

Collecting information about crops from around the world to understand the world’s food supplies.


Explore the pressing issue of climate change and its impact on Colombia's major crops in our latest content series. Discover the intricate challenges and strategic solutions being implemented to combat the varying climate conditions on the country's agricultural production. From outlining the effects on Colombia's key crop, rice, to a comprehensive introduction on the subject, this series offers valuable insight into the ever-evolving global environmental discourse. Stay updated, informed and join us in this important conversation.

Colombia: Climate Change Series - HSAT Welcome to our series on Colombia and climate change. We will delve into the challenges the changing climate is posing for the major crops in Brazil, highlight the issues faced by some of the key crops, and investigate the methods being deployed to combat these issues. Colombia and Climate Change: S...

Colombia and Climate Change: Series Introduction - HSAT 22/01/2024

Curious about how climate change is affecting agriculture in Colombia? Our latest article provides a comprehensive examination of the impacts on key crops, including rice, palm oil, corn, soybean, and sorghum. Discover how unpredictable weather patterns and climate stresses are increasingly affecting the yield and quality of these crops and learn about the strategies being devised to keep pace with these changes. Be it the resilience of Sorghum, the sustainability challenges of Palm Oil or the climate stress on soybeans - we cover it all. Understanding these market trends and responses can offer invaluable insights and strategies to navigate the ever-compelling concern of climate change.

Colombia and Climate Change: Series Introduction - HSAT This article is part of our Colombia: Climate Change Series. Colombia, a nation where agriculture is vital to the economy and daily life, the effects of climate change are increasingly evident. This article explores how climate change is impacting key crops such as rice, palm oil, corn, soybean, and...

Colombia's Rice Future Amidst Climate Change - HSAT 22/01/2024

Discover the challenges facing Colombia's robust rice industry due to climate change. This article provides a crucial insight into the potential impact, consequences, but more importantly, the resilience and innovation displayed by Colombian farmers. Learn how they are embracing drought-resistant rice varieties, experimenting with innovative irrigation techniques, and capitalising on global collaborations. A riveting read revealing the potential reshaping of Colombia's rice industry and a testament to human ingenuity and collective action amidst changing climates.

Colombia's Rice Future Amidst Climate Change - HSAT This article is part of our Colombia: Climate Change Series. In the lush landscapes of Colombia, where vibrant rice paddies dot the scenery, central and western regions – Tolima, Meta, and Huila – stand as the powerhouses of rice production, contributing 48% and 16% of the national total, respec...

China's Agricultural Resilience and Strategies in the Face of Climate Change - HSAT 12/01/2024

Discover how China, a major player in the global agricultural landscape, is navigating the complexity of climate change. From understanding the impacts on crop production to exploring innovative adaptation strategies, our latest article provides an in-depth look into China’s agricultural resilience and strategies under climate change. Learn about important historical contexts and their current state, the impacts of climate change on agriculture, China's response, and future global implications. An engaging read for those interested in agriculture, sustainability, and climate change solutions.

China's Agricultural Resilience and Strategies in the Face of Climate Change - HSAT This is the Sixth and the last in our China and Climate Change Series In this article we focus especially on China’s Agricultural Resilience and Strategies under Climate Change. Introduction China, a pivotal player in the global agricultural landscape, faces unprecedented challenges in the wake of...

The Future of China's Soybean Industry in the Face of Climate Shifts - HSAT 12/01/2024

Explore the fifth article in our China and Climate Change Series where we dive deep into the transforming landscape of China’s soybean industry under the impact of climate change. Discover how this global phenomenon is posing both threats and opportunities for one of the world's largest soybean producers. Learn about the innovative approaches, policy formulations, and collaborative efforts aimed at promoting sustainability and resilience in the face of environmental uncertainties. A fascinating read for those interested in agriculture, climate issues, and the interplay between the two within the context of China's soybean industry!

The Future of China's Soybean Industry in the Face of Climate Shifts - HSAT This is the fifth in our China and Climate Change Series In this article we focus especially on the Soybean crop in China. In the vast soybean fields of China, a quiet but significant transformation is underway. Climate change, a global phenomenon with profoundly local impacts, is reshaping the land...

