at this stage. 📊

💡Like, comment & save this post if you found it helpful.
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A broken link can severely impact the user experience of your website

Broken links can also impact page authority earned through internal and external links. Lower page authority can negatively decrease your ranking, especially when compared to your competitors.

Here are some examples:
➡️404 Page not Found
➡️Bad Host
➡️Bad Code
➡️400 Bad Request

Remember: If enough users click on broken links, it could affect your bounce rate, which Google will note when determining your site’s ranking.

Google wants you to pay attention to user experience, so a Site Audit and other fixes are worth implementing
Wedge Digital


The first step in digital marketing and engagement is to create great content. To increase the reach of a post on Instagram and other social media platforms, high-quality posts are required.

We explained in this post that if you create an average post, you will need to work harder to gain the most reach. You must share on a variety of platforms. You must spend a lot of time engaging with your audience.

However, if you create an awesome post, you only need to do 10 minutes of engagement before your post, and Instagram will automatically push your post after 10 minutes, resulting in much higher engagement.

Some Simple Tips
1- Use relevant hashtags.

2- Write a long and relative caption and use keywords in the caption.

3- Always use high-resolution images.
Wedge Digital


Google ranking is metaphorically an iceberg. If we see it on the top, we see that it is only ice. But if you see it below the waters, it is like an ice mountain. Similarly, people only notice quality links, high readability content, and SSL certificate. However, they tend to ignore all the technical stuff required to make the content rank on Google.

Here, we spill the secret sauce that will tell you more about Google’s technical indexing.
Leave a ❤️ and let us know if it was helpful to you.
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Knowing what sort of updates have taken place will help you stay in line with SEO best practices, improve your rankings, and also understand any reasons behind performance shifts.⁣
Wedge Digital


It's your time to become a google ads specialist 🔥 Save it for future reference 💜🙌

As a marketer, you need to maintain control over your campaigns and strategies.

Save this 10hacks or future references❤️🔥

🔔Turn on Post Notifications⠀⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
👨🏼‍💻 Save to see Later Again.
Wedge Digital


As a marketer, you need to maintain control over your campaigns and strategies.

5 Google Ads Blogs You Should Read 💜🔥

To succeed you must be able to do new things: integrate more data, retain control over automatic Google optimizations, fight against increased competition… yet you will not have more time for this.

🔔Turn on Post Notifications⠀⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
👨🏼‍💻 Save to see Later Again.
Wedge Digital


Have you ever thought about which hashtags you should be including in your posts?

Here are 5 different types you should be using whether to launch a business, raise brand awareness, or build your social media presence:

1.Branded Hashtags: hashtagged phrase associated with your brand.

2.Community Hashtags: Hashtagged phrases featuring the photo, brand, or service. Ex. hashtagstrategy

3.Campaign Hashtags: hashtagged phrase based on the campaign the photo features. Ex.

4.Event Hashtags: Hashtagged phrases including a special event that your organization is hosting. Ex.

5.Trending hashtags: Hashtagged phrases that are most popular and widely used at a present time. Ex.

Found this helpful?

Share with a friend/biz owner who needs to see this 📲

Save as a guide for later 📌.
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Want to learn exactly how we can extend your reach and send targeted social media users to your website or landing page, all while tracking conversions and measuring the metrics that matter?⁠
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🚨Save alert!🚨

Instagram hashtag strategy must have the most reachable hashtags. Don't forget to use these in your next post. Save for later and let us know how it went.
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I keep getting these questions 🧐

Even today people are very confused about hashtags and how they can use it! 🙃

I never felt it as a big deal but quite many people feel that hashtags is what will help them grow! 😎

Hence this post! Hope it’s much clear now 💯
Wedge Digital
