Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus

Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus, Education Website, .


On the auspicious occasion of Gurupurab let's learn some important lessons from Gurunanak dev ji......
✅Never forget the poor
✅There is no business than serving others
✅We all are equal
✅Respect women
✅Five evils can ruin the life
✅Find You own guru
✅Choose your companion wisely
✅Be selfless
✅Fight superstition
✅Simplicity is beautiful
✅Acceptance is key to happiness
✅Honestly is best policy
✅There is only one God
✅God is Everywhere
✅Find the purpose of life
✅Each moment is precious and life is an opportunity enjoy it....


VEDGUNN FOUNDATION ®️ (LEARNING & TEACHING) and Aprajita The Unbeatables foundation are coming up with NGO Summit 2023 on
5th Nov 2023 in the Zoom Room from 4:00 am onwards.
Sonali Rasal Bobby Karnani Mona More Ritu Biyani Sonal Sheth Karuna Arpana Prasad Sankhe Sweta Pankaj JyothyPrasad Akshay Zahira Shaikh Minakkshi Baleraao.


May the colors of Vijayadashami fill your life with joy and enthusiasm. Wishing you and your family a delightful and prosperous Dussehra!

Palingo ScholarsTree Educare Private Limited VEDGUNN FOUNDATION ®️ (LEARNING & TEACHING) WIN Connects Stay Featured


# mulik
Thank u so much Jagdish mulik foundation and Bobby Karnani for the invitation. Privileged and Honoured to be part of this invitative.


🌟 **Exciting Announcement!** 🌟

The entrepreneurial world awaits as Scholarstree Educare proudly presents "Journey: Aspiring to Inspiring Entrepreneurs Edition," a transformative event led by a group of dedicated professionals.

Join the esteemed group of speakers, including Dr. Saravjeet Kirad, Mrs. Shweta Pankaj, Mrs. Bhawana Gupta, and Dr. Prachetan Potadar, along with fellow hustlers from various fields. Together, they will unravel the secrets of successful entrepreneurship

Save the Date 30 September, 4 PM to 6 PM, streaming live on the page of Scholarstree Educare Private Limited, Pune.

🚀 Prepare to be inspired, innovate, and connect with a community of passionate individuals. Let's fuel our dreams and turn them into reality. Your presence matters!

See you there!


"As we celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi, let us seek Lord Ganesha's blessings for a world connected by knowledge, where education breaks barriers and brings us together."