China's Wheat: Understanding the Varied Impact of Climate Change - HSAT 11/01/2024

Discover how climate change is influencing wheat production in China in our latest article. We delve into the complex relationship between global warming, extreme weather events, and agricultural yield. We explore both the positive and negative effects, from extended growing seasons leading to increased yield, to the challenges posed by extreme weather events such as droughts and floods. Also, find out how changing climate patterns are boosting the incidence of pests and diseases, and learn about the diverse ways various climatic zones are responding to these changes. The article concludes with a call for proactive strategies to ensure sustainable wheat production in the face of ongoing climate shifts.

China's Wheat: Understanding the Varied Impact of Climate Change - HSAT This is the fourth in our China and Climate Change Series In this article we focus especially on the Rice crop in China. Climate change is exerting a multifaceted influence on wheat production in China, impacting growth, yield, and quality in various ways. In a comprehensive exploration across multi...

China: Climate Change Series - HSAT 11/01/2024

Understanding China's relationship with climate change is crucial in our global fight against this planetary crisis. Dive into our latest exploration on the impact of the changing climate on China's major crops, the challenges they're facing and the innovative solutions being implemented to combat these issues. Stay tuned to equip yourself with this vital information & let's tackle climate change together.

China: Climate Change Series - HSAT Welcome to our series on China and climate change. We will delve into the challenges the changing climate is posing for the major crops in China, highlight the issues faced by some of the key crops, and investigate the methods being deployed to combat these issues.  

Exploring China's Rice Landscape Amidst Climate Change - HSAT 11/01/2024

China is home to the largest population in the world and ensuring food security, particularly in rice cultivation, remains a topic of paramount importance. By examining past trends and future projections, we delve into the complexities of China's rice production landscape, its ongoing transition, and the impact of climate change on it. The discussion spotlights the urgent need for strategic, region-specific policies and adaptive measures to safeguard against the evolving threats of climate change. Stay informed and know more about how climate change, temperature deviations, economic dynamics, and real-time impacts are reshaping China's rice production today and in the future!

Exploring China's Rice Landscape Amidst Climate Change - HSAT Introduction China, housing a significant portion of the global population, faces challenges in ensuring food security, heightened by limited arable land and water resources. This examination focuses on a crucial aspect of China’s food production – rice cultivation – and explores its past and ...

China's Corn: Sustaining Production amidst Climatic Complexities - HSAT 10/01/2024

Join us as we delve deep into the complexities of China's precarious position in terms of climate change and corn production. We take you through a nuanced understanding of China's Maize Belt, its resilience during dynamic environmental shifts, and ways of dealing with global warming trends that pose significant challenges to maize yields. Get insights into the inherent regional disparities, identifying optimal cultivars, and how technical modelling enhances our understanding of maize yield sensitivity to temperature and precipitation changes. A must-read article to comprehend the impact of intricate climate change dynamics on China's food future and global agricultural landscape. Stay informed, stay ahead.

China's Corn: Sustaining Production amidst Climatic Complexities - HSAT This is the second in our China and Climate Change Series In this article we focus especially on the Wheat crop in China. China, a global agricultural powerhouse and the second-largest corn producer, is navigating a complex terrain shaped by the intricate interplay of climate change, agricultural st...

China and Climate Change - Series Introduction - HSAT 10/01/2024

Discover how China's main crops - corn, rice, wheat, soybeans, and peanuts - are navigating the complexities of climate change. From temperature fluctuations to water scarcity, this comprehensive analysis examines the impacts of climate-driven challenges on China's agricultural powerhouse. Adaptive strategies, precision technologies, and robust planning are the way forward as we venture into a pivotal juncture of socio-environmental dynamics.

China and Climate Change - Series Introduction - HSAT In the expansive canvas of China’s agricultural landscape, a cohesive ensemble of crops—corn, rice, wheat, soybeans, and peanuts—entwines with the unpredictable force of climate change. As the climate undergoes transformations, the nuanced interplay between environmental shifts and the resilie...


