BioHealthcart Nutrio

BioHealthcart Nutrio

Most Preferred Premium Quality Height & Health Formulation. 50 ingredients make A Unique Super Powerful Height Increaser.

Any age person can take Height Growth Plus for Healthy Body Purpose and Age up-to 30 can take Height Growth Plus for Height purpose


Are you suffering from Neck pains because of lengthy conversations with tall co-workers/ friends and loss productivity?

In National Institutes of Health Survey, It is found that 43% short people, productivity loss was involved due to short height.


Short Height Problem : Higher Stroke Risk
There are many problems that may happen due to stroke.
Weakness, paralysis, problems with balance or coordination, Urinary or bowel incontinence, Speech problems or difficulty understanding speech, reading, writing, Memory problems, poor attention, Depression, Anxiety, and Mood swings with emotional outbursts.
Children who are just a few inches (2-3 inches) shorter than their peers are more likely to suffer a stroke in adulthood.


Good posture is a form of fitness in which the muscles of the body support the skeleton in an alignment that is stable as well as efficient. This state of being called good posture is present both in stillness and in movement.


Most kids steadily gain weight and grow quickly within the first few years of life. But in some cases, kids don't meet these expected standards of growth. When this happens, it's called "failure to thrive." Doctors say children "fail to thrive" when they don't gain weight as expected and these kids also have poor linear Height growth.

Many things can cause failure to thrive, including illnesses and eating problems.
Although it's been recognized for more than a century, failure to thrive lacks a clear definition, in part because it's not a disease or disorder itself. Rather, it's a sign that a child is undernourished. In general, kids who fail to thrive don't receive or cannot take in, keep, or use the calories that would help them grow and gain enough weight.

A number of things can cause failure to thrive, including:
•The child eats too little.
•Health problems involving the Digestive system.
•Food intolerance. •Infections
•Metabolic disorders
•An ongoing illness or disorder.

Treatment for kids who fail to thrive involves making sure that the child gets the calories needed to grow and addressing any underlying feeding issues.


Short Height Problem:

Shorter people at greater risk of heart disease.
In a Report study of nearly 200,000 people has found that for every 2.5 inches (6.35cm) less in height, there is a 13.5% increased risk of coronary heart disease or CHD (also known as coronary artery disease).
Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of clinical cardiology at National Jewish Health in Denver, said the findings agree with earlier research showing that people at the low of height are at increased risk for early death.


Short Height problem: Gaining Five pounds and it looks like you're gained twenty.

This is the basic problem of mostly every short heighted person life, they gain less weight and it looks like they gain alot. It is because of short bones and body structure. "Short Height people has a lower calorie requirement, but they eat more than calorie requirement so extra calories converts into body fat.

We have a remedy which can increase your height upto 3-6 inches, reduce your body fat and gives you natural healthy body which will make your personality more confident and impressive.



Cushing’s disease (CD) is the most common cause of endogenous Cushing’s syndrome in children and adolescents and represents in short stature.
Cushing's syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms due to prolonged exposure to glucocorticoids such as cortisol. Signs and symptoms may include high blood pressure, abdominal obesity but with thin arms and legs, reddish stretch marks, a round red face, a fat lump between the shoulders, weak muscles, weak bones, acne, and fragile skin that heals poorly. Women may have more hair and irregular menstruation. Occasionally there may be changes in mood, headaches, and a chronic feeling of tiredness.