"हिन्दी दिवस समारोह- कवि सम्मेलन-2023"
लाइव शामिल हो दिए हुए लिंक पर

हिन्दी दिवस के उपलक्ष में हिन्दी के प्रचार प्रसार और राष्ट्रभाषा के प्रोत्साहन हेतु पालिंगो क्षेत्रीय व विदेशी भाषा केंद्र नांदेड सिटी, पुणे तथा संस्था एक प्रयास, भारत के संयुक्त संयोजन में विराट हिन्दी कवि सम्मेलन का आयोजन दिनांक 10 सितम्बर, 2 बजे किया जा रहा है ।
कवि सम्मेलन के मुख्य अतिथि देश के जाने-माने हास्य कवि श्री किरण जोशी जी होंगे जो अमरावती से आ रहे हैं। इस विराट कवि सम्मेलन में पुणे जिला, महाराष्ट्र के अलावा देहरादून, मध्यप्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़, हरियाणा जैसे कई प्रदेशों से कवि कवयित्रियों ने कार्यक्रम में आने की सहमति प्रदान कर दी है।
इन्दौर मध्यप्रदेश से संस्था एक प्रयास, भारत के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष पधार रहे हैं जो कार्यक्रम के अध्यक्ष का पद सुशोभित करेंगे।
रोहतक , हरियाणा से गीतकार श्री वीरेन्द्र मधुर जी, देहरादून, उत्तराखंड से कवि श्री महेन्द्र प्रकाशी जी, तुमसर से हास्य-व्यंग्य कवि श्री प्रमोद शाहू जी कार्यक्रम की शोभा बढ़ाएंगे।
कवि सम्मेलन में आशीर्वाद प्रदान करने पूना कालेज के हिन्दी प्रभाग अध्यक्ष डा मोहम्मद शाकिर शेख़ जी, एस एन डी टी महाविद्यालय की हिन्दी प्रभाग अध्यक्ष डा निर्मला राजपूत जी , केंब्रिज स्कूल कात्रज के प्राचार्य श्री प्रकाश आबासाहेब भापकर जी मंचासीन होंगे। इस कवि सम्मेलन में लगभग 50 कवि/ कवयित्रियों द्वारा काव्यपाठ किया जाएगा।
इस कार्यक्रम के संयोजक श्रीमती भावना गुप्ता, संस्थापक, पालिंगो व हास्य-व्यंग्य कवि श्री महेन्द्र 'माणिक' राष्ट्रीय संरक्षक, संस्था एक प्रयास कर रहे हैं एवम् सहयोग मे एडुठोंन एजुकेशन बियोंड सिलेबस, स्टेफेटर्ड के फाउंडर डॉ प्रचेतन पोतदार एवं डॉ अक्षय कांबले, विंकनेक्ट, स्कॉलर्स ट्री एडु केयर की फाउंडर और डायरेक्टर डॉ सर्वजीत किराड़,एवम् श्रीमती श्वेता पंकज, वी केयर फाउंडेशन लखनऊ की प्रेसिडेंट डॉ रेनू सिंह शामिल है ।
Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus WIN Connects Stay Featured Palingo Win Connect ™ Bhawanaguptaofficial_ek Safar_The Poet Hindi Safarnama हिंदी सफरनामा ScholarsTree Educare Private Limited We Care Foundations संस्था एक प्रयास.
कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने संयोजन कवि डा अनिल बागवान, कवि श्री सतीश कुलकर्णी, श्री गणेश कार्ले, श्री दिलीप सरसमकर, श्री अनिरुद्ध नागुलपेल्ली, व श्री जब्बार शेख कर रहे हैं।.........................
दिनांक:10 सितम्बर, 2023, रविवार
समय: 2 बजे
कार्यक्रम में सहभागिता व काव्यपाठ हेतु आमंत्रित सम्माननीय कवि / कवयित्रियों की सूची
1.श्री किरण जोशी जी, हास्य कवि, अमरावती, मुख्य अतिथि
2.अध्यक्ष: श्री राजू चौरसिया , गीतकार, इन्दौर,
विशेष अतिथि:
3. डा चंद्रकांत मिसाल, हिन्दी विभागाध्यक्ष, एस एन डी टी महिला विश्वविद्यालय, पुणे
4. डा. आफताब अनवर शेख, प्राचार्य, पूना कालेज
5. डा मंतोष मुजूमदार, प्रयागराज
6.श्री प्रमोद शाहू 'पारखी ' , तुमसर
7. पं वीरेन्द्र मधुर, गीतकार, रोहतक
8. श्री महेन्द्र प्रकाशी, देहरादून
9. श्री अनिल कुमार 'राही' मुंबई
10. डा निर्मला राजपूत , एस एन डी टी,
11. श्रीमती इंदिरा पूनावाला
12. श्री सुरजीत सिंह 'ज़ख्मी'.........................
13. डा अश्विनी पानसरे
14. श्री प्रकाश आबासाहेब भापकर
15. डा. प्रचेतन पोतदार
16. डा अक्षय कांबले
17. श्री राकेश श्रीवास्तव
18. श्रीमती वेद स्मृति 'कृति'
19. श्री नन्द कुमार मिश्र ' आदित्य '
20. श्रीमती श्वेता मिश्रा
21. श्री सुनील जोशी
22. सुश्री जया पाटिल
23. श्रीमती गीतिका द्विवेदी
24. श्रीमती सरिता दास भट्टाचार्य
25. सुश्री कांचन पाडलकर
26. श्री गोविन्द कुमार मिश्र प्रभाकर
27. श्री राजकुमार आर्यन
28. श्री अभिषेक दवे
29. श्रीमती लक्ष्मी तिड़के भट्ट
30. श्रीमती प्रज्ञा आठलेकर
31.श्री एम जेड पडवेकर
32. श्री प्रशांत क़दम
33. श्री यशंक शिंदे
34. सुश्री निमीक्षा पोल
35. सुश्री अंजली सिंह
36.श्री सुशांत सौरभ
37. सुश्री गौतमी पांडेय
38. श्री विलास बाबर
39. श्री चंद्रशेखर सराफ
40. श्री एस गांगुली
41. श्री हृदय प्रकाश
42. श्री संजय झा
43. श्री रंजीत सिंह
44. डा अनीता जठार
45.सुश्री गीत अग्रवाल
46. प्रो. यशांक शिंदे .........................
47. डा अनिल बागवान
48. श्री सतीश कुलकर्णी
49.श्री दिलीप सरसमकर
50.श्री अनिरुद्ध नागुलपेल्ली
51. श्री गणेश कारले
52. श्री जब्बार शेख.........................
53. श्री महेन्द्र 'माणिक',
राष्ट्रीय संरक्षक, संस्था एक प्रयास, भारत ।
54. श्रीमती भावना गुप्ता ,
पालिंगो, सेंटर
हिन्दी कवि सम्मेलन व कार्यक्रम हेतु आपका हृदयतल से स्वागत है। सभी सम्माननीय कवि/ कवयित्रियों से अनुरोध है कि कार्यक्रम में शामिल होकर कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाएं ।
आप सभी की प्रतीक्षा में......