Expert insights on the recent ripple effect in the Asian rice markets due to India's export ban on rice. Explore how this ban, attributed to bad weather conditions and inflation control measures, has impacted countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The article also investigates how this policy choice could exacerbate global food inflation and challenges towards food security. Be informed and extend your understanding of this critical issue affecting one of the world's most consumed staples.

Asian Rice Market: Export Bans, Surging Prices and Global Food Security Concerns - HSAT India’s recent decision to impose an export ban on rice has sent shockwaves across Asian rice markets. The ban, attributed to bad weather conditions caused by El Niño and domestic inflation control measures, has had a cascading effect on countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philip...


Explore the role and importance of soybeans in our latest post! Discover how these humble beans are a cornerstone of global agriculture, used as a significant source of nutrition and industrial raw materials. Uncover the economic significance of soybeans in global trade and the major contributing countries, including Brazil and the United States. Consider the complex environmental impact of soybean production and find out the future trends and challenges expected in the field. For anyone connected to agriculture, trade, and environmental policy, this is a must-read resource! Stay informed with us.

Introduction to Global Soybean Production - HSAT The Role and Importance of Soybeans in Global Agriculture Soybeans are a cornerstone of global agriculture, serving as a critical source of nutrition and industrial raw materials. They are the world’s primary source of animal protein feed and the second-largest source of vegetable oil. As a versat...

Soybean Global Challenges and Future Outlook - HSAT 15/12/2023

Explore the intersections of agriculture, sustainability, technology, and economics in our latest piece. We delve into the environmental challenges in global soybean production, from the correlation with deforestation to the phenomenon of "metacoupling". We also analyse the vital role of innovative farming technologies, from Bee Vectoring Technologies to Indoor Vertical Farming, in promoting sustainable practices and enhancing productivity. Further, we provide a commentary on how political, climatic, and economic factors shape global agriculture market trends. We believe it's vital to balance these complexities to foster a healthier and sustainable future for our global agricultural sector. Don't miss out on this richly informative read!

Soybean Global Challenges and Future Outlook - HSAT This article is part of our series on soybeans. Sustainability: Global Environmental Concerns in Soybean Production The global soybean market, vital for many economies, faces significant environmental challenges. In regions like Mato Grosso, Brazil, soybean production strongly correlates with defore...

Canada’s Wheat: A Growing Concern for Agricultural Stability - HSAT 15/12/2023

Explore the third installment of our Canada and Climate Change Series, where we delve into the issue of global warming's impact on Canada's wheat cultivation. As one of the world's leading wheat producers, Canada's prairie provinces are vital to the country's economy. However, the looming threat of climate change threatens this agricultural bedrock. Discover how climatic shifts such as temperature extremes, altered precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events are affecting wheat yield, and learn about the proactive adaptation strategies being implemented to navigate these challenges. The future of Canada's wheat industry hangs in the balance, but hope shines in collaborative efforts to promote sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices.

Canada’s Wheat: A Growing Concern for Agricultural Stability - HSAT This is the third in our Canada and Climate Change Series In this article we focus especially on the Wheat crop in Canada. Canada, renowned for its vast agricultural landscapes, stands as one of the world’s leading wheat producers. The prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba colle...

Canada and Climate Change - Series Introduction - HSAT 15/12/2023

Explore how Canada's vital crops are being reshaped by climate change in our latest article. We delve into the changing dynamics of wheat, canola, barley, corn, and soy production, all backed by reliable data. From the rise in pests to the impact of heatwaves, discover how these changes are prompting innovative adaptation strategies within the agricultural sector. This piece brings to light the real-world implications of climate change on Canada's agricultural landscape—a must-read for those interested in environmental policy, farming, and the future of food.

Canada and Climate Change - Series Introduction - HSAT This is the first in our series looking at the impacts of Climate change on the major crops in Canada The Changing Harvest: How Climate Change is Shaping Canada’s Crops Canada, with its vast and varied landscapes, is grappling with the impact of climate change on its essential crops. Warming tempe...

