Kaalpanna Healing Medium

Kaalpanna Healing Medium

Kalpana has helped scores of people to heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectivel


I have reached 500 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉Dr+


Stop using your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe, create, love, grow, glow, menifest and heal.


The physical curing process, the attention must not be on the disease.During mental cures of fear, anger, any bad habits, consciousness of failure, unsuccess, nervousness etc., the concentration should be on the opposite mental quality e. g., the cure for fear is culturing the consciousness of bravery, of anger - peace, of weakness - strength, of sickness - health.


What you Love, you empower. what you fear, you empower. what you empower, you attract.


Reprogram your subconscious
1. I AM healthy.
2. I AM abundant.
3. I AM radiant.
4. I AM a powerful manifestor.
5. I AM attractive.
6. I AM open to receive good things.
7. I always vibrate at the frequency of gratitude.
8. I AM thankful for everything in my life.


switch your mentality from 'I' m broken and helpless' to 'I' m growing and healing' and watch how fast your life changes, for the better.


The most powerful way to heal someone is to listen. Don't think or judge just listen. people start to heal the moment they feel heard. you can't be a healer if u refuse to step outside of your emotions and view things entirely from the perspective of the other person.


some changes looks negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.


Your thoughts affect your mood.Your mood affects your nervous system.An overreacting nervous system Compromises the immune system.Your thoughts are just as important as what you are eating.


If a negative patterns keep repeating in your life, in order to break the cycle, look at the choices that you keep repeating.


Whenever you are with someone,notice how you feel. Notice if you feel guarded, sad and uncomfortable. That's a sign that may be you should not spend much time with them. If you feel light, comfortable, safe, and happy, it's most likely a sign That this person is great for you.


Before you heal someone, ask him if he is willing to give up the things that made him sick.


"The Old Irish Healer to the Soul"
It's not your back that hurts, but the burden.
It's not your eyes that hurt, but injustice.
It's not your head that hurts, it's your thoughts.
It's not the throat, but what you don't express or say with anger.
It's not the stomach hurts, but what the soul does not digest.
It's not the liver that hurts, it's the anger.
It's not your heart that hurts, but love.
And it is love itself that contains the most powerful medicine.
(Unknown Author)

StarT a NEW Chapter in Life 12/07/2021

Client Name: I. U
Age & S*x: 52 F
Location: Mangalore, India

Cleared back pain and neck pain.
Balanced emotional body energy and mental body energies.
Cleared issues related to stomach pain.

She felt – light, very deep after session.
She felt moving energy during the session.

StarT a NEW Chapter in Life Start Healing

StarT a NEW Chapter in Life 12/07/2021

Client Name: Dr. M. R
Age & S*x: 64 M
Location: Texas, USA

Cleared residual skin itching issues.
Worked on knee surgery recovery.
Cleared stomach issues, removed a blockage in the etheric body.
Cleared some stiffness energy in the right hand fingers.

Feed back, pending.


StarT a NEW Chapter in Life Start Healing


Client Name: N. B
Age & S*x: 42 M
Location: Hyderabad, India

Acute and chronic issues with digestive system.
Removed accumulated energy imbalance in stomach area, which has been cleared.
Balanced Etheric Body Energy.
Client felt the work happening on stomach, forehead and rest of the body.

Post Session:
He felt very energetic and started to eat solids. Earlier not able to hold the solids. Also not eating because of nausea feeling, and fear of eating solids, which may trigger uneasiness etc.
Feeling good and energetic.


My Recent Healing Sessions

Client Name: Dr. S. V.
Age & S*x: 33 F
Location: Banglore, India

Balanced Emotional Energy Body
Balanced Mental Energy Body
Cleared right leg issues – Balanced Energies
Saw some negative predatory energy and removed it.
Saw a black ring of thread on the forehead and removed it.
Saw past life marriage issues and put them into current life perspective.
Some negative energy in the stomach, which has been cleared.
She felt the intense energy during the session.
She felt positive energy, She felt light.


One of my treatment with client today
Client Name: V. K.
Age&S*x: 39 M
Location- HYD, India
* Worked on Alcoholic Addiction issue
* Removed impression of past life tendacy for this habit.
* Aligned left and right part of the body's energies.
* Released blocked energies in the etheric body.
Post session client feedback:


My treatment with client.
Client Name: S N
Age&S*x: 45F
Location- CA, USA
* Cleared issue of Anger and built up subconcious revenge.
* Relived stress (Mental & emotional) current and past lives.
* Balanced etheric and emotional body energies.
Few post session client feedback:
* Instantly felt better. She felt the work of energy happening on her.
* She felt beam of light in her head and she felt a connection to the source.
* Post session Clarity in thought and emotional wellbeing.


Where your attention goes, energy flows.


Be GRATEFUL for the little things.


What we think,we become


Listen with your heart and eyes.Hear what is not being said.


Be the Light

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I have reached 500 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉Dr+


Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday 11:00 - 20:00
Friday 11:00 - 20:00
Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Sunday 11:00 - 20:00