Palingo Palingo, People's Lingo Foreign Language and Indian Regional Languages Learning for kids, Adults.

Photos from ScholarsTree Educare Private Limited's post 09/09/2023

Amazing learning lessons from Krishna
Happy Janmashtami to all.
1) Mindfulness
Shree Krishna images
Krishna teaches us to live in present moment. Mindfulness is all about staying in present and being aware about present moment. Mindfulness is life changing and makes a difference in quality of life. Living in present and paying more attention to the present moment can improve your mental well-being.
2) 🪶 🪶 Importance of Karma
Do your duty and be detached from its outcome, do not get driven by the result, enjoy the journey of reaching there.

3) 🪶🪶There is always a cause or reason
Everything happens for a cause or good reason. Whatever happens in life happens for good and there is always a cause or reason behind that. We all are children of God, the one creator. God is supreme power and this world is governed by him. And since, we all are god’s children, nothing evil can happen to us. Hence, it is best to not cry over things that have happened or over things that we do not have control of. We need to let go and accept things.
4) 🪶🪶 Control Your anger
Anger affects you capability of judgement; in turn memory and intellect. Without intellect, a decision making gets affected. Therefore, anger is the fundamental cause of all kind of failures in a person’s life. It is one of the three main gates of hell, other two being greed and lust. One must try to control and side-track anger while keeping the mind at peace.

We have to sacrifice many things to achieve success in life. There cannot be any significant progress or achievement without sacrifice. If you are not willing to sacrifice your comfort zone, pride, ego, time, money or security, you will never be able to achieve your highest level of succes

6) 🪶🪶 Humbleness
Being humble or modest is one of the most important characteristic of personality. You must be humble in life. It helps you to cultivate genuine relationship with honest people. Be modest enough to give people more reasons to be happy in their life.

7) 🪶🪶No job is big or small
Lord Krishna could have won the battle of Kurukshetra all by himself. But he chose to guide Arjuna and drove his chariot for him. He says job is a job; there is no big or small job. You must love your job and give your best while at your job, does not matter how big or small it is. Your job fills a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to respect all kind of jobs and accept them.