Canada's Canola: Climate-Induced Challenges and Resilience Strategies - HSAT 15/12/2023

Climate change is not only affecting our environment but also posing a serious threat to Canada’s agricultural identity – especially affecting Canola production, a cornerstone of our economy. Rising temperatures, unpredictable precipitation, and increasing pests are amongst the many challenges confronted by Canola farmers across the Canadian prairies. Our latest article delves deep into these climate-induced challenges and the strategies being implemented for resilience. Tune into an informative exploration of real-time data, production dynamics, and the fight against these relentless impacts of climate change. Let's explore how innovation, collaboration, and adaptation can become the linchpin for sustaining our agricultural supremacy and economic prosperity.

Canada's Canola: Climate-Induced Challenges and Resilience Strategies - HSAT This is the fourth in our Canada and Climate Change: Series In this article we focus especially on the Canola crop in Canada. The expansive Canadian prairies, adorned with vast canola fields, have long represented a crucial aspect of Canada’s economic and global identity. However, this vital oilse...

Canada's Climate Change Impact: A Global Overview - HSAT 15/12/2023

Delve deep into the role of Canada in the climate crisis in our latest article forming part of the 'Canada and Climate Change Series.' Discover the nation's key contributing factors and the environmental repercussions they bring on a global scale. Learn about the mitigation efforts and the action towards reducing their carbon footprint. The nation's stance on responsible global stewardship is a must-read for everyone who is serious about climate change activism. Stay informed and aware!

Canada's Climate Change Impact: A Global Overview - HSAT This is the second in our Canada and Climate Change Series This article will focus on the impacts of climate change In Canada at the global scale. In recent years, the specter of climate change has become an undeniable reality, with nations worldwide grappling with the consequences of environmental....

Canada's Barley: An Overview of Climate Change Risk - HSAT 15/12/2023

Explore the challenges faced by Canada's barley industry as it grapples with the pressing impacts of climate change. Discover the key trends in annual production, yield variations, and export trajectory amid rising temperatures and varying precipitation patterns. Learn about the forward-looking adaptation strategies, including innovation in climate-resilient crop varieties and sustainable farming practices, which are navigating the route ahead. This comprehensive analysis provides vital insights into the planned measures and collective resolve aimed at maintaining the competitiveness of Canadian barley on the global stage. Stay tuned for more updates in our 'Canada and Climate Change Series'.

Canada's Barley: An Overview of Climate Change Risk - HSAT This is the fifth in our Canada and Climate Change: Series In this article we focus especially on the Barley crop in Canada, In the vast expanse of Canada, where golden fields of barley have been a symbol of agricultural abundance, a seismic shift is underway. As the fifth-largest producer and third...

Canada and Climate Change: Series - HSAT 15/12/2023

Explore our latest series focusing on the major implications of climate change on Canada's key crops. From wheat and canola to barley and corn, we examine the unique challenges each crop is facing and the innovative adaptability strategies being implemented. This profound exploration provides an international perspective on Canada's role in agricultural sustainability amidst climatic changes. Join us as we navigate through these pressing environmental concerns and their undeniable impacts on food production. Let's cultivate knowledge to nurture our future.

Canada and Climate Change: Series - HSAT Welcome to our series on Canada and climate change. We will delve into the challenges the changing climate is posing for the major crops in Canada, highlight the issues faced by some of the key crops, and investigate the methods being deployed to combat these issues. Canada and Climate Change – Se...

Canada's Soybeans: Production and Climate Change Impact - HSAT 15/12/2023

Discover the untold story of the 2022 soybean harvest in Canada. Dive into our latest piece detailing the region-wise disparities, climate-induced challenges, and the resilient response required to counteract them. From Ontario's decline to Manitoba's record yields and Quebec's fragile equilibrium, delve into the impact of climate change on soybean production in these regions. This compelling narrative underscores the urgent need for sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and robust agricultural policies in response to the evolving climate. Join us as we unravel the effects of climate change on Canada's agricultural landscape and explore the adaptation journey for a resilient future.

