

We believe in the power of lists. We hunt the net for unique products and build lists for you with l

Timeline photos 08/08/2020

The story of Jio, Facebook , Instagram & Tiktok.

Note: Amit Shah has nothing to do with the story. But his golden words fitted in really well :-)


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Evil Dark Ads: Honest Confessions by top brands 04/08/2020


Evil Dark Ads: Honest Confessions by top brands Meanwhile, I have put together for you the honest advertisements of some of today's stellar brands. These honest confessions turn dark and evil - even before you realize! Read, Share, Spread the love.

3 Must Read but Less Known Books for Indian Share Market Investors - SWAGSLIST 02/08/2020


3 Must Read but Less Known Books for Indian Share Market Investors - SWAGSLIST A comprehensive 3 step approach to Share Market investing in India. Each step is mapped to the best book out there to help you master!

Autobiographies of 4 Enigmatic Cricketers 30/07/2020

They came, they saw and they conquered. However, there was a slight twist in the tale: they did it all in their OWN terms! Cricket lovers are split in their opinion about them. For the puritan’s, they were pure-play rogues who tampered the sacrosanctity of cricket. Others recognized them as brilliant masters of the game.

Autobiographies of 4 Enigmatic Cricketers Cricket lovers are split in their opinion about them. For the puritan's, they were pure-play rogues who tampered the sacrosanctity of cricket. Others recognized them as brilliant masters of the game

Sleaze vs. Sensuality: Where Indian English authors failed to draw the line 29/07/2020

How important is sleaze for selling novels in India ? What’s wrong with Durjoy Datta or Chetan Bhagat’s style of narrating S*x ? Read on to know the full story.


Sleaze vs. Sensuality: Where Indian English authors failed to draw the line How important is sleaze for selling novels in India ? What's wrong with Durjoy Datta or Chetan Bhagat's style of narrating S*x ? Read on to know the full story.