8)🪶🪶True Friend
Now a days, it is well-established fact that having real, genuine and trustworthy friends is good for you . This life is about the people you share it with; make the most of it. Surround yourself with true and good friends and always be a good friend in return.

9: 🪶🪶Surrender to god
There are two kinds of dharmas—material dharma and spiritual dharma. These two kinds of dharma are based upon two different understandings of the “self.” When you identify yourself as the body, then your dharma is determined in accordance with your bodily responsibilities, duties, actions and behaviour. However, when you identify yourself as the soul, your one and only dharma becomes loving devotional and spiritual service to God.

Content credit: Google


"On this Raksha Bandhan, let's break down barriers and come together as one. Let's work towards a world where all are equal and can live their lives with dignity and respect."

Photos from Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus's post 04/08/2023

Join us for the next episode of 'Journey - Aspiring to Inspiring' featuring the renowned author, founder of Metamorphosis, and educator, Sonal Kumar Jhajj

She is an Early Childhood Educationist, Award winning Editor, Global international Speaker and Educator.
She is a proud recipient of 300 + certificates for her contribution in literary field through various literary platforms and education programs.
She has many awards to her credit as an educator with esteemed titles for her contribution in the education field

She is an Editor with 3 books to her credit available on Amazon.

The third eye.
Whispering Miracles

She is the Founder of Metamorphosis - An Education, Early Childhood Education and a Literary Platform.

She is a skilled teacher trainer for mentoring Early Childhood educators, a parenting coach and a child counsellor.

Hosted by ScholarsTree Educare and broadcasted on the official page of Eduthon, this episode promises to be an exciting one! Awareness partner VEDGUNN FOUNDATION ®️ (LEARNING & TEACHING) ,Connecting partner Palingo, Win Connect ™ WIN Connects and featuring partner Stay Featured Stay Featured Community this show is promoted by Win Connect's!

Get ready to be inspired and motivated by Mrs. Jhajj's incredible journey. Mark your calendars and don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!

See you on the show! 😊 "

Photos from Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus's post 26/07/2023

Media coverage for G-20theme education Summit held on July 16th at SBPPS Ravet Pune.
Win Connect ™ ScholarsTree Educare Private Limited Pratik Rajan Mungekar Prachetan Potdar Bhawana Gupta Sweta Pankaj Kajal Chhatija Palingo Akshay R. Kamble Sonal Jhajj


Embrace Your Cultural Legacy - Join "Radiant Gem of Pune" Pageant and Be a Shining Star!

Dear Pune Residents,


We are thrilled to invite all esteemed teachers, respected professionals, children, and individuals from various linguistic backgrounds to participate in the "Radiant Gem of Pune" pageant - a celebration of our rich cultural heritage and linguistic diversity. This unique open category pageant aims to foster a sense of pride in our roots, while also providing a platform to showcase your talents and spread awareness about the importance of language respect.

Embracing Our Linguistic Heritage:

Our languages are the essence of our identity and culture. Through the "Radiant Gem of Pune" pageant, we encourage participants to embrace their linguistic heritage and take pride in their mother tongue, along with the diversity of languages that thrive within our community.

A Talent Showcase and Cultural Pride:

This pageant is a vibrant talent showcase, giving all participants the opportunity to shine and dazzle the audience with their unique skills. From graceful performances to eloquent speeches, every act will reflect the rich cultural tapestry of Pune.

Age Groups:

We have thoughtfully designed categories to ensure inclusivity and fair competition:

Ladies and Professionals: Age group "21 to 65"
Kids: Age group "5 to 17"

Language Respect and Harmonious Celebration:

We firmly believe that linguistic diversity is a treasure that enriches our society. While we celebrate our own languages, we also honor and respect the languages of others, fostering an environment of harmony and unity.

