Isham Reiki

Isham Reiki

isham reiki & Ayurveda ... healing of body mind & soul by incorporating alternative healing m**h

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Isham Reiki Healing Services

Compete with none other than you . From your yesterday to your today where you are & that's what makes you feel contented if you had been with your soul.
Rest all has no value in life , people,places?situations .
Sunita Gupta

Photos from Isham Reiki's post 23/03/2023

Selfless love >>>

It was a great gesture of love from one of my SOUL SON to celebrate my birthday 🎂 like this .

Only in the evening I got this message & told him ... I wish you had told me & I also could have been there to be with them.

Love is som**hing very sacred & an emotion of very high Vibrations but problem comes when you expect love from one person only & refuse to see other resources from where the LOVE is flowing towards you.

Universe/ God never deprives you for what is needed for you in a particular moment as per the need of your soul.

It's a matter of great contentment to have a realization & serving others without any motive & my special gratitude to all those who accept our services & give us an opportunity to feel connected.

Here I thank all my soul family with whom I am attached to now for more than a Decade at mental/ Astral/ energetic plane .

My thanks to you all for reminding me that YES !! I am here .... love 💘 you all


Sleep over everything that doesn't serve your higher purpose.
Simply means stay quiet , neither react nor explain your self


Reiki healing & karma ...

I read an ancient saying that good actions / deeds first benefit you & a beautiful example was given ...
That when you take flowers to offer at the lotus feet of LORD ... first they leave their fragrance in your hands

Same holds true for REIKI ... since .....

Reiki a kind of energy medicine as it is popularly being said as these days & this is the energy from the universe ....

dis + ease = disease occurs in the body when there is imbalance in 3 elements that is VATA ... PITTA ... KAPHA .. Ayurveda says so .

And credit of disease goes to bacteria ... virus & germs as says the modern system .

Chinese system again talks about CHI .. the energy of the body... whenever there is blockage or disruption in the free flow & imbalance of energy .

So .. the aim of all the systems is to bring back the balance .... & strengthen the immunity ... the power of the body to fight the disease.

Reiki here is again as I said kind of energy healing aiming at balancing the flow of the energy in subtle energy centres we call as chakras & it repairs the broken Aura of an individual.

With more & more new insights scientists are now learning that there is som**hing more to the causation of disease .... mind & emotions also do play a significant role in the occurrence of disease being termed as the..... psycosomatic or metaphysical ... reasons of the disease .

Ayurveda recognized centuries ago & categorized the diseases ... as physical.... mental & daivik ( as a result of some past karma ) ... where it's really difficult to ascertain any apparent cause but the symptoms & suffering is there .

It is here where REIKI gains significance .... as it heals & relieves the pain .. at the same time gives the strength of acceptance & it can be used as a complimentary therapy in case of incurable... painful conditions of the body .

Now the question is ... does a healer acquires the karma of a healee whom s /he heals ... ?

My personal experience & take is ... NO ..

Why ? ... as long as I am honest to myself with my purpose ... why divine whose blessings I invoke ... Will punish me for som**hing where I have no role to play .
It's divine wish ... both healer & healee are being brought together as per it's grand design & for that matter every event in LIFE.

Sob REIKI when practiced with absolute humility can do good to both the healer & the healee .

Now regarding Karma ... means the action & reaction to that action .

a leader will take the karmas of masses if doesn't give quality leadership ?

A guru ... if he doesn't helps masses to wield away the darkness of ignorance .

A government official ... if s/he doesn't give ethical governance .

A teacher if he doesn't give right education & for that matter any professional who is not doing justice to his / her profession .

Isn't it so that every individual adds to it's bad karmas of all those people to whome one is doing injustice directly or indirectly either as a person or a professional ....

then how REIKI .... as a healing practice ?

But , on the other hand if you are honest with... REIKI .... ... Reiki will first benefit you ... since it is being passed to the healee via you .... but , when you are not honest with REIKI ... then repercussions of not REIKI but like any other KARMA ... that is your karma would be there on you .... results depends upon your actions .

Again REIKI doesn't interfere with your subtle energy system At any level ... why ?

Had it been so ... none of the implant in modern system of medicine would have been successful like pace maker .. open heart surgeries ... lenses in the eyes ... placement of nails & plates to refix the broken bones ...

So , how REIKI will disturb the system ?

It is mandatory in Ayurveda to pray the medicinal herbs before plucking them .... as Ayurveda realised it that everything is energy ..... so prayers as means of offering gratitude help in harmonising the energy ...... when done before starting the treatment .. .. it is same even in modern system .. the sign Rx is dedicated to God .... as it was known to all that the healing power lies not with we mortals but someone beyond ...

As long as you are honest & genuine with self ... be fearless with REIKI keeping one thing in mind ... that Reiki first will heal you .... May the light workers be blessed with love & light .
Sunita Gupta ❤ & 🔥


Moments of bliss 😊


Merry Christmas

To me Christmas the continuity of life ... victory of life over all harshness ... Very great reminder dear .
This is most harsh part of the season which really impacts Life but people's spirit Salute life & celebrate life with full zeal & frevour.
Som**hing like this Pundits celebrate in Kashmir with First blooms of Almond .. the symbol of life ... continuity of life & wisdom after Harsh winters when Spring season comes. They worship goddess Sarawati the divine mother of wisdom.
Life is simple & beautiful...
Love you & wishing you merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤️


I have reached 500 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


What you see
Is not real
What you don't see
Is the real
Mind is the bridge
Between the two
Breath is the tool
To silence the mind
Master your breath
And mind will unfold
The mysteries of life
Sunita G


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00