Canada's Soybeans: Production and Climate Change Impact - HSAT This is the Seventh in our Canada and Climate Change: Series In this article we focus especially on the Soybeans crop in Canada, In the vast expanse of Canada. In the vast expanse of Canada’s soybean fields, the story of 2022 unfolds as a complex narrative of growth marred by the adverse effects o...

Climate Change's Deepening Impact on Canadian Corn Production - HSAT 15/12/2023

Explore the newest entry in our Canada and Climate Change series, where we delve into the impactful relationship between climate change and Canadian corn production. Rising temperatures, erratic weather patterns, and extreme events all pose significant challenges to this vital agricultural sector. Join us as we uncover the impacts of heat stress and yield decline, shifting precipitation patterns, and explore the resilience-building strategies available. The future sustainability of the Canadian corn production sector hangs in the balance. Together, let's inform, inspire, and drive change.

Climate Change's Deepening Impact on Canadian Corn Production - HSAT This is the Sixth in our Canada and Climate Change: Series In this article we focus on the Corn crop in Canada, In the vast expanse of Canada. Canadian corn production has celebrated remarkable growth, reaching 14.5 million tonnes in 2022. Yet, amidst this prosperity, a formidable adversary emerges....

Brazil's Coffee Industry Overview Through Climate Change - HSAT 11/12/2023

Delve into the intricate world of Brazil's coffee industry in our latest article that explores how the country produces nearly one-third of the global coffee supply. Discover how climate change, including rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns, has disrupted production and how the industry is adapting to these challenges. We examine the historic impact of severe frost events on coffee yields, as well as the ongoing threat they pose in a changing climate. Read on about the innovative approaches being employed to safeguard and sustain Brazil's indomitable coffee legacy during these trying times. Learn more about the future of coffee production, both in Brazil and worldwide, as we navigate through this daunting global climate crisis. 🌍☕🇧🇷

Brazil's Coffee Industry Overview Through Climate Change - HSAT Brazil’s Coffee Dominance In the global landscape of coffee production, Brazil stands unrivaled, contributing approximately one-third of the world’s supply. As of 2022, the South American giant boasts an expansive coffee industry spread across 220,000 farms, with key regions including Minas Gera...


Explore the impacts of climate change on major crops in Brazil, especially the country's critical wheat industry. As Brazil advances towards self-sufficiency in wheat production, what are the challenges and transformations? Understand the role of technological advancements and innovations in reshaping agricultural practices. Discover how changing weather patterns have influenced yield fluctuations and the steps being taken to adapt and sustain production amidst these changes. Learn about the global positioning of Brazil in the wheat market and how it's influencing international trade dynamics.

Brazil's Wheat Production Amidst Climate Change - HSAT This is the fifth in our Brazil and Climate Change Series This article will focus on the impacts of Climate change on the major crops in Brazil. Wheat production in Brazil has undergone remarkable transformations in recent years, propelled by strategic initiatives, technological advancements, and sh...

India – The Emerging Soybean Market - HSAT 11/12/2023

Discover the hidden potential of the emerging soybean market in India. This comprehensive analysis explores the optimal growing conditions for soybeans, the market dynamics that influence its growth, and its significant impact on both local agriculture and global trade. Furthermore, the article delves into the innovative sustainability efforts being deployed in this sector, including support for smallholder farmers, improved cultivation practices, and strategies to ensure efficient agricultural inputs. Explore how these efforts could transition the global soy supply chain towards a more sustainable future.

India – The Emerging Soybean Market - HSAT Growing Conditions: Adaptation of Soybean Cultivation to Indian Climates Soybean, one of the oldest crops cultivated by man, has seen significant adaptation in Indian climates. Originating in Southeast Asia, it is now grown in various Indian states, including Assam, Orissa, West Bengal, and Punjab,....

Brazil’s Corn Production and Challenges Due to Climate Change - HSAT 06/12/2023

Discover the complexities shaping Brazil's corn production in our latest feature analysis. Navigate through the challenging landscape of climate change, technology, and economic pressures. Explore NASA's sobering climate forecasts, the intricate genetic landscape of Brazil's corn, and the nuances of regional dynamics in Mato Grosso. Understand how economic forces are impacting corn yields and the delicate balance of domestic and international market dynamics. This comprehensive study reveals the resilience, adaptation, and the delicate dance between natural and economic factors in Brazil's agricultural journey. Gain insights to aid your understanding of global agriculture. Join us as we delve into this compelling narrative.