Appeal for Sponsorships:

We kindly appeal to businesses, organizations, and generous individuals to extend their support by sponsoring the "Radiant Gem of Pune" pageant. Your sponsorship will not only ensure the success of this event but also contribute to a well-organized and unforgettable experience for all participants.

Why Sponsor?

Promote Culture and Diversity: By sponsoring this pageant, you demonstrate your commitment to preserving and celebrating our rich cultural heritage.

Community Involvement: Your sponsorship allows you to connect with the Pune community and make a positive impact on participants and their families.

Support Talent and Aspirations: Your support will empower talented individuals to showcase their skills and pursue their dreams.


We invite all of you to be a part of the "Radiant Gem of Pune" pageant and embrace your cultural legacy. Let us come together as a community, celebrating linguistic heritage and respecting all languages. Join us in making this event a dazzling display of talent, culture, and pride.

For sponsorship opportunities and participation details, please contact us
👇 at :

Let's make this pageant a grand success and a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Looking forward to seeing you shine brightly at "Radiant Gem of Pune" pageant!

Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus
Stay Featured

Photos from Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus's post 15/07/2023

G-20theme education Summit July 16th at SBPPS Ravet Pune Win Connect ™ ScholarsTree Educare Private Limited Pratik Rajan Mungekar Prachetan Potdar Bhawana Gupta Sweta Pankaj Kajal Chhatija Palingo Akshay R. Kamble Sonal Jhajj

Photos from Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus's post 10/07/2023

🌟✨ Thank you for an Incredible Inaugural Kick-Off! ✨🌟

We are overwhelmed with gratitude as we look back at the success of the highly anticipated Inaugural Kick-Off event hosted by Scholarstree Educare Private Limited in association with Dias Driving Aspirations and Big Brain Knowledge Brilliance Hub. This event marked the beginning of an exciting educational transformation, and we couldn't be more thrilled with the outcomes.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our esteemed dignitaries, Dr. Pratik Rajan Mungekar, Dr. Archana Burman, Dr. Akshay Kamble, and Dr. Renu Singh - President of We Care Foundation, for their unwavering support and emphasis on driving educational progress. Your presence added immense credibility and inspiration, creating an environment conducive to positive change and growth.

A special appreciation goes to our dedicated team at Scholarstree by Vedgun Pre School & Daycare, led by Sonali Shende, Pooja Khabor, Priyanka Jadhav, Sarla Jadhav, whose meticulous planning and ex*****on ensured a flawless event experience for all participants. Your hard work and commitment were instrumental in making this event a resounding success.

We were privileged to witness the prestigious felicitation of Mr. Arunava Nandy, a globally recognized nutritionist and holistic wellness coach, skillfully facilitated by Mrs. Shweta Pankaj. Mr. Nandy's profound insights into holistic well-being resonated with our audience, covering vital aspects such as cellular nutrition, energy and fitness, healthy aging, and immune support. A heartfelt thank you to Media Outreach By Brandmakers Rd for their extensive media coverage, amplifying the impact of Mr. Nandy's valuable message.

We express our deepest gratitude to our distinguished guests, retired botany professor Dr. S K Potadar and legal advisor and high court mediator Adv. Mrs. P S Potdar, for gracing us with their presence. Your attendance highlighted the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in driving positive change, perfectly aligning with our core values.

The celebratory atmosphere was enhanced by the coinciding birthday celebration of Mr. Sagar Lokhande, a revered karate coach, and his accomplished team, comprising Sumit Umale, Anshul Gaikwad, and Amar Khalsode. Your dedication and exceptional achievements in martial arts epitomized the spirit of determination and passion that echoed throughout the Inaugural Kick-Off.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to renowned figures in the educational sector, Mrs. Bhawana Gupta, the esteemed founder of Palingo Official, and Nita Mokashi, known for her contributions to esteemed pageant events like Punyachi Maharani and Maharashtrachi Maharani. Your presence added further significance to the event. A special thank you to Dr. Prachetan Potadar, founder of Stay Featured, for sharing your invaluable insights and inspiring our attendees.

Finally, we would like to express our sincerest thanks to Dr. Mrs. Saravjeet Kirad for her heartfelt vote of thanks, acknowledging the invaluable contributions of all participants, partners, and supporters to the success of the Inaugural Kick-Off. Your words touched our hearts, reinforcing the spirit of gratitude and unity.

The Inaugural Kick-Off at Scholarstree Educare Private Limited has set the stage for an exciting educational transformation. We are thrilled to embark on this journey of insightful discussions, meaningful collaborations, and actionable strategies that will shape the future of education. With the unwavering support of our connecting partner, Palingo Official, collaboration partner, Adeace Private Limited, and our esteemed Regional Media Partner, Samrudha Vyapar, and Neel Writes, we are confident in driving positive change and building a sustainable and prosperous future for education.

Once again, a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to the success of our Inaugural Kick-Off. Together, let us continue to strive for excellence and make a lasting impact in the field of education.

Pratik Rajan Mungekar
ScholarsTree Educare Private Limited
Win Connect ™ Stay Featured Community Bhawana Gupta Saravjeet Kirad Prachetan Potdar Palingo Sweta Pankaj Stay Featured WIN Connects Bhawana Gupta


Journey Aspiring To Inspiring Edition -7 coming soon.
Stay tuned....
ScholarsTree Educare Private Limited Stay Featured Community Win Connect ™

Photos from Eduthon Education Beyond Syllabus's post 01/07/2023

Lets welcome our esteemed guests and speakers


🌍 Join the G20 Theme Education Summit in Pune! 🗓️ July 9th

🎯 Explore Topics that Matter:
🌟 Global Economy, Sustainable Development, Digital Innovation, and more! 💡

🌐 Make Your Voice Heard:
📢 Share Insights on the G20 Govt. website! 🌐

🏆 Unlock Recognition:
💼 International Accredited Certificate & Special Memento! 🏆

🌟 Network with Influencers:
🤝 Connect with Esteemed Educators & Speakers! 🌟

📹 Shine on Social & Print Media:
🎥 Exclusive Video Interviews & PR Opportunities! 📰

💡 Be a Game-Changer:
✨ Contribute to Global Governance, Health, Gender Equality, and more! 💪

🚀 Step into the Spotlight:
🌟 Get Recognized in Front of Prestigious Guests & Educators! 🌟

🌐 Unleash Promotional Power:
📈 Amplify Your Reach & Impact! 🌐

📚 Make Your Mark in Our Anthology:
📖 Journey Aspiring to Inspiring Edition -6! 🖋️

📝 Don't Miss Out!

Register Now: 🎟️

📞 Have Questions? Contact Us:
☎️+91 97697 82051
☎️+91 94524 61474
*Last date to register is 30/06/2023*


Let's welcome our awardee
Mr. Arunava Nandi
🌍 Join the G20 Education Summit in Pune! 🗓️ July 9th

🎯 Explore Topics that Matter:
🌟 Global Economy, Sustainable Development, Digital Innovation, and more! 💡

🌐 Make Your Voice Heard:
📢 Share Insights on the G20 Govt. website! 🌐

🏆 Unlock Recognition:
💼 International Accredited Certificate & Special Memento! 🏆

🌟 Network with Influencers:
🤝 Connect with Esteemed Educators & Speakers! 🌟

📹 Shine on Social & Print Media:
🎥 Exclusive Video Interviews & PR Opportunities! 📰

💡 Be a Game-Changer:
✨ Contribute to Global Governance, Health, Gender Equality, and more! 💪

🚀 Step into the Spotlight:
🌟 Get Recognized in Front of Prestigious Guests & Educators! 🌟

🌐 Unleash Promotional Power:
📈 Amplify Your Reach & Impact! 🌐

📚 Make Your Mark in Our Anthology:
📖 Journey Aspiring to Inspiring Edition -6! 🖋️

📝 Don't Miss Out!