Brazil’s Corn Production and Challenges Due to Climate Change - HSAT Brazil, a global agricultural powerhouse, is at the crossroads of a complex narrative shaped by climate dynamics, technological strides, and economic intricacies. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the heart of Brazil’s corn production, dissecting the impact of climate change and other ...

Brazil’s Soybean Journey Through Climate Shifts and Economic Significance - HSAT 06/12/2023

Explore the current dynamics of soybean production in Brazil, as we traverse through factors such as climate change, the looming presence of El Niño, and how these elements shape yield expectations, planting cycles, and global market implications. Gain insights into the regions leading the charge in soy production and the pressures faced in navigating fluctuating weather patterns and planting delays. As the world's top soybean exporter, Brazil's soybean landscape does not just impact national agriculture but sends ripples across international markets. A must-read for those keen on understanding the intricate interplay of climate, supply, and demand in shaping the future of the world's agricultural industry.

Brazil’s Soybean Journey Through Climate Shifts and Economic Significance - HSAT   Introduction Brazil, the global agricultural powerhouse, stands at the forefront of soybean production, wielding significant influence over international markets. In recent years, however, the intricate dance between climate change, natural factors, and soybean yields has become a paramount conce...


Climate change is creating significant challenges for Brazil's vibrant agricultural sector. From shifting crop yields and farming patterns to increased risks of pests and diseases, the impacts are considerable. The potential socio-economic implications, including job losses, food shortages and social unrest, are substantial. However, adopting climate-smart agricultural practices, pursuing mitigation strategies, and fostering international cooperation can create a sustainable, resilient future for Brazil's agriculture. It's an urgent call to action to protect the country's agricultural vitality and global food security. Stay educated on this issue for the benefit of our farming communities and consumers alike.

Brazil's Agriculture: Overview of Challenges from Climate Change - HSAT Brazil, a global agricultural powerhouse, is facing mounting challenges from the intensifying impacts of climate change. Rising temperatures, shifting precipitation patterns, and an increase in extreme weather events are disrupting agricultural production and posing significant threats to the countr...

Brazil and Climate Change: Series Introduction - HSAT 06/12/2023

Climate change and its repercussions are a global concern. Being an agricultural powerhouse, Brazil faces unique and complex challenges due to the changing climate. These impacts have multiple dimensions that not only affect key crop production like soybeans, corn, wheat, coffee, and sugarcane, but also have a cascading effect on the global food supply chain. This detailed analysis of the issues faced, efforts in place and the way forward for Brazil provides necessary insights to comprehend the scale of this crisis and the collective effort required globally to surmount it. .

Brazil and Climate Change: Series Introduction - HSAT Brazil: Navigating Climate Change Challenges In the heart of South America, Brazil stands as an agricultural powerhouse, boasting vast expanses of fertile land that have fueled its position as a global agricultural leader. However, the nation is grappling with a formidable adversary – climate chan...

Soybean: Unequal Consumption and Geopolitical Tensions - HSAT 06/12/2023

Discover the fascinating world of soybean trade and its crucial geopolitical implications. Learn why soybeans have such a strategic importance in global economy, how the production and consumption trends divide the world into net exporters and importers, and why this vital crop could be the centre of geopolitical and environmental tensions in the future. Find out how the biggest players - the U.S., Brazil, China, and Europe navigate their roles in the soybean market, and how the so-called "Soya Wars" can change the global agricultural landscape. Stay informed and understand the complex dynamics of our globalized world.

Soybean: Unequal Consumption and Geopolitical Tensions - HSAT Introduction Soybean has evolved into an essential crop on the global market, rising from an aggregate production value of approximately $30 billion in 1990 to $150 billion today. The crop’s success stems from its many uses and benefits, which are described in a recent HSAT article on the vital ro...