Register Now: 🎟️

📞 Have Questions? Contact Us:
☎️+91 97697 82051
☎️+91 94524 61474
*Last date to register is 25/06/2023*.

🌍 Shape the Future of Education!


🌍 Join the G20 Education Summit in Pune! 🗓️ July 9th

🎯 Explore Topics that Matter:
🌟 Global Economy, Sustainable Development, Digital Innovation, and more! 💡

🌐 Make Your Voice Heard:
📢 Share Insights on the G20 Govt. website! 🌐

🏆 Unlock Recognition:
💼 International Accredited Certificate & Special Memento! 🏆

🌟 Network with Influencers:
🤝 Connect with Esteemed Educators & Speakers! 🌟

📹 Shine on Social & Print Media:
🎥 Exclusive Video Interviews & PR Opportunities! 📰

💡 Be a Game-Changer:
✨ Contribute to Global Governance, Health, Gender Equality, and more! 💪

🚀 Step into the Spotlight:
🌟 Get Recognized in Front of Prestigious Guests & Educators! 🌟

🌐 Unleash Promotional Power:
📈 Amplify Your Reach & Impact! 🌐

📚 Make Your Mark in Our Anthology:
📖 Journey Aspiring to Inspiring Edition -6! 🖋️

📝 Don't Miss Out!

Register Now: 🎟️

📞 Have Questions? Contact Us:
☎️+91 97697 82051
☎️+91 94524 61474
☎️+91 99 24 662866

🌍 Shape the Future of Education!


Looking volunteers for digital marketing. Interns are preferred.
Experienced are welcome. Connect on 9924662866.


We wish everyone,
Happy Akshay Tritiya, Eid, and Earth Day. Spread happiness and save our Earth reuse, recycle.


Kidzmania Open Mic Competition 2023
*Scholarstree By Vedgun* & *Vedgunn Foundation* is here to host *
🎊*KIDZMANIA- Open mic 2023🎊for the children from age 2 to 10 years in Pune at various locations starting from 30th April 2023.

Yes, you heard it right. Join the competition.

Categories are :-

👉 *2-6 Years ( Coloring/ Poem Recitation/ Dance)
👉 *7-10Years( Drawing and colouring/ Story Telling/ Dance/ Recitation)

👉Kindly fill this form to get register

🎉 Take aways are :-

✅ Participation Certificate for all.

✅Free Trial Language classes (German, French, Spanish).

✅ Winners will get a chance to feature in Stayfeatured

✅ chance to perform live on our social media platform.

✅ Direct Entry to our Annual event to showcase their talents.

✅ Many more........

*Pls note Registration charges are 100/- . Do send a screenshot on 9924662866/ 7670917320 after making the payment.*

For more information contact :-

Saravjeet Kirad 9924662866
Shweta Pankaj 7670917320
Bhawana Gupta 98203 53107

ScholarsTree By Vedgun
Preschool | Daycare| Nursery Teachers Training| Franchise Services.


Happy Ram Navami


Holi - the festival of colors - is right around the corner. It is celebrated with much pomp by Hindus all across the globe and is one of the biggest festivals in India after Diwali. The celebrations last for two days - beginning with Choti Holi or Holika Dahan, followed by Holi. The occasion marks the victory of good over evil. It falls in the Hindu calendar month of Phalgun - falling between February and March. People celebrate the day with colors, water, balloons, and flowers. Children and adults smear Gulal on each other and seek blessings from their elders. They also visit friends and relatives to commemorate the auspicious, grand celebration and relish Holi delicacies like gujiya, thandai, and more.


Come and join us in Lucknow... Live... I-Inspiration Women Awards at the Sociology department in Lucknow at 2 p.m... Yes, Live coverage on the Win Connect page.

